Magia Series

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"Wait..wait..wait... Wh..WHAT IS THIS?", Madoka continued yelling toward the mirror as she walked forward, extending a hand and touching the window. Truth was, you weren't Madoka, Madoka was an anime character. You were now Madoka. ~ Episode 1 of Revolution

The Magia Series (aka Puella Magi /a/nonymous Magica) is a series of Madoka CYOA threads by /a/nonymous magica. Set during the main timeline of the anime, what would happen if you were to one day wake up as Madoka Kaname, with knowledge of the events of the anime? What would happen when you let the anonymous folks at /a/ of 4chan take control over Madoka's body? That is the premise of this series of Choose Your Own Adventure threads from /a/. This is the story of the collective conscious of /a/ in Madoka's body, and their fate.


Note: This section does contain some spoilers and not all of it is hidden. Tread at your own risk.


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With no memories of herself and her past life, Faust, the main protagonist /a/ controls, wakes up one day, only to find herself in the Madokaverse trapped in Madoka's body. Possessing nothing but the knowledge of the events of the anime, Faust decides to make it her life mission to save this timeline and the girls without resorting to using the anime wish.

After making contact with Madoka, Faust vaguely remembers a bit of her past and herself. She once lived in a world where everyone had some sort of superpower, such as shooting fire or the ability to fly. Faust herself was looked down upon, made fun of, and excluded from everything, because she had what everyone thought a very useless power. Unlike anyone else, Faust has 1000 different minds or "voices" in her head that help guide her in making decisions. But since her power doesn't have any sort of practical use, Faust felt she was useless. One night, Faust dreamed that she wanted to make a difference in the world, when then suddenly a bright light engulfed her, beginning her journey. Faust then realized that she also had the power to leap into other people's minds. Faust's desire to make a difference, and Madoka being the center of everything in the Madokaverse, is what caused her to be trapped in Madoka's body. As Faust continues to fight to save the girls, her personality changes to be more similar to Madoka. The way Faust talked, her kindness to the other girls, her goals and desires, all became more and more similar to Madoka the longer Faust spent time in Madoka's body. This culminates in a dream sequence, where Faust and Madoka eventually come to terms to fully accepting each other, and agreeing that the both of them can change the future. This causes their minds to fully merge into one complete being.

Throughout Revolution, Faust's mind powers slowly developed and became more powerful. She learned to use Mind Bombs, in which she shoots an invisible dome of powerful force from her mind. Her mind powers grew so powerful to the point that she was able to break causality, bringing TL3 Mami, Kyouko, Madoka, and Homura for the fight against Walpurgisnact, and merging all existing timelines into one. Faust was even able to entirely erase Walpurgisnacht from existence with just her mind. Faust reached the peak of her powers when she was able to access the powers of Madoka, Homura, Mami, Kyouko, and Sayaka without contracting in the battle against Ferocia, the witch of causality. The combination of those powers allowed her to defeat Ferocia and seemingly save the world. After Faust returns from the battle with Ferocia, Faust and Madoka's minds separate, with Faust also acquiring a body of her own in the form of Madoka's Goddess alter-ego. Despite the separation, Faust still maintains a similar personality and a small, weak connection to Madoka.

In Covenant, it is discovered that Faust and Anbey are enemies destined to fight each other to the death. Faust is the embodiment of Order and Hope while Anbey is the embodiment of Chaos and Despair. Their actions throughout their respective stories influenced each other, giving them godlike powers.

In Sketch, it is then revealed that Faust and Anbey are siblings and that Ouroboros, a god who's been pulling the entire events of Magia behind the scenes, is their father. Not knowing the purpose of his existence, Ouroboros became interested in humanity and wished to know how to love, feel, and live like a human. Despite watching humanity for many, many years, Ouroboros could still not understand them, and why they suffer so much. Because he has no one to relate or share his own thoughts and feelings, Ouroboros created his two sons, Faust and Anbey, with his own power. Ouroboros watched his two sons grow and saw that they would always share everything with each other, whether they laughed, smiled, or cried. He saw his own two sons fall in love with each other. Ouroboros wondered why his own two sons can experience love, yet he cannot. Ouroboros then grew jealous of his two sons and decided to punish them. He wanted his sons to feel his own pain. He pitted Faust and Anbey against each other as eternal enemies, with Faust representing Ouroboro's positive emotions, while Anbey represented his negative emotions. Ouroboros watched them fight and suffer, and reveled in it. Ouroboros saw their pain and suffering as entertainment, and repeated their eternal struggle endlessly. He also instilled the seeds of power in Faust and Anbey, and if they ever manage to defeat him, the seeds would give birth to a new Ouroboros. Even though Faust and Anbey fought each other endlessly and suffered, Ouroboros noticed that they always fell in love with each other, regardless of anything. Despite the pain, fighting, and suffering, Faust and Anbey's eternal love for each other never fades away.

