User talk:0x99/Debunked

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The layout is nice but the wording is strange. (For example, 'It is archived here but never take it as a fact.' sounds kinda weird IMO... Maybe something like 'It is archived here for the sake of completeness, but please don't take it as facts' would be better?) --Homerun-chan 23:48, 24 February 2011 (UCT)

I've changed it to what you've suggested, but I feel it's a bit too long. Any ideas? --0x99 23:54, 24 February 2011 (UCT)
Now that I've looked at it once again, it seems okay to me if we use it as a header (like the spoiler/speculah alerts). I doesn't seem too long if we ue it that way. Then, I'd add a short notice next to the theory title on the Articles page, something like this:
Wonderful Theory (Proven wrong in episode x)
And of course, something similar but less scary for confirmed theories. --Homerun-chan 22:03, 25 February 2011 (UCT)

General Speculah Layout

I think we should remove the automatic speculah alert on the speculah pages. Instead, use one of those:

  • The standard speculah alert for theories that have not been proven right nor wrong up till now. Maybe change the message to emphasize that.
  • This template (Debunked) for the theories that have been proven wrong
  • Something along the lines of this for the theories that have been proven right.

Plus, I think we should somehow increase the visibility of the theory status. Either mark the theories proven right/wrong in the list like I proposed above, or even make special lists/subpages for theories proven right/wrong, the Articles page only having yet-to-evaluate theories as well as general articles (ED analysis, intertextuality, etc.)

Your opinion? --Homerun-chan 17:22, 4 March 2011 (UTC)

I don't think we should remove the standard speculah alert. Maybe I can find a way to change its looks when the confirmed/debunked template is present on the page, and we can just use that. What do you think if we merge both Confirmed and Debunked template together, possibly as Template:Theory or something. (Usage: {{Theory|status=confirmed|episode=8}}, for example.) --0x99 18:14, 4 March 2011 (UTC)