Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 15

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See Madoka Magica Online Story

Quest 15-1

15-1 Before

News 「本日未明、突発的異常気象により避難勧告が発令されました。付近の住民は速やかに指定された避難所に……」 "Today at dawn, unexpected abnormal weather has prompted a shelter advisory warning. Residents in the area are advised to promptly head to their designated..."
Mami いよいよ、来たわね。 Looks like it's finally come.
Madoka このニュースで言ってる異常気象が、本当にワルプルギスの夜なんですか? Is the abnormal weather they're talking about actually Walpurgisnacht?
Mami 今までの魔女と違って、こいつは結界の中に隠れる必要もない。ただ具現化しただけで、何千人もの命を奪う。 Unlike all the other witches we've fought before, this one doesn't need to hide in a barrier. Just by materializing, it will rob thousands of people of their lives.
Mami ただ、一般には本体は見えないから、竜巻や地震と言った大災害と誤認されるのよ。 But since the general population can't see it, they'll mistake it for great disasters like tornadoes and earthquakes.
Kyoko やけに詳しいんだな? You sure know a lot.
Mami ……暁美さんが教えてくれたのよ。 ...It's what I've heard from Akemi-san.
Madoka ほむらちゃんが? From Homura-chan?
Mami なんであんなに詳しいのか、最初は不思議だったけど、謎が解けたわ。 At first, I was confused as to why she'd know so much, but that mystery's been solved.
Kyoko ふーん。やっぱ影でいろいろやってたんだな。それを隠し続けて、つくづく水臭いやつだなぁ。 Hmm. So she really has been doing a lot behind the scenes. And she's been hiding it. What an unsocial girl.
Kyoko ……で、当の本人はどこにいるんだよ。最近、何か顔みせないんじゃねえか? ...So, speaking of her, where the hell is she? She hasn't been showing up lately, has she?
Madoka ほむらちゃんは、結界に直接行くから先に行っててほしいって。 Homura-chan said to go ahead since she's heading straight to the barrier.
Kyoko なんで? 集まって、一緒に行けばいいじゃん? Why? Wouldn't it be better to gather and head there together?
Madoka えぇっと、それは……たぶん……。 Umm, well... probably....
Kyoko ん? なんだよ、何か理由でもあるのか? Hm? What, is there some sort of reason or something?
Sayaka 照れくさいんじゃないの? 今までがああだったから。 Maybe she's just shy? I mean, she's always been like that.
Sayaka あと、まだ連携がうまくいかないことも、気にしてるだろうし。 Oh, and maybe she's still bothered that we still can't coordinate with her that well.
Sayaka 偏見をなくして考えれば、繊細そうなタイプじゃん。とくに! 杏子とは違って、さ。 If you think about it with an open mind, she's such a delicate type. So much different than a certain someone, huh, Kyoko?
Kyoko どういう意味だよ、それ! 'the hell's that supposed to mean!?
Mami もう! そんなこと言ってる場合じゃないでしょ! Come on, guys! This isn't the time for such banter!
Mami さあ、早く行きましょう。最強の魔女だけあって、引き連れている使い魔の数も半端じゃないわ。 Let's hurry, now. We 'are' dealing with the strongest witch, so we shouldn't underestimate the numbers of her familiars.