Kaname Madoka

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The main protagonist of the anime and whose body Faust is in control of at the beginning of the story, Madoka herself at first doesn't appear in the story, her mind being unconsciously locked away by Faust. After a couple days in her body, Faust however manages to make contact and communicate with Madoka's mind. Faust tells Madoka who she is and and the whole truth about the events of the anime, and reassures her that she is here to help Madoka. Both of them then agree to share Madoka's body, with Faust being in control most of the time, with Madoka switching whenever its safe. Because Faust is the dominant mind in control, the amount of time Faust spends in Madoka's body affected Faust's personality, making her act more and more like Madoka. This is probably because Madoka's mind is unknowingly influencing Faust's own mind, and in turn her actions and personality. Madoka's influence on Faust culminates in a dream sequence in which the both of them fully accept each other for who they are and agree that they both have the power to change the future. This causes Madoka and Faust's minds to merge, creating one complete being. However, after the defeat of Ferocia, Faust and Madoka separate, with Faust acquiring her own body in the form of Madoka's Goddess alter-ego.

In Sketch, Madoka is revealed to be the Scale, the one who keeps the embodiment of Order (Faust) and Chaos (Anbey) in balance. The Scale is independent from Ouroboros and is only created when the balance between Faust and Anbey is broken. When Anbey steals Faust's seed of power and leaves her to die, stuck in the original TL5, Faust, remembering her connection with Madoka, tries to reach out to her. Madoka then summons Faust back to their own timeline, designating herself as the Scale.


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The main protagonist of Covenant, and a major character in Sketch, Anbey is an Incubator capable of emotions. Interested more in her own personal gain than trying to save the universe from entropy, and intrigued and amused by the nature of humanity, Anbey decides to give humanity the ultimate test: by starting a war between humans and magical girls.

In Covenant, through a series of events, Anbey ends up in Starcrossed Place, the place where Faust has her dreams. There Anbey and Faust meet for the first time and discover their relationship with each other. Both of them are enemies fated to fight each other to the death. All of Faust's actions in Revolution, and Anbey's actions in Covenant, reveal that Faust was the embodiment of Order and Hope, while Anbey was the embodiment of Chaos and Despair, and that they were affecting each other, giving themselves godly amounts of power. Both of them then clash, unleashing their powers, with Anbey possessing the powers of all the girls she contracted and also gaining a human form remarkably similar to Faust. While both are roughly equal in power, Anbey's meddling in Starcrossed Place along with Faust's sheer willpower results in Anbey's defeat. Anbey proclaims this isn't the end though, saying they will meet again and she will kill Faust. Anbey then manages to wake up and escape from Gretchen's barrier, still in possession of the power she gained at Starcrossed Place, and furthers her plans in her world war and her confrontation with Faust.

In Sketch, it is then revealed that Faust and Anbey are siblings and that Ouroboros, a god who's been pulling the entire events of Magia behind the scenes, is their father. Not knowing the purpose of his existence, Ouroboros became interested in humanity and wished to know how to love, feel, and live like a human. Despite watching humanity for many, many years, Ouroboros could still not understand them, and why they suffer so much. Because he has no one to relate or share his own thoughts and feelings, Ouroboros created his two sons, Faust and Anbey, with his own power. Ouroboros watched his two sons grow and saw that they would always share everything with each other, whether they laughed, smiled, or cried. He saw his own two sons fall in love with each other. Ouroboros wondered why his own two sons can experience love, yet he cannot. Ouroboros then grew jealous of his two sons and decided to punish them. He wanted his sons to feel his own pain. He pitted Faust and Anbey against each other as eternal enemies, with Faust representing Ouroboro's positive emotions, while Anbey represented his negative emotions. Ouroboros watched them fight and suffer, and reveled in it. Ouroboros saw their pain and suffering as entertainment, and repeated their eternal struggle endlessly. He also instilled the seeds of power in Faust and Anbey, and if they ever manage to defeat him, the seeds would give birth to a new Ouroboros. Even though Faust and Anbey fought each other endlessly and suffered, Ouroboros noticed that they always fell in love with each other, regardless of anything. Despite the pain, fighting, and suffering, Faust and Anbey's eternal love for each other never fades away.

Akemi Homura

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The initial target of Faust's affection, Faust decides to tell Homura the truth as Madoka after the initial confrontation between Mami and Homura in the first episode of Revolution. Believing in Faust, Homura becomes renewed with hope, and decides to do anything for Faust, with becoming friends and cooperating with Mami as the first step.

