The Beginning Story: Draft 0

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第三话 再也没有什么好怕的了 作为实现一个愿望的代价,少女要成为魔法少女。而魔法少女必须与诅咒世界的魔女们拼死战斗——。从麻美那里知道了魔法少女的真相,小圆和沙耶加有些动摇。要实现怎样的愿望,成为魔法少女之后要做什么。沙耶加去探望因为重病入院的青梅竹马恭介时,幻想着奇迹发生。 迷茫的的小圆和沙耶加偶然在医院发现了即将孵化的悲伤之种。两人和变身成魔法少女的麻美一起往结界中走去,想要消灭魔女。 小圆在结界中向麻美表明了自己的想法。小圆的愿望是成为魔法少女,和麻美一起战斗。所以,找不到具体的愿望。一直在孤独中战斗的麻美对小圆流下了眼泪。然后约定结成“魔法少女搭档”。 到了结界的最深处,麻美和魔女交战。再也不是一个人了,麻美欣喜的战斗着。然而,等待着麻美的却是无情的命运……

Episode 3 I'm Not Afraid of Anything Anymore Becoming a magical girl is the price to pay for fulfilling a wish. As a magical girl, she must battle the cursed world of Witches --. From Mami, Sayaka and Madoka learn the truths of being a magical girl, adding to their hesistation. What should they wish for? What will they do once they become magical girls? While visiting her bedridden childhood-friend Kamijou Kyousoke, Miki Sayaka thought about the possible miracle. The troubled Madoka and Sayaka stumbled upon a Grief Seed at the hospital, ready to hatch. They, along with the the magical girl Mami, went into the barrier together to eliminate the Witch. Within the barrier, Madoka confessed to Mami her thoughts. Madoka's wish is to fight alongside Mami as a magical girl. Therefore, she couldn't find a proper wish. The battle alone Mami breaks into tears in front of Madoka, and agrees to form a "magical girl team." At the deepest part of the Witch's barrier, Mami and the Witch engage in battle. No longer alone, Mami battles with glee. Yet, what awaits Mami is a merciless destiny...

【A部分】 恭介的病房 恭介坐在摇起的病床上。沙耶加坐在照顾病人用的椅子上。 沙耶加 这个给你。 来探病的沙耶加把小提琴CD递给恭介。恭介吃惊得瞪大了眼睛。 恭介 哇,好厉害……这个是网上都买不到的绝版碟。 沙耶加 是,是么……回家路上偶然在店里看到了,就买下了。 床头的桌上堆着一些其他的CD盒,都是沙耶加买来的。 恭介 一直以来都谢谢你了。沙耶加是发现稀有CD的天才。 沙耶加 哈哈,哪有……只,只是运气好罢了,大概。 沙耶加害羞得结巴了。 恭介马上打开了盒子,把CD装进了便携CD机里。 恭介 这个人的演奏真是好棒。沙耶加也来听听看吧。 恭介只戴上了一只耳机,把另一只递给了沙耶加。 沙耶加 好,好吗这样…… 恭介 虽然很想用音箱来听,这里是医院嘛。 因为耳机线不够长,沙耶加斜身贴近了恭介,心里害羞得不得了。 但是曲子一开始,优美的旋律就让心情平静了下来。 沙耶加沉浸到了优美的旋律中。 沙耶加小时候的回忆。 恭介在小提琴发表会上潇洒的演奏,沙耶加出神的看着他。 沙耶加睁开眼睛,注意到旁边的恭介正在悄悄的哭。 恭介的左手无力的耷拉在床上,手术创口惨不忍睹。 再也无法进行演奏的手指寻着演奏的记忆微微颤动着。 沙耶加的心因为无法消解的苦闷而胀痛。

Part A Kyousuke's Hospital Room Kyousuke sits on top of a raised bed. Sayaka sits on the caretaker's chair. Sayaka: _This is for you._ The visitor Sayaka hands over a violin CD to Kyousuke. Kyousuke acts stun with his eyes widen. Kyousuke: _Wow, amazing... You can't even buy an out-of-print edition like this on the Internet. _ Sayaka: _Ah, really... I found it in a store on the way home, so I just bought it._ Kyousuke: Thanks for all you've done. You're a genius when it comes to finding rare CDs. Sayaka:_Haha, not at all..._ I'm probably just lucky is all. Sayaka blushes and stammers Kyousuke immediately opens the CD case, and pushed the CD inside a portable CD player. Kyousuke: This artist's performances really are incredible. Do you want to listen too, Sayaka? Kyousuke wears only one earbud, handing the other to Sayaka. Sayaka A-Are you sure? Kyousuke: I'd really like to have you hear it from the speakers, but we're in a hospital, so... Because the headphone is rather short, Sayaka leans closer to Kyousuke, the sense of embarrassment is overwhelming. But once the music begins, the beautiful melody calm down her raising heart. Sayaka lost herself within the beautiful melody. Sayaka's childhood memories. Kyousuke looking brilliant on stage of a violin concert, Sayaka watching him in a trance. Sayaka opens her eyes, noticed the Kyousuke weaning quietly next to her. Kyousuke pulls on the bedsheet with his powerless left hand, the surgery wound looks appalling. Sayaka's heart sinks from unable to share his pain.