Madoka Magica Articles

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Madoka Speculah.jpg
Note: For actual, consistent facts about the show, please refer to Facts and Observations

This page serves as an archive for fan-created articles documenting analysis and theories on Madoka Magica. The contents below are not to be considered facts or a part of the official canon of the series. We welcome you to submit new articles as you deem necessary.

Theories & Speculations

Madoka speculation.png

The list below is organized by topic.


Plot theories attempt to explain or anticipate underlying structures or parts of the plot.

The Global Reset Theory
Theory stating that the world has been re-created at some point to avoid a fatal outcome.
The Time Travel Theory
Theory according to which one of the characters may be a time traveller going back in time to stop Madoka from becoming a Magical Girl. (Yeah, seriously!)
The War Between Good Guys Theory
Theory suggesting that the witches believe themselves to be the good guys.
The Pillar System Theory
Theory positing that witches serve as the 'goddesses' of multiple realities. Possibly an elaboration of the 'War Between Good Guys Theory' and the 'Witches as Fallen Magical Girls Theory.'


The articles listed below attempt to provide analysis or speculate on the roles and natures of the characters.

Speculations about the meaning, implication, and secret of each character's name
Make a Wish
Speculations in regard to each character's wish
Kyuubey is Evil
Theory foreshadowing Kyuubey as having an evil agenda
Mami as a Magical Girl Generator
Theory positing that Mami was created by Kyuubey as a mechanism to create more magic girls.
The Questing Beast Theory
Theory positing that Kyuubey's design and naming may be related to the Questing Beast of Arthurian Legend.
Archer Theory
Theory positing the Homura is a future version of Madoka.
Count Kyouko Theory
Theory positing that Kyouko's ability is vampiric in nature and allows her to "suck" magical energy out of other Puella Magi.
Kyuubey Familiar Theory
Theory positing that Kyuubey is already Madoka's familiar.
Homura Identity Swap Theory
A non-time-travel/non-reset theory positing that Homura may be Puella Magi who swapped bodies.
Puella Magi Don't Age
Theory positing that Puella Magi don't age based on several evidence provided by Kyouko Sakura.

Animation & Art

The articles below provide analysis or speculation on the visual media of the series

Ending Analysis
An in-depth analysis of the Ending Animation.
Of Butterflies and Spiders
Speculations pertaining to the visual symbolism of butterflies and spiderwebs.
Lord Humungus
Speculations regarding the presence of Lord Humungus (Mad Max 2) in a guest art following the Ending Animation.

Witches & Puella Magi

The following theories concern the natures of magical girls, witches, and magic, or posit links between them.

Witches as Fallen Magical Girls Theory
Theory suggesting that witches are former mahou shoujo who have lost their way.
Human Soul and Magic
Theory regarding the nature of the magic employed by mahou shoujo and witches.
Witches as Byproducts of Magical Girls
Theory suggesting witches to be a byproduct of a mahou shoujo's magic.
Magical Girls as Devil Pacters
Theory suggesting that the design of mahou shoujo is based on legends and mythology regarding pacts with devils.
Magical Powers
Theory regarding magical powers girls get by forming a contract.

Intertextuality & Literature

The following articles pertain to the intertextuality of the series and references or allusions made to works of literature.

Der Steppenwolf
John Gabriel Borkman

External articles