Mitakihara Town

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Mitakihara Town (見滝原町 Mitakihara-chō) is a provincial city where the story takes place. It was not until recently that development began in the town. Much modern architecture has been constructed since.

Pictures of the Town

Architecture in the Anime versus Real-Life Architecture

Episode 1

Visual comparison Explanation First appearance
Burj khalifa.png
The Burj Khalifa in real life (located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates) compared to the similar-looking building in the OP. Opening sequence
Mitakihara Dubai.png
Comparison between Dubai and Mitakihara's skylines. 9:08
Weltstadthaus Compare.png
The shopping mall Madoka and Sayaka go to after school resembles the Weltstadthaus, located in Cologne, Germany. 14:51
Helix bridge.png
The bridge featured in episode 1 resembles the Helix Bridge, located in Singapore. 14:53

Episode 2

Visual comparison Explanation First appearance
UOB Plaza.png
One of the buildings featured in episode 2 resembles UOB Plaza in Singapore. 16:03

Episode 5

Visual comparison Explanation First appearance
The Taipei 101 is part of Mitakihara's skyline N/A
What may be the Empire State Building without its spire. N/A

External links