File talk:Dengeki PlayStation 2013-03 01.jpg

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Revision as of 15:12, 23 February 2012 by Yorkwoo (talk | contribs) (translations)
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The Kyoko route is revealed.

The Kyoko route shows how did she live before met with Madoka. That is described more clear than TV anime. Also it is possible to experience how she fought with Mami. Can you face her tragic past?

Kyoko's father and younger sister also appear more visualized. It is more immersive into the story.

At that time, it was peaceful

A happy family which is facing its destruction not too far. What was the tragedy raided to the church?

Meeting Kyubey

Kyubey scouted her. What was her answer?

Fought with Mami

Kyoko fought with Mami before. She appears just after Mami's retreat, so it is happy to see them fighting together for fans.


Kyoko is envious with Mami. But they are apart by some reason. Kyoko, fought with a lance, and Mami, using muskets. Were they partners before?