Madoka Magica Episode 7: Can You Face Your True Feelings?

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Can You Face Your True Feelings?
First airing 17 February 2011
Script Gen Urobuchi
Storyboard Masayoshi Nishita
Episode director Satoaki Kidokoro
Animation Director Ryou Kobayashi
Tomoaki Kado


The episode starts off with Sayaka in her room, outraged at the fact that Kyubei lied to her and Madoka about the use of her powers of a Puella Magi. Kyubei explains that because Sayaka chose to become a Puella Magi, she should accept all the responsibilities that come with it. This leaves Sayaka feeling regret that she became a Puella Magi at all. The next day, Madoka notices that Sayaka is absent from school and begins to worry. During lunch break, Madoka meets with Akemi on the roof of the school and questions her why she never told either Madoka nor Sayaka why she knew all along about the true nature of the Soul Gem and its connection with the Puella Magi. Akemi merely replies by scolding Madoka for interfering once again, after numerous warnings that were given to her. She then goes on to say that Kyubei does not think of himself as a cruel being, he is merely the one who deals the contracts to the Puella Magi and gives them a choice whether to accept or not.

Meanwhile, as Sayaka is laying in her bed, thinking about the choice she made to become a magical girl, she receives a telepathic message from Kyouko who is right outside her house, holding a bag of apples. Kyouko tells her that she wants to talk. Sayaka complies and the two head towards an abandoned church. When they arrive at the church, Sayaka asks why Kyouko brought her here. Kyouko offers Sayaka an apple but when Sayaka throws it away, Kyouko angrily walks over to her and lifts her up by the collar, telling her not to waste food. After Kyouko calms down, she starts telling Sayaka about her past and why she chose to become a magical girl as well as the wish she made. Back when Kyouko was younger, her father used to preach at a church, telling everyone the truths of the world, the words of righteousness and about the witches who were evil. However no one would believe him, everyone thought of him as a crazy cult leader. This left Kyouko and her family poor, they were without food and so Kyouko made a wish with Kyubei, she made her pact to become a magical girl. Her wish was for people to believe in her fathers words and to fight against the witches, the evils of the world. This was when Kyouko went public as a magical girl and fought the witches. She told her father that she had wished for people to follow him. This did not suit well at all with her father, she called Kyouko a witch and in a drunken rage, killed Kyouko's family, leaving only her alive.

After Kyouko finishes telling her tale, Sayaka questions why she told her. Kyouko tells Sayaka that she is headed on the same path as she once was when she became a magical girl. Sayaka apologizes to Kyouko for misunderstanding her, that she does have a sentimental side after all. Questioning where Kyouko got the bag of apples from, Sayaka says that since they were no doubt stolen, she can't accept one. She then exits the church, leaving Kyouko in frustration. The next day, when Sayaka attends school, she is joined by Madoka and Hitomi, wondering where she was the previous day. Madoka worries, but Sayka assures her she's fine. Sayaka's close friend Kamijou is also in attendance for the first time after being discharged from the hospital. Madoka says that Sayaka should go and see him, but Sayaka declines. After school, Hitomi asks Sayaka to meet her at a cafe where Hitomi tells her that she has had a crush on Kamjiou for quite some time now. This startles Sayaka, but Hitomi says that she will give her one day to confess, because she knows Sayaka has feelings for him too. Though if she cannot confess in one day, Hitomi will do so.

As night approaches, a depressed and confused Sayaka is heading out to get her mind off of everything by witch hunting. She is then confronted by Madoka who still thinks something is wrong. Sure enough, Sayaka is still fighting feelings of regret and questions whether or not she made the right choice to become a magical girl. After being held by Madoka, Sayaka comes to a resolve and regains composure, heading out to hunt the witch. Atop a scaffolding, Kyouko is approached by Akemi who asks her if she allowed Sayaka to hunt her "prey", the witch Kyouko was after. Kyouko curses Sayaka, calling her an idiot. Sayaka is then seen charging forth at the mysterious witch whose powers appear to be the manipulation of roots and vines. Madoka becomes worried after Sayaka is put in numerous predicaments. Kyouko soon comes to her rescue but is told by Sayaka not to interfere, that this is her fight. Sayaka, who has seemingly lost her sanity then rushes forth, attacking the witch, laughing, slashing mercilessly leaving Madoka to plead for her to stop.


See also Runes of episode 7


  • The opening sequence reverted back to how it was in Episode 5, not featuring the colorful background anymore.
  • Just before we get a close up of Sayaka's face in the church, there is an angel in one of the gothic windows that seems to be thrusting a sword (Sayaka's symbol) into Kyouko's silhouette.
