Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 12

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 12-1

12-1 Before

Sayaka Player、

結界を見つけたの? さすがだねっ。

Found a barrier, Player? Way to go.
Sayaka じゃ、さっそくみんなに


Welp, let's go ahead and tell the others, then!
Sayaka よーし、街の人たちに被害が出る前に、


Awwrighty, let's settle this quick, before any of the townsfolk get hurt!
Sayaka ……なに? Player。

あたしの顔、じっと見つめて。 ……あ、わかった!

...What? Player. Look straight into my eyes. ...Ah, I see!
Sayaka いつもパトロールをぼやいてる

あたしが、妙にやる気だしてるのが 不思議なんでしょ?

I'm usually spacing out when we're on patrol, so you're wondering why I'm so proactive all of a sudden, huh?
Sayaka へへーん、


Hehheh, the power of love, I guess?
Sayaka なーんてね。

本当はそんな立派な ものじゃないし、

Haaaah, hah. Nah, it's really not something -that- momentus.
Sayaka 今もまだよく


I'm not really sure what it is, but...
Sayaka ……Player、


...Player, do you think there's something out there for me to do,
Sayaka あたしにも何かできることが


just like how Kyosuke has his music?
Sayaka ……って、突然そんなこと

聞かれてもわかるわけないよねっ。 変なこと言ってごめん。

...Well, nevermind, there's no way I can expect you to know an answer to that out of the blue. Sorry for bringing up something so weird.
Sayaka いけない、いけない。どうも、

Playerが相手だと、 つい安心してしゃべっちゃう。

Ah man, ah man. I don't know why, but it always calms me down whenever I talk to you, Player.
Sayaka みんなには内緒だよ。


Don't tell the others, okay? Now, let's go call them!

12-1 After

Sayaka よし、無事に結界は壊した。


Awesome, we safely broke that barrier. Magical girl duties complete!
Sayaka じゃあ、あたしは先に帰るね。


Welp, I'll be going home then. Bye!
Madoka/Mami バイバイ、さやかちゃん。


Bye bye, Sayaka-chan. /Farewell, Miki-san.
Mami ……。美樹さん、

ずいぶん元気で明るかったけど、 告白のほうはどうなったのかしら?

... Miki-san seems quite cheerful and bright today, but what do you think happened with her confession?
Mami もしかしてあきらめちゃって、

それで私たちの前では 空元気を装ってる、

Do you think maybe she gave up, and now she's just putting on an air of bravado
Mami なんてことはないかしら? so as to not worry us?
Madoka 心配ですよね。


That is worrying. Maybe...
Madoka わたしたちのアドバイスが

頼りないのが 原因だったりしませんか?

Do you think maybe it's our fault for not giving good enough advice?
Kyoko んー、意外と男とか恋とか、

そういうものに 飽きちゃったんじゃねーか?

Hmm, you think maybe she just suddenly got tired of guys and romance and stuff?
Mami ちょっと佐倉さんっ。


Come on now, Sakura-san. Miki-san's dilemma aside,
Mami あなたは少し恋心とか


Don't you think maybe it's you who should be thinking a little more about romance?
Kyoko あ? なんだよそれっ。

まるでアタシががさつで 無神経だとでも言いたいのかよ!

Huh? The hell you mean? You tryin' to call me some kinda insensitive brute!?
Kyoko だいたいマミは


You're the one who stuck your nose in too far in the first place, Mami.
Kyoko もしかして、その歳で

もうワイドショー好きの おばさん化したかぁ?

Have you already been old-lady-fied into liking variety talk shows at your age?
Mami おばさん、って……ちょっと!

今のはさすがに 聞き捨てならないわっ!

Old lady? ...Hey! That was really uncalled for!
Madoka ちょっと、やめてくださいっ。


Please, just stop it. You too, Mami-san. What's gotten into you?
Madoka 今はさやかちゃんのことを


Please, won't somebody just think of Sayaka-chan!?
Mami/Kyoko ……ご、ごめんなさい。


...I-I'm sorry. /...My bad.
Madoka でも、さやかちゃん、


Anyway, do you think Sayaka-chan will really be alright?
Madoka あんなに好きだった

上条くんへの気持ち、 諦めたりしないよね?

She wouldn't just give up on her feelings for Kamijo-kun when she loved him that much, would she?

