Madoka Magica Articles

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This page present fan-created articles. These are not considered as facts and should not be taken seriously. It is mainly the result of fans speculating. More theories may have been discussed as of late, in which case you are very welcome to add them to the list below.


Plot theories are theories explaining parts of the plot.

The Global Reset Theory
Theory stating that the world has been re-created at some point to avoid a fatal outcome.
The Time Travel Theory
Theory according to which one of the characters may be a time traveller going back in time to stop Madoka from becoming a Magical Girl. (Yeah, seriously!)
The War Between Good Guys Theory
Theory suggesting that the witches believe themselves to be the good guys.

Settings and characters

Witches as Fallen Magical Girls Theory
Theory emphasizing the link between witches and magical girls
Human Soul and Magic
Kyuubey created Mami and uses her to make more Magical girls
Kyuubey is Evil
Theory foreshadowing Kyuubey as having an evil agenda
What is Lord Humungus Doing at the ED
Of butterflies and spiders
Make a Wish
Speculations in regard to each character's wish
Ending Analysis
Magical Girls as Devil Pacters

Speculah: Witches are generated by Magical Girls

There is possibility that the witches are generated by the birth of magic girls.

That means the wishes can generate anti-wishes related to magical girls themselves.

For example, Mami's enemies are related to flowers, butterfly, desserts.

Mami has interests on desserts and she also uses butterfly-like hair clip.

The theme color of the witches' lairs is close to Mami's theme color.

When Sayaka becomes a magical girl, the witches's lairs changes to be in blue theme color.

the stronger wishes generates stronger anti-wishes.

That's why Kyuubey is not in hurry to let girls become magical girls.

As a result, possibly Madoka could generate very powerful witches.

German literature

Der Steppenwolf

External articles