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Elly special card, as shown on the official website.

H.N. Elly (H.N. ELLY) is the handle name of Kirsten (KIRSTEN), a witch appearing in Episode 4 of the anime.

Japanese ハコの魔女。その性質は憧憬。 筋金入りのひきこもり魔女。 憧れは全てガラスの中に閉じ込める。 閉じ込められた者はその心までも 簡単に見透かされてしまうが 考えるより先に殴れば問題ない。
English Witch of the container. Her nature is longing. She's a dyed-in-the-wool hikikomori witch. She packs anything she longs for into a glass container. Thoughts of anyone who has been locked up by her can be easily seen. However, you can just punch her before thinking.


Daniyyel+Jennifer (DANIYYEL+JENNIFER)


Japanese ハコの魔女の手下。 その役割は運搬。 この手下がさわった物体はとても運びやすくなってしまう。
English Minions of the witch of the container. Their role is transportation. Anything that has been touched by them can be carried easily.


  • Elly was the name of Dorothy in the alternate retelling of Wizard of Oz

Speculations and observations

  • Elly's initials (H.N.K.) is an acronym for N.H.K. Since the official card states that she is a hikikomori witch, that is a double link with the manga (and anime) Welcome to the NHK