Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 14
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See Madoka Magica Online Story
Quest 14-1
14-1 Before

Homura | (やはり、ひとりで戦っていると\n武器の消耗が激しい……) | (I knew it... fighting alone is such a harsh drain on weapon supply...) | |
Homura | (敵を足止めする人がいないから、\n相手を近づけないために\n弾を必要以上に撃ってしまう……) | (If there's nobody around to stop their advance, I have to fire even more ammo just to keep the enemy at bay...) | |
Kyubey | ここまでは問題なくこれたけど、 | You've come all the way here without any problems, | |
Kyubey | やはりひとりでは\n無理なんじゃないのかな?\n暁美ほむら。 | But are you really sure you'll be fine alone, Akemi Homura? | |
Kyubey | 意地を張らずに、\n素直にまどかたちに助けを\n求めた方が利口だと思うよ。 | I think it would be wise to give in and just call Madoka and the others for help. | |
Homura | ……。 | ... |
14-1 After

Homura | (くっ!相手の攻撃で武器が\n壊れるなんて、油断したわ……) | (Ghh! How could I let the enemy break my weapon? How careless of me...) | |
Kyubey | そんなことでワルプルギスの夜に\n勝つことができるのかい?\n……っと危ない。 | Are you sure you can win against Walpurgisnacht like that? ...oh look out. | |
Homura | 気が散るから、黙ってて。 | Silence. You're breaking my concentration. | |
Kyubey | 八つ当たりは良くないな。\nいつも冷静な君とは思えない。 | It's not good throw tantrums like that. You're usually calm. It's not like you. | |
Kyubey | みんなとの連携が\nうまくいかないことが、\nそんなにストレスなのかい? | Is it really that stressful that you couldn't coordinate well with the others? | |
Homura | ……そのことはもうあきらめたわ。\n時間もないしね。 | ...I've already given up on that. There's not enough time either way. | |
Kyubey | 本当にそれでいいのかい? | Are you really okay with that? | |
Homura | ……今は私ひとりで\nできることをやって、\nワルプルギスの夜を倒すだけよ。 | ...Right now, I just have to do whatever I can, and defeat Walpurgisnacht. |
Quest 14-2
14-2 Before

Madoka | ほむらちゃーん!\nほむらちゃーん、どこー!\nいたら、返事してー! | Homura-chaaan! Homura-chaaaan, where are you!? Answer me-! | |
Sayaka | 無理だよ、まどか。\n結界に入っていたら、\n普通に探したってわかりっこないよ。 | It's no use, Madoka. Once she's in a barrier, there's no way to find her by normal means. | |
Madoka | だけど、このままじゃ\nほむらちゃんが危ないよっ。 | But at this rate, Homura-chan will be in trouble. | |
Madoka | いま、どんなことになってるか、\nわからないんだよっ! | We don't know what could be happening to her this very moment! | |
Mami | こうなったら手分けして探すしか、\n方法はないかも……。 | We might have no choice but to split up and look for her.... | |
Mami | 私は学校のほうに行くから、\n鹿目さんは商店街をお願いするわ。 | I'll go search by the school. Kaname-san, you take the shopping district. | |
Mami | $playername$さんは…… | Player-san, you take... | |
Sayaka | ん? どうしたの、\n$playername$。\nあっちのほうに何かあるの? | Hm? What's up, Player? Is there something over there? | |
Sayaka | え!? ちょっと\n$playername$!?\nどこいくのよ!!待ちなさいよっ! | Eh!? Hey, Player!? Where are you going!? Wait up! | |
Kyoko | な、なんだ、\n$playername$のやつ!\nお、おい、どうするマミ?! | W-what the hell, Player!? H-hey, what do we do, Mami!? | |
Mami | ……。\n$playername$さんを\n追いかけましょう! | ...Let's chase after Player-san! | |
Kyoko | 追いかけるって、\n何か根拠でもあるのかよ? | Chase her? Any reason why? | |
