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Revision as of 18:47, 6 July 2011 by Randomanon (talk | contribs) (Just when I think nothing will surprise me about Madoka, someone goes and writes a 224 pg. book on it.)
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File:Madoka BD 1 and 2 Purchases.jpg
My personal investment in Madoka and Japan.

Tracking interesting random things here for my personal thoughts. People are welcome to ask questions, comment or copy stuff elsewhere if they like. However, I will likely keep things on my personal talk page as these are justmyopinions and things that interest me, and aren't part of the official wiki.

Latest Items of Interest with Madoka

--randomanon 18:45, 6 July 2011 (UTC)

  • A 224 page book analyzing Madoka. [1]. Translation courtesy of /u/

[Part 1] Despair - Sayaka and Kyouko case study - Theme of MSMM: hope vs despair and their balance - The circumstance that lead to Sayaka's, Kyouko's, and Madoka's wish. - The horror and morality of MG - Cosmic conflict & mutual benefit - Survival conditions of MG - The tragedy of MG (Sayaka's, Kyouko's backstory & demise) - Reference study: zombie/non-human/undead magical embodiment in different literature. - The lost future, time looping and repeat.

[Part 2] Hope - Madoka and Homura case study - The QBs, their contracts and future - The embodiment of Hope - Homura and Madoka - Knowledge of the future - Humanity and death - The "Evangelion" element - Skepticism about heroism - A hero's freedom of mind - Negotiation

  • 2ch Sales Chart shows first three Madoka volumes are in between Bake volumes in first week sales, with a higher trajectory rate of sales in subsequent weeks for volumes 1 and 2. [2] This projects that Madoka would beat Bake over time in overall sales.
  • Madoka going international? Looks like Aniplex USA is starting that process by registering a website. Info here. [3]. Updated announcement on July 1, 2011: [4]. Website: [5]. Twitter: [6] First twitter: "We've made a contract, and it's coming soon."
  • QB inspired hacker leaves runic message on Philippines Customs government website [7]. Rune translation here - [8]. UPDATED: Another hijack. On July 3, 2011, going to directs you to [9] with this image [10] and QB's theme song playing.
  • Madoka OP and ED ranked #2 and #9 in first half of 2011 for anime songs. [11]
  • BD 3 and Related Information [12]. Note: Chapter 12 of the Madoka Magica manga is also posted at the site listed in the thread.
  • Madoka marathon of season episode broadcast on Nico on June 18, 2011 setting a new record in views for the type of broadcast. It beat the record once set by Lucky Star Viewers: 570,754, Comments: 1,489,931. Madoka's numbers Viewers: 949,391, Comments: 1,884,714. In English, ANN. [13] Source: [14]. Recording of last three episodes by a viewer: [15]. It appears to have had a positive impact on sales, with improved rankings on Amazon. [16]



For perspective on sales: The Manabi line "breaking point" is approximately 3,000 per volume for an anime to pay for itself in volume sales (this doesn't count other sources of revenue like product sales). For Madoka with six volumes, that would be 18,000 sales. In the very first week of the first volume sales of 62,041, Madoka paid for itself more than three times over for all of its volumes. It actually more than paid for itself in one day (the first day of sales) with approximately 22,000 BD.

After I looked up some sales numbers to help put Madoka's numbers in context, I decided to determine the likelihood of Madoka taking the number one spot for volume 1 DVD+BD sales for a late night TV anime that started their sales since 2000 (before that, sales reporting accuracy gets iffy, not to mention the vast difference in sales environment). The chart I made shows: Volume 1 first week sales, total sales, the difference in number of sales for the top 15 ranked, and the difference in sales from first week to total sales, then calculated averages.

From what we've seen, Madoka seems to be on the lower end of the growth side of sales so I decided to put the highest reasonable estimation to be the average growth seen in sales, which would put it over 100k. Worst case scenario was to use the lowest figure there (not Angel Beat's, as Madoka's already passed that and is continuing to sell) by K-on! which brought it just shy of Bake's record. Then, I used Gundam Seed Destiny, which also had a very high first week and relatively slow growth, as a parallel case to come up with a number. I consider this to be the most likely percentage of sales which would put Madoka in a comfortably in the lead. It's too early to determine whether Madoka would place first for average volume sales, since we've only seen two volumes. So far, the sales numbers between volumes are somewhat consistent with volume 1 being ahead in sales, as fits the pattern of most anime sales.