15-1 After

Mami みんな、大丈夫っ!? 怪我したひとはいないかしらっ。 Are you okay, everyone!? Nobody's hurt, right?
Kyoko さすがに強いな。これで使い魔かよ。こんなんじゃ、本体はどんだけ強いんだ……。 Damn, they're strong. And these are just familiars? Just how strong is the real deal, then...?
Mami ……やっぱり、連携がまだうまくいってないわね。 ...Looks like our coordination still isn't going too well, huh.
Homura ……。 ...
Madoka あ、でも、わたしは前より良くなっていると思いますよ。そんな気がしませんか? Ah, but, I think it's getting better than before. Don't you?
Mami え? ……あ?! そ、そうね。少しずつだけど、悪くないと思うわ。あとは慣れだけの問題かな。 Eh? ...Ah!? Y-yeah, it does. Just a little bit, but not bad at all. Probably just a matter of practice from here on out.
Sayaka そ、そうだよ。いきなり爆弾でドカーンっていうのもなくなったしさ。 Y-yeah. I'm not finding myself grazing bullets anymore after all.
Homura ……私は、このままパトロールを続けるわ。何かあったら知らせるわね……。 ...I'm going to stay on patrol. Tell me if anything happens, okay...?
Madoka ……ほむらちゃん。 ...Homura-chan.
Madoka ほむらちゃん、気にしてますね。さっきから、ちらちら自分のソウルジェムを見てるし。 I'm worried about Homura-chan. She's been glancing at her soul gem all day.
Mami こればっかりは、どうにもならないわ。……でも、なんとかしなくちゃ。 There's nothing we can do... but we've got to do something.
Sayaka ……そうだよね。早くなんとかしないと、街がメチャクチャになっちゃうよね……。 ...Yeah. And if we don't do that something quick, the town's gonna be wrecked....
Sayaka ……よく考えたら、転校してきて間もない相手に、いつも喧嘩腰だったもんなぁ、あたし。 ...Now that I think about it, I've sure been mean to someone who's just recently transferred schools, huh.
Sayaka いざ協力し合うとなると、あたしのああいう態度もよくなかったよねえ……。 Now that we need to cooperate, I realize that was a very bad attitude for me to take, huh....
Mami 今は目の前の戦いをみんなで一つ一つ頑張りましょう。それしかないわ。 Let's all give this battle our very best. That's all we can do.

Quest 15-2

15-2 Before

Sayaka あれ、ほむら? ずいぶん早くに集まったんだね。また、現場に直接行くのかと思った。 Huh, Homura? You're pretty early, huh. I was thinking you were gonna head straight there again.
Homura え? その……少しでも、みんなと一緒に行動したほうが、いいのかなと思ったの。 Eh? Well... I thought it would be at least a little better if we all worked together.
Homura ……決戦まで時間もないし。 ...We don't have much time before the final battle, after all.
Sayaka あ、あー、そうなんだ。……そっか。さすがだね。ちゃんと考えてるんだね。やっぱ、あたしとは違うなぁ。 Ah, ahh, that's true. ...I see. As expected of you, huh. You're always thinking things through. Unlike me.
Homura ……。 ...
Sayaka まどかたち、遅いねえ。[主人公名]と一緒に来るのかな? Man, Madoka and the others sure are late. You think they're coming along with [PROTAGONIST]?
Homura ……無理に、気を遣わなくてもいいわ。 don't have to fuss over me so much.
Sayaka えっ?! あ、いや、そういうつもりじゃないんだけど……。 Eh!? Ah, no, I didn't really mean it like that...
Sayaka ……ええっと。そうだね、わざとらしいね。 ...Umm. I guess you're right, I'm kind of forcing it, aren't I?
Sayaka ……それじゃあ、その、あんまり気にすることないよ。そりゃ街を守るために頑張らなきゃいけないけどさ! ...Well, anyway, you shouldn't push yourself too hard. Well, we do gotta push ourselves hard enough to protect the town, but, you know!
Sayaka …あたしも、その、喧嘩腰でよくなかったよね。 ...And, uh, I'm sorry for being so mean to you.
Sayaka 悪かったと思っているよ。だけど、今はそのことを水に流してさ I'm really sorry for that. Let's leave that as water under the bridge.
Sayaka これから、一緒に頑張ろうよ! ね、ほむら! So let's give it our all, together! Whaddaya say, Homura?
Homura ……。わ、私も…… ...M-me too...
Madoka あ、さやかちゃん。ほむらちゃん。ふたりとも、早いんだね。お待たせ。さあ結界に急ごう! Ah, Sayaka-chan. Homura-chan. You two sure are early. Sorry for the wait. Let's head to the barrier now!
Sayaka まどか、遅ーい。たるんでるんじゃないでしょーね。 Madoka, you're sooo late. Now's not the time to slack off, you know?
Sayaka さあ、ほむらも行こうよ。……ん? なんか言いかけてたっけ? Well, let's go then, Homura. Were you saying something?
Homura ……な、なんでもないわ。さあ、急ぎましょう。 ...N-nothing. Let's go now.

