Shizuku Hozumi

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Shizuku Hozumi
Shizuku profile.png
Japanese Name 保澄 雫 (Hozumi Shizuku)
Voiced by Japanese: Ayaka Nanase

Shizuku Hozumi is one of the original characters of the 2017 mobile game Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record

General Info

Physical features

  • Age: 16
  • Height: 161cm
  • Eye colour: Purple
  • Hair colour: Lavender
  • Birthplace: Sankyo Ward


  • Soul Gem: Purple eye-shaped oval on left hip
  • Weapon: Chakrams
  • Wish: "I want to see him...! Take me to where he is right this instant!!" (In reference to a boy she was close to who was in an accident.)
  • Ability: Join spaces
  • Witch form:
  • Japanese pronoun: watashi ()
  • School: Sankyoin Educational Academy, Tenth Grade

Game Info

Game related data
Rarity Final Lv Type Attribute
★2 → ★4 80 Attack Attribute light.png
Initial 3122 1300 1006
Max at ★2 9990 4160 3219
Max at ★3 12658 5270 4080
Max at ★4 16657 6930 5367
Disk accele.png Disk blast horizontal.png Disk blast vertical.png Disk charge.png Disk charge.png
Connect: I'll Bridge the Gap
★2: Damage UP [III] & Chase [III]
★3: Damage UP [V] & Chase [V]
★4: Damage UP [VII] & Chase [VII]
Magia: Myriad Meese
★2: Damage Two Random Enemies [I] & Probability Critical (All / 3 T)
★3: Damage Two Random Enemies [III] & Probability Critical (All / 3 T)
★4: Damage Four Random Enemies [V] & Probability Critical (All / 3 T)


A Magical Girl who wanders about trying to find a place where she belongs. Unable to figure out what she likes, what she hopes to be, or even her own identity, she is always in a state of anxiety. Like the cafe her family runs, she is calm and quiet.

Side Story

The story begins with Shizuku's friends showing her something. Shizuku narrates that no-one bullies her and she has a good life. However, when she hangs out with her friends, she feels like she's not herself. For reasons she can't understand, she's disgusted when they say her name. She doesn't have an issue with her friends or family, but she feels unsteady. When people ask her what her future plans are, she never knows what to say. She feels like her future is covered in a fog.

However, there's one thing that makes Shizuku feel like herself. When she returns home that day, she finds waiting for her "Fuuten no onii-san", or Fuunii for short. Fuunii shows her pictures of a small island called Aoshima. Shizuku narrates that Fuunii likes to travel Japan and overseas, and is looking for a place to belong. Shizuku feels better when she's with him and wonders if he's looking for a place to find his footing also. She feels like she can't tell him about her feelings, but just knowing more about him is enough for her.

Fuunii tells Shizuku that he wishes he could keep coming to her family's cafe forever. He asks if she'll inherit the place in the future. Shizuku says she doesn't know, and Fuunii invites her to search with him for a place they can spend their lives together. Shizuku is very happy to hear this, believing that at the very least she wouldn't be alone with him. However, one day she gets a phone call saying that a "Kasugai" was in an accident and that she was his only contact. Realizing that something happened to Fuunii, Shizuku wants to rush to his side. However, her parents refuse to help, pointing out they aren't even related. Shizuku says she doesn't want to be alone. Later, Kyubey appears before Shizuku and offers her a contract.

Shizuku wish is "I want to see him...! Take me to where he is right this instant!!" Shizuku suddenly appears in a hospital and sees Fuunii lying in a bed. Fuunii thinks it must be a dream, and is being shown what he wants to see in his final moments. Shizuku says it isn't a dream, and Fuunii says he can rest in peace. Shizuku begs him to open his eyes, saying she made a promise with him to find the place where they belong. Fuunii thanks Shizuku and dies. Shizuku calls his name and says he lied to her while begging not to be left alone. Shizuku narrates that lives seem long until a crisis shows that it's as fragile as paper. She doesn't know how long she'll live, but she'll find a place to belong.

Shizuku arrives at a beautiful place that she wanted to show Fuunii. However, it's not the place she's looking for. Shizuku narrates that when she became a magical girl, she received the power to "connect spaces". She can travel all over the world, though her power does have some sort of limitation. Shizuku has used her power to see villages and countries around the world, just like Fuunii did. However, she still hasn't found a place to belong, and thinks she has to do so before she dies.

