Hungrige Pumpe

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Hungrige Pumpe (Hungry pump) is a witch in Puella Magi Kazumi Magica. She is the witch that attacked the Pleiades Saints before they became magical girls. She appears in chapter 11. Her witch kiss was placed on everyone since they all wanted to take their own lives. Kazumi met them for the first time while rescuing them from it. Kazumi forces them to fight with guns she gives them and tells them if they want to really die then they can by the witch. The girls work together to defeat the witch with Kazumi delivering the finishing blow and saving the girls in the process. It resembles a large eel-like creature with a bonnet-like jellyfish on its head.

Hungrige Pumpe

古代の海の魔女。属性はさみしがりや。サンゴやくらげのような群体の生命を一 思わせる魔女。使い魔がより合わさって魔女になるのか、魔女が分裂して使い魔のような容姿をとるのか、よくわからない。もともと群体なためか、部位破損でのダメージでは致命傷を与えられず全群体を一度に殲滅しない限りり去ることが出来ない。容姿の割には手ごわい魔女である。

Hungrige Pumpe

TypeAncient sea witch
NatureLonely girl
EpisodesKazumi Magica Chapter 11: Dead or Rice

Like a Sea Witch from an ancient era. Her aspect is that of the lonely girl. She reminds you of life-forms that live and act as jellyfish and coral. The Familiars combine to create the witch. It is unknown whether they are independent familiars or just parts of her body. Since she is a mass-body, she can be hurt if one of her parts is destroyed, but she cannot be killed in this manner. All her parts must be destroyed at once. She may look cute, but she is a very menacing witch.


  • The witch initially appeared as a swarm of familiar-like creatures, which then fused together into a single being, much like Mirai Wakaba's La Bestia attack.
  • The eel-like part of the witch deflates and shrivels up when shot by the Pleiades. The jellyfish on top then re-inflates it like a balloon, possibly as part of a symbiotic relationship.
  • Her barrier resembles a beach, with several toriis standing in the water and coral.
  • It is vaguely reminiscent of the description of the second witch that appeared in Drama CD 3.
  • In Volume 3's design notes, the witch is described as reminiscent of colony-type lifeforms such as coral and jellyfish. It's unclear whether a bunch of familiars join together to form the witch, or if the witch breaks apart into familiar-like things. Because her body is a colony, she can be hurt if one part of her is killed, but she cannot be destroyed unless the entire colony is wiped out at once.
  • The witch is named in Volume 3's design notes. Its name roughly means 'Hungry Pump' in German.
  • With her cute appearance turning into a monstrous worm-like one, one could say that Hungrige Pumpe is the Kazumi Magica version of Charlotte.
