Madoka Magica Mobage Story Yearned-for Marriage

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Yearned-for Marriage (憧れのマリアージュ) was a time-limited event that ran in Puella Magi Madoka Magica Mobage from the 28th of June to the 4th of July. The story can be viewed here, and a partial translation here.

Oakfeather's translation

Note: This translation covers events in chronological order, but doesn't include all scenes. Lines have been added to indicate cut content, and descriptions between parenthesis for scene changes.

Warning, this section contains spoilers.

Mami: ...Ufufu, you’d be the cutest wife in the world like that.
Madoka: Ooh… that’s kind of embarrassing.
Mami: Don’t be embarrassed. I might get jealous of the groom.
Homura: …Yes
Sayaka: You need to hurry up and take care of your clinginess to Homura. Otherwise you won’t be able to meet the guy you’re fated to marry, Madoka.
Madoka: I-I don’t cling!

Homura: Sakura Kyouko, why are you looking my way?
Kyouko: You sure are composed. You’re up next, Homura
Madoka: Homura-chan in a dress… I want to see that. It would definitely be cute. Do you have a dress you’d like to wear, Homura-chan?
Homura: …Not in particular
Kyouko: Oh, ain’t you the reasonable one Homura.
Mami: You have a nice figure, so maybe a mermaid style dress would suit you…
Madoka: I think a floofy dress would be cute for Homura-chan too.
Sayaka: Isn’t that just your own taste?
Madoka: C´mon, I think it would suit Homura-chan too.
(screen fades to white to show a church background and Homura in a wedding dress)
Homura: … All prepared. How is this…?
Thank you, you’re a kind person, player… You’re too kind, and that’s why I’m worried… Please, I’m asking you to allow me to always protect you from now on. Please don’t forget the sadness I would feel if I were to lose you. Those are my true feelings… If it’s for you, player, I can continue to fight…
(back to present)
Homura: … What was that cliché nonsense just now?
Mami: Imagining what it would be like if you were to become a bride.
Homura: Imagining?
Mami: That you might be the type to be really devoted to her husband.
Madoka: Homura-chan sure can do anything, huh…
Sayaka: She’s been getting ever more love letters than Hitomi now, right? Yeah, she’s super popular in every class and all the grades!
Madoka: Huh!? R-really? Homura-chan…
Homura: …Perhaps. This isn’t the place for that discussion.
Player: (R-really? I’m curious…)

Madoka: *sigh*
Homura: What’s wrong, Madoka?
Madoka: You and Hitomi-chan have both gotten love letters… I’d like to get just one… a letter, that is.
Sayaka: Ooh, do you want to turn into a popular, beautiful girl like Hitomi and Homura, too?
Madoka: Th-that’s not…
Sayaka: I think that guys are weak to the type of girls like Hitomi and Mami-san. They’re the modest type like they’d walk 3 steps behind a guy…
Player: I see…
Sayaka: Meek, honest… Basically, that! A glasses girl!!
Kyouko: Glasses girl? What’s that?
Sayaka: A glasses girl type has like, that kind of impression… If the super popular Homura turned into a glasses girl, wouldn’t that be the best!?
Madoka: Homura-chan wearing glasses? Hmm…
(fade to wedding)
Homura: Looking like this really is embarrassing... It’s super weird…. …Ahh, okay. I’m going now… Ah, um… I hope we can get along… Um… Is it really alright for someone like me to become your wife, player? I can’t do anything… Al I do is cause trouble for people and embarrass myself…. Rather than you protecting me, I want to be the one who protects you, player… Because, I love you…
Madoka: Homura-chan might look cute in glasses too…
Kyouko: Really? Ain’t that kinda a stretch? Homura ain’t that kinda girl.
Homura: …That’s right. I can’t imagine it myself.
Sayaka: … What? But I thought that’d suit her.

Madoka: …Fufu, Sayaka-chan is still annoyed.
Homura: I wonder when those two will get tired of bickering…
Madoka: For real…
(fade to white)
Madoka: Um, hey, Homura-chan? Um, well… do you have any boys that you like?
Homura: …No, I don’t.
Madoka: …I see!
Homura: What about you, Madoka?
Madoka: No, I don’t! I don’t know if I’ve even had a first crush yet…?
Homura: …Is that so?
Madoka: Keep that a secret from the others, okay…? I guess it’s strange that I don’t even after becoming a middle schooler…
Homura: That’s not true. It’s just that up until now there hasn’t been anyone that caught your eye, right?
Madoka: Hmm? Maybe. …But I’m glad. I’m kind of relieved.
Homura: …Why?
Madoka: …I’m sorry, I just started feeling a little lonely imagining you being somebody’s wife. They were talking about you getting lots of love letters… and I didn’t want you to get taken away by some boy…
Homura: Fufu… you sure jumped to conclusions… Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.
Madoka: Thanks… You know, right now, I still want to stay by your… everyone’s side.
Homura: I feel the same way, Madoka…
Player: Hey, what are you guys talking about?
Madoka: Tehehe, a continuation of our wedding conversation earlier… I guess?
(fade to white)
Kyouko: You’re still going? You just don’t get tired of it, huh.
Mami: There’s no helping it. They’re girls after all.
Kyouko: Yeah, well like I care… Well, you can take it easy, Sayaka.
Sayaka: Huh? About what?
Kyouko: Since you’re so pitiful, I’m gonna give ya my bouquet.
Sayaka: Wh-, why are you planning on getting married before I do!?
Kyouko: Ain’t planning it, it’s just obvious to anybody.
Sayaka: There’s no way! I’m so not gonna lose to you!!
Mami: Fufu. All of us really are girls.
(fade to white)
Homura: …They sure are noisy.
Madoka: Ahaha, being with everyone is fun isn’t it, Homura-chan? … Homura-chan, it’s fine not to rush, isn’t it?
Homura: Madoka?
Madoka: It’d be nice to take our time growing up…
Homura: …Yes, it would.
Player: (But it sure would be nice to be able to grow up together…)

Cards and Screenshots

Chapter Titles

Episode Original title Translation
Prologue 幸せオーラ全開ー
1 お嫁さんは、女の子の夢だもん
2 あたしの婿になるのだーー!!
3 ずっと一緒にいてやるよ
4 それが、私の一番の夢だから
5 呆れてるだけだっつーの
6 優しい人ね……
7 素敵な彼氏ができちゃった
8 貴方を守る私になりたい、です…
Epilogue みんなにはナイショだよ?