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Interview with Atsuhiro Iwakami (from Animedia):

  • Every words from Homura has meaning.
  • We will deliver a certain theme throughout the series.
  • Mahou shoujo does not equal heroine.
  • It doesn't have to follow the defeating-one-enemy-a-week pattern.
  • Weapons of magical girls and the concept of enemy are different from standard.
  • Each character has a strong attachment to their past or present.
scan of Animedia article from [1]

Interview with Gen Urobuchi (from Animage):

  • Mahou Shoujo in this show are not united as a single group.
  • Main element of the story is how everyone from a different standpoint understands each other.
  • Everything about Homura is mysterious, unlike other characters whose parts and motivation are clear.
  • Mami knows the mechanism of the world to a certain degree, so her part is a guide to Madoka and Sayaka.
  • Madoka and Sayaka will follow the way Mami leads, but at a certain point they might choose their own paths.
  • Urobuchi "this is my first time I have been entrusted with a big task that is scenario for all episodes, I feel like I can say I'm an anime scenario writer now (laughs). Can I go ahead from this point is up to "Madoka."


Collection of Twitter conversations from involved staff members.

Gen Urobuchi

Twitter conversation from Madoka's scenario writer at @Butch_Gen.

Mami's special move in episode 2

Original tweet
@hanokage Ah sorry. I've changed the special move name from English to Italian in the recording room, now it's different from the manga version.
@hanokage そもそも必殺技の名称も収録現場の土壇場で英語からイタリア語に変更されたもんで、コミカライズ版と変わってしまったのです。申し訳ねぇ……

Kyuubey cuteness

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If things went according to my plan, viewers will soon be captured by Kyuubey's cuteness and unfair suspicion against him will be no more. They should stop bringing up my past already!
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@Butch_Gen So basically you're saying "be cautious about Kyuubey" right? I understand!
@Butch_Gen つまりキュゥべぇを警戒しろ、と声を大にして言ってる訳ですね!わかります!
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@eiitiro 'Kyu' in "Kyuubey" is 'Kyu' as in "Cute"!
@eiitirou キュゥべぇのキュはキュートのキュだyo!


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"Fate/Zero from the writer of currently bloodspattered TV anime [Chidamari], Urobuchi Gen-sensei" #akiba
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@akibablog What's with that accusation!
@akibablog おのれ なんという いいがかりを!
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@Butch_Gen Everything is so mixed-up... lol
@Butch_Gen なんかもういろいろごちゃ混ぜにw
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@k_hirohiro Yeah, that's terrible! We still haven't shown even a single scene with bloodshed!
@k_hiroriro まだ今んとこ流血シーンなんてないのに、ひどいよね!

White Urobuchi

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So here's my defendant's claims…
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About the "what's that healing-type scenario writer" in actuality, we had this idea of hiding scenario writer's name until the broadcast starts, the plan fell down since staff list was leaked back in early spring. But the director still want to surprise the viewers...
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So I thought it is bad if everyone can guess how the series will be because of me. As a troubleshooter, I tried to mislead everyone. But as you can see, it's ineffective.
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Okay now I've took a big load off my mind. Thank you everyone who keep up until today! I'm going back to the normal Urobuchi from now on!
ともかく、これでようやく肩の荷が下りた。皆さん、今日まで本当にありがとう! これからは普通の虚淵に戻ります!

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