Quest 12-2

12-2 Before

Madoka あの、さやかちゃん。


Um, Sayaka-chan. About Kamijo-kun...
Sayaka えー?

あー、そのことかぁ。 どうかしたの?

Ehh? Oh, yeah. What about him?
Madoka あ、うん。わたしたちね、

あの後もいろいろ考えて みたんだけど、

Uh, well. You know, the rest of us have been thinking about a lot of things since then,
Madoka 次は集団デートに


So what would you think about inviting him on a group date?
Sayaka あー、ありがとう、まどか。

そっか。まだ、いろいろ 心配かけちゃってたか。

Ahh, thanks, Madoka. I see. So you're all still worried about me, huh.
Sayaka だけど、もうそのことはいいんだ。 But it's all okay now.
Madoka え?


Eh? Okay...? You mean...
Madoka 上条くんへ告白すること、


You've given up on confessing to Kamijo-kun?
Sayaka んんー、

あきらめるとか そういう話じゃなくてさ……

Hmmm, well, I wouldn't say I've given up, per se...
Sayaka あたし自身も


I don't quite know how to explain it myself.
Sayaka ただ今はまだ、

恭介のことは もう少し落ち着いてからでも

But I guess I've calmed down a little over Kyosuke for now.
Sayaka いいかなって思うんだ。 I think it's all okay now.
Madoka え?


Eh? R-really?
Sayaka だから、いろいろ応援してくれて

悪いんだけど……。 本当にありがとう。

So, I'm sorry to have wasted all of your help, but... thank you, so much.
Sayaka 気持ちはすっごく嬉しかったよ。 I'm really happy you all care so much about me.
Sayaka ついでみたいで悪いんだけど、

マミさんたちには うまく取り繕っておいてよ。

Sorry this is all so sudden, but could you help smooth things over with Mami for me?
Madoka う、うん。 O-okay.
Madoka わたし、よくわからないけど、


I'm not really sure what's going on, but if that's what you want, Sayaka-chan...

12-2 After

Sayaka 恭介、また練習してるの?


Practicing again, Kyosuke? You sure seem enthusiastic.
Kyosuke さやか、来てたのか。

……うん、少しでも 勘を取り戻そうと思ってね。

Oh, Sayaka, you came. ...Yeah, I wanted to regain some of the feel.
Sayaka 怪我が治ってからの恭介のギター、

久しぶりに聴いたけど、 やっぱり素敵だね。

I've been wanting to hear your guitar again now that you're healed. But man, it sure is wonderful.
Sayaka ……あの頃と変わらない。 ...It's the same as it was back then.
Kyosuke あの頃? Back then?
Sayaka うん。


Yeah. Back when we were young.
Sayaka あたしが初めて恭介の演奏を


When I first heard you at your concert.
Sayaka 感動したなあ。


I was so moved. You were really impressive.
Sayaka なんだか心が

温かくなるっていうか、 幸せな気分になったんだ。

It filled my heart with some kind of warmth. I felt so happy.
Sayaka 気づいてる?

恭介の演奏を聴いてるとき、 みんな子供みたいな顔になるんだよ。

Have you noticed, Kyosuke? Whenever you play, everyone's faces look like those of children.
Sayaka 口を半開きにして、


Their mouths are half open, they listen with their whole bodies,
Sayaka 演奏が終わると、みんな涙を


And when your song ends, everyone's applauding in tears.
Kyosuke それは嬉しいけど、


Um, I'm happy to hear that and all, but don't you think you're exaggerating a little?
Sayaka ううん!


No! Not at all.
Sayaka ……だから、あたしね、

恭介が怪我したとき、 本当に悲しかった。 know, that's why... when you got injured, I felt so sad.
Sayaka 何の才能もない、夢もない、

あたしじゃなくて、 なんで恭介なんだろうって。

'Why did it have to be Kyosuke? Why Kyosuke, and not someone like me, who has no talents. No dreams'
Sayaka 本当につらいのは恭介なのに、ね。

あたし、あの頃から 自分のことばかり考えてたよ……。

Though, of course, it was really you who was suffering. I was so selfish back then. I was only thinking about myself....
Kyosuke さやか……。 Sayaka...
Sayaka でもね、素敵な友達に囲まれて、


