Hikaru Kirari

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Hikaru Kirari
Card 10224 l.png
Japanese Name 煌里 ひかる (Kirari Hikaru)
Voiced by Japanese: Fuuka Izumi
ID No: 1022

Hikaru Kirari is one of the original characters of the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record

General Info

Physical features

  • Age: Allegedly 13 [1]
  • Eye colour: Peachy orange
  • Hair colour: Peachy orange


  • Soul Gem: Pink Banner-Shaped Gem
  • Weapon: Saber
  • Wish: "Give me something to devote myself to!"
  • Ability:
  • Witch form: Merkava
  • Japanese pronoun: Hikaru (ひかる)
  • School: Torayamachi School

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute
★4 → ★5 100 Support Attribute light.png
Initial 6337 1774 1728
Max at ★4 23142 6432 6175
Max at ★5 29199 8116 7785
Max SE 34225 10439 9994
Disk accele.png Disk accele.png Disk blast vertical.png Disk blast vertical.png Disk charge.png
Connect: We'll Stand It Together!
★4: Blast Damage UP [VIII] & Charge Damage UP [IV] & Accele MP UP [V]
★5: Blast Damage UP [IX] & Charge Damage UP [VI] & Accele MP UP [VII]
Magia: Go! Hikaru Soldiers!
★4: Damage All Enemies [V] & Chance to Critical & Status Ailment Resistance UP (All / 3 T)
★5: Damage All Enemies [VII] & Chance to Critical & Status Ailment Resistance UP (All / 3 T)
Doppel: Merkava
Damage to all enemies [IX] & Chance to Critical & Status Ailment Resistance UP (All / 3 T)
Spirit Enhancement Data

Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge
4★ +8% +5% +5% +6% +6% +4%
5★ +9% +6% +6% +7% +7% +5%
SE +9% +6% +6% +13% +13% +10%
Spirit Enhancement
Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]
MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]
Doppel Damage UP [I] & Magia Damage UP [I]
MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [III]
MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]
Magia Damage UP [II]
Blast Damage UP [II]
Accele MP Gain UP [II] & Blast Damage UP [II]
Blast Damage UP [II]
Damage Cut [II]
Chance to Skill Quicken [III]
Chance to Darkness on Attack [II] (1T)
Active Ability: Damage UP [VI] & Evade [Vi] (Self / 1T) [CD: 10 turns]


A magical girl who is like a servant who belongs to Promised Blood. If it's for the good of the people she trusts, she can fight without danger and she never fails in her day-to-day support. However, when she's alone she has trouble taking care of herself, neglecting herself, and lacking the energy to get into anything.

Doppel Description

The Doppel of sluggishness. Its form is a chariot. The master of this emotion feels utmost joy in working for the sake of others, but is terribly lazy when it comes to her own self. As such, she has nothing but mixed feelings about dragging around a being that represents herself. Because this Doppel is powered by its master’s own strength, it cannot take action by itself, but upon being thrown by its master, it will instantly crush its enemies with its massive, sturdy body. The Doppel itself loves being of use to people, so it only intends to hug its enemies as it’s flying toward them, but since being thrown causes a large blade to jut out of its body, it always thinks that it’s failed.

Side Story

Costume Stories

Swimsuit (2020)

Hikaru and Yuna are hanging out at Yuna’s place and watching TV. On the screen, the TV reporter is talking about the water-rescue dogs that are being trained at the beach. Yuna things it’s amazing that simple dogs can be trained to rescue people. Hikaru notices Yuna praising the dogs and mentions that she knows how to swim too. Yuna nods and says she had heard that Hikaru was a good swimmer then turns her attention back to the screen. She comments on how cute the dogs are as Hikaru realizes that a bunch of lame dogs are getting more praise from Yuna than Hikaru usually does. When Hikaru arrives home, she looks around for her swimsuit. She soon finds it and says now all she has to do is wait for an opportunity.

