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Kyuubey Chara Sheet.jpg
Japanese Name キュゥべえ (Kyuubee)
Seiyū Emiri Katou

Kyuubey is a "familiar," endued with the power to grant any wish for exchange of a contract-- for the person the wish is bestowed upon to become a Mahou Shoujo (magical girl). These magical girls are then tasked with the defeating of Witches. Kyuubey features prominently in the official release artwork first two episodes and is central to the current story.

Fun Facts

  • People still argue as to how to write is name. Is it Kyubey or Kyuubey?
    • His/her name is written in both Hiragana and Katakana as キュ(kyu)(u)(be)(e). So the more acceptable Romaji for his/her name is Kyuubee/Kyuubey.
  • Aparently it comes from the katakana of the english word Cute so it could also be Cubey.


  • Many fans believe Kyuubey is evil and believe he/she should not be trusted.
  • According to the same theory, it is likely that Kyuubey is the messenger of a greater entity that has its own agenda.
  • Some think Kyubey's real form is that of a red devil and his/her white fur acts as a cover as indicated by tears rather than bleeding in Episode 1.
