Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 2-3

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 2-3-1

2-3-1 Before

Madoka はぁ~。まさか、こんなにつらいとは思わなかったよぉ……。 Haaah~ I never thought it would be this hard…
Homura さっきからため息ついてますけど、どうかしたんですか? You've been sighing. Is something wrong?
……もしかして、また具合が悪いんですか? …are you not feeling well again?
Madoka あ、平気、平気だよ。気にしないで。 Ah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
それより、ほむらちゃんこそ朝から機嫌がよさそうだけど、何かあったの? But more importantly, you 've seemed to be in a good mood since this morning. Something happen?
Homura え? う、ううん。私のほうこそ何でもないんです。気にしないでください。 Eh? N-no, nothing really. Nothing's really happening with me. Don't mind me.
(隠す必要はないけど、私がまどかを心配して強くなろうとしてるなんて、知られないほうがいいよね) (It's not completely necessary that I hide it, but it's probably best that I not tell Madoka that I'm trying to get stronger for her sake.)
(……だけど、佐倉さんだけじゃなく、美樹さんまで協力してくれるなんて、みんな本当に優しいな) (…But I never expected Miki-san to help me out too. Everyone's so kind to me.)
(……魔法少女になって、たくさん友達ができるなんて、ちょっと皮肉かも) (…It's kind of funny that I've been able to make so many friends by becoming a magical girl.)
(特訓についていけるか不安だけど、なんだか嬉しい!) (I'm a little anxious about these special training sessions, but I'm also kinda happy!)

2-3-1 After

Sakura Kyoko よっ! それっ! おりゃ! なんだよ、ほむら。やるじゃねーか。さやかより上手いぞ! Yoh! Take this! An' that! Woah, Homura. You're good. Even better than Sayaka!
Miki Sayaka ほんと。悔しいけど認めるわ。ほむらって、こういうのは得意だったんだねえ。 Yeah. I hate to admit it, but she's right. Homura, you're really good at this.
Akemi Homura ……あ、あの~、このゲームをすることが、魔法少女の特訓になってるんですか? …uh, umm… does this video game really count as magical girl training?
Sakura Kyoko あったりまえだろ! こうやってゲームで反射神経を、よっ、それっ、養うんだよ! Well why the hell not!? Playing games like this can -yoh! Take that!- sharpen your reflexes!
Miki Sayaka でも、なんであたしまで付き合わなくちゃいけないのよ? ――ほら、杏子そのアイテム取ってよ! But why do I have to take along for this then? --Hey, Kyoko, pick up that item!
Sakura Kyoko オマエも協力するのは当然だろ。それにっ、このゲームはっ、みんなのほうが面白いんだよっ、そりゃっ! Isn't it obvious? Besides, this game is more fun the more people you play it with! Take that!
Miki Sayaka あー、それは言えてるよね。まどかや仁美は下手だから、ほむらが入って楽しさ倍増だわっ。あ、ボスだ! Ah, I knew you'd say that. Madoka and Hitomi are such casuals that it's twice as fun now that Homura's joined in. Ah, here's the boss!
Akemi Homura あの、……楽しむって……それだとあまり特訓にはならないんじゃないでしょうか? Um… this is supposed to be fun? Are you sure it's okay for training then?
Sakura Kyoko みんなと楽しんで、息をあわせるのはチームとしての基本だぜ、基本。 Having fun together and matching each other's breathing is the foundation to good teamwork. The foundation!
それよりしっかり援護してくれよな。次、ボス戦だぞ。 But first things first. Be sure to cover me. We're about to do the boss battle.
Akemi Homura そういうものなんでしょうか? Is that what it is?
Sakura Kyoko なんだよ、オマエは先生のいうこと素直に聞けないのかよ。 What? Are you doubting your teacher?
Akemi Homura い、いえ! わかりました。私、がんばります! N-No! I understand. I'll do my best!
Miki Sayaka そうそう。ここは杏子先生の言うことを聞きましょう。これも連携を高めるコミュニケーションよ。 Exactly. Listen to Kyoko-sensei. These are important communication skills for proper coordination.
それよりほむら、爆弾気をつけてね。あたしと杏子は前衛なんだから、いきなりドカーンはなしだよ! But more importantly, Homura, watch it with those bombs. Kyoko and I are on the front line, so we don't want to suddenly be blown away!
Sakura Kyoko やっぱりゲームはみんなでやったほうが面白いな! Games really are so much more fun when we play together, huh!?
Miki Sayaka だねー。この調子ならクリアも夢じゃないよ。 True that. I feel like we can clear the entire game at this pace.
Sakura Kyoko よーし! お菓子もたっぷり持ってきたし、このまま朝までやりまくるぞっ! Awwright! We've got tons of snacks, so let's play through the whole night!
Akemi Homura (ほ、本当に、これで大丈夫なのかなぁ……?) (I-is this really going to cut it…?)