Over the next few days, Hikaru sticks close to Yuna’s side whenever she happens to venture near the beach. When Yuna goes to check out a shop that Juri mentioned, Hikaru points to the sea and mentions how beautiful it is. When their people have a small scuffle near the ports, Hikaru suggests they go to the seaside to see if there’s anyone that’s injured there. Several days later and both Hikaru and Yuna are searching for traces of a Witch they sensed near the beach. Yuna asks Hikaru what’s wrong and mentions how fidgety and restless she’s been lately. Hikaru says it’s nothing but even Yuna has noticed that Hikaru has been following her around more everytime she goes near the sea. Hikaru assures her once more that it’s nothing and even tries to laugh it off. Inwardly Hikaru begins to chide herself for thinking that such a convenient opportunity would ever come up. Just then they hear a woman’s voice crying out for help. A woman is frantically crying out for help since her child has fallen into the ocean and could drown. Hikaru turns to Yuna and asks her if she should go help, but Yuna tells her to calm down and says she could drown as well if she jumps in with her clothes on. But Hikaru figured something like this might happen and came prepared. Hikaru tosses off her regular clothes to reveal she’s been wearing her swimsuit underneath her clothes this entire time. Hikaru once more asks Yuna for her orders, and Yuna, completely thrown off by this, asks her to go help the woman. Hikaru nods and immediately jumps into the water to rescue the drowning girl.

The woman and her child thank Hikaru for everything but Hikaru is just happy to help. Yuna tells her great job as Hikaru asks if Yuna didn’t see her easily rescue those people and casually mentions how much more useful she is than a water-rescue dog. Yuna nods, finally understanding why Hikaru had been wearing her swimsuit underneath her clothes. Hikaru is ready to prove her usefulness at any moment. Yuna asks Hikaru why she’s trying to compete with dogs like some kind of elementary school kid. She tells Hikaru to not wear her swimsuit under her clothes anymore. When Hikaru asks if that’s an order, Yuna tells her it’s just common sense since emergency situations that deal with swimming don’t happen often. Hikaru hangs her head after being scolded for being silly. Still, Yuna thinks they still learned something that day: if ever there came a time when their team is drowning in the ocean she knows they’ll be alright as long as Hikaru is around. Hikaru perks up at these words of praise as Yuna tells her she’s her trusted confidant and to be more confident in herself. Hikaru smiles and says she understands.

Event Appearances

Other Appearances



  • The characters in her last name mean "gleam/twinkle" (煌) and "village" (里), respectively.


  • Her illustrator is Aoki Ume.
  • Her Doppel is the first to be time-locked, it only being revealed on October 28, 2019.
    • Merkava is Hebrew for "chariot".
  • Her VA, Fuuka Izumi, shared that her most favorite character in the game is Tsuruno.
  • Hikaru cannot distinguish a pancake and an okonomiyaki.
  • During the Crimson Resolve event, Hikaru was referred to as "The Horse of the Torayamachi gang". There is a Japanese race horse named "Hikaru Kirari".


Game Gallery

Official Art

Memoria Cards

Card Effect Cooldown Eng Text Jap Text
Beach Friendship
Max Limit Break:
Accele MP UP [III] & Blast Damage UP [III] & Charged Damage UP [II]
Passive “Minami-san, I want you to team up with Hikaru for the next game.”

“Eh? That’s fine, but… what kind of wind are you blowing?” “We were able to cooperate so well, so playing just one match seems like kind of a waste.” “…Heh heh, Rena thought so too. So do you want to play another round?”


「え?そりゃいいけど…どういう風の吹きまわしよ?」 「上手く連携できたのに、1試合だけじゃもったいないっすもん」 「…ふふっ、それはレナも思ってた。んじゃ、もう1試合やる?」

Best Splash Scene
Max Limit Break:
Chance to Critical [IV] & Guaranteed Anti-Evade (Self / 1T)
Max Limit Break:
6 turns

"Ah, take a look! This is the video of everyone playing together~" "I didn't even think of playing with those things at first. …Or rather, Rena, isn’t it a bit too exciting?!?” "Fufu, it was fun! I wish I could play again..."


「あのメンツで遊ぶなんて、最初は考えもしなかったわね …ていうかレナ、ちょっとはしゃぎすぎじゃない…!?」 「ふふ、楽しかったよね!また、遊べたらいいなぁ…」

Crimson Resolve
Max Limit Break:
Blast Damage Up [II] & Charged Attack Damage Up [IV]
Passive Blood drips, one drop, one drop, the crimson of life.

