Madoka Magica Portable Sayaka Route

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The Wish I Prayed For(私が願った、奇跡)


This choice is unlocked after the Mami route cleared without Mami becoming a witch. At the beginning, Mami, Madoka and Homura are already magical girls, with Homura wearing glasses. How does this affects Sayaka's fate?


Warning, this section contains spoilers.

One day, Sayaka attend to school as usual, but she finds that Madoka walking with a senpai. In the same day, there is a transferred student called Homura Akemi. After school, Sayaka invites Madoka to go shopping together, but Madoka says she has something with Homura so Sayaka goes to the CD store alone.

When she leaves CD store, however, she meets Madoka, Homura and Mami, who have just defeated Gertrud's familiars. Then she sees a white creature on Madoka's feet. Mami tells Kyubey to hide but Kyubey says for him it's better to have more magical girls. Mami and Madoka are worried about Sayaka's potential to become a magical girl.

She visits Kyousuke that night, and Kyousuke teaches her how to play the violin. When she leaves, Kyubey calls her, but she thinks it's a ghost and runs away since Kyubey doesn't show himself.

Madoka, Homura and Mami go to fight Patricia and defeat her. Sayaka still can't be together with Madoka so she feels lonely. She asks to leave the next day, but visits Kyousuke that evening. Kyousuke knows that he can't play violin any more so he is angry. He damages the CD player with his broken hand and says he doesn't want to see anyone. When Sayaka leaves hospital, Kyubey goes after her and ask her to become a magical girl. Sayaka refuses such a suggestion.

The next day, Sayaka invites Madoka to have lunch together but Madoka says she has another date. After school, Sayaka visits Kyousuke again but is refused by him. Once again, Kyubey suggests that she form a contract. He says that there are many talented artists whose lives are weak and choose to die when they feel it impossible to do better. Maybe Kyousuke is one of such a type. When Sayaka replies Kyousuke is not such a weak person, he tells her to check it herself. Kyousuke is not in his room, he goes to the top of hospital and prepares to commit suicide. Sayaka stops him and then contracts to become a magical girl.

After contracting, she goes to patrol in the night. Since she doesn't know the other three are also magical girls she fights alone. But Kyousuke's playing the violin for her makes her happy. She also fights against H.N.Elly and finds it hard to defeat witches.

One day, when she is hunting Albertine's familiars, she meets Kyoko Sakura. They then begin to fight. But before Sayaka can get into any danger, Madoka, Homura and Mami appear and stop them. Kyoko leaves unhappily, saying she didn't know there were so many magical girls in that area. Sayaka then join Mami's team to fight familiars. She discovers that she is far weaker than all of them. Not wanting to become a burden on the others, she decided to train herself.

Two days later she meets Kyoko again near the factory. They were going to fight again but are stopped by Mami. Suddenly, a witch (Charlotte) appears and sucks them into her barrier. Kyoko understands why Mami is here, but since she feels the witch's power, she stops fighting, and tells Sayaka (who can't tell how powerful this witch is) to be careful. Mami says it might have been caused by the fight between them. They then fight against Charlotte. Charlotte is too powerful to even be defeated by all three magical girls, and Mami tells them to escape. But Sayaka, who didn't want to leave Mami alone, insisted staying with Mami. Mami then got the same fate as in anime (getting decapitated by Charlotte).

Kyoko helps Sayaka to escape from the witch's barrier. Knowing she is too weak to protect others, Sayaka thinks it meaningless to be a magical girl any more. She throws her soul gem to dismiss her magical girl duty. The gem goes into the barrier and the barrier moves away. Madoka and Homura then come and see a soulless Sayaka. At first, they think that Kyoko killed her. But Kyubey comes to explain this. Kyubey tells them to get her soul gem back in two days or Sayaka may die forever. As in the anime, Kyoko use her magic to keep Sayaka's body from decomposing. Madoka and Homura go out to find her gem.

Observations and Trivia



  • This route allows access to many abilities through multiple encounter opportunities with Albertine familiars, which is recommended to accumulate spell books.
  • Glasses Homura's base stats are very low by default, which means many of her powerful abilities cannot be accessed. However, she can use Suspend Time (時間停止), Time Bomb (時限爆弾), and High Caliber Pistol (大口径拳銃). These abilities will even allow her to solo Albertine familiars and Charlotte with minimal damage, the most difficult encounters Homura and Madoka will face alone. The use of Suspend Time is helpful in support of the fight against Oktavia, the most difficult encounter in this route, though Homura's lack of firepower should be compensated through the use of Kyoko's more damaging abilities.
  • Because the route offers opportunities to face Oktavia, it is preferable to invest more play time, base stat points and abilities with Kyoko, rather than Sayaka. Even if Sayaka is saved in the route, her soul gem tends to get dark quickly, so it's suggested to switch to playing Kyoko as much as possible to avoid using up too many grief seeds. It's recommended to invest in Kyoko's Negate Spec. Stat Effects (精神系状態異常無効), for the encounter with Izabel. Kyoko's Steal (盗む) and Dozen Thrust (打突) are also useful for all encounters. For Kyoko, Hammer Down the Witches (魔女に与える鉄槌) is effective for single target damage to bosses. Sayaka's strong ability for single target is Spark Edge (スパークエッジ), which is easy to obtain, has effective damage for the cost, and does not have a charge delay.

Choice and effects

(This section list a table which the result of choices are listed)