Madoka Magica Online Story Quest 2-1
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See Madoka Magica Online Story
Quest 2-1-1
2-1-1 Before

Akemi Homura | (朝。もう何回か繰り返した、同じ朝) | (Morning. The same morning I've repeated countless times.) |
(私はまた、この学校に転校してきました) | (I've transferred into this school once more) | |
(大切なあの人との、大切な約束を守るために) | (To uphold the promise I made with the one most precious to me) | |
??? | ほむら! おはようっ! | Homura! Good morning! |
Akemi Homura | えっ!? えっ!? わ、私? | Eh!? Eh!? M-me? |
Miki Sayaka | 朝、早いんだね。もうこの学校は慣れた? | You're up early. Gotten used to this school yet? |
Akemi Homura | み、美樹さん……。あ、あの、おはよう、ございます。 | M-Miki-san… Uh, um, good morning. |
Miki Sayaka | まーた、他人行儀だなぁ。クラスメートなんだし「さやか」でいいよ。 | Ah, there you go again. Don't be a stranger. We're classmates, you know. So you can just call me "Sayaka". |
それとも、名前で呼ばれるといやとか? | Or do you just not like being called by your first name? | |
Akemi Homura | い、いえ。そんなことないです。ただあんまり名前で呼ばれたことがないから、ちょっと驚いちゃって……。 | N-no, nothing like that. It's just that nobody really calls me by my first name, so I was a little surprised… |
Kaname Madoka | おはよう、ほむらちゃん! | Good morning, Homura-chan! |
Akemi Homura | あ、お、おはようございます。まど……、鹿目さん。 | Ah, g-good morning. Mado…. Kaname-san. |
Kaname Madoka | わたしも「まどか」でいいのに。 | Come on. It's okay to call me "Madoka" too. |
だから、わたしもほむらちゃんって呼んでいいよね? | So is it okay if I call you Homura-chan? | |
Miki Sayaka | そうそう。まだ知り合って間もないけど、そんなこと気にしないでいこうよ。 | She's right. Sure, we haven't known each other for long, but let's not sweat the small stuff. |
あたしら同級生なんだしさ。あと、なんといっても……。 | We're classmates after all. And that's not all… | |
同じ魔法少女なんだから! | We're all magical girls here too! | |
Kaname Madoka | ちょっと、さやかちゃんっ 声が大きいよ。周りの人に聞こえちゃうよ。 | Careful now, Sayaka-chan. You're being too loud. Other people will hear you. |
Miki Sayaka | 大丈夫だよ。どうせ意味なんて分かんないって。 | Don't worry about it. It's not like they'll even know what I'm talking about. |
……それより、ほむら。キュゥべえからの呼び出しがあったよ。また魔女が見つかったみたい。 | …But more importantly, Homura. Kyubey called. Looks like they've found another witch. | |
Kaname Madoka | 放課後に、またみんなと集まろう。大丈夫だよね、ほむらちゃん? | Let's all meet up again after school. You can come along too, right Homura-chan? |
Akemi Homura | は、はい。わかりましたっ。 | Ah, yeah. I understand. |
2-1-1 After

Kaname Madoka | うん、このケーキ美味しいっ。やっぱりマミさんの手作りケーキは最高ですね。 | This cake is delicious. Mami-san's handmade cakes sure are the best. |
Miki Sayaka | とくに、戦いが終わった後だから、あったかいお茶と甘いお菓子が格別だわっ。 | Especially since we just finished a battle. Warm tea and sweet deserts sure are refreshing. |
Tomoe Mami | みんなにも喜んでもらえて嬉しいわ。暁美さんも遠慮しないで、たくさん食べてちょうだい。 | I'm pleased to know that everyone's enjoying it. You too, Akemi-san. No need to hold back. Just eat as much as you want. |
Akemi Homura | はい。ありがとうございます。 | Okay. Thank you very much. |
(――契約をして、魔法少女となって何度目かの時間のやり直しをした) | (--I've formed a contract to become a magical girl, and have turned back time on countless ocassions.) | |
(でも……) | (And yet…) | |
Tomoe Mami | でも、鹿目さんも美樹さんも、最近めっきり力をつけてきたわね。もう立派な戦力よ。 | But I must say, Kaname-san, Miki-san. You've improved quite a lot recently. The two of you are quite strong now. |
Miki Sayaka | 本当ですか? いやー、なんか照れるなあ。 | You mean it? Man, I'm kinda flattered. |