But you know, now that I'm surrounded by amazing friends, and now that I see you trying your hardest,
Sayaka またギターの音色を


Now that I've heard the timbre of your guitar once more, I finally realized.
Sayaka こんな自分でも、

あたしにしかできないことが あるんだって。

That no matter how useless I feel, there are still things out there that only I can do.
Sayaka 恭介のおかげだよ。


And it's all thanks to you. Thank you, Kyosuke.
Kyosuke さやか、さっきからどうかしたの? Sayaka, what's wrong?
Kyosuke 本当はこっちが感謝するべきなのに、


You've got this all backwards. It's me who should be thanking you.
Sayaka 今日のあたし、なんか変かな?


Have I been acting strange today? Hahah, sorry about that.
Sayaka でも、これだけは言えるよ。

あたしも、これからは恭介みたいに、 自分にしかできないことをがんばる。

But let me just say this. From now on, I'm going to do my best to do the things only I can do. Just like you have, Kyosuke.
Sayaka あたし、なんだかんだ言っても、

恭介たちがいるこの街が好きだよ。 そして、みんなの笑顔も好き。

After all is said and done. I love this town. Because you're here. And because I love everyone's smiling faces.
Sayaka あたし、その笑顔を見るだけで幸せ。


Just seeing those smiles makes me happy. makes me want to protect them.
Sayaka なーんか、


This might seem kinda weird to say,
Sayaka あたしだって恭介に負けないくらい


But I'm gonna do my best, so that I won't lose to you, Kyosuke!
Kyosuke ……うん、よくわからないけど、

元気なところがさやからしいよ、 ハハハ。

...Yeah. I'm don't quite understand, but it's so like you to be this spirited, Sayaka. Hahahah.
Sayaka ちょっと!

ひとが真面目に言ってるのに。 このバチあたりめ!

ah, come on! I'm being serious here, dammit!
Sayaka それじゃあ、

練習の邪魔しちゃうから、 あたしはもう行くね。

Well, I don't want to interfere with your practice, so I'll be off now.
Sayaka あんまり無理しちゃだめだよ。 Don't push yourself too hard, okay?
Sayaka 恭介!

日本に帰ってきたときは、 誰よりも先に、

Kyosuke! When you come back to Japan,
Sayaka あたしにギターを聴かせてね!


Be sure to let me be the very first to hear your guitar, okay!? It's a promise!!
Kyosuke うん。


Yeah. Of course. That's what I intend to do.

Quest 12-3

12-3 Before

Madoka ……それでね、さやかちゃんは

なんかすごく元気になったから よかったんだけど……。

...So then, somehow, Sayaka-chan seemed really happy, and I'm glad for her, but...
Madoka マミさんのほうが、


Mami-san on the other hand, seems disappointed.
Madoka それで、

「内心は違うんじゃないか」って 悩んでいるみたいで……。

So she's worried that maybe she's hiding something on the inside...
Madoka そしたら、今度は杏子ちゃんが

「お節介はやめろっ」って 言って、

And then Kyoko-chan said that Mami-san's been sticking her nose in too much,
Madoka すぐケンカになっちゃうし……。 And they ended up fighting....
Madoka もう!

みんな、何を考えてるのか、 わたしにはわかんないよぉ。

Man! I just don't understand what's going on in everyone's heads.
Homura そう。

でも、まどかの心配していたことは 解決したんでしょう?

I see. But you've settled what it is you're worried about, right, Madoka?
Madoka まあ、それはそうなんだけど。


Well, I guess I have. But is this really for the best?
Homura それよりも……私は、

あなたたちの違うところのほうが、 もっと気になるけど。

More importantly... there's something else about you guys that worries me even more.
Madoka え?!ほむらちゃんがわたしたちのことで


Eh!? There's something about us that worries you, Homura-chan?
Madoka それってなに? なに? What's that? What is it?
Homura ……。べつに、

あなたに言うことでもないわ。 忘れてちょうだい。

...Nothing really. Not something you need to hear. Please forget I said anything.
Madoka えー、気になるよぉ。

教えて、ほむらちゃん。 わたしたち、友達でしょ?