Shizuku talks to an unknown figure, who pays her. The figure invites her to join her group, but Shizuku has no interest. When the figure leaves, Yachiyo Nanami appears and asks Shizuku who she is. Yachiyo is with Tsuruno Yui and Iroha Tamaki, who introduce themselves. Yachiyo asks what relationship Shizuku has to the magical girl she spoke to. Shizuku says she's being payed to connect places together, but doesn't know why or what the group's plans are. (It's implied the group is Wings of Magius.) Yachiyo says she shouldn't let people she doesn't know use her power, and asks what Shizuku would do if her powers cause a disaster. Shizuku says she needs the money to find the place where she belongs.

Iroha invites Shizuku to talk more at their house. When they arrive, Yachiyo says if she gets more people it will start feeling cramped. Felicia Mitsuki and Sana Futaba are waiting at the house to introduce themselves. Tsuruno invites Shizuku for dinner. Felicia and Tsuruno get into antics, which prompts Yachiyo to say it can be hard to relax. Shizuku says it's fine. At dinner, Iroha says that when she eats food with everyone it feels like she can find a place where she can belong. Shizuku finds the food is delicious.

Afterward, Iroha invites Shizuku to stay the night. Yachiyo says Shizuku's parents might be worried, but Shizuku says they won't be because they don't say anything to her anymore. Felicia and Tsuruno get into an argument over grapes that Sana accidentally ate. Iroha tries to play peacemaker, while Yachiyo apologizes for the girls' antics. Shizuku says it's like a family, and Yachiyo agrees. Yachiyo says that since they're magical girls, the only way to live is by coming together since they all share the same fate. Shizuku thinks Yachiyo means they will all die someday. Yachiyo says that Iroha must feel the same, since she invited Shizuku to their house. Shizuku says that the other girls have found their place to belong. Yachiyo invites Shizuku to stay as long as she wants. Shizuku wonders if this is what she was looking for.

Shizuku thinks that this house is where the other girls belong, but she realizes the place she belonged was with Fuunii. Shizuku starts crying, suddenly understanding the meaning of Fuunii's last words. The next day, she goes back to the unknown magical girl and does another job for them. Shizuku then asks what she's trying to do with her power. The other magical girl says Shizuku agreed to not ask questions. Shizuku says it's fine because she's terminating their agreement. She wonders if she can stay at Yachiyo's house and returns there.

When she arrives, Shizuku finds the house is empty. She looks around at the plates each girl has, the toothbrushes next to the bathroom sink, and a picture on top of a cabinet. She thinks those are the bonds the five girls formed over time, and the house is overflowing with care. Shizuku hears the girls return and overhears them in conversation. Shizuku realizes that the place where they belong isn't her own, and feels like if she increases the number by one it will make the house cramped. She quietly bids the girls goodbye and departs unseen.

It turns out Yachiyo got a cake for Shizuku and the girls were going to hold her a welcome party. The girls prepare and wait for Shizuku to arrive at the house, but she doesn't come. Yachiyo feels that Shizuku is in constant danger, as if she'll disappear if you take her eyes off her. She then announces that Shizuku might not be coming back. She admits she should have seen it coming. Shizuku returns to the unknown magical girl and asks for another assignment. When the magical girl asks why she came back, Shizuku says "their" picture was complete with five people. Shziuku claims she has to keep searching for the place where she belongs.

The magical girl has no idea what Shizuku is talking about, but is happy for her continued service. She says she'll contact Shizuku when the time comes. Shizuku mentally apologizes to Yachiyo. She thinks her actions will cause a disaster, but isn't prepared to take responsibility. She feels that even now she's walking on unstable ground, leaving her unprepared. She wonders if she'll find solid ground, the place where she belongs.

Costume Stories

Winter Outfit

Event Appearances

Other Appearances

Shizuku appears in Madoka's side story. Madoka and Homura help her out when she uses up too much magic.

Shizuku appears in Mitama Yakumo's side story. Mitama and Ayaka are determining the next place she'll visit by throwing darts at a map.

She also appears as a relatively significant role in both Yuma Chitose's and Kirika Kure's side stories.