15-2 After

Mami ねえ、みんな。こんなときだからこそ、久しぶりにお茶会でも開かない? Say, guys. It's at times like these that we really do need a break for tea, don't you think?
Kyoko おお、いいねえ。いざという時の使い魔の発見は[主人公名]がいるし、それくらい大丈夫だろ。 Ah, sounds great. We've got [PROTAGONIST] here to find familiars when needed, so we should be fine anyway.
Madoka わあ、嬉しいなあ。マミさんの手作りお菓子、食べたかったんだー。 Wah, that'd be great. I've been craving some of Mami-san's homemade sweets.
Sayaka ……ねえ、ほむら。今回はさすがに参加するわよね? ...Say, Homura. You'll definitely join in this time, right?
Homura ……本当に悪いんだけど、私は遠慮しておく。ワルプルギスの夜と戦うためどうしても準備がいるから。 ...I'm really sorry, but I'll have to decline. There are preparations that must definitely be done for the battle with Walpurgisnacht.
Homura 今までの何倍もの武器をそろえても、あいつが相手では、火力が足りるかどうかわからないけどね。 Despite the sheer numbers of weapons I've collected, you never know if it'll be enough against an enemy like that.
Sayaka ……準備って、まさかまたひとりで戦う気じゃないでしょうね? ...Preparations? Don't tell me you plan to fight by yourself again, do you?
Homura ……私がこの調子だと、最悪の場合に備えておかないといけないから。 ...If I keep this pace, I'll have to prepare for the worst case scenario.
Sayaka それって、あたしらと一緒に戦ってもやっぱり勝ち目がないって思ってるってこと? You mean you think we've got no chance of winning even if we all fight together?
Madoka さ、さやかちゃん。もう、そんな言い方はやめようよ。 S-Sayaka-chan, please don't talk with that tone.
Sayaka もう、まどかはそうやってフォローしなくていいよ。……どうなの、ほむら? Aw, come on Madoka, you don't have to say that. ...So what is it, Homura?
Homura ……。 ...
Sayaka どうなの? 聞いてるんだよ。答えなさいよ。 What is it? I'm asking you. Answer me.
Homura ……あなたたちを信用してないとか、そういうことを考えてるわけじゃない ...It's not like I lack confidence in you guys or anything.
Homura ただ、このまま私がお荷物のままで終わらないよう、少しでも戦力になれるようにもっと準備をしておきたいの。 It's just that I don't want to be a burden. I want to prepare myself so I can be at least a little bit of help.
Homura この街も、あなたたちにとっても、最悪の事態にならないように。 To prevent the worst case scenario, both for you and for this town.
Sayaka ……そっか。 ...Oh.
Sayaka あまりひとりで思いつめることないよ。あたしたち友達なんだから、いつでも相談してね。 You don't have to brood over these things by yourself. We're friends, so feel free to talk whenever something's troubling you.
Homura ……美樹さやか……。 ...Miki Sayaka...

