Madoka Magica Mobage Story The Magical Girls' New Year's

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The Magical Girls' New Year's (魔法少女たちのお正月) was a special for New Years for the start of 2012 in Puella Magi Madoka Magica Mobage. Examples of their dialogue scenes, holiday cards and more cut scenes are presented below. Video can viewed here.

Translation: Sayaka's Bad Fortune

For context, this takes place after arriving at a shrine for New Year's. Everyone, including you as the player character, got various degrees of good fortune from their omikuji. This scene takes place with Sayaka receiving her fortune.

Warning, this section contains spoilers.

Kyoko: Oh, good for you. Now let me guess, Sayaka's going to top us all off with a bad luck fortune, right? Ahahaha-...
Sayaka: "Horrible luck"... [Editor's note: dai-kyō, (大凶) is the worst fortune you can get with an omikuji]
Kyoko: ! !
Player: a horrible luck fortune really does exist...
Sayaka: "The person you are waiting for....won't come."
Player: Uwaa... Sayaka's seriously getting depressed...
Kyoko:'s just a piece of paper, it's no big deal! Give it to me. I'll go tie it on a tree for ya!
Sayaka: ...Will I end up alone this year..?
Kyoko: D..don't worry Sayaka, that won't happen. I'll...err...I'll stay with you!
Player: Looks like Kyoko's actually trying to cheer Sayaka up for once. Kind of a weird scene.

Chapter Titles

Episode Original title Translation
Prologue 遊びたいな!
1 見とれすぎだよ
2 代わりに読もうか?
3 難しいんだね…
4 美味しそう…!
5 叶えたいこと
6 上手に飛んでるよ
7 崩れちゃった
8 とっても嬉しかったんです
Epilogue 魔法少女たちのお正月

New Year Themed Screenshots and Cards