Mami | わからないわ。 | I don't know. | |
Mami | だけど、キュゥべえが言っていた\n彼女のイレギュラーな力に\n賭けてみましょう! | But let's just make a wager on that "irregular power" of hers that Kyubey talked about! |
14-2 After

Kyoko | おい、マミ!\n$playername$についていって\n本当にほむらが見つかるのか? | Hey, Mami! Will we really find Homura if we follow Player? | |
Mami | わからないわよっ。 | I don't know. | |
Mami | でも、他に手がないんだから、\n彼女のあの真剣な姿を\n信じるしかないわ。 | But we don't have any other methods available, so we just have to trust in how serious she looks. | |
Sayaka | あ、$playername$が止まった?! | Ah, Player stopped!? | |
Madoka | みて!?こんなところに拳銃が\n落ちているなんて、\nほむらちゃんのじゃないかな? | Look over there! Someone droped a handgun over there... isn't that Homura-chan's? | |
Sayaka | すごいっ!?! \n$playername$ってやっぱり\n他の魔法少女も見つけられるんだ! | Woww!! So Player, you can find other magical girls too!? | |
Kyoko | ……こんなこともできるなんて、\nオマエってすごい魔法少女なのかもな | ...You might really be an amazing magical girl if not even that's impossible for you. | |
Mami | ちょっとまって。この拳銃をみて! | Hold on. Take a look at the handgun! | |
Mami | ……壊れてるわ。\n弾もほとんど撃ち尽くして\nいるみたい。 | ...It's broken. And it looks like it's just about empty on bullets. | |
Kyoko | 本当だ。 | You're right. | |
Kyoko | ……そういえば、アイツって\nアタシらと違って、こういう武器を\n使わないと戦えないんだったな。 | ...Now that you mention it, that girl has to fight with these sorts of weapons, unlike us, huh. | |
Sayaka | それであんなに強いってことは、\nあたしたちと違って、陰で\nすごい努力してるってこと、だよね。 | So that must mean the reason she's so strong is because she's really exerting herself behind the scenes. Unlike us, huh. | |
Mami | それなのに……ひとりで魔女と戦う役目を、自分から買って出たっていうの? | And yet... she volunteered herself to go fight witches alone? | |
Sayaka | ……な、なんか、\nあたしら、あいつのこと、\nちょっと誤解してたかな……。 | ...I-I guess we kinda misunderstood her, huh.... | |
Kyoko | ……そうだな。\n妙な技使いやがるから、\n気がつかなかったかもしれない。 | ...Yeah. I guess we just didn't notice it because she was using such strange techniques. | |
Madoka | だから、わたしは言ったんだよ! | That's what I've been saying this whole time! | |
Madoka | ほむらちゃんは、口に出さないだけで\n本当はみんなのために、\n頑張ってるんだよっ! | Homura-chan might not like talking about it, but she's really trying her best for us, you guys! | |
Sayaka | ま、まどか……? | M-Madoka...? | |
Madoka | 本当は、わたしたちと同じ、\nさびしがり屋で、\n普通の女の子なんだよ。 | The truth is, she's just like us. A lonely, normal little girl. | |
Madoka | だけど、だけど……。 | But you know... you know... | |
Madoka | わけがあって、本当のことが\n言えなくて、ひとりで全部\n抱え込んじゃってるんだよ……。 | For some reason or another, she can't bring herself to say what's really on her mind, so she just keeps it all to herself inside... | |
Sayaka | ま、まどか。\nそ、その、ちょっと落ち着きなよ。 | M-Madoka. Um, well, calm down for now. | |
Sayaka | あたしらが悪かったから、\nいまは転校生を探そうよ! | We're at fault here, so for now, let's just search for Transfer Student! | |
Mami | そうね。今はそのことは後回し。\n$playername$さんの力で早く\n暁美さんを見つけ出しましょう! | That's right. For now, let's just put that all aside, and quickly find Akemi-san with Player-san's power! |
Quest 14-3
14-3 Before

Madoka | $playername$ちゃん、\nほむらちゃんはどこなの? | Player-chan, where's Homura-chan? | |
