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Mito Aino
Mito aino profile.png
Japanese Name (相野 みと) Aino Mito
Voiced by Japanese: Maria Naganawa
ID No: 3015

Mito Aino is one of the original characters of the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record.

General Info

Physical features

  • Age:
  • Eye colour: Light brown
  • Hair colour: Light brown


  • Soul Gem: Gray four-leaf clover
  • Weapon: Double-bladed bow and arrow
  • Wish: "I want the power to connect hearts."
  • Witch form: Akakiy
  • Japanese pronoun: watashi ()
  • School: Kamihama City University Affiliated School

Game Info

Game related data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute
★4 → ★5 100 Balanced Attribute forest.png
Initial 4898 1892 1883
Max at ★4 21539 6860 6729
Max at ★5 27141 8644 8471
Disk accele.png Disk accele.png Disk blast vertical.png Disk charge.png Disk charge.png
Connect: Time to Double Up!
★4: Chance to Evade [VII] & Chance to Provoke [VII] & Chance to Critical Hit [VII]
★5: Chance to Evade [IX] & Chance to Provoke [IX] & Chance to Critical Hit [IX]
Magia: Shooting Thorny Burst[1]
★4: Damage One Enemy [V] & Guaranteed Evade (Self / 1 T) & Chance to Provoke (Self / 1 T)
★5: Damage One Enemy [VII] & Guaranteed Evade (Self / 1 T) & Guaranteed Provoke (Self / 1 T) & Attack UP (All / 3 T)
Damage One Enemy [IX] & Guaranteed Evasion (Self / 1 T) & Guaranteed Provoke (Self / 1 T) & Defense UP (All / 3 T)
  1. In the NA her magia attack is called Thorn Arrow.


An innocent and carefree Magical Girl, Mito isn't afraid to be herself. She's usually laidback, but there are times when she says things that cut to the core. Mito lives in the same apartment complex as Reira and Seika, her two childhood friends who she truly treasures.

Doppel Description

The Doppel of unity. Its form is a coat. The master of this Doppel wishes for beautiful friendships to last for eternity. This Doppel answers that desire by compressing everything it captures into a single concentrated lump, which turns into an unbreakable crystal that will shine for thousands of years. Attacks by the Doppel are made by crystallizing its master's emotions, but continued use of this power causes even the master's memories to harden, making it impossible to create new ones.

Side Story

Mito heads to Kamihama City's Minagi Ward with Reira Ibuki and Seika Kumi. The girls decide to go visit the ocean. Mito wants to swim, but the girls didn't bring swimsuits. Mito suggests swimming in their clothes, but the other girls tell her off. Mito finds a plant native to the area, but doesn't know it's name until Konomi Haruna appears and says what it is. Konomi introduces and says she's there on business, as she works in a flower shop. Reira quickly thinks Konomi is like Mito.

Konomi says Seika looks angry, but she's just nervous around strangers. Konomi invites the girls to her store when it opens. Later, the girls go there and find Konomi working alone. Konomi says she has helpers but they're running late. It's revealed that her helpers, Kaede Akino and Kako Natsume, are chasing down a familiar. Unaware that Mito and company are magical girls, Konomi doesn't say anything about it. Konomi soon finds herself buried in customers.

Mito decides to help Konomi, and volunteers her friends to help as well. Seika worked behind the scenes, while Mito and Reira helped with the customers. Eventually, Kako and Kaede finally arrive. Mito is surprised to find she goes to the same school as them. Afterward, Konomi thanks the girls for their help and says her group can take care of things. Konomi asks them to visit the shop again and gives them a shop card.

Later, Mito gets an idea. She visits Konomi, Kaede and Kako in the flower shop, and explains that she's a real nature lover. Konomi says they're making a flower birthday cake, and invites Mito to help make it. Mito then explains that she wanted their help because she needs to get Seika something for her birthday. Konomi then gets an idea and thinks they should all make a "herbarium": A jar with preserved plants. Konomi says they can be used as gifts, and suggests Mito make some for her friends and herself. Mito eagerly agrees.

Mito thinks they should make something blue for Seika, red for Reira, and green for herself. Konomi suggests each jar should have all three colors. The girls pick out flowers for Reira and Seika, while Mito suggests clovers for herself. Konomi says they have to pick the clovers themselves, and suggests a place they can all go to.

The girls head back to Minagi Ward, where Konomi tries to find a clover patch she saw. Kaede thinks someone cut the clovers away and suggests they split up to look for more. As she searches, Mito begins thinking it's like acorn hunting. In the past, Mito told her friends she could hear the acorn's voice, but in the present thinks it's more like she wanted to hear it. She then senses something, and stumbles onto a familiar that's been picking clovers.