Ehh, but I'm interested. Tell me, please, Homura-chan? We're friends, aren't we?
Homura ……いいわ。\nそれはね、あなたたちが、\n魔法少女として、 ...Fine. Recently, I've come under the impression
Homura 最近ちょっと\n油断しすぎてないかってこと。 that perhaps you all have been a little too negligent as magical girls.
Homura 巴マミからも聴いてるでしょう。

もうすぐ、これまでとは 比べ物にならない

You've heard from Tomoe Mami as well, have you not? That very soon,
Homura 強大な魔女が


An almighty witch unlike anything else you've encountered will come to this town.
Homura それなのに……


And yet... I'm starting to worry if things will be okay.
Madoka あ、……ご、ごめんなさい。

そうだよね、 わたしたち魔法少女だもんね。

Ah... I-I'm sorry. You're right. We are magical girls, after all.
Homura ……私のほうこそ悪かったわ。

あなたはそんな心配、 する必要はないのだから。

...I should be the one to apologize. There was no need to trouble you with such concerns.
Madoka え?

ほむらちゃん、 それってどういう意味なの?

Eh? Homura-chan, what do you mean by that?
Homura なんでもない。

そう、あなたは 何も気にしなくていいの。

Nothing. Nothing you need to worry about.

12-3 After

Kyubey やあ、暁美ほむら。\n結局、美樹さやかのことは、 Yo, Akemi Homura. So in the end,
Kyubey 君が知っている時間軸と\n同じ結果になったんじゃないかな。 Has Miki Sayaka succumbed to the same fate as in the time axes you've known?
Homura そんなことを言うために現れたの? Did you come all the way here just to say that?
Kyubey 君に伝えておきたいことが\nあるんだ。 There's something I need to tell you.
Kyubey ……そろそろ\nワルプルギスの夜がやってくる。 ...Walpurgisnacht is about to arrive.
Homura そう。\nやはり、いつもより\nずっと早いわね。 I see. And, of course, it's coming far earlier than usual.
Kyubey 驚かないんだね。\n過去の世界で起きたことの違いも、\nすでに織り込み済みというわけかい。 You don't seem surprised. Have you already begun to account for variances between events in past worlds?
Kyubey さすが時間遡行者だ。 As expected of a time reverser.
Homura 嫌味のつもり? Is that sarcasm?
Kyubey では、結論から聞こう。\n街に迫ってきている\nワルプルギスの夜に、 In that case, allow me to ask about your conclusion.
Kyubey 君はどう立ち向かうつもりだい? How do you plan to oppose Walpurgisnacht as it approaches town?
Homura ……もうわかってるでしょう。\n$playername$の力よ。 ...I've already told you, haven't I? With Player's power.
Homura 私たちの力を増幅する\n彼女の魔法を使えば、 As long as we use her magic to amplify our power,
Homura 必ずワルプルギスの夜を\n倒せるはずだわ。 We should be able to easily defeat Walpurgisnacht.
Kyubey それが間違いの元なんだよ、\n暁美ほむら。 You're running off a flawed foundation, Akemi Homura.
Kyubey $playername$の力は、\n決戦の前でも働かず、\n必ず結末は今までと同じことになる。 Player's power will not work in the decisive battle. The end result will surely be the same as it always has been.
Homura なぜ、そんなことを言い切れるの? How can you say that for certain?
Kyubey 嘘だと思うかい? \nだけど、確かな証拠が\nあるじゃないか。 Does it seem like I'm lying? But haven't you already found solid evidence backding my claims?
Kyubey 君のソウルジェムだけ、\nただの一度も輝いていない。\nそれが動かぬ証拠さ。 Your soul gem is the only one that has never glowed like the rest. That is unshakable evidence.
Kyubey 暁美ほむら、\nあのソウルジェムの輝きこそ…… Akemi Homura, those glowing soul gems...
Kyubey $playername$の魔法が、\n他の魔法少女に効果を\n及ぼしている現れなんだ。 Are the true indicators that Player's magic is taking effect on other magical girls.
Kyubey ジェムが光らない君は、\n戦力にならない。 With your soul gem unglowing, you will not contribute to their fighting potential.
Kyubey それは、\nワルプルギスの夜ほどの大物が\n相手だと致命的だ。 A lethal oversight in facing an enemy of Walpurgisnacht's caliber.
Homura なぜいま私に\nそんなことを教えるの? Why are you telling me this now?
Homura 本当の企みはどうあれ、\n今まで直接の干渉は\nしてこなかったはず。 You've always been scheming something. You've never made such direct intervention before.
Homura それが“あなたたち”の\nルールでしょう? Wasn't that one of your people's rules?
Kyubey それはもちろん……。\n僕にとって意味の\nあることだからさ。 That is, of course... because I've got my own purposes.