Shizuku posses a form of teleportation. [1]

  1. Shizuku's teleportation has some sort of limitation that hasn't been clearly translated. The Japanese lines read as "この力を使えば日本全国、 海外もどんな場所へだって一瞬にして行くことが出来る でも魔力には限界があってすベて思うがままに旅が出来るというわけではないようだ"うだ" which can mean "she can't physically travel", "she can't choose the destination", "she can't travel as she wishes" or "she can't travel without thinking".


  • The characters of her last name mean "keep" (保) and "clear"(澄), respectively.
  • The character in her first name means "(water) drop" (雫).


  • Her illustrator is Sasagi Koushi
  • Shizuku's halloween outfit is the same as the one Mami wears in this promotional [image].


Memoria Cards

Card Effect Cooldown Eng Text Jap Text
Behind the Gleam
Guaranteed Critical
Max Limit Break:
Guaranteed Critical
15 turns
Max Limit Break:
13 turns
**Unique to Shizuku Hozumi**
There is a girl who helps out at an old fashioned coffee shop where the sun lights up the room and the young and old alike gather. With her calm aura she fits the atmosphere well, but if you watch her closely, you might notice her making a melancholy expression...


An Exceptional Stage
Max Limit Break:
Chance to Chase [IX] & Endure (Self / 1 T)
Max Limit Break:
8 turns
I noticed it when we were on the stage.

Ayaka was next to me, and there's no time to lose with a lot of customers in front of us. I'm prepared to make up my mind and do my best to respond. "It's completely messed up! A werewolf that transforms when it looks at the sun!!"


隣にはあやかがいて、目の前にはたくさんのお客さんたち 迷っている暇はない。覚悟を決めて、私も精一杯応えよう 「めちゃくちゃだよ!太陽見つめて変身しちゃう狼男か!!」

A Foreign Land
Fog Edge [II]
Max Limit Break:
Fog Edge [III]
Passive Nothing feels right, not at my house, my school, the town... No matter where I walk, who I talk with, I feel like I'm shrouded in a thin film keeping me from fitting into the rest of the world...I wonder if he felt the same way, trying to find where he belongs. I too must find where I belong, someday... 「学校も家もこの町も、上手く言えないけど、どこかしっくりこない。誰かと接しても、どこを歩いても、自分の周りに薄い皮膜のようなものがあって、馴染み切れない・・・。あの人もこんな気持ちで、自分の居場所を探していたのかな。私も見つけないと・・・いつか、きっと・・・」
Shizuku's Next Destination is!?
Charm Edge [I] (Single / 1T)
Max Limit Break:
Charm Edge [II] (Single / 1T)
Passive Ayaka: "Nailed it!! This time the dart landed on... wh-wh-what!"

Mitama: "The Osorezan Mountains, huh~. This may be the place you were looking for, Shizuku." Shizuku: "That place...I went there a long time ago but, it didn't feel right..." Ayaka: "Indeed Shizuku-chan! It's almost like a submerged net after the 3rd day!"


みたま「恐山ねぇ~。ここが雫ちゃんの探し求めている場所かもっ」 雫「あの…だいぶ前に行ってきたけど、ここも違う気がして…」 あやか「さすが雫ちゃん!まるで沈めて3日目の地引き網だよ!」

Their Connected Destination
Guaranteed Curse (One / 1 T)
Max Limit Break:
Guaranteed Curse (One / 1 T)
5 turns
Max Limit Break:

4 turns
The fate of a magical girl, it can swallow them at any time, pressing down on them and drowning them, dragged into the crowded depths of darkness where you cannot see…the scene which floats clearly before them is difficult to get away from as they cling to a place not from here, she awaits impatiently. 魔法少女の宿命は、いつでも彼女たちを呑み込むことができる押さえ付けて溺れさせて、見えない闇の淵に引きずり混んで...鮮明に浮かぶ光景は、激しく離れがたく縋り付きたい場所それがないから、彼女はひとり焦り続ける
Their Separate Destinations
Chance to Anti-Counter [V] & Attack UP [II]
Max Limit Break:
Guaranteed Anti-Counter & Attack UP [II]
Passive Because I wished for hope, because that hope was used, I couldn’t shut my eyes.

Because I couldn’t forgive him, I had peeled off my fangs quietly. Surely before long, my chest will be filled with regrets. At that moment I hated it, but today I will never regret this moment.


許せなかったから、静かに牙を剥くことにした きっと近いうちに、悔しさで胸が詰まるかもしれない その時は恨むけど、今日のこの一瞬は決して後悔しないだろう

External links