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[[File:Yuri evidence madoka.jpg|right|300px|thumb|The Yuri subtext is strong on this one]]
[[File:Yuri evidence madoka.jpg|right|300px|thumb|The Yuri subtext is strong on this one]]
Just like the ending with Kyouko and Sayaka, there is speculation with fans regarding Homura's relationship with Madoka and her willingness to sacrifice it all for her. {{spoiler|On this new world Sayaka dies but she has no regrets, and Kyouko laments her death just when they have become friends (fans have interpreted this in many ways).}}
Just like the ending with [[Episode 9|Kyouko and Sayaka]], there is speculation with fans regarding Homura's relationship with Madoka and her willingness to sacrifice it all for her. {{spoiler|On this new world Sayaka dies but she has no regrets, and Kyouko laments her death just when they have become friends (fans have interpreted this in many ways).}}

In Episode 10, we learn that Homura was willing to create new timelines for all eternity just for Madoka. {{Spoiler|Once she learns that each new time line she creates only makes Madoka's fate into becoming a witch stronger, Homura starts to have doubts, but also becomes more resolute to save Madoka from her fate. Kyubey contests that Homura's hope is a trap, and that it is only a matter of time before despair consumes her. In Episode 11 Homura and Madoka have a conversation in which Homura confesses everything to Madoka: she  professes her love for her, as well as how important Madoka is to her (this has been interpreted as a love confession, but others see it as a sign of deep friendship). At the end of Episode 11, Homura is tempted to travel back again for a "do-over," but she stops and gives up, knowing that it was her fault that Madoka now carries such a heavy cosmic karma. She realizes that the more she travels back in time the more certain it is that she will fail, as Homura has created a powerful reservoir of despair-based energy from different timelines -- all of them concentrating on Madoka. To end Madoka's suffering and her own, Homura comes close to becoming a witch; however, Madoka stops her and tells her to never stop hoping.}}
In Episode 10, we learn that Homura was willing to create new timelines for all eternity just for Madoka. {{Spoiler|Once she learns that each new time line she creates only makes Madoka's fate into becoming a witch stronger, Homura starts to have doubts, but also becomes more resolute to save Madoka from her fate. Kyubey contests that Homura's hope is a trap, and that it is only a matter of time before despair consumes her. In Episode 11 Homura and Madoka have a conversation in which Homura confesses everything to Madoka: she  professes her love for her, as well as how important Madoka is to her (this has been interpreted as a love confession, but others see it as a sign of deep friendship). At the end of Episode 11, Homura is tempted to travel back again for a "do-over," but she stops and gives up, knowing that it was her fault that Madoka now carries such a heavy cosmic karma. She realizes that the more she travels back in time the more certain it is that she will fail, as Homura has created a powerful reservoir of despair-based energy from different timelines -- all of them concentrating on Madoka. To end Madoka's suffering and her own, Homura comes close to becoming a witch; however, Madoka stops her and tells her to never stop hoping.}}

Revision as of 21:52, 15 May 2011

Aside from its story and characters, the show gained popularity among some fans, for its yuri subtext. Many yuri-loving fans tend to see pairings between the girls, usually Homura x Madoka and Kyouko x Sayaka. This page will try to explain what lead them to this conclusion (and what "evidence" there is in canon).

About yuri

placeholder. Put the copypasta from Nox's talkpage here

Homura and Madoka

Episode 11: Love Confession or Pledge of Friendship?

Fans are divided with the significance of this scene. Fans of yuri see it as Homura's love confession to Madoka and a promise to protect her life. Those who believe in the power of friendship see it as Homura's pledge to protect her most precious friend, Madoka, against a cruel fate. Fans of yuri see it as Homura promising to risk her life for Madoka's sake, even if it is an unrequited love or one-sided (Just like Kyouko's case).

Is this scene depicting a powerful moment of friendship against all odds? Or is this Homura's attempt at a love confession where she promises to protect Madoka's life with her own life? Some believe this is a powerful love confession scene.

Homura: There's no way I can tell you how I really feel.
Madoka: Homura-chan...
Homura: I mean... I mean... I'm living in a different time than you!
I've come from the future, you know?
I've met you over and over again, and each time, I've seen you die. How can I save you? How can I change your fate? I've been looking for that answer and that answer only. I've gone back and started from the beginning over and over again.
Madoka: That means... Huh?
Homura: I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't get any of this. I'm sure you're put off (disgusted) by all of this. To you, I haven't even known you for a month - I'm just some transfer student. But to me, you...
Each time I repeat all of this, the time you and I lived grows further apart--our feelings grow further apart, and my words stop reaching you. I think I lost myself a long time ago.
Madoka: Homura-chan...
Homura: My desire to save you: the first emotion I had that started this all. And now that I've come this far, the only star left that will help guide my way... You don't have to understand. My words don't have to resonate within you. But still, I beg you. Let me protect you.