Quest 2-3-2

2-3-2 Before

Tomoe Mami あら? なんだか今日は鹿目さんだけじゃなく、暁美さんも疲れてるように見えるけど、どうかした? Hmm? Today it looks like not just Kaname-san, but Akemi-san is tired too. What's wrong?
Akemi Homura え!? あ、平気です。疲れてなんかいません。きっと、本を読んでて、夜更かししたからです。 Eh!? Ah, I'm fine. I'm not tired. I just stayed up a little late reading a book.
Tomoe Mami そ、そう。ただの睡眠不足ならいいんだけど。なにか悩みがあるんだったら遠慮なく相談してちょうだいね。 R-really now. If it's just a little lack of sleep, then that's fine. But if you're worried about anything, don't hesitate to ask me for advice.
Akemi Homura (言えない。佐倉さんたちと一緒にずっとゲームして疲れてるなんて、とても言えないよぉ……) (I can't tell her. There's no way I can tell her that I'm tired from an all-night video game party with Sakura-san and Miki-san…)
(結局、ゲームばかりやってたけど、本当にあんなことで強くなれるのかな?) (In the end we did nothing but play games. But is that really going to make me stronger?)
(佐倉さんを疑うわけじゃないけど、なんだかみんなで遊んでるだけにしか感じない気が……) (It's not that I doubt Sakura-san, it's just that it only felt like we were playing and not training…)
Kaname Madoka ……でも、ほむらちゃん。少しやせたんじゃない? …But Homura-chan. Are you sure you're not losing weight?
Akemi Homura あ、それは……ちょ、ちょっと用事があって、あんまりご飯を食べてないだけなの。 Ah, umm… it's just that I've been so busy, I'm not eating that much.
私は平気だから、何も心配しないで。鹿目さんは自分の体調を気遣ってね。 I'm fine, so don't worry about me. You worry about your own body, Kaname-san.
Kaname Madoka 食べてないって……、ほ、ほむらちゃん、まさか? ほむらちゃんも……。 You're not eating…? H-Homura-chan, don't tell me? You too…?
Akemi Homura え、なに? 私がどうかしましたか? Eh, what? What about me?
Kaname Madoka う、ううん。なんでもない。わたしはなんでもないから。本当に何でもないからね。気にしないで。 N-nothing. Nothing at all. There's nothing wrong with me. Honest. Nothing at all.
Tomoe Mami ……なんだか鹿目さんも、まだまだ本調子って感じじゃないわねえ。 …It doesn't look like Kaname-san's back to normal either yet, huh.