Quest 15-3

15-3 Before

Madoka でも、やっぱりさやかちゃんは優しいなぁ。 I knew Sayaka-chan was a good, kind girl.
Madoka わたしも明るい性格のさやかちゃんのそばにいたから、たくさんお友達ができたんだよ。 It's thanks to Sayaka-chan being close to me with her bright personality that I've made so many friends.
Madoka さやかちゃんがいなかったら、今頃ひとりぼっちだったかも。 If Sayaka-chan weren't around, I might've been all alone right now.
Homura ……まどかも、最初から友達がいっぱいいたわけじゃないのね。 ...So you didn't always have this many friends, huh, Madoka.
Madoka そうだよ。だからほむらちゃんも、これからみんなと仲良くなっていこうよ。 Of course not. So you should get along with everyone from now on too, Homura-chan.
Madoka あ、ほら。もうマミさんたちが集まってるよ。 Ah, look. Mami-san's already gathered with the others.
Madoka あれ? みんなで何を話してるんだろう? Huh? What are they all talking about?
Mami ――その時は私たちだけで戦わなくちゃダメかしら……? ―And when that time comes, will we all have to fight by just ourselves...?
Kyoko アタシはどっちでもいいぜ。正直、自分から連携を意識したことはないし。 I'm fine either way. To be honest, this coordination wasn't something we willed ourselves to have.
Kyoko 理由は知らねーけど、イメージが勝手に頭の中に入ってくるから、うまく戦えてるだけなんだよ。 All that really happened is that images just popped into our heads so we could fight better. Nobody really knows why.
Kyoko だから、ほむらにも、こういうふうにしろと言えねーんだよ。 So it's not like we can just tell Homura to do it too.
Mami そうなのよねえ。アドバイスのしようがないのよねえ。 That's true. It's not something that can be solved with advice.
Sayaka 街の命運がかかってるから、やっぱりほむら抜きのことも考えておくべきなのかなぁ……。 Since the fate of the town hangs in the balance, I guess we really do need to consider things even without Homura, huh....
Madoka ……あ、あれ? み、みんな、何の話をしてるのかな? な、なんか声をかけづらい雰囲気だね……。 ...H-huh? Wh-what's everyone talking about? I-it kinda feels hard to go greet them in this atmosphere, huh...
Homura ……そうね。お邪魔みたいだから、私は先に行ったほうがいいわね。 ...Right. It looks like I'm a nuisance here, so I'll just go on ahead.
Madoka え!? ちょ、ちょっと、待ってよ。ほむらちゃん、一人で行っちゃだめだよっ!! Eh!? H-hey, wait up. Homura-chan, you can't go out there alone!!

15-3 After

Mami さっきの私たちの話を聞いてたの? それで、暁美さんがいないのね。 You overheard our conversation? And that's why Akemi-san's gone, huh.
Madoka ……はい。あれって、やっぱりほむらちゃんを外して戦おうって話、……ですよね? ...Yes. So... you guys really were talking about leaving Homura-chan out of the fighting... weren't you?
Mami 違うわよ。 Not at all.
Madoka え? で、でも、ほむらちゃん抜きで戦うって、はっきり聞こえましたよ。 Eh? B-but I clearly heard you talk about fighting without Homura-chan.
Mami いいこと? ワルプルギスの夜は他の魔女と違って、街全体を容赦なく破壊し尽くすわ。 Listen. Unlike all the other witches, Walpurgisnacht brings relentless destruction to the entire town.
Mami 私たちは、絶対に負けるわけにはいかないのよ。 We have to win at all costs.
Mami そのためにも、私たちは勝利の為にあらゆる事態を想定しておかなければダメだと思うの。 So I believe we have to prepare for every possible hypothetical situation.
Madoka それじゃあ、あの話は……? So that conversation...
Mami あれは、最悪のことも考えて、いろんな状況を想定していた話の途中だったのよ。 We were doing a mental exercise where we'd hypothesize how to deal with worst case scenarios.
Mami 暁美さんの戦力をうまく活かす方法がきっとあるはずだってね。 And I'm sure there are ways to make the best use of Akemi-san's abilities.
Madoka ご、ごめんなさいっ! わたしったらほむらちゃんのことばかり気にして、大切なことを忘れてましたっ! I-I'm so sorry! I've been so fixated on Homura-chan that I've forgotten something so important!
Mami よく考えてみれば、鹿目さんが魔法少女になって、まだ間がないから仕方ないことなんだけど……。 Now that I think about it, Kaname-san, there hasn't been much time since you've become a magical girl, so it's only natural to misunderstand...
Mami でも、鹿目さんがその調子じゃ、暁美さんも誤解してるのかしら? But do you think Akemi-san made the same misunderstanding?
Madoka ……そうだと思います。どうしようマミさん。 ...I think so. What do we do, Mami-san?
Mami 時間もないっていうのに……本当にあの子も困った後輩ねえ……。 We're running low on time... that girl really is such a troublesome kouhai, huh...

