Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 1

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 1-1

1-1 Before

Kyubey よし、早速見つけたようだね。

これが魔女が隠れ潜んでいる迷宮…… 結界への入り口だ。

Alright, it seems we found it straight away.

This is the labyrinth where the witch lurks hidden... the entrance to the barrier.

Kyubey 魔法少女の使命は、こうした結界を

見つけ出し、世界に恐ろしい災厄を 撒き散らす魔女を倒すことだ。

Finding this sort of barrier and defeating the witches that spread terrible disasters to the world is a Magical Girl's mission.
Kyubey 結界の中は、なにが待ち構えているか


The kind of danger that awaits you beyond the barrier is anyone's guess.
Kyubey 君の力なら切り抜けられると思うけど


You should be able to make it through with your power, but take plenty of caution.
Kyubey さあ、準備はいいかい?

準備ができたなら魔女の結界に 突入しよう!

Are you ready?

If you're all set, let's break through the witch's barrier!

1-1 After

Mami キュゥべえ? それに……あなたは?

いま結界の反応が消えたけど、 まさかあなたが……。

Kuubey? Over there...and you are?

Now the barrier's reaction was to vanish, but surely you didn't...

Kyubey 一足遅かったようだね。


It seems that you were a second too late, huh.

The familiars were all defeated due to her!

Kyubey Player、

紹介しよう。彼女は巴マミ。 そっちの2人は……。


Let's do some introductions. She's Tomoe Mami. Those two people by you are...

Sayaka あたしは美樹さやか。

デビューしたての新人魔法少女でーす よろしくねっ!

I'm Miki Sayaka.

I'm a debuting newcomer magical girl--! Nice to meet you!

Madoka わたし、鹿目まどかです。えっと、

わたしもまだ新人なんだけど……、 どうぞよろしくね!

As for me, I am Kaname Madoka. Um,

the thing is, I'm also still a newcomer, but... it's very nice to meet you!

Mami ここで会えたのはいい機会ね。 Our meeting you here is a good opportunity, isn't it?
Mami Playerさん、

よかったら私たちと チームを組まない?


If you like, won't you form a team with us?

Mami ぜひ考えてみて。 You should certainly think it over.

Quest 1-2

1-2 Before

Madoka でもびっくりした。 What a surprise!
Madoka まさか去年クラスメイトだった

Playerちゃんが 魔法少女になってたなんて……!

To think Player-chan, my last year's classmate would become a Magical Girl...!
Sayaka マミさんは他の魔法少女には


Mami-san said to be careful of other Magical Girls,
Sayaka Playerみたいな子


But to girl like you, Player, I'll give you a warm welcome!
Madoka 実はワルプルギスの夜っていう、

すっごく強い魔女がもうすぐこの街に 現れるんで、

To be honest, a really strong witch called Walpurgis Night will soon appear in this town,
Madoka 他の魔法少女たちが大勢集まってるん


So we're trying to gather lots of other Magical Girls.
Madoka どんな子たちなのかな?

その子たちとも友達になれたら いいなぁ……。

I wonder what the other girls are like.

It would be great to make friends with them...

Madoka ね、Playerちゃんも


Don't you think so too, Player-chan?
Mami (……3人とも聞いて。


(...Listen up you three.

I detected the response of a witch)

Mami (……間違いなくこの近くに結界が


(...If I'm not mistaken the barrier is close by.

Come right away)

1-2 After

Madoka 結局、魔女はいませんでしたね……。 In the end, I guess it wasn't a witch...
Mami 私たちに気付いて逃げたようね。


It seems it noticed us and fled.

It must be quite a cautious one....

Mami 次に見つけた時はもっと慎重に


We have to be more careful the next time we find it.
Sayaka 次にって……すぐに追いかけなくても


The next time? Can't we just chase after it now, Mami-san?
Mami 魔女は普段から私たちの裏をかくため


Out of habit witches change spots many times to outsmart us.
Mami それに逃げた直後は隠れるのに必死で


And straight after they run they go straight into hiding

so frantically trying to find them will be difficult.

Mami 早く見つけるに越したことはないけど

今日のところはひとまず大丈夫だと 思う。

Since we won't be crossing paths with it for a while,

I think it should be safe for the time being.

Mami 私たちも今夜は解散して、


Let's also call it a day and prepare for it for tomorrow.

Quest 1-3

1-3 Before

Sayaka マミさんはああ言ってたけど、


Even with what Mami-san said, I'm still worried.
Sayaka 魔女はまわりに不幸や災いを


Saying the witch is spreading unhappiness and catastrophe around here...
Madoka うん、早く見つけて、犠牲になる人が


Yes, if we don't make sure to quickly find it so people won't be sacrificed...
Madoka でないと何の為に魔法少女に


If we don't go, I don't know what sort of Magical Girls would we be, right?
Madoka Playerちゃんも


Don't you think so too Player-chan?
Kyubey (頼もしいね3人とも。

 そんな君たちに朗報だ。  魔女の結界を見つけた。)

(You three are certainly reliable.

Here's some good news for people like you. I found the witch's barrier.)

Kyubey (マミにも知らせたから、


(I've told Mami about it so I want you to come quickly)
Madoka キュゥべえ?



...OK. We'll go right away!