Kaname Madoka | マミさんにそう言ってもらえると、お世辞でもすっごく嬉しいですっ。ありがとうございます。 | I'm happy to hear that from you, Mami-san. Even if it's just flattery. Thank you. |
Tomoe Mami | お世辞じゃないわ。本当にふたりとも成長してる。暁美さんも加入してくれたし、先が楽しみだわ。 | It's not just flattery. You two really have grown. And Akemi-san's just now joined us too. I'm looking forward to watching your progress. |
Akemi Homura | ……。 | … |
(――巴さんはこう言ってくれるけど私は自分がまだまだ足手まといだということはわかってる) | (--Tomoe-san's just saying that, but even I know I'm still dragging everyone else down.) | |
(まだ自分の魔法の扱い方もよくわからないし、戦いのたびにいまだに足がすくんでしまう) | (I still haven't gotten a full grasp on my magic, and I still freeze in place on the battlefield sometimes.) | |
(私はみんなと比べて、魔法少女になっても基礎体力がないみたいで、まともに援護もできないでいる) | (Compared to everyone else, I still don't have much basic endurance even after becoming a magical girl. And I can't provide proper backup either.) | |
(はっきりいってお荷物。だけど、そのことを巴さんをはじめ、ここにいるひとたちは誰も責めたりしない) | (Honestly, I'm just baggage. And yet, nobody blames me for it.) | |
(とくに……) | (Especially…) | |
Kaname Madoka | ほむらちゃんのショートケーキも美味しそうだな。ねえ、ちょびっとだけもらってもいいかな? | Homura-chan, your shortcake looks so delicious. Say, do you mind giving me just a teensy bit? |
Akemi Homura | え? ええ、もちろんです。よかったら、私の分は全部どうぞ。 | Eh? Uh, sure. You can have all of mine if you want. |
Kaname Madoka | 本当に! いいの? | Really!? Can I? |
Akemi Homura | 私なんて、戦闘中何もできないで見てるだけだし、こんな美味しいケーキを食べる資格なんてありませんから。 | I was so useless, I couldn't do anything during the battle but watch. Someone like me has no right to eat a cake as delicious as this |
Kaname Madoka | そんなこと、気にすることないよ。わたしだって、最初はマミさんに守られて、何もできなかったもん。 | Don't let that bother you. When I started out, I couldn't do anything either, so Mami-san had to cover for me. |
だから、ほむらちゃんも焦らないで。きっとそのうち強くなれるよ。 | So don't rush yourself, Homura-chan. I know you'll get stronger with time. | |
Akemi Homura | 鹿目さん。……ありがとうございます。 | Kaname-san. …Thank you. |
(まどかは、この時間でも……、ううん、どの世界でも私に優しい) | (Even now… no, no matter what time or what world I go to, Madoka is always kind to me.) | |
(本当は、あなたを守らなくちゃいけないのだけど……しばらくこの言葉に甘えようって、つい思ってしまう) | (I'm the one who's supposed to protect you, but… I can't help but indulge in her words) | |
(だって、この世界は……) | (After all, this world is…) | |
Miki Sayaka | まどか~。あんた、ちょっと食べ過ぎじゃないの? | Madoka~ Don't you think you're eating a little too much? |
Kaname Madoka | うぅぅ。だって、マミさんのケーキ、すごく美味しいんだもん。 | Uuuuuhh. But I can't help it. Mami-san's cakes are just too delicious. |
あーあ、マミさんはすごいなぁ。魔法少女としても強いし、お料理は上手で、そのうえキレイだし。 | Ahhhh, Mami-san, you're so cool. You're so strong as a magical girl, you're so skilled at cooking, and on top of all that, you're so beautiful too. | |
Tomoe Mami | あら。褒めてもらって嬉しいけど、何も出ないわよ。 | Oh my. I'm glad to hear that, but flattery won't get you anywhere. |
Kaname Madoka | わたし、マミさんのこと、本当に尊敬します。とくに、スタイルなんて抜群なんだもん! | I really respect you, Mami-san. Especially that exquisite figure of yours! |
Miki Sayaka | うんうん。スタイルに関してはまったくその通りだわ。とくに、ここっ! | Yupperdoodle. Your figure really is exquisite, especially these bits! |
Tomoe Mami | きゃっ! 美樹さん、ちょっとやだ。どこ、触ってるのっ! | Kyah! No, Miki-san, not there. Where do you think you're touching!? |
Miki Sayaka | うわっ、ホントにおっきい! さすが魔法少女の先輩ですね。あたし、尊敬しますっ。 | Wah, they really are huge! I expect nothing less of our senior magical girl. You have my respect. |
