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Candeloro (CANDELORO) is the witch form of Mami Tomoe that is set to make an appearance in Puella Magi Madoka Magica Portable. Like the anime, her design was done by Gekidan Inu Curry. She has two familiars that look identical to the magical girl forms of Madoka Kaname and Kyoko Sakura.


File:Amazing painting of pancakes.png
From religious festival to pancakes. The amazing world of Madoka.
  • Candeloro is an Italian male name. The feminine name would be Candelora.
    • The Name derives from a medieval tradition given to children born on the day of the Christian holiday of Candlemas, or "feast of candles." It is similar to the Spanish name Candelaria.
    • It is a common name in South Italy, it is particularly popular in Sicily and Puglia.
  • Candelora is a religious feast, it is celebrated in February 2, when the Catholic church celebrates the "Presentazione del Signore" (Presentation of Our Lord). Formerly called the "Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary", it is now popularly called the feast of Candelora.[1]
    • This feast was originally called the Purification of the Virgin Mary, reflecting the custom that, as a Jewish woman, Jesus' mother would have followed. In the Jewish tradition, women were considered impure for the 40 days after the delivery of a male child and were not allowed to worship in the temple; after the 40 days had passed, the women were brought to the temple to be purified. Feburary 2 is, in fact, 40 days after December 25, the day the Church marks the birth of Jesus.
    • In English-speaking countries where the feast of Candelora is known as Candlemas Day (or Candle Mass).
    • There is a practical connection to the religious symbolism. February 2 is a cross-quarter day, halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. For millenia, people in the Northern Hemisphere have noted that if the sun comes out at the mid-way point between winter and spring, winter weather would continue for another six weeks. As one might imagine, for humans living a subsistence existence the difference was an important one, with implications for survival as well as hunting and farming.
    • In France, Candlemas (Chandeleur) is best known for being the day of pancakes, which are prepared in every way.
      • It is believed that pancakes are consumed on Chandeleur because of their round shape and golden color, reminiscent of the solar disc. This is probably a reference to the return of spring after a dark winter.
        • Legend has it that Pope Gelasius I distributed pancakes to arriving pilgrims in Rome.


  • The witch name Candeloro may be refers to the French figure skater - Philippe Candeloro who won the Bronze medal in Men's singles Figure skating at the 1998 Nagano Winter Olympics Winter Olympic Games.
    • Philippe Candeloro gave a stunning performance by portraying the role of the musketeer D'Artagnan during the contest.
      • D'Artagnan usually represents a talented, militant and heroic character in western literature, this match the first impression which Mami gave to the audiences. Similar to Mami, D'Artagnan is also a musketeer.



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