2-3-2 After

Sakura Kyoko ほむら、そんな調子じゃダメだって。強い魔法少女になれないぞ。 Homura, it's not going to cut it at that rate. You won't become a stronger magical girl.
Miki Sayaka まあまあ、杏子。いきなりは無理だよ。あたしが代わってあげるよ。 Now, now, Kyoko. You can't rush her. I'll do it for her.
Sakura Kyoko オマエじゃ意味ないだろうが。ほら、こっちにまだまだあるぞ! There's no point if you do it! Now come on! There's lot's more where that came from!
Akemi Homura ……あ、あの、こんなにたくさんのデザート、私食べられません。 …uh um… there's no way I can eat this much dessert.
それに、これを食べるのが魔法少女の強さに関係するんですか? And besides, what does eating this have to do with the strength of magical girls?
Sakura Kyoko あったりめーだろ。腹が減っては戦はできぬ。お前は食べるもの食べないから、体力がつかないんだよ。 Isn't it obvious? You can't fight on an empty stomach. You don't have any strength because you don't eat enough.
Akemi Homura でも、それなら普通の食事して、トレーニングとかしないといけないんじゃないでしょうか? But in that case, shouldn't have to eat normally and train or something?
Sakura Kyoko ばっかやろう! アタシはお菓子を食べて、その合間に魔女退治して強くなったんだ。だから……。 Don't be stupid! I got stronger by eating sweets and then going on witch hunts in my down time. So…
きっと効果があるに決まってるだろ。魔女退治が終われば御馳走が食える。これがやる気につながるんだ! It's sure to be effective. So once you finish a witch hunt, you eat a huge feast. It's all about motivation!
あと、食事は食事で食べるんだよ。これは別腹! Eat your fill and then eat some more. There's no such thing as no room for dessert!
Akemi Homura え!? ま、まだ食べるんですか! わ、私、もう入りません。 Eh!? W-we're still going to eat more!? Th-there's no more room inside of me.
Miki Sayaka いきなりは無理だよね。よしよし、わたしが代わりにこのパフェを食べてあげよう! It's no good to suddenly push her this far, huh. It's okay, it's okay. I'll eat this parfait for you!
Sakura Kyoko オマエが食べたいだけだろうが。……でも、しかたないか。残すわけにいかないしな。 You just want to eat, don't you? …But oh well. We can't just let it go to waste.
でも、こうやってみんなで食べると、デザートも美味しいのな。久しぶりの感じだよ! But eating together sure makes dessert that much more delicious, huh. I haven't felt this way in forever!
Miki Sayaka そりゃそうよ。あ、杏子。今度さ、ケーキの美味しいお店見つけたんだ。みんなで行こうよ! Well yeah. Ah, and Kyoko. I found this delicious cake shop earlier. Let's all go check it out together sometime!
Sakura Kyoko お、いいね。今度と言わず、これ食べたらみんなで行くか! Ah, sounds nice. But let's have that "sometime" be "thistime"! We go once we're done eating this!
Akemi Homura (食べ過ぎて、気持ち悪いよぉ……。ほ、本当に、これって魔法少女の実力に関係あるのかなぁ) (I feel so bad from overeating… D-does this really have anything to do with the true strength of magical girls?

Quest 2-3-3

2-3-3 Before

Tomoe Mami ねえ、Kyubey。近頃みんなの様子がおかしいと思わない? Say, Kyubey. Don't you think everyone's been acting strange lately?
Kyubey 僕は特に感じないけど、どうかしたのかい? I haven't felt anything in particular. What's wrong?
Tomoe Mami 鹿目さんが体調を崩したあたりから、なんだか暁美さんも元気がないのよ。 Ever since Kaname-san collapsed, Akemi-san has seemed out of it.
だけど、美樹さんと佐倉さんは妙に明るくって、前より仲良くなってる感じなのよね。 And yet Miki-san and Sakura-san seem strangely cheerful, and they look like they're getting along better than ever.
Kyubey なるほど。Miki Sayakaと違って、Sakura Kyokoがみなと親しくするのは今まであまりなかったね。 I see. Unlike Miki Sayaka, Sakura Kyoko hasn't been this friendly with everyone before.
Tomoe Mami 仲良くなってくれるのは嬉しいけど、みんなと休日や放課後に連絡がとれないの。 I'm glad that everyone's getting along, but I haven't been able to get in touch with them on off-days or after school.
どこかで集まって、何かしてるんじゃないかしら? Do you think they're off doing something together?
Kyubey わからないなぁ。僕としては魔法少女としての役目さえ果たしてくれれば、とくに言うことないからね。 I don't know. I don't really have much to say as long as you all fulfill your duties as magical girls.
Tomoe Mami でも、なんだか心配なのよね。ただの気のせいならいいんだけど……。 But I'm kind of worried. As long as it's just me…