Madoka | もっと正確には居場所は\nわからないの? | Can you not tell where more precisely? | |
Mami | 鹿目さん。\n$playername$さんを\nそんなに急かしたらダメよ。 | Kaname-san, you shouldn't rush Player-san like that. | |
Madoka | あ、そうですね。\n……ごめんね、 | Ah, you're right. ...I'm sorry. | |
Madoka | わたし、ほむらちゃんが\n心配でつい……。 | I'm worried about Homura-chan, so I just... | |
Mami | 落ち着きなさい、鹿目さん。\nお友達のことで心配なのは、\nみんな一緒よ。 | Calm down, Kaname-san. I know you're worried about our friend, but we all are. | |
Mami | それに暁美さんを\n見つけられなくても、 | Besides, even if we can't find Akemi-san, | |
Mami | 私たちが先に魔女を見つけて\n倒してしまえば同じことでしょ? | If we find and defeat the next witch, won't that lead to the same result? | |
Madoka | そ、そうですよね。わかりました。\nわたし、少し落ち着きます。 | Y-you're right. I understand. I've calmed down a bit. | |
Madoka | $playername$ちゃん、\nごめんね。あせらずに、\nほむらちゃんや魔女を探して。 | I'm sorry, Player-chan. Just relax and find either Homura-chan or the witch. |
14-3 After

Madoka | こんなときに言うことじゃないかも\nしれないけど、聞いてほしいことが\nあるんです。 | This might not be the right time to say this, but there's something I want you guys to hear. | |
Madoka | わたし、じつはほむらちゃんから\n聞いたんです。ほむらちゃんは……\nその、この時間のひとじゃないって。 | To tell the truth, Homura-chan told me something. ...That she's... um... not from this time. | |
Sayaka | はあ? ちょっと、まどか。\nあんた、なに言いだすのよ? | Haah? Wait, Madoka. What are you talking about? | |
Madoka | 信じられないのはわかる。\nわたしもそうだったから。\nだけど、最後まで聞いて。 | I can understand if you don't believe me. I didn't at first either. But please, just hear me out. | |
Madoka | ほむらちゃんは、時間を遡ったりする\n魔法が使えて、同じ世界を何度も\nやり直してるんだって。 | Homura-chan said she's been using magic that lets her go back in time so she can repeat this same world over and over again. | |
Madoka | だから、この後のことも、\nワルプルギスの夜と戦った結末まで\n知ってるらしいの……。 | So apparently she knows what's going to happen after this, and even how the battle with Walpurgisnacht turns out.... | |
Kyoko | 結末を知ってる?!\nそれじゃあ、戦った後、\nいったいどうなるんだよ? | She knows how it turns out!? Then what exactly happens after the battle's over? | |
Madoka | ……わたしたち、\nみんな負けて……、\n死んじゃうんだって。 | ...She said we lose... and we all die. | |
Sayaka | な、なによそれ!\n勝手なこと言わないでよ! | Wha-what's up with that!? Don't just go deciding things like that on your own! | |
Mami | 暁美さんの魔法は時間を止めたり\nできるようなもの、それは今までの\n戦いでなんとなく納得できるけど…… | Akemi-san's magic does seem capable of stopping time. I can kind of understand that through all of our battles so far, but... | |
Mami | だけど、私たちの未来を\n知ってるというのは……\nちょっと信じられないわ。 | But it's a little hard for me to believe... that she knows our future. | |
Madoka | だからっ!\n……だから、ほむらちゃんは\nわたしたちや街を救うために……。 | Like I said! ... Like I said, I think Homura-chan's been suffering... | |
Madoka | わたしたちの知らないところで、\nいろんな辛いことを\nたくさんしてるんだと思う。 | ...through a lot of hardships we don't know, in a lot of places we don't know, all for the sake of saving both us and this whole town. | |
Madoka | わたしたちに話しても\n信じてもらえないからって言って、\nたったひとりで……。 | All alone. Because 'we wouldn't believe her even if she told us'.... | |