Quest 15-4

15-4 Before

Homura 巴マミ、どこにいるの? こんなところに呼び出して、私に用ってなに? Tomoe Mami, where are you? What business do you have with calling me out to a place like this?
Homura ……いるんでしょう? なぜ隠れてるの? ...You're there, aren't you? Why are you hiding?
Homura きゃあっ!!! Kyahh!!!
Homura こ、これは!? 巴マミの、リボンっ!?! う、動けない……。 Wh-what is this!? Tomoe Mami's ribbons!? Ugh- can't move....
Mami ようこそ、暁美さん。もしかしたら、来てくれないかと思ったけど、ちゃんと時間通りに来てくれたのね。 Welcome, Akemi-san. I was worried you wouldn't come, but you're right on time.
Homura こ、これはいったいどういうつもり! 早く、このリボンをほどいてっ! Wh-what is the meaning of this!? Undo this ribbons at once!
Mami ダ・メ・よ。こうでもしないと、あなた、すぐ逃げちゃうでしょ? No- can- do. You'll run away unless I do this, won't you?
Mami 今まで隠し事して、自分ひとりでずっと抱え込んでたあなただもの。 You've always been hiding things and keeping your thoughts all to yourself, after all.
Homura あなた、いったい何を考えてるのっ! What are you thinking of!?
Mami 私たちの話、聞いていたんですって? それで変な誤解をしてないか、心配してたの。 You overheard our conversation, didn't you? I was worried you were making a weird misunderstanding.
Homura ……。 ...
Mami もう鹿目さんから聞いてるとは思うけど、あれはあなたが必要ないっていう話じゃないのよ。 I've already talked to Kaname-san, but that wasn't a conversation about how we didn't need you.
Mami それどころか、あなたは一番必要な仲間よ。期待してるわ。 On the contrary. You're the one we need the most. We expect great things from you.
Homura ……べつに誤解なんてしてないし、最悪の状況を想定するのは当然のこと。私だってそうだったから。 ...I didn't particularly misunderstand anything. It's only natural to hypothesize the worst case scenarios. I do that all the time.
Mami そう。だったら、よかったわ。でも、本当はどこかでずっと気にしてるんじゃなくて? I see. That's fine then. But are you sure you weren't worrying about it all this time?
Homura ……そ、そんなこと、……もう、ないわよ。 ...N-no. ...not anymore.
Mami ほーら。私から眼をそらして、やっぱりまだ気にしてるわね? Come now. Eyes on me. You really are still worried about it, aren't you?
Mami 暁美さん。これだけは覚えておいて。 Akemi-san. Just remember this.
Mami 私たちは同じつらさや哀しみを共有しあえる、大切なお友達よ。 We're all precious friends here, who share in the same sorrow and grief.
Mami お友達同士だから、何があってもきっと力を合わせて戦えるって信じてる。 And since we're all friends, we have to believe that we'll fight together, no matter what.
Homura ……あなたもまどかや美樹さやかみたいに、私を友達だって言ってくれるの? ...You consider me a friend, just like Madoka and Miki Sayaka do?
Mami 当たり前じゃない。こんな可愛いお友達が増えて、とってもうれしいわ。 Of course I do. I'm so happy to have so many cute friends.
Homura ……ありがとう。わたしもうれしいわ。 ...Thank you. I'm happy too.

