Sayaka Miki (Surfer ver.)

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Sayaka Miki (Surfer ver.)
Card 24014 l.png
Japanese Name 美樹 さやか 晴着ver。(Miki Sayaka Surfer Ver.)
Voiced by Japanese: Eri Kitamura
ID No: 2401
For her full bio, see Sayaka Miki (or in Magia Record).

Sayaka Miki (Surfer ver.) is a version of Sayaka Miki that debuted in the mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record. She is just Sayaka with an alternate outfit.

General Info

Physical features

  • Age: 14
  • Height: 158-160 cm
  • Eye colour: Blue
  • Hair colour: Blue
  • Origins: Mitakihara City


  • Soul Gem: C-shape, similar to a cresent moon or a mermaid's tail (stomach)
  • Weapon: Surfboard
  • Wish: To heal the arm of Kyosuke Kamijo (exact wording unknown)
  • Ability: Healing
  • Witch form: Oktavia von Seckendorff
  • Japanese Pronoun: atashi (あたし)
  • School: Mitakihara Middle School, Second Year

Game Info

Stats, Connect, Magia Data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute

4★→ 5★



Attribute aqua.png


Initial 6550 1688 2415

Max at ★4 23750 6032 8819
Max at ★5 30748 7519 11278

Max SE 38060 9540 15079
Disk accele.png Disk accele.png Disk blast horizontal.png Disk charge.png Disk charge.png
Connect: Let's ride together!

★4 Damage UP [VII] & Damage Cut [V] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [VII]
★5 Damage UP [IX] & Damage Cut [VII] & Status Ailment Resistance UP [IX]
Magia: Melodia Appassionata

★4 Damage to Single Enemy [V] & Attack UP (Self / 3T) & Defense UP (Self / 3T) & Barrier [10,000 HP] (Self / 3T)
★5 Damage to Single Enemy [VII] & Attack UP (Self / 3T) & Defense UP (Self / 3T) & Barrier [15,000 HP] (Self / 3T)
Doppel: Oktavia von Seckendorff

★5 Damage to Single Enemy [IX] & Attack UP (Self / 5T) & Defense UP (Self / 5T) & Barrier [20,000 HP] (Self / 5T)
Spirit Enhancement Data
Max Stat Bonuses
HP ATK DEF Accele Blast Charge

4★ +6% +4% +8% +6% +4% +6%
5★ +7% +5% +9% +7% +5% +7%

SE +7% +5% +9% +13% +8% +17%
Spirit Enhancement

MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Doppel Damage UP [IV] & Magia Damage UP [II]

Charge Disc Damage UP [II]

MP UP When Damaged [V]

Guaranteed Anti-Darkness

MP Gain UP When Over 100 MP [II]

Damage Cut [II] & Defense UP While At Max Health [IV]

Doppel Damage UP [III] & Magia Damage UP [I]

MP UP When Damaged [V]

Chance to Guardian [II]

Charge Disc Damage UP [II]

Barrier [5,000 HP] (Self/∞) at Start of Quest

Guaranteed Guardian (1T) & Regenerate HP [V] (Self / 3T) CD: 5 turns


A Magical Girl who enjoys seaside vacations. With the help of magic, she dashes onto the waves with a surfboard that doubles as a weapon. Because she's actually a beginner, she's unaware she unconsciously pulled off some expert techniques like switch stance, off the lip, etc.

Doppel Description

Oktavia von Seckendorff, Sayaka's doppel

The Doppel of romantic yearning. Its form is a mermaid. The master of this emotion averts her eyes from the fundamental truth that “unannounced feelings cannot reach their recipient,” and continues to wait for a coincidental opportunity– her “big wave of summer”– to arrive. As such, this Doppel has an overabundance of free time, and begins swimming around exuberantly as soon as it’s set free. Its offensive techniques are a pure combination of kinetic and potential energy, utilizing the accelerating passion of summer and the overwhelming mass of a lovesick heart to crush its enemies into dust. After the relief that accompanies this momentary expulsion of emotion, the Doppel’s master will most likely continue trying to convince herself that “her ideal opportunity still hasn’t arrived”.

Side Story


Event Appearances

Other Appearances


  • Madoka, Mami, and Kyoko appear in her transformation scene.


Memoria Cards

To edit a memoria's details, click on the specific memoria

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text
Beyond the Waves
Icon skill 1120.pngH Morale Shield Adept
Normal Passive
Damage Cut [IV] & MP Gain UP [II] & Defense UP [II]
Max Limit Break
Damage Cut [V] & MP Gain UP [III] & Defense UP [IV]
I don't know how to ride properly. I only learned what "take off" means today.

I know I haven't practiced enough. But I can't back down now. "I'm not going to do it on the spot, but I'm going to do it!

I'm going to aim beyond the waves... I'm going to charge forward in my own way!"

練習不足はわかってる。だけどいまさら引き下がれない。 「ぶっつけ本番…じゃ、ないけど、さあ、いくよ!

An Entrance Backed by a Column of Clouds!
Icon skill 1140.pngAnti-Burn
Normal Passive
Max Limit Break
Guaranteed Anti-Burn & Blast Damage UP [V]
I recently noticed that I haven’t seen a text from Mami-san for the past two days, and since she couldn't get ahold of Mitama, the swimsuit arrangements had to be delayed. I had found a spot that looked interesting, so I took a little detour. My reason for being tardy is a bit much, but... wasn't the timing for my appearance perfect?後で聞けば、マミさんからの連絡を2日見てなかったとか、

みたまさんがつかまらなくて水着の準備が遅れたとか、 面白そうなスポットを見つけたから少し寄り道したとか、

Time Starts to Move Again
Icon skill 1128.pngGuard Appeal
Normal Passive
Chance to Provoke [IV] & Defense UP [IV]
Max Limit Break
Chance to Provoke [V] & Defense UP [V]
**Unique to Sayaka Miki (Surfer ver.)**
The child was sitting in a corner of the room where time had stopped moving.

There is no one who knows when the hands of the clock stopped. A final guide to unravel a forgotten story

Was it guidance or coincidence that brought about this small encounter?

時計の針がいつ止まったのか、知る者はひとりもいない 忘れられた物語を紐解く、最後の道しるべ

Card Effect Cooldown EN TextJP Text

External links

Gameplay Videos

Side Story and Costume Story Videos