Kyoko | ば、バカバカしい!\nやっぱりそんな話、いくらなんでも\nアタシは信じねーからな! | Th-that's just ridiculous! I really just can't believe a single word of that story! | |
Sayaka | さ、さすがに、\nあたしも無理だな……。\nまどかには悪いけどさ。 | W-well, yeah, I don't think I can either.... Sorry, Madoka. | |
Madoka | お願いっ、信じて!\n……そして、ほむらちゃんの\n本当の気持ちをわかってあげて。 | Please, just believe in Homura-chan! ...And try to understand her true feelings. | |
Madoka | わたしたち、同じ魔法少女でしょう。\nお友達でしょう!だったら、信じて、\nみんなで力を合わせようよ! | We're all magical girls here, aren't we? We're friends, aren't we!? If that's the case, we need all need to believe, and work together! | |
Sayaka | まどか……。 | Madoka... | |
Madoka | ほむらちゃんを助け出して、\nそして、みんなでワルプルギスの夜を\nやっつけようよ!\n | Let's save Homura-chan, and beat Walpurgisnacht once and for all. Together! |
Quest 14-4
14-4 Before

Kyubey | そろそろ君の武器も\n少なくなってきたんじゃないかな、\n暁美ほむら?\n | Are you running out of weapons yet, Akemi Homura? | |
Homura | 私は、いつもまどかのために、\nできる限りのことをするだけよ。 | I'm always doing whatever it is I can for Madoka. That's all. | |
Kyubey | そうかい。\n……だけど、暁美ほむら。 | I see. ...But still, Akemi Homura. | |
Kyubey | 君の最終的な目的は\nいったい何なんだい? | What exactly is your end goal? | |
Kyubey | ワルプルギスの夜を\n倒すことなのかい? | Is it to defeat Walpurgisnacht? | |
Kyubey | それとも、\nまどかを救うことなのかい? | Or is it to save Madoka? | |
Kyubey | 後者なのであれば、それは不可能だ。\nそれが僕との契約であり、\n魔法少女の因果律、宿命だからね。 | If it's the latter, then it's impossible. That's the fate of my contract, and the fate of causality for magical girls. | |
Kyubey | 仮にワルプルギスの夜を\n倒したとしても、魔法少女の運命が\n変わるわけではないんだ。 | Even if you can defeat Walpurgisnacht, that does not mean you can change the fate of magical girls. | |
Kyubey | それはまどかも例外ではない。\n結局、君の目的がどちらであっても\n結果は一緒なんじゃないかな。 | And Madoka is no exception to that rule. So in the end, regardless of which end goal you have, the end result is the same. | |
Homura | ……そんなことはないわ。\nみんなと$playername$の力があれば、 | ...That's not true. If I have both everyone and Player's power, | |
Homura | 美樹さやかが魔女化の運命を\n乗り越えたように、まどかの運命も\n変えられるはずだわ。 | Then I should be able to change Madoka's fate, just like how we overcame Miki Sayaka's fate of becoming a witch. | |
Kyubey | 大したものだね。\n今なお君は魔法少女の運命に\n抗おうというのだから。 | Quite the feat. Even now, you still oppose the fate of magical girls. | |
Kyubey | ワルプルギスの夜との戦いを\n興味深く見ることにしたいけど、\n今となってはそれもあやしいな。 | I'd be very interested in seeing you fight against Walpurgisnacht, but even that seems a little doubtful right now. | |
Homura | ……どういう意味? | ...what do you mean? | |
Kyubey | 僕との話に夢中になって、\n目の前の魔女に気付かない君が、 | Now that you've become engrossed in conversing with me, you've lost track of the witch before you, | |
Kyubey | ここでやられてしまうかも\nしれないってことさ。 | And you might be done for. That's what. | |
Homura | 魔女っ?!しまった!\nこんなそばに近づかれて\nいたなんて! | Witch!? Oh crap! How could it have gotten this close!? | |
Homura | きゃああああっ! | Kyaahhhhh!! |
14-4 After

Homura | ……。 | ... | |
Homura | (……ここはどこなの?) | (...Where am I?) | |