2-3-3 After

Sakura Kyoko ほら、ほむら。次があるんだから、この程度でへこたれるな。つうか、今までやったことないって本当かよ? Come on, Homura. There's more and more to come, so you falter now. But anyway, is it true that you've never done this before?
Miki Sayaka しょうがないわよ。ほむらは今までは病気で、こういう経験がなかったんだろうからさ。 Well, you can't blame her. Homura's been hospitalized since forever, so she's never had this sort of opportunity.
Akemi Homura ……あのぉ、ゲームの次はカラオケって、本当に戦いと関係あるんですか? …Umm… is karaoke after video games really related to fighting?
Sakura Kyoko あぁ? 歌でリズム感を養うんだよ。ダンスゲームでさ、オマエのノリの悪さに原因があるとにらんだんだ。 Huh? Singing helps you gain a sense of rhythm. I noticed how you were having a hard time with that dancing game.
それより次の店はさ、新曲がいっぱいあるとこなんだ。だから、オマエが歌える曲もあるだろう。 Besides, this next place has tons of new songs. So I'm sure there's got to be a few that you can sing.
Miki Sayaka あたしは何を歌おうかなー? あ、杏子、今度はあたしの曲、先に入れないでよね! What should I sing next--? Ah, Kyoko, I've got the next song, so don't enter yours in yet!
Akemi Homura で、でも、歌よりは、そろそろもっと直接的な練習をしたほうがいいかと思うんですけど……。 B-but I think it'd be better to start doing more direct training instead of singing…
Miki Sayaka あ、いっそ三人で歌えばいいのか? チームワークが良くなるかも! Ah, how about we sing a trio? Maybe it'll help with teamwork!
Sakura Kyoko お、いいな。それじゃあさ、ほむらも知ってそうな、懐かしい曲を入れようぜ。アニソンとか。 Ah, that's a good idea. Then let's go with a nostalgic song. Something Homura would know too. Like an anime song or something.
Akemi Homura あの、私の話を聞いてくれてますか? Um, are you guys listening?
Sakura Kyoko やっぱ、カラオケこそ大人数で来て、歌うにかぎるな! I knew it. There's nothing better than doing karaoke with a lot of peole!
Miki Sayaka あー、わかるわかる。割り勘にできてリーズナブルだしね。 Yeah, I know what you mean. It's a reasonable price too once you split the cost.
Akemi Homura ちょっと待ってください! これって本当に特訓になってるんですかっ!? Please hold on! Is this really training?
Sakura Kyoko なんだよ、いきなり大声出しやがって。いちおう特訓……というか、考えてやってるだろ? What's with all the screaming all of a sudden? This is training in some sense… if you think about it, right?
Miki Sayaka そう……だね。成果はともかく、こうしてコミュニケーションは図ってるわけだから、息は合ってきてる。 Yeah… sure is. Effectivity aside, this requires communication skills as we have to match our breathing.
……と思うよ。 …I guess.
Akemi Homura だ、だけど、もっと武器の練習とか魔女との戦い方を研究したほうがいいと思うんですけど? B-but don't you think it'd be better to do more weapon training, or to study more ways to fight witches or something?
申し訳ないんですけど、なんかお菓子食べたり、遊んだりしてばっかりで、ぜんぜん強くなると思えないんです。 I'm sorry, but we've done nothing but eat sweets and play games. I don't think I'm getting stronger at all.
Sakura Kyoko んー、だけどよ、最初に言ったけど、アタシはこれって練習をしたわけじゃないからなー。 Mmm, but I said earlier that it's not like I trained for this or anything.
強くなる努力は惜しまなかったけど、他人に教えることなんて一切考えたことないから。 I didn't spare any effort to get stronger, but it's really not something that can be taught to other people.
Miki Sayaka それを言ったら、あたしも同じだよ。契約して、マミさんに助けられながら今に至るって感じだわ。 If you're gonna say that, them I'm the same. It feels like I just contracted, got saved by Mami-san, and here I am now.
Akemi Homura そ、そんな……。せめて、もう少し身体を使った練習とかしましょうよ。 N-no way… But at the very least, I think we should do some more physical training.
Sakura Kyoko これは真面目に言うんだが、練習って命がけじゃなくちゃ役に立たないぞ。 Let me just be honest here, but I don't think training is any effective unless you put your life at risk.
アタシらが強くなったのは、やっぱ魔女と命がけで戦ってたからだ。 I'm sure the reason I got stronger was because I put my life in danger fithing witches.
Miki Sayaka かといって、あたしら前衛タイプが手加減なしに相手したら、ほむらだと怪我しちゃいそうだもんね。 That said, if front-line types like us let our guards down, it would put those like Homura in danger.
Akemi Homura じゃ、じゃあ……どうにもならないってことですか? Th-then… you mean there's nothing I can do?
Miki Sayaka あー、あー、大丈夫だよ、ほむら。あたしに任せておいてよ。 Ahh, ahh, it's okay, Homura. Leave it to me.
あたしにも責任あるしさ、ちょっとアイディアがあるんだ。今度はあたしが教えてあげるよ。 I've got to take some responsibility in all this, and I've got a small idea. Let me teach you next.
Sakura Kyoko なんだよ、それ。まるでアタシのやり方が間違ってるみたいじゃんかよ。 What the hell's with that. You're making it sound like my teachings were misguided.
Miki Sayaka 話がややっこしくなるから、杏子は黙っててよ。 You're just going to complicate things, so shut up, Kyoko.
とにかく! 次はこのさやかちゃんにお任せあれ! Anyway! Just leave it all to Sayaka-chan here!

