Animation Kobe 2011

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica won the TV Feature award at the 16th annual Anime Kobe award. The official ceremony to award the prize was hosted at Kobe on October 16, 2011.

This award is open to any anime's original broadcast from September of the previous year to August of that year in Japan. A judging committee makes the decision and it is considered among the most prestigious industry accolades in Japanese animation and media. [1]

The reason for Puella Magi Madoka Magic receiving the TV Feature award as provided on the Anime Kobe official site.

Translation courtesy of symbv from evageeks forum.

Original text Translation
作品賞・テレビ部門 TV Feature Award
魔法少女まどか☆マギカ Puella Magi Madoka Magica
「・・・だったら、やがて魔女になる君たちのことは、魔法少女と呼ぶべきだよね」。このセリフを聞いたときに本作の世界が見えたような気がします。ひとりの少女が希望を抱き、やがて来る絶望に飲み込まれ、そんな少女を救うのもまた、別の少女の願いであるという・・・夢や希望だけでは語れない〝魔法少女〟の世界に、多くのアニメファンが釘付けにされたのではないでしょうか。脚本の虚淵玄、キャラクター原案の蒼樹うめ、魔女世界を表現した劇団イヌカレーという、個性の強い三者の世界を融合させ、骨太のアニメーションに昇華させた新房昭之監督とシャフトの手腕も忘れてはいけません。物語や映像表現に新しさを盛り込みつつ、毎週早く次が見たいというテレビシリーズならではの醍醐味を味合わせてくれた本作は作品賞(テレビ部門)にふさわしいと考え、選出させていただきました。 "...and so, since you all will soon become majo (witches), you should be called mahou shoujo." At the moment I heard this dialogue, I felt that I could finally see the world of this work. One young girl embraced hope but soon enough she was engulfed by despair. And to save such a young girl, it could be the wish of yet another young girl.... This world of "mahou shoujo" which could not be covered with just dreams or hopes -- haven't many anime fans been riveted by it? We must also not forget the competent skills from Director Akiyuki Shinbo and Shaft that managed to harmoniously blend the contributions from three sources with strong characters: Screenplay by Gen Urobuchi, Original Character Design by Ume Aoki, and Manifestation of the Bewitched Worlds by Gekidan Inu-Curry; and sublimate it into a solidly substantial animation. While incorporating freshness into the story as well as video expression, this anime provided the perfect taste of the real charm of an anime that could only be found in a TV series where every week you really cannot wait to watch what happens next. Thus we believe this anime is best suited for the TV Feature Award.

See Also