Madoka さやかちゃん、

Playerちゃん、 行こ!!

Sayaka-chan, Player-chan, let's go!

1-3 After

Kyubey 魔女ではなく使い魔の結界だった


Instead of a witch, it seems it was a familiar.

This is my mistake.

Mami あそこまで成長した使い魔なら


It can't be helped making a mistake between a familiar that grew up over there and a witch.
Mami 魔女になる直前に倒せたんですもの。


We got it right before it could turn into a witch.

I suppose it was good.

Madoka でも使い魔ということは……

それを産んだ魔女がまだいるってこと ですよね? 早く何とかしないと……

But about the familiars...

The witch that is giving birth to them is still here, right? We need to do something quickly...

Mami このまま追いかけっこをしていたら、

被害が出てしまうかもしれないし…… 何か作戦を考える必要があるわね。

If we were to chase after it now, we may end up getting hurt...

We need to think of some sort of plan.

Madoka うーん、



It would be great if there was something we could do...

Quest 1-4

1-4 Before

Madoka (マミさんマミさん!


(Mami-san, Mami-san!

Please listen to this!!)

Mami (鹿目さん、ちゃんとテレパシーは

 通じてるから落ち着いて。  どうしたの?まずいことでも―)

(Kaname-san, calm down so the telepathy goes through.

What's the matter? Did something bad-)

Sayaka (違うんですマミさん、

 あたし、凄い作戦を  思いついちゃったんです!)

(That's not it, Mami-san,

I came up with a great plan!)

Sayaka (花をむしっちゃえば


(All we need to do is pluck flowers!)
Sayaka (あの魔女は、


(That witch is growing roses right?)
Sayaka (だからその大切なバラを

 摘んじゃえば、怒って姿を  現すんじゃないかって!)

(So if we pluck it's precious roses, it will reveal its angry self!)
Mami (そ、それは思いつかなかったわ。

 上手くいくかは分からないけど、  ……一度試してみてもいいかもね)

(T-That's something I didn't think of.

I'm not sure if it will work, but it might be worth a shot)

1-4 After

Sayaka さぁこれでどうだ?!


How do you like that?!

Come out you damn witch!!

Madoka ……なにも、起こらないね? ...Nothing's happening?
??? (魔女の結界を見つけた。

 先日話に出た奴に間違いないと  思う)

I found the witch's barrier.

I'm certain it came out during the discussions the other day.

??? (約束通り一緒にやりましょう。


As promised, we'll do it together.

I'll be waiting along with Sakura Kyouko at the entrance.

Sayaka 今のは転校生? 魔女が別の場所に

いるってことは……あたしの作戦、 大失敗ってこと?! トホホ……。

Was that the transfer student?

Saying the witch is at another place... Meaning my plan was a complete failure?! Boo-hoo...

Kyubey 願望を多大に加味した作戦の成功率は

極めて低いものだよ。さあ、この事は 教訓にして、いまは魔女退治だよ。

A plan that weighs heavily on one's desires is doomed to fail.

Make that be a lesson to you, as for now, its time to exterminate the witch.

Quest 1-5

1-5 Before

Madoka 紹介するね


I'll introduce you, Player-chan.
Madoka こちらは佐倉杏子ちゃんと

暁美ほむらちゃん、 2人ともとぉっても強いんだよ!

This is Sakura Kyouko-chan and Akemi Homura-chan,

They're both really strong!

Kyouko ふ~ん……アンタが新入りか。

ま、せいぜいあたしの足を引っ張ら ないように気をつけるこった。

Hmm... so you're the newcomer?

Well, just try to make sure that you don't get in my way as much as possible.

Kyouko よぅし、ついてきな新米ども! Alright, let's get going newbie!
Homura あなたは……。 It's you...
Madoka どうしたのほむらちゃん?もしかして

Playerちゃんのこと、 知ってるの?

What's the matter Homura-chan?

Could it be you know about Player-chan?

Homura ……いいえ、別に。それよりも

早く行きましょう。急がないと、 佐倉杏子に置いていかれるわ。

...No, not really.

More importantly, let's hurry up. If we don't, Sakura Kyouko will leave us behind.

1-5 After

Madoka やった……魔女をやっつけたよ、

さやかちゃん! Playerちゃん!

Hooray... we beat the witch

Sayaka-chan! Player-chan!

Sayaka やった!



We did it!!

Kyouko やれやれ、トーシロは初々しくって


Would you look at that, novices are so pure.
Kyouko 仕方ねぇ、

ヒヨッコの羽が生えそろうまで もうちょっと付き合ってやるか。

It can't be helped.

I'll keep you greenhorns company until you've grown some wings.

Mami そうだ…いい機会だから

Playerさんに グリーフシードについて説明するわ。

That's right...

I'll take this opportunity to tell you, Player-san, about grief seeds.

Mami グリーフシードというのは、

魔女を倒すと落とすことがある 貴重な品よ。

When you defeat a witch, there's a precious item that drops.

This is called a grief seed.

Mami これにはソウルジェムに溜まった

穢れを吸収して、浄化する働きが あるの。

It has the ability to absorb and clean the impurities that build up in your soul gem.
Mami とても大切なことだから


This is very important, so don't forget it, OK?