New research: I looked up Bake's best volume sales and found there really wasn't much of a different from its volume one sales. Bake's vol. 4 at 83,967 was only slightly higher than volume 1. Either way, a similar growth in sales to Gundam Seed Destiny would still place Madoka in first place. Using either Bake sales figure, Madoka would only have to meet a little over 25-26% growth in sales to surpass it. Based on the data here, a 25-26% estimate is on the modest side of the scale for the top 15. Therefore, it is quite probable that Madoka volume 1 will take first place in sales sometime in the future. There is also a slim chance it could overtake best volume sales overall from Gundam Seed Destiny.

Sales Ranking Analysis 2.jpg

  • Volume 2 DVDs [17] is 9,574 vs. Volume 1 9,097. BDs is 53,715 which beats Vol 1 sales of 53K, which sets a new record for the most BD sales by a volume in the first week. [18] In English - [19]. Total Volume 2 first week is 63,289 compared to Volume 1 first week total of 62,041, a difference of 1,248 or a 2% increase in sales.

Old News

  • If you like doujins, huge (but slow) archive is here - [20]. Mostly yuri but some are not.
  • Updated BD2 OST. FLAC here: [21], mediafire: [22]. All 13 songs in 320cbr mp3 and hi res scan of the fanbook here: [23], mediafire: [24] Also, AAC @ ~400kbps version q1.0 VBR (highest) [25].
  • Episodes 3 and 4 voice commentaries: [26] with alternatives of [27] for 3 and [28] for episode 4. They're watchable with or without voice commentary, just switch audio tracks. The English subtitles (yesy)[29]
  • Old news but still remains popular. Nico video of Madoka seiyuu singing [30]. Can be viewed using [31] if you don't have an account.
  • Previews of a potential new Madoka game [32]
  • PMMM Vol 3 ranked #5 on Oricon in the first week. [33] 159,234.

Measures of Madoka's Popularity

Oricon ranks Oriko and Kazumi at #4 and #5 [34] in first week of sales. Update on sales (05/30) - first is this week's Oricon rank, second is weekly sales, third is total sales thus far.

  • Oriko - 25, 23211, 86080
  • Kazumi - 36, 18203, 77931

Madoka BD+DVD Summary Totals Reference table at top. Source -

Madoka initial sales are 53k for BD and 9K for DVD. BD sales set a new record. "The first Blu-ray Disc volume of the Puella Magi Madoka Magica television anime series sold about 22,000 copies on its first day on Oricon's daily Blu-ray Disc ranking chart on April 27."


Naruto movie > Madoka > Kuroshitsuji Last Naruto movie sold around 22k in total. Last Kuroshitsuji volume sold around 7k. Assuming the trend subsist, the actual number should be somewhere between those two. 2chan speculated around 10-12k this week.

And here are Madoka's final BD sales estimation

下限       中央      上限

78053 79747 81372 82930 84472

So according to this, the lowest it can hit is 78,053...damn. Although, the one who posted this noted that UC3 was 10% lower than its "lowest limit".

Somebody posted first day sales for other series on 2ch so now we have a reference.

  • 初日 195000 初動 357000 1.8倍 ヱヴァンゲリオン:破 BD
  • 初日 **6900 初動 *16000 2.3倍 デュラララ! 7巻 DVD
  • 初日 **6000 初動 *12500 2.0倍 WORKING!! 5巻 DVD
  • 初日 *15000 初動 *34500 2.3倍 Angel Beats! 1巻 BD+DVD
  • 初日 *10000 初動 *22000 2.2倍 インフィニット・ストラトス 1巻 BD  ※品切れ
  • 初日 *22000 初動 ****** *.*倍 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 1巻 BD

EVA comparison >>>/a/48904969, 48905054, 48905198:


  • 01巻 12,479 VHS
  • 01巻 18,040 LD
  • 合計 30,519(初巻初動)
  • 14巻 36,617 VHS
  • 14巻 44,013 LD
  • 合計 80,630(最高初動)

Google-translation: Eva

  • Volume 01 12,479 VHS
  • Volume 01 18,040 LD
  • 30,519 total (first volume first week sales)
  • Volume 14 36,617 VHS
  • Volume 14 44,013 LD
  • 80,630 total (highest first week sales)

Note those are first week data only. Numbers for the last volume are more important, since apparently the show wasn't at its peak popularity yet when the first volume came out.

