Kirika Kure

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Kirika Kure
Japanese Name 呉 キリカ (Kure Kirika)
Age 15
Weapon Large, curved claws.

Kirika Kure (呉 キリカ Kure Kirika) is a character from Puella Magi Oriko Magica. She is a magical girl who has a close relationship with Oriko.


Kirika is somewhat rash. Her top priority is her friend, Oriko, and she seems to do anything Oriko asks of her, including killing other magical girls. Kirika appears to be mentally unstable, such as her insistence in having everyone know the difference between "affection" and "love", as she is willing to devote herself entirely to her love.

She can be moody, perhaps even bipolar, switching from declarations of love to showing disdain towards everyone but Oriko in the span of moments. She tends to be overly serious when it comes to talking about Oriko and/or love, but often shows childish behavior, such as commenting about how hungry she is during battle.Kirika hates people call her a 'child', however,Oriko is the only exception.

Her current personality is the result of her wish, which was to "change" herself. She used to be timid and quiet, but meeting Oriko made her want to be more worthy of the girl's attention by being a different kind of person. This led Kyubey to grant her a more outgoing personality.


She is a school friend of Oriko. Though they went to different schools, Oriko was one of the only people to ever be nice to Kirika, and this, in addition to Oriko's charisma, leads her to be very attached to her.

Kirika's first appearance is at the end of Oriko Magica chapter 2, where she is seen talking to Oriko on her cell phone. Oriko asks her to do something, and Kirika says that she would never turn down one of her requests. She asks that her friend give her a little time to do it, though, as she is covered in blood and wants to clean up.

While in Oriko's father's rose garden, the two prepare to have tea. Kirika names all the different kinds of roses she sees in an attempt to impress Oriko, but is told that it was Oriko's father, Hisaomi Mikuni, who liked roses. Kirika says there's no point knowing anything that doesn't pertain to her friend, causing Oriko to comment that such thinking would make Kirika an ignorant child.

A witch attacks them, and as Kirika fights it, Oriko prepares the tea. Kirika comments about the witch daring to try to come between herself and Oriko. Kirika ends up smashing their table and ruining it, so the two just sit together after the battle, Kirika resting in Oriko's lap.

Later, she loses something important: a stuffed toy she wears on her hip that was a gift from Oriko. Mami finds and returns the toy to Kirika, who claims that Mami is her "savior." As thanks, Kirika treats Mami to a crepe. When Mami asks about the present, and makes the mistake of asking if Kirika likes the person who gave it to her. Kirika's attitude changes swiftly. She says that Mami throws such words around too easily, and that real love is "infinitely finite." While saying this, Kirika is suddenly surrounded and attacked by a witch. Mami resolves to save Kirika, but Kirika is fine. She says that she devoted herself to "her," meaning Oriko, and is willing to even kill her savior for that cause. When she transforms and attacks her, Mami realizes that this is the black magical girl responsible for the recent murders of the other magical girls in the city. Kirika confirms this. Mami defends herself as best she can, but Kirika is too fast to shoot or restrain with her ribbons. Eventually, Kirika wears her down until Mami is wounded on her leg. Mami manages to escape into the witch's barrier, away from Kirika, and sets a trap for her based on the deduction that Kirika's speed is actually an illusion. Kirika is actually slowing her enemies down with a spell, letting her seem faster and more agile than she really is. Mami shoots at her, but Kirika slows it down and dodges it. She didn't account for it to go off after it had past it, however, and the blow wounds her back (where her Soul Gem sits) quite deeply. Mami demands an explanation for the murders, but Kirika refuses to give one. Mami prepares to shoot Kirika through the head, but is stopped when Oriko appears and causes a huge explosion. In the confusion, Oriko saved Kirika and took her back home to be healed.

As Kirika searched for her target, she remembered her first meeting with Oriko, and how she was formerly a quiet loner who had no friends. Oriko helped Kirika collect her things that had spilled onto the ground. Kirika tracked Oriko down after that, but was too afraid and timid to call out to her, thinking that there's no way Oriko would remember her. She wished to "change [herself]", a wish that is granted by Kyubey and changes her personality quite drastically. When she tells Oriko the truth, her friend responds that what Kirika's done in unforgivable and she'll have to make it up to Oriko. Kirika agrees, even as they both realize how little time is left when Kirika's cracked Soul Gem is revealed.

Kirika and Oriko take over Mitakihara Middle School's broadcasting room some time later, sending out a short message to the students that tells Mami and Homura that this will be the final battle. The pair then unleash a witch onto the school, causing a barrier to form around it.

Powers, Weapons & Abilities

Kirika's weapons.

Kirika's weapons are long, curved claws worn on her wrists and hands. There are three blades on each hand usually, though she can manifest more and have 5 on each hand. With these, she is able to slice open her opponents with six separate cuts, as well as tear apart restraining magic like Mami's ribbon. She also exhibits the ability to slow her enemies down, giving the illusion of her having exceptional acrobatic agility and speed.


  • When images of Kirika first surfaced, many fans thought she was Sayaka.
  • Some fans have noted similarities between Kirika and Touhou Project character Renko Usami.
  • Kirika and Oriko are exactly 121 days and 3 hours apart in age. Kirika is the younger of the two.
  • Her stuffed toy bears a resemblance to Kyubey.


  • It is a common speculation that Kirika is the magical girl form of one of the witches seen in the anime. Patricia has been suggested as a possibility, based off Kirika's uniform on the cover of volume 2 (Note also that Patricia uses threads; Oriko's name means "weaver girl"). This particular idea has been debunked. Others, pointing to the sleeves of her magical girl outfit, suggest that she may be involved in the creation of Walpurgis Night.
    • However, Kirika becomes a witch in the second volume, and her witch form does not resemble any of the witches seen in the anime. It's still possible that she is involved in the creation of Walpurgis Night, which is a combination of witches.
      • On the other hand the name of Kirika's witch form is unknown, and there is a precedent for witches having dramatically different alternate forms (see Charlotte)


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