Quest 12-4

12-4 Before

Sayaka 一体なによ、転校生?\nあたしたちに話って。 What's going on, Transfer Student? What do want with me?
Sayaka 早く結界に行かないと、\n手遅れになるじゃん。 If we don't hurry to the barrier, we'll be too late.
Homura (キュゥべえの話……。\nどこまで本当かはわからないけど、) (I don't know... how much of what Kyubey said was true,)
Homura (もし事実だというのならば、\nこのままではまずい) (But if it's all true, then things will turn out bad at this rate.)
Homura (キュゥべえがどんな企みを\n考えているかわからない) (I don't know what Kyubey's scheming.)
Homura (だったら、\nこちらから先に手を打つ) (So in that case, I should take the initiative and strike first.)
Sayaka 黙ってちゃわかんないよ。\n本当に間に合わなく\nなっちゃうでしょ。 I'm not gonna understand you if you don't talk. Come on, we're really gonna be late.
Homura ……キュゥべえが言ってたわ。\nワルプルギスの夜が近づいてる。 ...Kyubey told me. That Walpurgisnacht is approaching.
Madoka ワルプルギスの夜、って\nあのマミさんや杏子ちゃんが\n言ってる、 Walpurgisnacht? Isn't that the strongest, vilest witch
Madoka 最強最悪の魔女、\nのことだよね? that Mami-san and Kyoko-chan told us about?
Homura ……美樹さやかの件といい、\n最近のあなたたちは\n気が緩み過ぎてる。 ...Miki Sayaka's dilemma aside, recently, you all have been too lax.
Homura ワルプルギスの夜と戦うなら\nこのままでは危険よ。 It's too dangerous for us to face Walpurgisnacht at this rate.
Homura だから、これからの戦いは、\nより強い相手への連携を\n意識したいの。 So, for this battle, I want us all to focus on stronger coordination.
Mami ……つまり、\n対ワルプルギスの夜の訓練を、\n実地で積んでおこう。 ...So in other words, you want us to build up enough experience to face Walpurgisnacht.
Mami そう提案したいのね? Is that what you are proposing?
Kyoko どうする、マミ?\nキュゥべえからの話らしいが、\nこいつの言うことを信じるのか? What do you think, Mami? That does seem like something Kyubey would say, but can we really trust this girl?
Madoka あの……ワルプルギスの夜って、 Um... Walpurgisnacht is an enemy
Madoka 出現しただけで大勢の人が\n死んじゃうぐらい\n強い相手なんですよね? that can bring about the deaths of scores of people just by its appearance alone, right?
Madoka だったら、\nほむらちゃんの言うとおり、\n練習しておきませんか? So in that case, why not practice like Homura-chan's saying?
Madoka わたしたちが強くなって\n損はないですよね? There's no downside in us getting stronger, is there?
Mami ……そうね。\n鹿目さんの言う通りだわ。 ...You're right. Kaname-san's correct.
Mami もし本当なら、\n絶対に備えておくべきだしね。 If this is true, then we must absolutely be prepared for it.
Mami いろいろ腑に落ちないことは\nあるけど……\n言ってることは正しいわ。 There's a lot that doesn't make much sense, but... what you're saying is right.
Mami たしかに浮かれすぎはまずいわ。 It's certainly not a good thing to become too lax.
Mami さあ、それじゃ行きましょう。\n今回は勝つだけじゃなく、\nいつも以上に息を合わせましょう。 Well, let's go then. Not just to win, but to build our cooperation.