Other items of interest:

2. “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”(the 1st season) 464 threads
3. “K-on!!” 359 threads
4. “K-on!” 354 threads
5. “ANGEL BEATS!” 342 threads
6. “The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya”(the 2nd season) 283 threads
7. “Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2? 277 threads
8. “Minamike -Okawari-” 254 threads
9. “Strike Witches” 253 threads
10. “Strike Witches 2” 233 threads
  • Uncertain of when this happened, but Madoka passed other comparable popular recent anime in pixiv count. Examples as of June 3, 2011.
    • Madoka (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ) 69,794
    • K-ON! (けいおん!) 48,326
    • Strike Witches (ストライクウィッチーズ) 23,632
    • Lucky Star (らき☆すた) 22,225
    • Index (とある魔術の禁書目録) 22,057.
    • Pretty Cure (プリキュア) 20,504
    • Bakemonogatari(化物語) 12,585
  • It's still behind other popular franchises like Gintama (銀魂) at 81,151.

Yuri Discussion

As the person who made this jpg or rather this updated one here (, I'll try to explain it as best as I can to people who aren't familiar with yuri. I originally made the jpg for people on /u/ for a yuri audience who already know the significance behind the symbols and so there was no need for explanations. First, let me explain how important context is with an example like the ribbons Madoka gives to Homura. To someone who doesn't know yuri, this wouldn't mean anything. However, if you're a yuri fan, you recognize that as a reference to the scene that started yuri shipping for one of the most iconic mahou shoujo yuri couples, Nanoha and Fate. You also know this was done intentionally because Shinbo directed both Nanoha and Madoka anime. Watch where (while it's nice to watch it all and see the similarity in long embraces and talk of friendship, just skip to 4:40) and you see 1) giving of ribbons, 2) stating the ribbons will be a way to remember the other person, 3) a promise they'll meet again. This parallels what Madoka tells Homura as Madoka gives her the ribbons.

The importance of context is also true with the nearly identical pose for Madoka and Homura's naked embrace in space to one of the most iconic scenes known in yuri (as an example of how well-known this pose is, on /u/ there is a thread dedicated to nothing but this scene redone for dozens of yuri shipped couples...of which 95% are pure fanart because to see this actual pose in an anime or manga is actually quite rare). This original embrace was in Kannazuki no Miko (KnM), one of the most well-known couples in yuri that share many parallels to Homura and Madoka. In KnM, Chikane is very similar to Homura in being tall, dark-haired, competent, totally willing to sacrifice herself for another girl etc. whose ways are mysterious to the sweet, naive Himeko (who Madoka resembles). As it turns out, Chikane is the one who remembers her shared fate with Himeko of repeating the same cycle of lives together over and over again, with Himeko only discovering the full truth of their connection just before they are parted because they need to sacrifice themselves to save the world. And when this happens, Himeko gets to choose how she want the next world to be remade..e.g. whether they forget about each other or remember and meet one another again (she chooses the second option). So with that context of the similarity of these two couples, the embrace is basically hitting home the point of yes, yuri fans, we're comparing these two to KnM if you haven't already noticed. And again, this is done intentionally--much like the episode 9 similarity to the well-known yuri Utena symbolism--from a studio (SHAFT), director (Shinbo), character designer (Ume) among others on the production staff, who are well-known for being very genre-savvy about yuri and putting in intentional yuri subtext in their anime on a regular basis. Now whether someone sees something different in expression is a subjective view (and like with me, I happen to disagree and see it differently from my subjective view) and doesn't change the symbolic meaning behind that pose (to yuri-fans at least) nor the similarities of Homura and Madoka's situation to that in KnM.

I'm going to add Madoka's naked embrace in space also references one other famous yuri scene in anime (plus Diebuster and Lain for that matter--EoE too--but I rather not cover these scenes that have more ambigious interpretations). The third clear yuri reference is from the classic, Yami to Boshi. Hazuki is the Homura-like character (tall, long dark hair, fighter, obsessive etc.) who obsessively travels across different worlds to track down her pure-hearted, sweet Hatsumi (Madoka-like character). They finally meet in this otherworldly place outside the rest of the universe, and Hazuki confesses her feelings to Hatsumi, only to find out Hatsumi is a god and so they cannot stay together. Hatsumi users her god-like powers to reset Hazuki's world so she's suppose to forget her, but Hatzuki seems to have a vague recollection anyways, and yes, there's also a vague promise of meeting again one day.

Adding evidence of subtext:


Madoka notorious "hump hug" in episode 10, timeline 2, also shows her shedding a few tears--an indication of the depth of her feelings for Homura. Homura notices and reacts.

Mahou Shoujo Discussion

How Madoka plays the mahou shoujo tropes straight and when they do a brilliant job of subverting them.