15-4 After

Kyoko おーい、ほむら! Hey, Homura!
Homura なに? Yes?
Kyoko あー、じつはさ、この前のマミのお茶会にオマエだけ来なかったろ。それでさ、マミがこれ渡せって。 Ah, well, you're the only one who didn't come to Mami's tea party. So... Mami told me to hand this off to you.
Kyoko 余ったお菓子だよ。マミのやつ、珍しくちょっと失敗したみたいで、いつもと味が違うけどな、そのマドレーヌ。 Leftover sweets. A madeleine, but it's one of Mami's rare mess-ups, so it might not taste the same as usual.
Kyoko ……あれ!? マドレーヌ、嫌いだったか? ...Oh wait!? Do you not like madeleine?
Homura (あの後マミとは、次のお茶会に参加することを約束したのに、またお菓子をもってこさせるのは変ね……) (I already promised Mami I would come to the next tea party. It's odd that she'd make her hand off sweets again after that...)
Homura ……わかった。あなたも私に何か話があるのね? ...okay. You have something to talk to me about too, don't you?
Kyoko え!? あ、いや。話ってほどのことじゃないんだけど、その、なんだろ……。 Eh!? Ah, no. Not really that long to call it a talk, but, um, well...
Kyoko みんなとうまく連携できないことは、もう思い切ってさ、気にすんなよ! Even if you can't coordinate that well with the others, you really, really shouldn't sweat it!
Kyoko 戦い方はさ、できるだけアンタに合わせるよ。さやかと違って、アタシはベテランなんだしさ! I'll try to match my technique to you as much as I can. See, I'm a veteran, unlike Sayaka!
Kyoko マミにも言ったんだけど、腕利きのアンタが力をちゃんと発揮できれば、十分戦力になると思うんだ。 I already said this to Mami, but as long as you can display some of that power of yours, you'll be plenty of help already.
Homura ……そのことが言いたかったの? ...Is that what you wanted to say?
Kyoko ……アンタなら何度も時間を繰り返してるから知っているかもしれないけど、 ...You might already know this from repeating the same time over and over,
Kyoko アタシが今でも絶望せずにこうしていられるのは、マミがいてくれたからじゃないかって思うんだ。 But I think the only reason I'm here right now without falling into despair might be because Mami was there for me.
Kyoko 自分のせいで家族をなくして、マミとも別れた時期があった。……また大切な人をなくしたくないんだよ。 When my own error cost me my family, there was a time when I split up with Mami. ...And I don't want to lose anyone precious to me ever again.
Homura 佐倉杏子……わざわざその話を、私に? Sakura Kyoko... you're okay with telling me all this?
Kyoko アンタならわかってるだろうが、今度の戦いは命がけだ。どうなるか正直わかんねーほどな。 I know you'd probably understand this, but we're risking our lives with this battle. We don't know how it'll turn out.
Kyoko 連携のことはどうにも助言できないから、何か話せることでもないかと思って、ね。 So, I was thinking, if there's no way to give you advice on coordination, then is there anything else I could help talk to you about, I guess.
Homura あなたの気持ちはよくわかったわ。 I know very well how you feel.
Homura 佐倉杏子? Sakura Kyoko?
Kyoko ん? なんだい。 Hm? What's up?
Homura “巴マミが作った”マドレーヌありがとう。大切にいただくわね。 Thanks for "Mami's" madeleine. I'll gladly take it.

Quest 15-5

15-5 Before

Mami ついに、この時が来たわね。みんな、覚悟はいいかしら? It's finally time. Ready everyone?
Kyoko ああ。ここまで来れば、じたばたしてもはじまんねーしな。 Yeah. No point trying to fight it now that we've come this far, eh.
Sayaka この戦いに勝たないと、恭介やみんながいる街がなくなっちゃうんですよね? If we don't win this battle, we'll lose the town where Kyosuke and everyone else lives, won't we?
Kyoko どうした? ビビったかぁ? What's wrong? You scared?
Sayaka んー、そうだね。緊張はしてる。 Hmm, yeah. I'm nervous.
Kyoko なんだよ、素直に認めるのかよ。可愛げはあるけど、面白くねーな。 What, you just admit it? That's cute, but just lame.
Sayaka ここまできたら、おかしな見栄や意地を張ってもしょうがないしね。 Now that we've gotten this far, I can't just act stubborn or odd, you know.
Kyoko そっか。……そうだよな。悪い。アタシも柄にもなく緊張して、軽口叩いちまった。 I see. ...So that's how it is. My bad. I'm tense too. It's not like me to run my lip like that either.
Sayaka わかってる。気にしてないよ。いつもお互い様だもんね。 I know. Don't worry about it. We're the same.
Homura ねえ、まどか? Say, Madoka?
Madoka なに、ほむらちゃん? What is it, Homura-chan?
Homura ……。ううん。ごめんなさい。なんでもないわ。 ... No, it's nothing. Sorry for bothering you.
Madoka ……もしかして、ほむらちゃんでも緊張してるの? ...Homura-chan, are you nervous too?
Homura ……そうね。 ...yeah.
Homura ……緊張してるわ。今までは、あなたを守ることしか考えてなかったから。 ...I am nervous. Up until now, I've thought of nothing but protecting you, after all.
Madoka え? それって……どういう意味? Eh? What... do you mean by that?
Mami さあ、おしゃべりはここまで! みんな、いくわよっ!! 必ず勝ちましょうっ! Okay, no more chit-chat! Let's go, guys! We will win!