12-4 After

Madoka あの……ほむらちゃん?\nちょっといいかな? Um... Homura-chan? Can I talk to you for a moment?
Homura まどか……いえ、鹿目さん。\nみんなとお茶会に\n行ったんじゃないの? Madoka... I mean, Kaname-san. Aren't you going to have tea with the others?
Madoka あ、うん。でも、その前にね、\nあんまりさっきのことは、\nその、気にしないほうがいいよ。 Ah, yeah. But before that, um, I don't want what happened earlier to bother you too much.
Madoka まだ最初なんだし。 We're still just beginning, after all.
Homura さっきの戦いで、\n美樹さやかと佐倉杏子みたいな\n近接タイプには、 You mean how the others complained that in the last battle,
Homura 私の攻撃は\n危なかっしいという苦情のこと? my attacks were too dangerous for melee types like Miki Sayaka and Sakura Kyoko?
Madoka ま、まあ、\nそれもあるけど、その……。 W-well, yeah, there's that, and...
Homura それとも、私の動きだけ\n全然イメージできないから、\n連携がとれないということかしら? And how we couldn't cooperate since they couldn't imagine my movements at all?
Madoka ……う、うん。\nそうなんだけど。 ...y-yeah. That is true.
Madoka あ、でも、それだけじゃなくて、\n今回こそ、ほむらちゃんも\nお茶会にどうかなって思って。 Ah, but not just that. I was wondering, maybe you'd like to join us for tea for real this time, Homura-chan?
Homura ……ねえ、鹿目さん。\n正直に言ってほしいんだけど。 ...Hey, Kaname-san. I want you to be honest with me.
Homura あなたも、私の動きが\nまったくわからない? You couldn't understand my movements at all either, could you?
Homura みんなのように\nイメージできないのかしら? The same way the others couldn't?
Madoka あ、え、えっと、そう……だね。 Ah, uh, uhmm, well... no, I couldn't.
Madoka うん、悪いんだけど、\nたしかにみんなみたいには\n感じられなかった……。 Well, I'm sorry, but I really couldn't feel it like I could with everyone else....
Madoka あ、でも、まだこれからだよ。\nきっと、さやかちゃんや\n杏子ちゃんとも Ah, but we're only just starting, you know.
Madoka 息がぴったり合うようになるよ! I'm sure you'll learn how to synchronize perfectly with Sayaka-chan and Kyoko-chan!
Madoka だから、いまはそんなこと\n忘れる意味もこめて、\n一緒にお茶でも飲もうよ。ね? So, come drink tea with the rest of us, and let's forget about all that. Okay?
Homura ……誘ってくれてありがとう。\nでも、ごめんなさい。 ...Thank you for the invitation. But I'm sorry.
Homura しばらく一人で考えたいことが\nあるから。 There's something I'd like to ponder over by myself for a while.
Madoka あ、そ、そうなの。\nうん、それじゃ、わたしは、\nもう行くね。 Ah, I-I see. Well, then, I'll be going then.
Homura (……まどか) (...Madoka)
Homura (あなたは、誰にでも優しいのね。\nこんな態度の私にでさえ、\n決して変わらずに……) (You're the most gentle of them all. You never change, even when I'm like this...)
Homura (いったいどうすればいいの……) (But just what am I supposed to do now...?)

