Template:Magia Record Stats

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Revision as of 06:21, 19 March 2022 by Celtic Minstrel (talk | contribs) (Decided to add an extra key to cover both versions of Nagisa as well as "Ultimate Madoka-senpai")
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Creates a Magia Record unit stats box.

Possible parameters (which can be specified in any order):

  • hp0, atk0, def0 – Initial HP, ATK, and DEF
  • hp1 - hp5 – Max HP for each star (only include those that are valid for the character)
  • atk1 - atk5 – Max ATK for each star (only include those that are valid for the character)
  • def1 - def5 – Max DEF for each star (only include those that are valid for the character)
  • hpmax, atkmax, defmax – Max HP, ATK, DEF when fully maxed out including spirit enhancement
  • attribute – The girl's attribute
  • type – The girl's type; must be one of the valid type categories
  • typedisplay - The displayed type; if present, is displayed instead of the type above but still using the above type to categorize the character.
  • disk1, disk2, disk3, disk4, disk5 – The girl's disk pool; omitted entries will be filled with a duplicate of the previous entry (so, disk1 is always mandatory)
  • connect – The name of the girl's connect skill
  • connect1 - connect5 – Effect of the connect skill for each star (only include those that are valid for the character)
  • magia – The name of the girl's magia skill
  • magia1 - magia5 – Effect of the magia skill for each star (only include those that are valid for the character)
  • doppel – The name of the girl's doppel or second magia skill (only include if they have one)
  • doppel5 – Effect of the doppel or second magia skill (only include if they have one)
  • doppeltype - Either "doppel" or "magia2" - determines whether the above is a doppel or a second magia
  • exskill - The name of the girl's EX skill (only include if they have one)
  • exskill1 - Effect of the EX skill on 1 slot (only include if they have one)
  • exskill4 - Effect of the EX skill on 4 slots (only include if they have one)
  • rarity – Overrides the auto-generated rarity cell (only use if the character cannot be upgraded in rarity)

Here's an example of what the code might look like for Iroha Tamaki:

{{Magia Record Stats
|connect=We're Together, We'll Be Fine
|connect1=HP Recovery [I]
|connect2=HP Recovery [III]
|connect3=HP Recovery [V]
|connect4=HP Recovery [VII] & Restore MP to [[Yachiyo Nanami|Yachiyo]]
|connect5=HP Recovery [VIII] & & Attack UP [VI] & Restore MP to [[Yachiyo Nanami|Yachiyo]]
|magia=Strada · Futuro
|magia1=Damage to all enemies [I] & Revive Ally
|magia2=Damage to all enemies [I] & Revive Ally
|magia3=Damage to all enemies [II] & Revive Ally 
|magia4=Damage to all enemies [IV] & Revive Ally
|magia5=Damage to all enemies [VI] & Revive Ally & HP Restore (All)
|doppel5=Damage to all enemies [VIII] & Revive Ally & HP Restore (All) & Remove All Negative Effects