15-5 After

Homura まどかっ、大丈夫! しっかりして! Madoka, are you alright!? Hang in there!
Madoka ほむらちゃん、マミさんたちは!? さやかちゃんたちはどうなったの? Homura-chan, what happened to Mami-san? How are Kyoko-chan and Sayaka-chan?
Homura まだ、大丈夫よ。ただ、巴マミも美樹さやかも、ワルプルギスの夜の攻撃を受けて、もう動けそうもない……。 They're still okay. It's just that Tomoe Mami and Miki Sayaka took a blow from Walpurgisnacht, and it doesn't look like they'll be moving for a while...
Madoka それじゃあ、さやかちゃんと一緒に前に出てた杏子ちゃんも……。 Kyoko-chan was in the front with Sayaka-chan too, so that means...
Homura あと戦えるのは、[主人公名]だけ……。

(あれだけの火力をそろえた上に全員の力を合わせても、攻撃が効かないなんて……) (どうしても、ワルプルギスの夜には……勝てないの? これが運命だというの? それとも……) ……やっぱり私のせいかも。みて、まどか。私のソウルジェム、まだ光ってない……。

The only other one who can fight is [Protagonist]...

(How could our attacks be so ineffective even after gathering all this firepower and getting everyone's cooperation...?) (Is there no chance... at all of defeating Walpurgisnacht? Is this fate? Or is it...) ...I knew it, it's probably because of me. Look, Madoka. My soul gem still isn't shining...

Madoka ダメ、ほむらちゃん! そんなこと、気にしちゃダメだよっ。いまは勝つことだけを考えなくちゃ! No, Homura-chan! You can't let that get to you. You've gotta focus everything you've got on winning!
Homura ……まどか、聞いて。何度もあいつと戦ってみたけど、よく分かったわ。

ワルプルギスの夜を倒すには、どうしてもあと少しが足りないの。 今回こそ、みんなの全ての力をぶつけられたと思ったけども、 やっぱり、[主人公名]の力が使えない私がいるから……。 ごめんなさい、まどか。最後まで謝ることしかできないけど。 それと……みんなにも、こんな私を信じて、一緒に戦ってくれたみんなにも……。 巴さんにも、美樹さんにも、佐倉さんにも! そして、できるなら、本当にやり直したい!

...Madoka, please listen. After fighting this thing countless times over, I've come to a painful understanding.

No matter what I do to defeat Walpurgisnacht, victory is always just a tiny step away. Despite my expectations that we could win this time, with everyone's powers combined, It seems that as long as I'm here, unable to use [Protagonist]'s power, we... I'm sorry, Madoka. I'm sorry I can never do anything but say sorry. I'm sorry, everyone... I'm sorry I let you down, even when you believed in me, even when you fought alongside me... I'm sorry Tomoe-san! I'm sorry Miki-san! I'm sorry Sakura-san! I want to redo my meeting with all of you! But only if I could!

Madoka ほむらちゃん……。 Homura-chan...
Homura 時間を巻き戻すなんて、絶望から逃げ回るだけのやり方じゃなくて、本当にやり直したいっ!