Homura | (……どうやら魔女の攻撃で崩れた\n瓦礫で身動きが取れないみたいね。) | (...Looks like I'm trapped beneath the rubble from the witch's attack.) | |
Homura | ……しまった!、足が抜けないっ!\nもっと早く気付いていれば、\n時間停止で脱出できたのに……。 | ...Oh no! I can't free my leg! If only I had noticed it sooner, I could've stopped time... | |
Kyubey | 暁美ほむら。\nこれは大変なことになったね。\n君らしくもない油断だ。 | Akemi Homura. Looks like you're in trouble. It's not like you to be this careless. | |
Kyubey | まどかたちに助けを求めた方が\nいいんだろうけど、\n君から止められているしね。 | I'd be fine with calling Madoka and the others for help, but you wouldn't let me. | |
Homura | キュゥべえ!\nお前は最初から\nこれを狙っていたのね?! | Kyubey! Is this what you were after all along!? | |
Kyubey | それは誤解だ。\n僕は君たちに余計な干渉はしないよ。 | You misunderstand. I don't do interfere with you guys any more than necessary. | |
Homura | じゃあ、なぜここに来たの? | Then why did you come here? | |
Kyubey | どうやらこれで\n終わりのようだから最後に君に\n伝えたいことがあったんだ。 | Since it looks like this is the end, there's one last thing I wanted to tell you. | |
Kyubey | 君は時間遡行を繰り返して、\n幾度の挫折を体験して\n深い絶望を抱えてきた。 | Through your repeated backtracking through time, you've experienced countless frustrations, and now hold deep despair within your heart. | |
Kyubey | だから、最後は膨大なエネルギーを\n回収できると思っていたんだけどね。 | So I had thought that I could've collected a huge amount of energy from you in the end. | |
Kyubey | 今まで、じつに長い間、陰で\n色々と動いていることも見逃して\nここまで付き合ってあげてたのに。 | Up until now, for a long time, actually, a lot has been changing behind the scenes unnoticed as I've accompanied you all this way. | |
Kyubey | 結局はエネルギーを放出せず、\nここでただ魔女にやられてしまう\nなんて、とても残念だよ。 | And yet, in the end, instead of giving off any energy, you're just going to be done in by an ordinary witch. Truly a pity. | |
Homura | やだ……おまえは、\n……おまえは、一体\n何を言っているの? | No... what... what are you trying to say? | |
Kyubey | 僕は事実を言ってるだだけだよ。\n余計な干渉は一切しない。 | Nothing but the truth. I won't do any unnecessary intervention. | |
Kyubey | それとも……絶望したかい?\n暁美ほむら。 | Or... have you fallen to despair, Akemi Homura? | |
Homura | ……い、 | ...n | |
Kyubey | 無理かな?じゃあ僕はもう行くよ。\nそして、最後まで\n見届けさせてもらうよ。 | No good? Then I'll be on my way. Allow me to see how things go through to the end. | |
Homura | いやあぁぁぁ! | NOOooooo! |
Quest 14-5
14-5 Before

Homura | ……ダメだわ。\n爆弾を爆発させて脱出するのも、\n距離が取れなくて危険すぎる……。 | ...It's no use. There's not a safe enough range to detonate explosives to escape either... | |
Homura | (……意識が遠のいてきた。\n血が流れているのかしら。\n頭の中がぼぉっとする……) | ( consciousness is slipping away. Could I be bleeding? My mind's going blank...) | |
Homura | (魔女は……どこにいるの?\nまだ襲ってこない?何だか時間が\nゆっくりに感じられる……) | (Where... is the witch? Has it not attacked yet? Time feels like it's going by so... slowly...) | |
Homura | (こんな時に誰かいれば…\n今さら遅いけど、ひとりで\n戦うべきじゃなかったんだわ) | (If only someone were around at a time like this... I know this it's too late for this, but I shouldn't have fought alone.) | |
Homura | (みんなともっと……。そうすれば、\nワルプルギスの夜だって……) | (If only I had done more for them.... Then even Walpurgisnacht...) | |