Episode 11 Images

Episode 12: Yuri End?

The Yuri subtext is strong on this one

Just like the ending with Kyouko and Sayaka, there is speculation with fans regarding Homura's relationship with Madoka and her willingness to sacrifice it all for her. On this new world Sayaka dies but she has no regrets, and Kyouko laments her death just when they have become friends (fans have interpreted this in many ways).

In Episode 10, we learn that Homura was willing to create new timelines for all eternity just for Madoka. Once she learns that each new time line she creates only makes Madoka's fate into becoming a witch stronger, Homura starts to have doubts, but also becomes more resolute to save Madoka from her fate. Kyubey contests that Homura's hope is a trap, and that it is only a matter of time before despair consumes her. In Episode 11 Homura and Madoka have a conversation in which Homura confesses everything to Madoka: she professes her love for her, as well as how important Madoka is to her (this has been interpreted as a love confession, but others see it as a sign of deep friendship). At the end of Episode 11, Homura is tempted to travel back again for a "do-over," but she stops and gives up, knowing that it was her fault that Madoka now carries such a heavy cosmic karma. She realizes that the more she travels back in time the more certain it is that she will fail, as Homura has created a powerful reservoir of despair-based energy from different timelines -- all of them concentrating on Madoka. To end Madoka's suffering and her own, Homura comes close to becoming a witch; however, Madoka stops her and tells her to never stop hoping.

Once Madoka defeats the Witch version of herself, she creates a paradox: Madoka has become a deity of sorts, but at the cost that Madoka the person ceases to exist in her own world. Homura is not happy with this outcome, but Madoka promises to Homura that she will always be there for her, and that she hopes that one day they would meet again.

Madoka giving ribbons.gif
  • It is indicated that in the original Japanese lines at least, there is no Yuri expression. The relationship between Madoka and Homura can be interpreted as being important friends to each other. There are fans who point out that the nature of Homura and Madoka's relationship can be expressed as "親友" (shin-yu or best friend) which is generally different from romantic relationships.
    • Then again fans like to present their evidence of the existence of yuri subtext as a possibility.
    • Aside from the Utena reference in episode 9, other evidence yuri fans have included the following: The similarity to the KnM pose during the Homura and Madoka's extended nude embrace scene in episode 12. The gift of red ribbons from Madoka to Homura, which is similar to director Shinbo's prior work of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha between Nanoha and Fate, a favorite pairing among yuri fans, who also refer to each other as best friends. Some fans suggest the red ribbons may also represent the red string of fate, as "two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of time, place or circumstances." Yuri fans also believe that Homura's single-minded, ceaseless desire to do anything for Madoka goes beyond friendship.
    • Fans have pointed out that Kalafina's full lyrics of Magia, from the second verse to the last chorus, has been interpreted as a love song from Homura to Madoka. The verses to "Connect" (コネクト, Konekuto?) by ClariS, playing at the end of episode 10, also strongly indicate this is sung from Homura's perspective.
  • Yuri fan art depicting this pair have already existed for a while but it has increased after the airing of Episode 12, you can find most of them on pixiv.
  • Fans of yuri have ranked "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" as #1 at the top ranking of Yuri Anime, toppling Kannazuki no Miko.

Episode 12 Gallery

Sayaka and Kyouko

It is common to find yuri subtext on the Mahou Shoujo genre, sometimes it develops into shippings or pairings created by fans, even if it was not part of the creators original intention. The creators of the show may have been aware of this phenomenon so they decided to exploit the same yuri subtext phenomenon when it came to the relationship between Kyouko and Sayaka. However, the yuri subtext mostly comes from Kyouko making it one-sided; while it is officially recognized that Kyouko has feelings for Sayaka, it is uncertain what types of feelings they are. Fans would argue that Sayaka just never had the chance to return these feelings, and Kyouko was never really good in articulating them.

