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Isabel (ISABEL) is one of the witches that appeared in Episode 10. Her name appeared in the episode as Isadel, however a card that was released later corrected her name to be Isabel.

Card Isabel.png



EpisodesEpisode 10


Card Michaela.png

芸術家の魔女の手下。その役割は作品。 魔女によって命を奪われた人間は その体の一部分を盗まれ、この中に組み込まれてしまう。


EpisodesEpisode 10

Speculations and Observations

  • She seems to be able to speak, being the only witch who spoke something so far (Except Elly who could speak with Backmasking).
    • There is a possibility that a witch's speaking can be understood only by people who have been targeted by her.
  • Her barrier seems to be art-related. For example, the patterns Homura walks over before being engulfed by her barrier bear a striking resemblance Pablo Picasso's Guernica, and Isadel is killed while bound to a facsimile of the Arc de Triomphe.


External links

Izabel card at official website (Japanese) Michaela card at official website (Japanese)