Eri Kitamura February 2011 Radio Interview
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Eri Kitamura Radio Interview Discussing Sayaka
Summary from 2ch:
- In the studio, we're all referring to this project as "Sayaka★Magica."
- 可哀そうな方向にしかいかないが、一寸の光はある
- Things are going to move in a tragic direction, but there's a ray of light at the end of the tunnel.
- 3話以降(例のシーン)以降、ニトロ作品らしいダークな一癖も二癖もある話が展開されていく
- After Episode 3, we're gonna have a Nitroplus-like development in the story. There'll be a twist or two in the plot, and it'll get dark.
- さやかには、話の核心を付いたセリフがあるらしい
- Some words Sayaka said may relate to the core concept.
- 自分からフラグを立てていき、さやかの周りでも引っくり返しが2~3回以上起こるらしい
- Her (death) flag is set by herself. Her surrounds likely has such turn for 2 or 3 times.
- ほむら役の千和曰く、「さやかはおいしい役だった」とのこと
- Chiwa, role of Homura, said that playing role of Sayaka is easy but can get much.
- キーパーソンになる
- She'll become a key person.
Clip recording that portion from Kitaeri's radio