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File:Madoka Starry Sky.jpg
Madoka amongst the stars.

This page is dedicated to astronomical information related to Madoka.

Extraterrestrial Life

In Episode 9, Kyuubey reveals himself as an alien from outer space. His precise origins are indeterminate, but presumely he belongs to a scientifically advanced race that are either immortal or has mastered faster than light travel.

Witches and celestial objects

Anonymous observes that nearly all the witches and familiars have names corresponding to celestial objects within the solar system:

Character Celestial object Description
Gertrud 710 Gertrud a minor planet orbiting the sun
Anthony 272 Antonia an asteroid
Adelbert 719 Albert An asteroid
Suleika 563 Suleika a minor planet orbiting the sun
Ulla 375 Ursula a large main-belt asteroid
Charlotte Charles a lunar crater
Pyotr 2720 Pyotr Pervyj a main-belt asteroid
Elly 2650 Elinor an asteroid
Daniyyel Daniell a lunar crater
Jennifer 6249 Jennifer an asteroid
Albertine 1290 Albertine an asteroid
Anja 265 Anna an asteroid
Gisela 352 Gisela an asteroid
Dora 668 Dora a main-belt asteroid
Elsa Maria 182 Elsa
170 Maria
both asteroids
Sebastian 1482 Sebastiana an asteroid
Uhrmann possibly Hermann or 10239 Hermann a lunar crater/a main belt asteroid.
Bartels 17823 Bartels a main-belt asteroid
Oktavia 598 Octavia an asteroid
Holger 9266 Holger a main-belt asteroid
Isadel 210 Isabella a main-belt asteroid
Patricia 436 Patricia a main-belt asteroid
Roberta 335 Roberta a large main-belt asteroid
Kriemhild Gretchen 242 Kriemhild a main-belt asteroid.
Walpurgis 256 Walpurga an asteroid