Homura Akemi

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Revision as of 02:58, 27 January 2011 by Yil (talk | contribs) (Added official info, observation, speculation, edited and Observation and speculation)
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Homura Akemi
Homura Chara Sheet.jpg
Japanese Name 暁美 ほむら (Akemi Homura)
Seiyū Chiwa Saitou
Age 13-14 (estimated)
Weapon Shield(?)

Homura is first seen by Madoka in a dream of her fighting a monster in a desolate landscape of skyscrapers. The day after the dream, Homura has transferred to Madoka's school where she gives her ominous warnings.

Official Info

A smart, graceful, athletically-talented girl. Cool if not chilly, her personality even can even be seen in her posture. Her weapon appears to be a bow, the same as Madoka?

She seems to be a magical girl, but there are a lot of mysteries surrounding the way she acts. Her fighting style is also unidentified.

  • Ms. Aoki’s Design Check: A blunt girl. I tried to let this shine through in her design. Her distinguishing point is her silky long hair.
  • Magical girl outfit: Homura was designed with her personality and combat style in mind. I found her fascinating right away. (Aoki)
  • The sharp lines of her upper back and jacket evoke her personality. Overall rather monochromatic. Her black tights have a diamond pattern.
  • School uniform: She wears black tights in uniform too, leaving her overall feel just like in her magical girl outfit. She gives off the air of a silent beauty.

Fun Facts

  • Homura is frequently referred to as "Homerun-chan" amongst fans, due to the similarity of the two names in Japanese.
  • The first character for Akemi (暁) means "daybreak", while the second one (美) means beauty.
  • Her last name can also be used as a first name.
  • Her first name is written in hiragana, which has no special meaning. However, when written in kanji, it can mean:
    • inflammation, blaze (炎 or 焔)
    • heart on fire (心火)
    • village protector (保村)


  • She wants to stop Madoka from making a contract with Kyuubey
  • She has much knowledge about Mitakihara Middle School.
  • Is annoyed when Madoka uses her last name or honorifics instead of the more intimate "Homura".
  • She only seems hostile towards Kyuubey until Kyuubey makes contact with Madoka.


  • Currently (episode 2) Homura appears to be the antagonist, though may become an ally and/or mentor of Madoka's in the future
  • If the theory about witches and magical girls is true (see Speculations and theories), then it is fairly possible that Homura is on the brink of becoming a witch, which could be why Mami wanted to share her Grief Seed with her in episode 2
  • She might also wish to prevent Madoka becoming a magical girl because of the risk that she could turn into an overwhelmingly powerful witch.
  • She may be a former magical girl who has had her contract revoked.