And I don't mean by rewinding time. Not by running away from the inevitable despair. I want to redo it all for real!

I want to save everyone!

Madoka ほむらちゃん、大丈夫だよ。まだ、何も終わってなんかないよ……。


Homura-chan, it's okay. It's not over yet. Nothing's over yet...

There's no need to abandon hope, nor to reason to despair. Everything will be fine. I'll protect you. Just you see.

Homura ……まどか。でも、そんなこと言ったって……。 ...Madoka. But even if you say that...
Madoka 今のほむらちゃんなら絶対に大丈夫。わたし、最後まで信じる。

だから、ほむらちゃんも信じて。みんなのことを想う気持ち! 友達を守りたいっていう気持ちをっ!

I'm sure you'll be fine the way you are now, Homura-chan. I believe to the very end.

So believe in me too, Homura-chan. Believe in my thoughts for everyone! In my devotion to protect our friends!

Homura まどか、……どうしたの? ……何かあったの? Madoka... what's wrong? ...Did something happen?
Madoka どうしてだろう? 不思議だけど、わたしには、はっきりわかるんだ。いま、力が満ちているって。

[主人公名]ちゃん! ほむらちゃん! さやかちゃん! マミさん! 杏子ちゃん! わたしの、この一撃に……みんなの力を集めて! ワルプルギスの夜を……倒すっ! (わたしは、魔法少女に絶望しない。みんなの希望を、守って見せるっ!)

I wonder, what did happen? It's odd, but I can feel it for sure. I feel full of power.

[Protagonist]-chan! Homura-chan! Sayaka-chan! Mami-san! Kyoko-chan! Lend me your power... into this final attack! The final strike.... that shall fell Walpurgisnacht! (I won't let magical girls fall to despair. I'll protect everyone's hopes and dreams!)

[Protagonist] ――その後、どうなったのか。目の前で起きていたことなのに、今でもよくわかりません……。

はっきり覚えていることは、……みっつだけです。 まどかさんの放った一撃、……そのたった一撃で、ワルプルギスの夜が消滅しました。 強烈で、絶大な、今まで感じたこともない、途方もない魔法力の一撃でした……。 ……あと覚えてるのは、戦いが終わったあとの、ほむらさんのソウルジェムの輝きと…… 涙を浮かべて喜んでいた、まどかさんの笑顔でした。

--And what happened afterwards is still a blur to me. It all happened before my very eyes, and yet, even now, I still don't quite understand...

I clearly remember... just three things. Madoka-san's attack... with that one attack, Walpurgisnacht was vanished. It was a tremendous, overwhelming magic attack, unlike anything I've ever felt before... ...The other two things I remember are from the aftermath of the battle: the radiance of Homura-san's soul gem... And Madoka-san's smiling face, filled with tears of joy.

Madoka ほむらちゃん、やったよ! わたしたち、勝ったんだよ。街を、みんなを守ったんだよっ! We did it, Homura-chan! We won! We saved the town! We saved everyone!
Homura なぜ……? まどか、あの力、いったいどうやって……。 Why...? Madoka, that power, just how did you...
Madoka ほむらちゃんがみんなを守りたいって心の底から想ってくれたからだよ!

わたしたち! ついに勝ったんだよっ!

Homura-chan, it's all thanks to your heartfelt desire to protect everyone!

We... finally won!

Kyubey ……まさか、あのワルプルギスの夜を倒す魔法少女がいるとはね。つくづく君達は不条理を覆す存在だ。

まったく予想外だったよ。はじめは、暁美ほむらこそと思っていたのだけど……。 君は奇跡だと思うだろうけど、対価のない奇跡などあり得ない。 鹿目まどか……。 君こそが……最強の魔法少女だったんだ。

... Who would've thought there'd be a magical girl who could defeat Walpurgisnacht. You truly are beings that overthrow all sense of logic.

This was completely unexpected. At first, I thought it had to have been Akemi Homura, but... You might think of this as a miracle, but there's no such thing as a miracle without its costs. Kaname Madoka... You truly were... the strongest magical girl.