Quest 2-3-4

2-3-4 Before

Miki Sayaka ……というわけで、今回はあたしが先生役を務めるわね。それじゃあ、さっそくこれを持って。 …okay, so now I'll be the teacher. Welp, let's start you off by having you hold this.
Akemi Homura これは……! どう見てもただの野球のバットにしか見えないんですが……。 This…! Looks like an ordinary baseball bat, no matter how I look at it…
Miki Sayaka んー、あたしがそれなりに魔法少女が務まってる理由を、自分なりに考えたんだけどさ。 Well, I was thinking in my own way about how I became fit to be a magical girl.
あたしって小さい頃からよく男の子に交じって野球とかやってたんだ。 When I was little, I'd play baseball and other games with the boys.
だから、バットを振る練習なんかが剣を振り回すのに活きてるんじゃないかって思ったわけ。 So I was thinking that maybe batting practice helped function as sword practice.
Akemi Homura 野球が剣術に活きるんですか? でも、私は剣を扱いませんよ。 Baseball skills can be applied to sword skills? But I don't use a sword.
Miki Sayaka あの甲子園で勝つチームも、基本となる素振りをたくさんしたほうが勝つ! The team that wins the nationals at Koshien is the team that pratices the most at swinging foundations!
基本の重要さは、魔法少女の戦いにおいても同じことっ! In the same way that the foundations are important for magical girl battles!
Sakura Kyoko へえ、さやかのくせにけっこう考えてるんだな。なるほどねえ。こりゃ役に立ちそうだわ。 Heh, that's actually a pretty well thought out idea, considering it's from Sayaka. I see. That does seem useful.
Miki Sayaka でしょう! 絶対に魔法少女の基礎力アップにつながるよねえ。 I know, right!? It's sure to increase your foundations as a magical girl.
Akemi Homura は、はあ。そ、そうでしょうか……。私にはどうも違うような気がするんですけど……。 H- huh. Y-you really think so…? It really doesn't seem like that to me…
Miki Sayaka さあさあ、始めようか。見ててあげるから、張り切っていってみよう! Now, now, let's begin. I'll observe you, so just give it your best!