Quest 12-5

12-5 Before

Madoka ほむらちゃん、お話ってなに?\nワルプルギスの夜のことかな? What was it you wanted to talk about, Homura-chan? Walpurgisnacht?
Homura そうよ。\n巴マミからも聞いてると思うけど、\nワルプルギスの夜は強大よ。 Exactly. I believe Tomoe Mami has told you this before, but Walpugisnacht is almighty.
Homura このままでは決して勝てない。 We cannot win at this rate.
Madoka ……そんな、やってみないと\nわからないよ。 ...No, we can't know until we try.
Madoka そのために、みんなで\n強くなろうって言ったの、\nほむらちゃんだよ。 That's why we're all training, just like you suggested, Homura-chan.
Homura あれはまだ私が$playername$\nの力の意味を、\nよくわかってなかったからよ。 That was when I wasn't fully aware of the significance behind Player's power.
Madoka $playername$ちゃんの力? Player-chan's power?
Homura まどか!\nこれから本当のことを\n言うからちゃんと聞いて。 Madoka! What I'm about to tell you is the truth, so listen closely.
Homura 信じるのは難しいでしょうけど、\n私は魔法で時間を何度も繰り返して、\n今ここにいるの。 This might be hard to believe, but I stand here now, having used my magic to repeat time over and over again.
Homura だから、私にはこれから起こる未来が、\nすでにわかってる。 So I already know the future that is to come.
Homura ワルプルギスの夜と戦うと\nみんなどうなるか知ってるのよ! I know what happens to everyone in our fight with Walpurgisnacht!
Homura ……戦いの結末は、\n何回やっても駄目だった。 ...The result was hopeless, time and time again.
Homura 一度たりと変えることは\nできなかったわ。 I was unable to change the result even once.
Homura 何度も繰り返した。\nいろいろ試した。 I've repeated it over and over. I've tried many different things.
Homura でも、どうしても……\nあなたを救うことが\nできなかったのよ。 But in each and every single trial... I was unable to save you.
Homura そんなとき、いくつもの時間軸と\n並行世界を旅する時に、私は\n$playername$と出会った And then, after countless journeys through several time axes and parallel worlds, I met Player.
Homura $playername$は、\n私の想像を超える未知の力を\n持っていたの。 Player held an unknown power beyond my wildest imagination.
Homura それを使えば、\nあのワルプルギスの夜に\n勝てるかもと思ったのだけど…… I thought that if I used that power, we could defeat Walpurgisnacht...
Homura そんな簡単な\nものじゃなかったみたい。 But it wasn't that simple a solution.
Madoka ごめん。\n話がすごすぎて、\nよくわかんないんだけど。 I'm sorry. You lost me. I'm not quite sure I understand.
Madoka でも、どうしてそれを\nわたしに聞かせるの? But why are you telling me this?
Homura あなたにだけは\nワルプルギスの夜と\n戦ってほしくないの。 I don't want you to fight Walpurgisnacht.
Madoka それは、できないよ。\n街が危ないのに、\nさやかちゃんたちが戦うのに、 I'm sorry, but I have to. The town's in danger, and Sayaka-chan's fighting with everyone else
Madoka 私だけ逃げるなんて\n絶対にいやだよ。 I don't want to be the only one to run away.
Madoka それに、まだ必ず負けるって\n決まったわけじゃないんだよ。 And besides, it's not like we're absolutely going to lose.
Madoka みんなでがんばれば、\nきっと勝てるよ。 I know we can win if we all work hard.
Homura ……仕方がないわね。\nやはり、できるだけ目に見える形で\n話したほうがいいわね。 ...Guess there's no other way, then. It's probably best to show you what I mean in the most tangible way possible.
Homura まどか、次の魔女との戦いのあと、\nもう一度私と二人きりで\n話しましょう。 Madoka, after we defeat this next witch, let's talk again in private.
Homura その時、なぜワルプルギスの夜に\n勝てないのか、\nその理由を見せるわ。 And then I'll show you just why we can't win against Walpurgisnacht.