The deep red hardens, spreading outward, a chain of deaths. A vow to some, to ourselves, to grieve over someone, to my brethren. A taste that fills, a rising scent, I will never forget it, the taste of Promise.


固まる臙脂、広がり連なる、死の鎖 誓いは誰に、我々に、悼みは誰に、同胞に 満ちる味、立つ香り、忘却許さぬ、約束の味

Everyone Gets Along In Paradise
Max Limit Break:
Chance to Critical [V] & Attack UP [V] (Self / 1T)
Max Limit Break:
8 turns
Acknowledged by the Uwasa and guided by them to a banquet in the Land of the Pure.

The respite may be cold, but I can't help but feel at peace. I'm certain it's because in the end, we were able to fit together beautifully in a single hand. ...That's what I thought, but a warm voice is trying to pull me back.


休は冷たくなっても、安らかな気分でいられるのは きっと、最期にひとつの手の中で、美しく収まることができたから …そう思ったのに、温かい声が私を引き戻そうとしている

Kind-Hearted Revolutionary
Chance to Anti-Provoke [VI] & Attack UP [IV]
Max Limit Break:
Chance to Anti-Provoke [VIII] & Attack UP [V]
Passive "That's her, isn't it? Kureha-san, who became the student council president as a freshman..."

"She's so imposing, so dependable... it's hard to believe she's an underclassman." "Maybe she can be the one to transform this crappy school." "I get it! She's one of those what's-it-called... um... oh, a revolutionary!"


「堂々としていて、頼りがいがあって…なんだか下級生とは思えない」 「…彼女なら、このクソみたいな学校を変えてくれるのかも」 「わかる!そういうのなんて言うんだっけ…えっと…そう、革命家!」

A Moment of Indulgence
Magia Damage DOWN [VII] (Single / 1 T) & Attack DOWN [V] (Single / 1T)
Max Limit Break:
Magia Damage DOWN [VIII] (Single / 1 T) & Attack DOWN [VI] (Single / 1T)
6 turns
Max Limit Break:
5 turns
"No, being alone doesn't do any good...

Whenever I notice that I'm alone, I tend to lean towards the easy way... I don't have a hard time as long as I can ask and answer why that is, I'm not lethargic because I like it."

**Unique to Hikaru Kirari**

気がついたら楽な方に流れて行くんすよ… どうしてかって聞かれて答えられるぐらいなら苦労はしないっす 好きで無気力になりたいなんて思ってないんすから」

One and Only Contradiction
Damage Cut [IV] & Chance to Critical Hit [IV] (Self / 3 T)
Max Limit Break:
Damage Cut [V] & Chance to Critical Hit [V] (Self / 3 T)
9 turns
Max Limit Break:
8 turns
"I want to be an unbreakable being, I want to be a being that can carry through everything.

Even if tens of thousands of fires rain down, even if a strong wall stands up over and over again. Even if I'm exhausted, I want to keep running for the sake of those who want to live. So I want to become the strongest weapon and shield. The strongest contradiction of the two."


幾千幾万の火が降り注ごうとも、幾重にも並ぶ堅牢な壁であっても 精根尽き果てるまで、生きがいである人のために駆け続けたい だから最強の矛であり盾となる。ふたつを纏う最強の矛盾として」

Overlapping Strategies
Max Limit Break:
Attack DOWN [II] & Damage DOWN [II] (Single / 3 T)
Max Limit Break:
8 turns
It was the battle that remained at the end of the battle.

It was the plot that was layered above the plot. The sight you're tired of seeing, the final layer, the people change but the same scene is engraved. I wish, I just hope, I just want an end to the end.


謀の上に重ねられたのは謀だった 見飽きた光景、上塗りの結末、人が変わって同じ光景が刻まれる 願うばかり、ただ願うばかり、終われ終われと願うばかり

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos

Dialogue Lines

  1. This is the age she says she's at during Crimson Resolve, but she might be lying so that she would be accepted in Jyanomiya, which only has members who are 15 or younger.