Many fans point out that the reason these two are paired up together is because of their opposing personalities. Sayaka and Kyouko differ not only philosophically but their personalities are bound to cause clashes; yet they are not that dissimilar once you study these characters. Sayaka is an idealist who pursues the path of a hero of justice, she wants to emulate Mami as an example of an ideal Puella Magi. To Sayaka the gift of being a Puella Magi was something sacred to be used for good only and not for selfish acts. Kyouko on the other hand is more of a rogue who would only use her powers to satiate her base desires. Kyouko scoffs at the idea of using her powers to help others, instead she believes a Puella Magi should only help herself (even at the expense of others). To Kyouko there are no rules except her own.

This unlikely pair started out as enemies and Kyouko was close on killing Sayaka, but as the story progressed it was Kyouko who took the first step to close their gap of distrust. Kyouko even went so far as to explain to Sayaka her painful past and to why she believes Sayaka is making a mistake with her life. But Sayaka refuses Kyouko's advice and subtly proclaims she will be a better Puella Magi than her, that she will still follow a righteous path. Sayaka's arrogance at first seems to anger Kyouko (it is not known if she is angry at Sayaka, at herself, or both) but this doesnt stop her from continually pursuing Sayaka to stop her from furthering her mistakes. (Some fans like to suggest that this moment would have alienated any other character from trying to pursue a friendship with Sayaka, yet it seems to have an opposite effect with Kyouko).

Soon the roles are reversed in Episode 8 and 9. Sayaka finally admits that deep down she was no different from others, that she had selfish desires that were never fulfilled and that she regrets her decision on becoming a Puella Magi (like the love of a boy that went unfulfilled, or the jealous regret of saving a friend's life). She starts to see society as a selfish group who would only exploit others with no remorse for those who suffer. Sayaka finally understands that her decision brought nothing but unhappiness and regrets on her part. Betrayed by the world and by her ideals she soon falls into despair and darkness. It is because of this event that Kyouko soon starts to reveal a different side of her.

With the loss of Sayaka, Kyouko starts to reclaim back her older self. She admits to Madoka that there was a time she used to idealize stories of love, friendship, and courage but she abandoned those ideals when she lost her family. After seeing Sayaka's despair, Kyouko decides that she wants to save her and get the old Sayaka back. Kyouko was putting her faith on romantic ideals, a move that many would like to point out as being irrational and dangerous (even Kyubey agrees such notion is illogical). Once Kyouko realises that there is no way to save Sayaka, she decides to sacrifice her life so they could both be together. That way Sayaka wont be alone anymore. There is a division among fans regarding Kyouko's decision to die with Sayaka. There are those who say Kyouko did it as an act of love (the tragic yuri pair or maybe and act of frienship), others say Kyouko knew that even if she did survive it would only be a matter of time before she became a witch so she wanted to end her life her way (a self sacrifice with practical motives).

To fans that support the yuri relationship, the reason that they find this pair strong and attractive is because they want Sayaka to be with someone who can love her and protect her. Kyouko was the only character who understood Sayaka's true nature (and her pain) since Kyouko admitted to her that she saw a fragment of herself in Sayaka. Kyouko was also the only one who chased after her to the bitter end, no matter the obstacles or how obstinate was Sayaka, Kyouko was still there for her. Kyouko fits the perfect role as Sayaka's protector and savior.

The relationship between Kyouko and Sayaka may have not been accidental or a tease but created to heighten emotional investments by the viewers. It is possible that this was part of the creator's intention to emotionally move groups of hardcore fans who support a SayakaxKyouko pairing, thus making their demise in Episode 9 more tragic (or as fans put it a "Yuri Tragedy" ending).

  • The Melusine Legend and Kyouko's Soul Gem: There is a Melusine legend that indicates that "a Melusina surfaces briefly every seven years as a beautiful woman or as a serpent, holding a small golden key in her mouth. Whoever takes the key from her will set her free and may claim her as his bride." In Episode 9, Kyouko undoes her hair and then uses her hairpin to pray, it is uncertain but it seems that her Soul Gem and her hairpin were fused together to create a new hairpin with a shape that resembles that of her father's religious symbol. After Sayaka's prayer she kisses the newly formed hairpin and tosses it into the air (before she destroys it with her spear), maybe as an offering to Sayaka to free her from her Witch form by sacrificing Kyouko's soul. The shape of the normal hairpin and of the Soul Gem fused hairpin looks like of a golden key.
  • The double-suicide is considered typical in romantic endings for two tragic lovers in Japanese storytelling. Many fans would point this fact as evidence for making this couple canon.
  • After the airing of Episode 9, yuri artwork of this pair exploded on Pixiv.

KyoSaya Gallery


placeholder (Mami x Madoka, etc)