Tomoe Mami | そういうところは尊敬しなくていいのっ。もう! | I don't need your respect in that department. Geez! |
Akemi Homura | (……もう少しだけ、この世界では、みんなの言葉に甘えて、焦らずに強くなっていこうかなって思います……) | (…I just hope I can indulge in everyone's words in this world just a little longer, and maybe I can get stronger at a relaxed pace too…) |
Quest 2-1-2
2-1-2 Before

Akemi Homura | ねえ、鹿目さん。本当に、私ってみんなに迷惑をかけてないですか? | Say, Kaname-san. Am I really not a bother to you guys? |
Kaname Madoka | 魔法少女のこと? それなら気にすることなんてないよ。 | You talking about magical girl stuff? Don't worry about it. |
たしかに杏子ちゃんは少し厳しいけどそれだって本当はわたしたちのことを思ってのことだし。 | Sure, Kyoko-chan's a little strict about it, but that's just because she cares about us. | |
Kaname Madoka | だから、ほむらちゃんは自分のペースで、一番合った戦い方を見つけていけば大丈夫だよ。 | So you just need to find the fighting style that best suits you at your own pace, Homura-chan. |
Akemi Homura | 本当ですか? | Really? |
Kaname Madoka | うん。ひとりぼっちで戦うんじゃないんだもん。助け合うのは当然だよ。それに……。 | Yeah. We're not fighting alone, you know. It's only natural that we help each other out. Besides… |
なんていったって、あの強くてかっこいいマミさんがいるんだもん。 | If all else fails, we've always got the super strong and cool Mami-san at our sides. | |
Akemi Homura | ……鹿目さんは、本当に巴さんを尊敬しているんですね。 | …Kaname-san, you really respect Tomoe-san, don't you? |
Kaname Madoka | もちろん! マミさんみたいになりたいって思ったのが、わたしが魔法少女になったきっかけのひとつだし。 | Of course! Part of why I became a magical girl is because I wanted to become strong like Mami-san, after all. |
それに……。 | And besides… | |
Akemi Homura | それに? | Besides? |
Kaname Madoka | あんなふうに、しっかり者で、キレイなひとになりたいよねえ。とくに、あのスタイル……。 | I want to be a beautiful go-getter like her. Don't you? Especially that figure of hers… |
Akemi Homura | ……そ、そんなに巴さんに憧れてるんですか……。 | …Y-you really look up to Tomoe-san that much, huh… |
Kaname Madoka | あー、どうやったらあんなスタイルを維持できるんだろうなぁ。わたしたちと一緒にお茶会してるのに……。 | Ahhhh, I wonder how she maintains that figure of hers. Even though we all participate in the same tea parties… |
Akemi Homura | ……そうですよね。鹿目さんも、強くてしっかりしているひとのほうがいいですよね……。 | …I guess you're right. You prefer people who are on top of things, don't you, Kaname-san… |
2-1-2 After

Miki Sayaka | ふぅ。なんとか今回も使い魔をやっつけたね | Whew. Looks like we've beaten another familiar this time, huh. |
Tomoe Mami | みんな、怪我はないわよね? ……あら、鹿目さん、どうしたの? なんだか、……顔色が悪いわよ? | Is everyone okay? …Oh my, Kaname-san, what's wrong? You look… a little pale. |
Akemi Homura | えっ!? | Eh!? |
Kaname Madoka | だ、大丈夫です。べつに怪我したわけじゃないですから。心配しないでください。 | I-I'm okay. I'm not hurt or anything. Please don't worry about me. |
Tomoe Mami | そ、そう? でも、なんだかふらふらしてない? 体調でもよくないんじゃないかしら? | R-really? But you seem a little wobbly. Are you feeling okay? |
Sakura Kyoko | ふんっ! これだからヒヨッコはいやなんだよ。 | Hmph! This is why I don't like dealing with newbs. |
体調管理ぐらいしっかりしろよな。戦いを甘くみてんじゃねーのかぁ? | You can at least take care of your own body, can't you? You sure you're taking this fighting thing seriously? | |
Miki Sayaka | ちょっと杏子、あんたはちょいベテランだからって、いちいちうるさいのよ。 | Come on now, Kyoko. You can't complain about every little thing just because you're a veteran. |
女の子なんだから、体調の悪い日ぐらいあるわよ。あんただってわかるしょ? | We're all girls, so there are certain days where we feel bad, aren't there? I'm sure you understand that too, right? | |