Mito attempts to fight the familiar, but finds she can't do it alone. She's then aided by Konomi, Kaede and Kako, who reveal themselves as magical girls. Kaede says magical girls really are connected. The four girls destroy the familiar. Afterward, Mito gives her gifts to Seika and Reira, and wishes Seika a happy birthday. She promises to give them a new herbarium every year, now that she has friends to help make them.

Event Appearances

Other Appearances


  • The characters in her last name mean "phase" (相) and "field" (野), respectively.


  • Her illustrator is Hanokage
  • She may have been based on Robin Hood, due to the green colour theme, and overall merry look to her design and the fact she has a weapon which functions both as a bow and a blade may also be a reference to Robin's trademark weapons.
  • Her soul gem is clover-shaped, clovers are commonly said to be symbols of good fortune and hope.
    • Considering she wanted to connect people, this may make some sense as to why her soul gem is that shape, she wanted to bring happiness back to her friends.
  • Her Witch Name, Akakiy is a Russian name which means 'ugly, useless and hideous' in reference to her doppel's appearence, the name also means 'innocent' which may reflect her kind nature in return.
    • Based on her Doppel's description, it is also a reference to The Overcoat, a famous Russian short story starring a main character named Akaky (which can also be translated as Akakiy).


Memoria Cards

Card Effect Cooldown Eng Text Jap Text
Hello from the Stairwell
Critical Adept [IV] (Self / 1 Turn)
Max Limit Break:
Critical Adept [V] (Self / 1 Turn)
6 turns
Max Limit Break:
5 turns
Reira, Seika, and Mito have lived together in this apartment complex since they were little and always loved racing up and down the stairs! Those steps felt so huge before, and now they walk them so easily. The world may get smaller, but their friendship keeps growing! 小さい頃から団地で一緒に暮らしているれいら、せいか、みと一緒にバタバタと階段を駆け上がったり駆け下りたり!あの頃は大きいと感じていた一段も、今では普通に足をかけている変わっていくこともあるけれど、三人は変わらず、今も友達...!
Sketches of a Fantasy World
Provoke (Self / 1 T)
Max Limit Break:
Provoke (Self / 1 T)
7 turns
Max Limit Break:
6 turns
**Unique to Mito Aino**
Ya know, I just looove thinkin' up all kinds of stuff in my head! It's fun, and there's no rules, and you can do it any time you want! I doodle all the creatures I think up in my notebook! Look, here they are! See? It's like my own "Mito Zoo," right?

楽しいし、自由だし、いつでもできるし! 思いついた生き物とかは、ノートに絵を描いてるの! ほら、これ!見て見て!ちょっとした『みと動物園』でしょ?

The Sunlight That Shines Into the Complex
Chance to Cover [II] & Defense Up [III]
Max Limit Break:
Chance to Cover [III] & Defense Up [IV]
Passive The apartment complex's park is a regular meeting spot for these three. It gives them a place to be carefree, where they chat after school, and even have picnics on occasion. Bathing in the warm sunlight while enjoying the snacks that Reira brings is one of their favorite things to do... 団地にある公園は、三人がいつも集まる場所学校帰りにおしゃべりしたり、時にはピクニックみたいなこともそういう時は三人はゆっくりとした穏やかな時間を味わっている暖かい光を浴びながら、れいらが持ってきたお菓子を味わいつつ...
Tomorrow They Will Bloom Again
Max Limit Break:
Renerate HP [III] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [IV]
Passive One day, an older and younger group of magical girls met by chance.

Teaching and learning about the mysterious world that sits next to reality, eventually the girls are able to come through to each other naturally and with their hearts. They gently nestle together, those who carry the same fate...


現実と隣り合わせの不思議な世界のことを教え、そして学ぶ やがて彼女たちは自然と心を通わせるようになる 同じ宿命を背負った者たちが、そっと寄り添うように…

The Way Home after the Rain (Mito)
Attack Down [IX] & Defense Down [VIII] (All / 1 Turn)
Max Limit Break:
Attack Down [X] & Defense Down [IX] (All / 1 Turn)
6 turns
Max Limit Break:
5 turns
There's lots of people who feel down on rainy days. But try this...SPLOOSH! Jump into a puddle, and rainy days turn fun! My shoes? Yeah, they're soaked, duh! But I feel like I just did somethin' awesome! 雨の日って、ちょっと気分がしょんほりって人、多いよねでも、こうやって...バッシャーン!水たまりに飛び込んだりすると楽しいんだよ!足元?もちろんビシャビシャ!でも「やったぞー!」って気分!

External links