Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 2-1

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 2-1-1

2-1-1 Before

Homura (朝。もう何回か繰り返した、同じ朝) (Morning. The same morning I've repeated countless times.)
Homura (私はまた、この学校に転校してきました) (I've transferred into this school again.)
Homura (大切なあの人との、大切な約束を守るために) (To uphold the promise I made with the one precious to me.)
??? ほむら! おはようっ! Homura! Good morning!
Homura えっ!? えっ!? わ、私? Eh!? Eh!? M-me?
Sayaka 朝、早いんだね。もうこの学校は慣れた? You sure are early this morning. Gotten used to this school yet?
Homura み、美樹さん……。あ、あの、おはよう、ございます。 M-Miki-san... U-umm, good morning.
Sayaka まーた、他人行儀だなぁ。クラスメートなんだし「さやか」でいいよ。 There you go again, acting like a stranger. We're classmates, so just call me 'Sayaka'.
Sayaka それとも、名前で呼ばれるといやとか? Or do you just not like using first names or something?
Homura い、いえ。そんなことないです。ただあんまり名前で呼ばれたことがないから、ちょっと驚いちゃって……。 N-no, that's not it at all. I was just surprised, since I've never been called by my first name that much, so...
Madoka おはよう、ほむらちゃん! Good morning, Homura-chan!
Homura あ、お、おはようございます。まど……、鹿目さん。 Ah, g-good morning. Mado... Kaname-san.
Madoka わたしも「まどか」でいいのに。 It's okay to call me 'Madoka' too, you know.
Madoka だから、わたしもほむらちゃんって呼んでいいよね? So it's okay if I call you Homura-chan, right?
Sayaka そうそう。まだ知り合って間もないけど、そんなこと気にしないでいこうよ。 Exactly. We still haven't had time to get to know each other, but don't worry about that and just go with the flow.
Sayaka あたしら同級生なんだしさ。あと、なんといっても……。 I mean, after all, we are classmates, and...
Sayaka 同じ魔法少女なんだから! We're all magical girls too!
Madoka ちょっと、さやかちゃんっ 声が大きいよ。周りの人に聞こえちゃうよ。 Hey, Sayaka-chan, you're too loud. People are gonna hear you.
Sayaka 大丈夫だよ。どうせ意味なんて分かんないって。 It's okay. Not like they'd understand, you know.
Sayaka ……それより、ほむら。キュゥべえからの呼び出しがあったよ。また魔女が見つかったみたい。 ...More importantly, Homura. Got a call from Kyubey. Looks like he's found another witch.
Madoka 放課後に、またみんなと集まろう。大丈夫だよね、ほむらちゃん? Let's all meet up after school. That okay, Homura-chan?
Homura は、はい。わかりましたっ。 O-okay. Understood.

2-1-1 After

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

Quest 2-1-2

2-1-2 Before

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

2-1-2 After

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

Quest 2-1-3

2-1-3 Before

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

2-1-3 After

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

Quest 2-1-4

2-1-4 Before

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

2-1-4 After

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

Quest 2-1-5

2-1-5 Before

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.

2-1-5 After

Kyoko ……なあ、ここ最近、\n魔女の数が多すぎるんじゃないか? ...Hey, don't you think there've been way too many witches around lately?
Mami ワルプルギスの夜の接近が\n原因かもしれないわね。 Perhaps it's due to the coming of Walpurgisnacht.