It is quite apparent that Faust is in love with Homura throughout Revolution, making quite a few advances, spending as much quality time with her, and even desperately trying to preserve Homura's Soul Gem after her body gets brutally scissored by a familiar. Although Homura doesn't realize this throughout Revolution, she finally does learn of Faust after Faust and Madoka separate from returning from the battle against Ferocia. Knowing that Faust is the one that saved her and the others and changed their future, she thanks Faust for everything and in a moment of weakness, is about to give herself to Faust, still thinking Faust is Madoka. Faust ultimately rejects her own feelings for Homura and gives her to Madoka, saying that she isn't Madoka and that the one person Homura loves, the one person she always protected, the one person she should be with, is Madoka. Homura realizes that Faust is right, and goes to Madoka to confess her feelings.

Even after Homura and Madoka got together in Sketch, Faust still shows signs of feelings for Homura. This is apparent when human Oktavia kills Homura, blaming her for the death of Mami in her timeline. Homura's death made Faust become fueled with immense rage, almost killing Oktavia, if not for Madoka about to make a contract with Kyubey to revive Homura. Faust stops Madoka from contracting, and in her place, sacrifices her own life to save Homura. It is implied that Homura may also have harboring feelings for Faust. Upon reviving and discovering that Faust sacrificed her own life for her, Homura also becomes consumed by rage and brutally kills Oktavia off-screen. After Faust is revived by the actions of Anbey, Faust decides to see Homura. Homura, who's still torn and confused by Faust's sacrifice, asks her why she saved her. Once again, Faust rejects her own feelings, and tells Homura that she loves her as her friend, and that she loves all the other girls too, and would do the same for the others.

Tomoe Mami

After her initial confrontation with Homura, Mami becomes friends and cooperates with Homura by Faust's request. After Faust and Sayaka visit Kyousuke in the hospital, they find a Grief Seed about to hatch right outside the hospital, just like episode 3 in the anime. Faust, knowing Mami died during her fight with Charlotte in the anime, decides to contact Homura instead of Mami, preventing Mami's initial death.

Miki Sayaka

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Knowing that Sayaka is one of the major factors why Homura fails to save the girls in every timeline when she contracts, Faust prioritizes in preventing Sayaka from becoming a magical girl.

Sakura Kyouko

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Kyouko makes her first appearance in episode 5 of Revolution along with Yuma, asking Mami if she heard about the magical girl killings. Faust also knows of the events of Oriko Magica and decides that all the girls should work together in hunting down Oriko and Kirika.

Chitose Yuma

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A young orphan under the care of Kyouko. She was tricked into contracting by Oriko, which provoked Kyouko into hunting Oriko and Kirika down.

Shizuki Hitomi

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With Kyousuke isolating himself after the witch incident at the dinner date with Sayaka, and with Madoka and Sayaka seemingly ignoring her and hanging out with Mami and Homura instead, Hitomi has felt nothing but loneliness and neglect throughout Revolution. The potential despair Hitomi held piqued Kyubey's interest, and he decided she was eligible for a contract in episode 15, which was also the day of Walpurgisnacht. Kyubey tells Hitomi that her friends are in danger, and that he can grant her the powers to fight and protect them if she has a wish. Hitomi then wishes to protect everyone she holds dear, and becomes a magical girl.


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Kyubey maintains the same role as he did in the anime. Not knowing the existence of Faust, he questions Madoka's motives as to why she willingly let Homura kill him, instead of trying to save him in the first episode.


Third Axis: Rage

Due to Faust's distortions in the universe, a third function was 'hacked' into the Soul Gem. Now, when a Puella Magi experiences intense fluctuations of rage, their magical capacity increases. This offers a boost in combat. However, reliance on this power can prove to be quite dangerous. Both Grief and Rage can coexist in the Soul Gem, making for catastrophic results. It can cause a large explosion, consuming the entire surrounding area. An overflow of Rage can cause something covered down below.

Infernal Witches/Infernal

An Infernal is a Puella Magi that has been consumed by Rage. The Soul Gem becomes a bright red before becoming a dark brown. The Soul Gem explodes, causing the body of the original Puella Magi to disintegrate in the blast. The nature of an Infernal Witch is far different than that of a regular witch. Instead of hiding in a barrier, Infernal's will directly attack their targets. They aren't afraid of Puellae Magi and have no interest in hiding. They're a physical manifestation of the Puella Magi's hate for the world. Their behavior is linked to the source of their Rage. For instance, if Homura transformed she would destroy everything but Madoka. Anything that would cause the girl sadness, she would obliterate it without remorse.

Episode Summaries

Archived Threads

Note: Magia Sketch is being retconned and the true sequel to Magia Revolution is Magia Rebuild. It is still recommended you read Magia Sketch.

Magia Revolution (Season 1)

Magia Covenant

An interquel taking place right after the events of Revolution and before the events of Sketch, through the eyes of an Incubator named Anonbey/Anbey.


A non-canon Steins;Gate/Madoka crossover one-shot.

Kyouko of the Rebellion

A non-canon spinoff not written by the original author of the Magia series but based on the same universe.

Magia Sketch (Season 2)

Magia Rebuild (Season 2.1)