Puella Magi Madoka Magica Online
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica Online was a multi-player browser-based freemium game based on Puella Magi Madoka Magica settings. It is no longer open for play, and had some regional access restrictions. The game was free to play but Platinum coupons were used for a slim chance to get premium items and Action Points and immediate restoration items were purchasable from the cash shop.
Madoka Magica Online was first announced on July 4th, 2012. The game's site was opened on July 10th, 2012. The pre-service was released on Niconico App on August 27th, 2012, and the complete service was released on September 4th, same year. It was later also released on Yahoo! Mobage on January 22nd, 2013. Its end of service was announced on March 26th, 2015, and it was finally discontinued on May 28th, same year.
- Introduction: Read this to get an overview of what the game was.
- Getting Started, Troubleshooting: Answers to common troubleshooting questions that prevented players from playing.
- Story: In-game dialogue (still needs translation).
- Gameplay: Information about the Quests, PvP, stats, and mechanics that were in the game.
- Items: Information about the cute clothes and badass gear that were in the game.
- Gallery: Screenshots, jokes and art of the game.
- Updates and Events: Details of updates and past events.
- Interviews: Interviews and behind-the-scenes information.
- Co-op Play:A multiplayer guide that was used for the game.
- Walpurgis: Information about the Walpurgis Night raid event that used to take place..
Current EventsEnd of Madoka Online Service:
4pm JST, May 28, 2015 Termination Notice: Google Translate Japanese
News and AnnouncementsFor details go here: Madoka Magica Online Events
Meguca Guild News
Guild announcements will Discuss details in the thread or contact me directly on IRC (when I'm not idling). Triella ~KM 07:52, 3 November 2012 (UTC)
Maintenance Changes:

Getting Started
How to register.
Choose a world/server. The list's order is randomized, so check the names.
Enter your character's name here.
How to change your party members and their gear. (Outdated)
How to save and use party setups.
Top: Retreat. Middle: Recenter camera. Bottom: Inventory picked up in the quest. If there's a fourth button to the left, it's for increasing game speed.
How to collect presents.
Character profile and how to change appearance.
There are five worlds (servers), each named after a witch: Shadow (シャドウ), Rose (ローズ), Dark (ダーク), Silver (シルバー), and Mermaid (マーメイド). Mermaid is only available to Yahoo users, while the other four are available to either GG or Nico users. Once you choose one, your account will be locked in to it. For a list of players on each world, see the Meguca Online Spreadsheet, which also contains the Suffering Calculator and Weapon Damage Calculator.
Advanced Guides
How to use the friends screen.
How to use the achievements screen.
In-game help notes.
The co-op UI preview.
Click on this button to send mail to the other player.
How to tell when someone last logged in.
How to combine weapons to upgrade them.
How to join a team.
The team UI.
When sharing a witch in a team, choose to invite friends or team members.
IMPORTANT:- These are past troubleshooting questions! These have been left here for memory related reasons.
- If you can't log in to the game at all, that might be because it shut down on May 28, 2015.
- If you get an Apache 2/CentOS test page(previous) or a Forbidden 403 error(current), you may need to use a proxy to bypass IP blocks. Certain blocks only apply to the signup and login areas, so some users have been able to log in with proxies and switch to direct connections after world server selection screen.
- Try using the Nico client to play the game if your IP is blocked: http://app.nicovideo.jp/app/ap110
- The game will load a large cinematic the first time you play. This can cause extended loading times in excess of 5 minutes, and you may need to relaunch the game if your connection to the server fails during loading, causing you to become stuck at the loading screen.
- If the game is freezing when you try to enter pvp or co-op, or when you try to access any feature changed in a recent maintenance, try clearing your browser's cache and restarting the game.
- If you frequently get the "server can't get status" error while using the QB Box or weapon synthesis, try using a different browser. There has been a case where the error persisted after handling the cache and cookies, but was fixed by switching from Chrome to Firefox. It is speculated that in such cases the error can prevent you from receiving some items, so don't ignore these errors.
- If the game will not load after re-logging in after your first time, it might be because of your character name. Try creating a new account with a character name using only 'normal' characters (A-Z, Hiragana, Kanji, Katakana with no spaces, underscores or other funny characters). Might be related to the following point.
- The chat and automessage systems don't allow some common characters such as spaces and periods. You'll get an error message if you try to use them. Some English swearing is also blocked. Note that the double width question mark works, but the normal one doesn't.