12-5 After

Homura まどか、さっきの戦いで、私の動きを\n感じ取ることはできた? Madoka, in the last battle, were you able to sense my movements?
Madoka ほむらちゃん……。\n何も感じられなかったよ。 Homura-chan... I couldn't feel a thing.
Madoka マミさんたちのことは\n手に取るようにわかったのに……。 Even though it was easy to do with Mami-san and the others....
Homura 戦闘の時、お互いの動きや\n考えをテレパシーのように\nイメージして把握することができる。 During battle, you guys can sense each others thoughts and movements, almost like through telepathy.
Homura たぶん、それが$playername$の\n魔法の力よ。 That's most likely the power of Player's magic.
Homura 最初、私は単純に周囲にいる\n魔法少女の力を\n増幅するものだと思ってた。 At first, I thought she simply to amplified the power of the magical girls around her.
Homura だけど、何度も試してみて、\nそんな単純なものじゃないと\nわかってきたわ。 But after several experiments, I learned it wasn't that simple.
Homura きっと、まだ副次的理由や\n要素があるんだと思うけど、 There are likely other secondary factors and prerequisites involved,
Homura 今からワルプルギスの夜までに\n解明する時間はもうない。 But there's no time left before Walpurgisnacht to decipher them.
Madoka うーん……。たまたま今が\n調子が悪いだけってことはないの? Hmm... Are you sure it wasn't just an occasional spell of bad luck?
Homura これを見て。 Take a look at this.
Madoka これは……\nほむらちゃんのソウルジェム?\n……えっ?! This... this is your soul gem? Homura-chan!?!?
Homura そう。私のソウルジェムは、\nみんなのように輝いたりしてない。 Indeed. Unlike everyone else's soul gems, mine doesn't glow.
Homura ソウルジェムが光らない私は、\nワルプルギスの夜との戦いで\nみんなの足手まといになる。 Someone with a glowless soul gem like me will only be a burden in the fight with Walpurgisnacht.
Homura ワルプルギスの夜と戦うとき、\n私はあなたを守ることができないの。 I won't be able to protect you during the fight with Walpurgisnacht.
Homura だから、この街から\nできるだけ遠くに離れてほしい。 So I want you to get as far from town as possible.
Homura お願い、わかってちょうだい。\nまどか! Please understand, Madoka!
Madoka ……逃げるわけにも、\n負けるわけにもいかないよ。 ...I mustn't run away. I mustn't lose.
Madoka わたしが逃げたら、この街は\nどうなっちゃうのっ! If I run away, then what will happen to this town!?
Madoka ママやパパ、\n弟や仁美ちゃんたちは!? What will happen to Mom, and Dad, and my little brother, and Hitomi-chan!?
Madoka ワルプルギスの夜が来るまで、\nまだ時間もあるし、\n何より他のみんながいるよ。 There's still time before Walpurgisnacht arrives. And above all else, there's still the others.
Madoka $playername$ちゃんたちと、\n一生懸命戦えば、きっと勝てるよ!\nわたしたちで街の人たちを守れるよ! If we give it our very best with Player-chan and everyone else, I'm sure we can win! We can protect this town!
Homura 私は何度も見てきたの。 I've seen it over and over.
Homura あなたや他の魔法少女たちが\n死んでいくところを。 How you and the other magical girls die.
Madoka でも、わたし、逃げられないよ! Even so, I mustn't run away!
Madoka 家族や友だち、みんなおいて、\nひとりで逃げるなんて、\nわたしできないよ! I can't leave my friends and family, and everyone else behind and just run away alone! I can't do that!
Homura これだけ言っても、\nわかってくれないの? After all I've said, you still won't understand?
Madoka ほむらちゃん、ごめんなさい。 I'm sorry, Homura-chan.
Madoka わたし、何をやっても駄目で、\n役立たずで、 I used to think that everything I did was useless. That I was useless.
Madoka ずっとこのままなんだろうなって\n思ってた。あきらめてた。 And that I'd always be that way. I had given up.
Madoka でも、魔法少女になって、\n少しは誰かの役に立ってると思えて、 But then I became a magical girl, and learned that I could at least be a little useful to others,
Madoka 一緒に戦ってくれる\nお友達もいてくれて……、 And now I've got friends to fight by my side...
Madoka 守りたいと思う大事な人たちを\n見捨てたりできない! There are so many precious people I want to protect! I can't just abandon them!
Homura なぜ? どうしてなの?\n死んでしまうのよ?! Why? How? You'll die, you know!?
Madoka そりゃ怖いよ。すごく怖い。\nだけど、大事な人やお友達を\n守れるなら、 Well yeah, I am afraid. Very afraid. But still, if I can protect my friends and those precious to me,
Madoka わたしは\n魔法少女から逃げない! Then I won't run away from being a magical girl!
Madoka ごめんね、ほむらちゃん。\nほむらちゃんは、 I'm sorry, Homura-chan.
Madoka わたしのことを\n心配してくれてるんだと思うけど。 I know you're worried about me, but still.
Homura いい加減にしてよっ! Quit it!
Madoka ほむら、ちゃん?! Homura-chan!?
Homura 貴女を失えば悲しむ人がいるって、\nどうして気づかないの? Why can't you realize... that there are people there who would be sad to lose you?
Homura あなたを守ろうとした人は\nどうなるの!? What about the people who tried to protect you!?
Madoka ほむらちゃん……。でも、 Homura-chan...
Madoka わたしはどうなってもみんなを\n見捨てることは絶対にできないよ。 Still, no matter what happens to me, I absolutely cannot abandon everyone else.
Madoka ごめんね……。 I'm sorry...
Homura (まどか……。\n私も何があっても絶対にあなたを守る) (Madoka... Me too. No matter what happens to me, I'll protect you.)
Homura (たとえ私ひとりで\n戦うことになろうとも!!) (Even if that means I have to fight alone!!)