Talk:Magia Record Anime

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Revision as of 04:04, 14 January 2020 by Sondenise (talk | contribs) (I gathered most of the references to Kenji's works on this page so we can clean it up and organize a page for this author's works since they're so heavily referenced)
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I'm putting this template like stuff here for when the anime comes out. I don't know how much I'll be able to work on this part of the site, but I would really like it if we could go as least somewhat in-depth with this like we did for the original anime. Sondenise (talk) 01:55, 1 January 2020 (UTC)

Kinda wondering if we should make a separate page for characters so that the main Magia Record tab doesn't become too cluttered. That and a separate page for Iroha in the anime. -The Witch's House (talk) 01:46, 5 January 2020 (UTC)
We'll probably have to make new character pages as we go along. For now I can create a quick page for Iroha, Yachiyo, and move the Kuroe page to its own category. We'll need pages for the witches as well but maybe we can link to the same page since we don't have nearly as much info on the witches as we do the characters. Sondenise (talk) 04:51, 5 January 2020 (UTC)

I changed the next/last episode table at the bottom of the episode pages because it kept linking to the episodes from the original series. I'm not too sure on how to find the template but probably will have to make a new template for this series. I'll work on updating stuff more extensively either tomorrow or Tuesday hopefully. Unless someone beats me to itSondenise (talk) 05:03, 13 January 2020 (UTC)

Kenji Miyazawa

Night on the Galactic Railroad


  • The name of Iroha's witch, Giovanna, and the name of Yachiyo's witch, Campanella, may be a reference the famous Japanese novel Night on the Galactic Railroad, who's main characters were named Giovanni and Campanella. This, together with Campanella being the doppel of Ticket-clipping, is irony - in Night on the Galactic Railroad, Campanella decides to answer a question in class instead of the shy Giovanni, only to stay silent so that Giovanni is less embarrassed, and it is Giovanni who owns the ticket to the galaxy. On top of that, Mifuyu's doppel is a reference to the bird catcher in the novel.
  • The name of Iroha's witch, Giovanna, and the name of Yachiyo's witch, Campanella, may be a reference the famous Japanese novel Night on the Galactic Railroad, who's main characters were named Giovanni and Campanella. This, together with Campanella being the doppel of Ticket-clipping and Giovanni being the doppel of Silence, is irony - in Night on the Galactic Railroad, Campanella decides to answer a question in class instead of the shy Giovanni, only to stay silent so that Giovanni is less embarrassed, and it is Giovanni who owns the ticket to the galaxy. On top of that, Mifuyu's doppel is a reference to the bird catcher in the novel.
  • Mifuyu's doppel's description likely refers to a character from the famous Japanese novel Night on The Galactic Railroad. The character, simply referred to as the birdcatcher, catches "cranes an' wild geese. An' herons an' swans, too" which somehow become cake or candy. Note that the witches of Iroha and Yachiyo share names with the main characters of Night on the Galactic Railroad.


Episode 1

  • Iroha is asked a question in class pertaining to what the Milky Way is made of, similar to how the main character Giovanni is asked the same question but is unable to answer.
  • Similar to how Giovanni's father is out on a trip and he must take care of the house, giving him no time to study nor time with friends, Iroha is in a similar position where both of her parents are out on a trip and she is left by herself and appears to not hang out with any friends after school.
  • Iroha is shown to be with Ui in a hospital, possibly reflecting Giovanni's ill mother in the story.
  • There are many scenes with Iroha riding the train and several magical girls talking about taking a night train to Kamihama, which may be a reference to the steam train Giovanni rides through the galaxy. The railroads Iroha uses daily is a single-track railway, which is very uncommon in developed, transit-dependent areas. This could be a reference to the single-trip Galactic Railroad bound for heaven as well as a metaphor for magical girls' destinies with no recovery.
  • Takarazaki-Dai-sanji Station's glass ceiling features several constellations, in particular Lyra. Lyra and its star Vega are the last stars seen by Giovanni before he falls asleep and finds himself aboard the Galactic Railroad.
  • The cat that Iroha saves appears to be distinctively drawn to look similar face-wise to the characters in the 1985 film of the novel. See the comparison here.

Episode 2

  • Caldwell 99 is the designation given to the Coalsack Nebula located between the Southern Cross and Scorpion constellations. In the story, the character Campanella ends his journey by going to the Coalsack.

Other works by Kenji


  • The description of Kanagi's doppel is a reference to "The Cat Office, a short story by Kenji Miyazawa. Note that the doppels of Iroha Tamaki, Yachiyo Nanami, Mifuyu Azusa and the witch form of Kuro all reference another of Miyazawa's works.
    • The story is about a cat who works at an office with other cats (as if they were humans). Since the cat gets cold easily he sleeps in the fireplace. This causes him to be covered in soot, and so he is known in the story as the "soot cat". His co-worker cats look down on him for this, and ultimately bully the soot cat in the workplace. In the end of the story a lion, implied to be the boss of the cats, secretly observes the workers and reveals himself. He then declares that the office is shut down. The last line of the story is the narrator saying "I half-agree with the lion." (ぼくは半分獅子に同感です.)
  • Touka's doppel name is also a reference to a work of Kenji Miyazawa. He also wrote Night on the Galactic Railroad, which Iroha, Mifuyu's and Yachiyo's doppels take their names from. He also wrote the works where Kuro's, Kanagi's and Nemu's witch forms take their names from. Shitori Egumo is as well a reference to one of his works.
  • Her doppel is a reference to The Little Matchstick Girl by Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen. The story revolves around a dying girls hopes and wishes, seeing one everytime she lights a match. However the match goes out in the cold snow and she loses a bit of her life force which is what Pennen Nolde does to Touka everytime she lights match when she uses it.
    • Her doppel summons a bright star in the sky that rains down falling stars - Stars are often seen as symbols of hope and falling stars are said in many forms of folklore to grant wishes. However, the falling stars may also represent Touka's waning life as she uses the doppel, as her dreams seem to be unreachable.
    • It can also refer to the bully from Night on the Galactic Railroad, Zanelli. In fact, fans expected the doppel to be named Zanelli before its name was revealed.