2-3-4 After

Tomoe Mami 美樹さん、暁美さん。あなたたち、こんなところで何やってるの? Miki-san, Akemi-san. What are you guys doing here?
Akemi Homura 巴さんっ!? どうして巴さんがここに? Tomoe-san!? What brings you here?
Tomoe Mami 探るつもりはなかったんだけど、最近あなたたちが何かしてるみたいだから気になってたのよ。 I didn't mean to pry, but it was bugging me that you all seemed to be doing something lately.
……さっきからそれ、いったい何をやってるの? 野球でも始める気? …What exactly have you been up to? Thinking of taking up baseball?
Miki Sayaka えっと、これはですねえ、本人たっての希望で、ほむらの戦闘力アップのための訓練を手伝っているんです。 Umm, well, Homura wanted to get stronger, so we were helping her train.
Tomoe Mami バットの素振りで? まさか、そんな練習が戦闘に役に立つと思ってるの? By swinging a bat around? Don't tell me you seriously thought that would help her in battles?
Akemi Homura これって特訓になってないんですか? これで魔法少女として強くなれるって美樹さんが言ってたから……。 You mean it won't? But Miki-san said it'd help me become stronger as a magical girl, so I…
Tomoe Mami ……なんだか事情が見えてきたわ。どうせ、美樹さんや佐倉さんあたりの発案なんでしょうけど……。 …I think I understand what's going on now. This does seem like something Miki-san or Sakura-san would come up with…
暁美さんの顔色がよくないし、なにかよからぬことをしてないか不安だったんだけど、来てよかったわ。 But Akemi-san, you look pale. I was worried you girls were up to no good, but I'm glad I came.
Akemi Homura や、やっぱり、これじゃあ強くなれないんですか? ……ここまで頑張ったのに……。 S-so this won't help me get stronger, then? …And I was doing my best too…
Tomoe Mami あらあら、かわいそうに。手のひらにマメまでできちゃってる。綺麗な手が台無しだわ。 Oh my, you poor thing. Your hands are all covered in blisters. Such a waste of such beautiful hands.
本当に一生懸命素振りしたのねえ。でも、どうしていきなり強くなりたいなんて思ったの? You really gave it your all, didn't you? But why did you want to get stronger so badly?
Akemi Homura そ、それは、その、……この前、鹿目さんが倒れましたよね。あれは、私が弱いのが原因だと思って。 Uh, umm… that's well… Kaname-san fainted earlier, right? I was thinking that it was my fault for being so weak.
私がしっかりしてないから、きっと鹿目さんに負担を強いてるんです。 I'm sure it's because I'm not on top of things that Kaname-san's burden has increased.
巴さんは焦らなくていいって言ってくれましたけど、私はもっと早く強くなって、鹿目さんを守りたいんです。 You told me not to rush myself,Tomoe-san. But I want to get stronger soon so I can protect Kaname-san.
Tomoe Mami そうだったの。それでこんな無茶なことをやってたのね? もう。健気なんだから……。 So that's what it was. So that's why you did something this unreasonable? Aww. That's such a pure thing to do.
ちょっと美樹さん、佐倉さん。ダメじゃない! あなたたちがこんな変なことを後輩にやらせちゃ。 And as for you, Miki-san, Sakura-san. You can't just do that! How could you make your poor little junior do weird things like this?
Sakura Kyoko 変なことって、アタシはちゃんと考えてやったつもりだぞ。なあ、さやか? Whaddaya mean 'weird'? We thought long and hard about our training schedule. Right, Sayaka?
Miki Sayaka 効果はともかく、あたしはこれでほむらがみんなともっと打ち解けるかなって考えたんですけど。 Well, I was thinking more about getting Homura to open up to us more than getting results.
ほむらがここまで真剣に強くなりたいと思ってるとはわかんなくて……って、あれ? ちょっと待って。 I just didn't understand why Homura was this serious about getting stronger, so… huh? Wait a second.
ほむらが強くなりたい理由って、まどかの不調が原因なんだよね? Homura, you said you wanted to get stronger because of Madoka's bad condition, right?
だとしたら、ほむらが強くなる必要なんて、これっぽっちもないよ。 If that's the case, then there's no need for you to gest tronger at all.
Sakura Kyoko なんだよ、さやか。それってどういう意味だよ? Whaddaya mean by that, Sayaka?
Akemi Homura そんなはずないです! だって、現に鹿目さんはずっと調子が悪そうですもの。 That can't be true! I mean, Kaname-san actually has been feeling bad lately.
Miki Sayaka だって、まどかが元気ないのは、ほむらのせいなんかじゃないもん。 Well, the reason Madoka's not feeling good isn't your fault at all, Homura.
Sakura Kyoko・Tomoe Mami え? Eh?
Akemi Homura それって……どういうことですか? What… do you mean by that?