Example: Take exact heartwarming lines, "You finally called me by first name. I'm so glad," showing two magical girls overcoming animosity in Pretty Cure Splash Star (note to self, provide details, episode reference and clip if possible) to become close, and turn them into Madoka's final heart-breaking words to Homura prior to being mercy-killed in ep. 10, TL3. There really is an amazing amount of meta-references in Madoka where you can see exactly how twisted Urobuchi's mind works.

Notes to self:

  • Cover the genesis of Madoka's key production staff for prior work on mahou shoujo and yuri.
  • QB as mahou shoujo mascot. Make an extensive list or pick key ones? Show played straight examples and also how this is one of the biggest mahou shoujo subversions in Madoka.
  • Possible topics: Love friendship and courage themes, Working hard versus innate talent, Henshe (nudity, stock footage), Fightstyle, Enemies as Evil vs. Befriending them, Saving the world/universe, Death and Resets, Power-ups, Magical artifacts (soulgem!), Telepathy, Alien mascot/people/technology etc., Pseudo-science explanations, Color coding of girls, Dark magical girls (first impression as wrong, e.g. Homura and Kyouko) and how they change, self-sacrifice, when do they stop being magical girls (if ever), yuri subtext, use of boy interests, how family is portrayed, relationships between magical girls, gore (or lack thereof), psychological breakdown, knowing intrinsically how to fight vs. learning the job - note to self, add more.
  • Consider what is default/stereotypical "played straight" and what are subversions, as there will be examples of both. Consider when Madoka is the same or different.
  • Discuss how popular mahou shoujo of all flavors is in Japan (go find TV ratings and product sales). Discuss difference between seinen and shoujo mahou shoujo anime but also how the genre attracts fringe demographics from the other intended audience (hunt down Nanoha and PreCure numbers)
  • Decide which CCS and Sailor Moon series episodes to reference, preferably with English subs/dubs.
  • Find manga examples or only stick to anime? Reference Sailor Nothing in comparison or in its own section?


Hi Randomanon, sorry I don't know how to contact with you so I'll leave a line here, please delete this at your will. I saw your post on /u/ an hour ago or so before you deleted it, and your enthusiasm for MadoMagi interested me. The part about HomuMado's naked embrace didn't use the word "miko embrace" while mentioning Kannazuki no Miko so I thought maybe you're not very familiar with yuri? If there is any aspect you'd like to discuss, especially yuri related things, I can provide some info to assist your writing (since I found this page interesting). Greetings. Saluki.N 00:01, 7 June 2011 (UTC)

  • I'm flattered you found this page interesting. It's for personal use only, so there's no need to edit it. If you'd like to contribute to the wiki, there's a yuri page some other people have started to put together, here that could use some input [35]. I've been busy with other things so regrettably not involved in that. In my personal background, I'm a magical girl fan who became a general anime and manga fan which also includes yuri. I've seen many yuri anime and manga, and also seen how it works in Japan from the fanbase to the production staff with magical girl anime, so that's my perspective. I don't spend much time discussing yuri outside my visits to /u/ so I'm lacking what do they call it, the theorycraft and knowledge of lingo I guess? But if you mention anything that isn't completely obscure in yuri anime and manga, I think you'll find I've seen it. --randomanon 02:00, 7 June 2011 (UTC)
    • Okay, glad to know you're familiar with yuri, guess I can't help much. I mostly operate on Pixiv and talking to fanartists, not paying much attention to production staffs of anime in general so I found the infomations on this page fascinating - Madoka did so well. I will try to contribute with some pages on this wiki as your suggestion. Saluki.N 11:07, 7 June 2011 (UTC)
      • Well the wiki relies on the different strengths and contributions of everyone so I'm sure you can do things that I can't for the wiki. I'm not an expert in all things yuri, that's for sure. Just wouldn't bother doing anything with my personal talk page as it's a private page, so there's no point in editing it where there's public wiki pages that are open to the public. Question: As a pixiv person, I'm curious what your thoughts were on my post here: [36]. It was some numbers I started tabulating out of curiosity and was surprised to discover that I think the Madoka couple pairings might be the most drawn yuri couples on pixiv for an anime. Of course Touhou is #1 overall but their popularity is not due to anime. So of anime couples, I think Madoka might be #1 and this happened at some point in a matter of a few months versus anime that has been drawn by pixiv for years. But I would like that verified by someone else who knows the site better than I do. I only search by tags, pretty much. It's part of an analysis I'm doing on Madoka where it's pretty clear it's not the flavor-of-the-month but I'm wondering if it's not one of those rare times where it can make a fundamental change to things like magical girl and yuri anime (and possibly beyond that). So my interest here is tracking the evidence and seeing what happens. --randomanon 17:24, 7 June 2011 (UTC)