- Allowed: ~`!@#&<>=?
- Illegal: .$%^*()-,/':"?-- space
- Also allowed: ´・ω・`:。β★◆●【】※・ー一!)(「」┃○‐
- Mobile users may be able to play by using software such as Teamviewer to remotely run the game on a PC. The browser Puffin has been reported to be able to play the full game, including battles that fail on most mobile devices, but you must mute the music before closing the game or else it will continue playing.
- For people who bought their Charlotte or Walpurgis mini-nendroid, please make sure you empty your accessories slot before entering your serial-number.
- In-game mail from other players will be automatically deleted after 10 days.
- Some presents, such as items found in quests while your inventory was full, will expire after a short time. Make sure to retrieve your presents quickly.
- Presents from special events are often sent some time after maintenance ends, not immediately after the servers come up. Presents can expire before the time listed in the presents window entry.
- The game constantly transfers data through and any downloads or uploads to it that take too long will cause you to disconnect. The timeout has switched between 5 and 30 seconds, and is currently believed to be 30 seconds.
- It was 5 seconds until the 11/21 maintenance, 30 until 11/28, 5 until 12/4, and 30 following the 12/4 maintenance. Changes in the limit have greatly affected the number of disconnections players experience.
- When initially entering the game, you must transfer about 40KB within the time limit. Prior to 11/28, it was 167.17KB. The developers appear to have reduced the size of each transfer to prevent disconnections.
- Cheat Engine can be used to reduce the game's speed, tricking it into giving players more time to transfer data, which reduces the number of disconnects. This can be particularly useful at the end of a PVP match, when disconnections and freezes are likely to happen.
- If you are having trouble connecting, make sure that nothing is interfering with your access to the gateway IP.
- Some users have found that the game runs better in Chrome than Firefox.
- However, other users have solved errors by using Firefox instead. Try a variety of browsers if you're having trouble playing. Reports indicate that the IE10 and Apple Flash engines may perform better than Firefox as well.
- Reducing the game's graphics quality can dramatically lower CPU load.
- If you're getting disconnected frequently, avoid using flash-based sites in other browser tabs or running P2P applications such as bittorrent in the background.
- High server load can cause issues such as being stuck at a loading screen or getting stuck with a grayed out screen while trying to load a menu.
- If you get the error pictured below while trying to open a Kyubey BOX, your inventory is full. You can have only a limited number of each type of card (weapons, clothes, accessories, skills). Sell some to make room. The numbers along the side of the Kyubey BOX screen tell you how much space you have left in each card category.
- If you still can't open the box after making sure you have space in all 4 card categories, check your presents. Open the history screen from the lobby (icon: papers with quill pen). Go to the packages tab and collect the card that was withheld due to the inventory being full. After clearing your inventory and packages, Kyubey BOXes should work again. Presents that must be opened often have the word "BOX" in their descriptions.
Inventory full. Sell items until you have room in all 4 card categories.
The red 50/50 means the inventory is full. Categories: weapons(full), clothes, accessories, and skills.
Inventory full. Sell items and clear history packages.
How to collect presents.
Server can't get status. Enable third-party cookies and restart the game.
Connection lost. Restart the game.
You were disconnected during a quest. Click the right button to resume where you left off.
This present must be retrieved before time runs out.
You can't have more than one of the same SS character. Tickets will be refunded.
Your present could not be claimed. This may be caused by not having enough inventory space (there may be multiple items in one present, and you can only have 999 tickets) or the expiration of the present.
- Main article: Madoka Secret Project
External links
Official Site
- Official website (Main portal) (may be region-restricted)
- Official website (Nico portal) (may be region-restricted)
- Official website (Yahoo portal) (may be region-restricted)
- Madoka Magica Channel on Nico Channel
- NicoNico App Portal
- Yahoo! Japan Portal
- Closed Beta site
- Strategy Partners official website (game developer's website)
- Official Trailer
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica Online Wiki (Japanese)
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica Online Kouryaku Wiki (Japanese with simplified stat calculator)
- Help screen translations
- Madoka Online fan blog
- Meguca Online Spreadsheet
- Madoka Online Facebook Fanpage
- The Victory theme music
News Site
- ANN announcement
- OnlineGamer write-up (Japanese)
- Interview with Producer Fujii, by 4Gamer (Japanese)
IRC Channel
- #MadokaOnline @ irc.rizon.net
4chan Archived Threads in archived.moe |
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