Quest 2-3-5

2-3-5 Before

Miki Sayaka ほら、ほむら。あれあれ。あれがまどかの不調の原因だよ。 Look, Homura. Over there. That's the cause for Madoka's condition.
Akemi Homura あれは鹿目さん……。ケーキ屋さんのショーケースの前で、何してるのかしら? That's Kaname-san… What could she be doing in front of a cake shop's showcase?
Kaname Madoka うぅ……お腹すいたぁ~。ケーキ美味しそう~。だけど、だけどここで我慢しないと。うぅぅ~。 Uugh… I'm so hungry~ The cakes look so delicious~ But… but I gotta control myself. Uuuugh~
Miki Sayaka わかった? あの子、時々やるんだよねえ。どうせ最後は諦めるくせしてさぁ~。 Get it? That girl does this every now and then. Even though she always gives up in the end~
Akemi Homura 諦める? ケーキ屋さんの前で、いったい何を諦めるんですか? Gives up? What exactly does she give up in front of a cake shop?
Miki Sayaka あー、ほむらはスタイルがいいし、病院暮らしだったから、こういう経験がないのかあ。うらやましい。 Ahh, I guess since you've got a slender figure, and since you've been hospitalized for so long, you've never had an experience like this, huh. Man, so jealous.
あれは、花も恥じらう乙女のお約束、甘いものを断ってのダイエット作戦中なのでありますな。 That is the self-made promise of a maiden who outblooms even the flowers. The battle of wits to deny the sweet temptation of dessert. A diet.
Akemi Homura え? それじゃあ、鹿目さんが最近元気がないのって……まさか。 Eh? Then, you mean… the reason Kaname-san hasn't been feeling too well is… no way.
Miki Sayaka そう。ダイエットのやり過ぎで、何も食べてなくて、目を回しただけだよ。 Yup. She just dieted too hard and fainted after not eating.
マミさんのお茶会を断った時、ピーンときたんだ。まどかのやつ、お菓子をパクパク食べてたでしょう? I knew it as soon as she started abstaining from Mami-san's tea parties. Madoka's the type to gulf down sweets, you know?
あの調子だと、かなり深刻に体重が増えたんじゃないかな~。 The rate she devours those things, I was wondering how serious her weight gain wold be~
Akemi Homura ……それじゃあ、私のことは、全然関係ないんですか? …then, it's got nothing to do with me at all?
Miki Sayaka そういうこと。恥ずかしいみたいで、ダイエットしてること、あたしたちに隠してるつもりみたいだけどね。 Exactly. It just looks like she was so embarrassed dieting that she hid that fact from us.