Homura | (……まどか、ごめんなさい……。\n私、あなたを守って\nあげられなかった……) | (...Madoka, I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you...) | |
Homura | ……。 | ... |
14-5 After

Madoka | ほむらちゃんっ!\n大丈夫、しっかりしてっ! | Homura-chan!! Are you okay? Hang in there! | |
Homura | まど、か……。まどかなのっ?!\nどうして、ここに……?\n私はいったい…… | Mado... ka... Madoka, is that you!? Why... are you here...? What am I... | |
Sayaka | 魔女なら、あたしたちがやっつけたよ\n転校生! | The witch? We took care of her, Transfer Student! | |
Mami | 危ないところだったわね、暁美さん。\n間に合ってよかったわ! | You were in big trouble there, Akemi-san. Glad we made it in time! | |
Kyoko | 感謝しろよ。瓦礫をどけるの、\n大変だったんだからな。 | Show some thanks. It was a bitch to remove all that rubble. | |
Madoka | $playername$ちゃんがね、\nほむらちゃんを\n探し出してくれたんだよ!わかる? | You see, Player-chan found you for us, Homura-chan! Can you tell? | |
Homura | ……そう。\nなんとなく事情がわかったわ。\n私、あなたたちに助けられたのね。 | ...I see. I get the gist of what happened now. You guys saved me, huh. | |
Homura | なさけないわね。\n自分ひとりで勝てるって\n意気込んでおいて……。 | How shameful of me. I was so full of myself to think I could win alone.... | |
Madoka | ほむらちゃん……。 | Homura-chan... | |
Homura | ワルプルギスの夜がやってきても、\n私はあなたたちの、何の力にも\nなれない。それどころか…… | Even when Walpurgisnacht arrives, I won't be of any use to you guys. Far from it... | |
Homura | $playername$のせっかくの力を\n阻害する、ただの足手まといにしか\nなれないんだわ。 | In spite of even Player's power, I'm nothing but a burden. | |
Madoka | そんなこと、絶対にないっ! | That's not true at all! | |
Madoka | だって、ほむらちゃんが、\nひとりぼっちで戦うことなんて\nないんだもん! | I mean, Homura-chan, you're not fighting all alone, you know! | |
Madoka | また、これからも\nわたしたちと一緒に戦おうっ! | Let's all fight together again from now on! | |
Homura | ……ダメよ。\n私がいたら、あなたたちは\nワルプルギスの夜に勝てないのよ。 | ...No. If I'm around, you guys can't win against Walpurgisnacht. | |
Madoka | ほむらちゃんは自分のソウルジェムが\n光らないから、力を合わせられない\nって言ったけど、それは違うよ。 | Homura-chan, you said that you can't fight with us since your soul gem doesn't shine, but that's not true. | |
Madoka | だって、ここにいるほむらちゃんを\n見つけたのは、$playername$\nちゃんの魔法なんだよ?! | After all, the reason we found you here is because of Player-chan's magic, remember!? | |
Madoka | わたし、絶対にそう思う! | Of this, I'm sure! | |
Sayaka | そうだよ、転校生。\nあたしは難しいことは知らないけど、\nやってみなくちゃわかんないじゃない | That's right, Transfer Student. I dunno about all this confusing talk, but you never know until you try. | |
Homura | 美樹、さやか……。 | Miki... Sayaka... | |
Mami | 美樹さんの言う通りよ。\nみんなで力を合わせて戦いましょう。 | Miki-san's right. Let's all fight together. | |
Kyoko | あー、そうだぜ。こんな目にあって、\nちったー、オマエもわかったろ?\nうー、その……。 | Yeah, exactly. Now that you've been through this, you get it too, don't you? Uh, well... | |
Kyoko | アタシも昔ひとりで戦ってた時より、\n今またこうして誰かと一緒に\n戦うほうが、その、すごく心強いんだ | Compared to the time I used to fight all alone, fighting alongside others like this again is, well, um... a lot more reassuring. | |
Kyoko | だ、だからさ、\nあんまりひとりで意地張らないでさ、\nアタシらと一緒に戦おうぜ! | S-so, um... you shouldn't be such a stubborn loner, and come join us! | |
Homura | まどか……。みんな……。 | Madoka.... Guys.... |