2-3-5 After

Kaname Madoka ええ!? それじゃあ、わたしがダイエットしてたこと、さやかちゃんには最初からわかってたの? Ehh!? You mean Sayaka-chan knew I was on a diet from the start?
Akemi Homura やっぱり、本当にダイエットしてたのね。 So you really were on a diet.
Kaname Madoka ……うん。でも、ほむらちゃんにも知られちゃったのかぁ。恥ずかしいなあ。 …Yeah. But now you know too, Homura-chan? I'm so embarrassed.
Akemi Homura そんな恥ずかしがることなんてないよ。だけど、本当によかった。 It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm just glad that that's all it was.
……じつは鹿目さんが元気ないのは、私が弱いせいで、負担をかけてるんだって思ってたの。 …to tell you the truth, Kaname-san, I thought the reason you weren't feeling too good was because my weakness was being a burden on you.
だから、私ね、美樹さんや佐倉さんにお願いして、いろんな特訓をしたんだよ。 So, actually, I had Miki-san and Sakura-san train me in a lot of ways.
Kaname Madoka そうなの? ……そっか。わたし、知らない間にほむらちゃんに心配かけちゃってたんだね。 Realy? …I see. I must've made you worry a lot for no reason, huh.
Akemi Homura 私のことはどうでもいいの。それより、もう無茶なダイエットは止めようよ。 Don't worry about me. More importantly, you should stop dieting so hard.
鹿目さんは、そのままでも十分魅力的だよ。 You're plenty cute the way you are, Kaname-san.
Kaname Madoka そ、そっかな。ほむらちゃんにそう言われると、なんだか自信がついちゃうな。 R-really? It really makes me confident to hear that from you, Homura-chan.
それにお腹空かせて倒れたりして、ほむらちゃんやみんなに心配かけたらすごい迷惑だもんね。 And I must've caused so much trouble by making you guys worry when I fainted from being hungry.
ぜんぜん体重は減ってないけど、もうダイエットは止めようかな? I haven't lost any weight at all, but I guess I should stop dieting, huh?
Akemi Homura そうだよ。そのほうがいいよ! Exactly! You should!
食べられるときに食べるほうが、絶対に幸せだよ。無理なんて、鹿目さんがする必要ない。 You're much more happy when you eat. There's no need for you to push yourself, Kaname-san.
Kaname Madoka ほむらちゃん、本当にわたしのこと心配してくれてたんだね。……ありがとう。 Homura-chan, you really do care about me, huh. …Thank you.
Akemi Homura ううん。私が勝手にやった事だから気にしないで。 No, it was nothing. Don't worry about what I did of my own volition.
食べ物のことは凄い辛いものね。私も佐倉さんたちとお菓子をたくさん食べて大変だったもの。 You must've had such a hard time with food. I had a hard time keeping up with Sakura-san and Miki-san when we ate all those sweets.
Kaname Madoka あれ? お菓子をたくさん食べたの? Huh? You ate a lot of sweets?
Akemi Homura はい。喫茶店やカラオケボックスで。本当に大変でした。おかげでしばらく食欲がなくなっちゃいました。 Yeah. At cafes and at karaoke boxes. It was really tough. So much that I lost my appetite for a while.
Kaname Madoka ……へえ。そうなんだ。わたしとは……逆なんだねえ。 …hmm. Is that so. That's… the opposite of me.
……もしかして、ほむらちゃんって、いくら食べても太らない子なの? …Homura-chan, do you think maybe… you're one of those girls that can eat as much as they want without getting fat?
Akemi Homura んー、そうなんでしょうか。意識したことはないけど……って、どうしたの、鹿目さん? Hmmm? I wonder? Not that I know of. …huh, what's wrong Kaname-san?
Kaname Madoka そっか。そうなんだ。ふーん。だから、ほむらちゃんは綺麗で、スタイルいいんだねえ……。 I see. So that's how it is. Hmmmm. So that's why you're so beautiful and slender…
Akemi Homura あれ? 私、何か変なこと言った? あれ、鹿目さん? Huh? Did I say something weird? Huh? Kaname-san?
Kaname Madoka わたし、やっぱりダイエット、もうちょっと頑張ってみるね……。 I think I'll try sticking to my diet just a little more, then…
Akemi Homura え? え? 鹿目さん? どうしたの、鹿目さーん?! Eh? Eh? Kaname-san? What happened? Kaname-saaan!?