Tomoe Mami | もう、ふたりともやめなさい。あなたたちはすぐ喧嘩するんだから。 | Now, now, stop that you two. You're always so quick to come at each other. |
Akemi Homura | ……鹿目さん? 本当に大丈夫なの? どこか痛くない? | …Kaname-san? Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere? |
Kaname Madoka | う、うん。平気だよ。ごめんね。心配かけちゃったみたいで。わたしのことは気にしないでいいか | N-no, I'm fine. I'm sorry. Looks like I made you guys worry. Don't mind me. |
Quest 2-1-3
2-1-3 Before

Akemi Homura | (――まどか、本当に大丈夫だったのかしら? いったい何があったんだろう?) | (--Was Madoka really okay? Just what could've happened?) |
(でも、いまの私じゃ彼女の力になれないし……) | (But no matter what it was, I'm not yet strong enough to be of any help anyway…) | |
Tomoe Mami | あら、暁美さんじゃない? こんなところで会えるなんて偶然ね。 | Oh, well if it isn't Akemi-san? What a coincidence meeting you here. |
Akemi Homura | あ、巴さん。……お買いものですか? | Ah, Tomoe-san. …out shopping? |
Tomoe Mami | そうよ。私、ひとり暮らしだから。それより、どうかしたの? なんだかぼぉーっとしてたわよ。 | Indeed. I live by myself after all. But more importantly, is something bothering you? You look kind of out of it. |
Akemi Homura | いえ。べつに……。あ! その、やっぱり相談したいことがあるんです | No, nothing really… Ah! Actually, there really is something I'd like to talk to you about. |
あの、私って、やっぱりみんなに迷惑をかけてませんか? | Um, I… actually am a bother to everyone, aren't I? | |
Tomoe Mami | あら? 急にどうしたの。何かあったのかしら? | Hmm? What's this all of a sudden? Did something happen? |
Akemi Homura | ……もしかして、この前の鹿目さんの具合が悪かったのは、私が負担ばかりかけて、体調を崩したのかなって。 | …I was thinking that maybe it was my fault for being a burden that Kaname-san wasn't feeling well earlier. |
Tomoe Mami | ああ、あのことね。んー、原因はわからないけど、あなたがそんなに悩むことじゃないと思うわ。 | Ahh, so that's it. Hmm, I'm not sure what the real cause is, but I don't think it's something you should be worrying that much about. |
鹿目さんは、あなたが入ってきてくれて、すごく嬉しがってるもの。 | Kaname-san was so happy when you first joined us, after all. | |
Akemi Homura | え!? 私が入って……嬉しい? | Eh!? She was happy… that I joined? |
Tomoe Mami | そうよ。魔法少女の後輩が入ってきて自分もしっかりしなくちゃって、張り切ってるのよ。 | Exactly. She's doing her best to show her new magical girl junior that she's on top of things. |
佐倉さんにも、暁美さんが戦いになれるまで自分が頑張るからって言ってるくらいなんだから。 | So much so that she's stood up to Sakura-san and told her that she'll work hard until you're ready to fight, Akemi-san. | |
Akemi Homura | そうなんですか。……でも、そのぶん彼女に負担をかけてるっていうことでもありますよね。 | Is that so. …but that means I'm just that much more of a burden on her, doesn't it? |
Tomoe Mami | もう。そんなふうに考えちゃダメよ。原因が決まったわけじゃないんだから気にしたって何も始まらないわ。 | Now, now. You mustn't think that way. We don't know what the real cause is yet, so there's no point in worrying about it now. |
あなたはあなたらしく、無理しないで、できることをひとつずつ頑張っていけば大丈夫よ。 | You just have to be yourself and find more and more things that you can do, without pushing yourself, and you'll be fine. | |
Akemi Homura | は、はい……。 | O-okay… |
2-1-3 After

Akemi Homura | (私のぶんまで張り切ってくれるなんて。まどか、やっぱり優しいな) | (She's working hard enough to cover for me. Madoka sure is kind) |
(だけど、巴さんの言うように、ただ甘えていていいのかな?) | (But is it really okay to just indulge in that kindness like Tomoe-san said?) | |
(本当なら、私も巴さんのように彼女に頼られるぐらいじゃなくちゃいけないのに……) | (If it is, then I need to become reliable like Tomoe-san is, but…) | |
Kaname Madoka | はあぁ~。そうだよねえ。月謝もかかるし、こんなのわたしに続くわけないし。困ったなぁ。 | Haaaaah. Reality can be tough. It'll cost lesson fees, and I can't keep up the schedule anyway. What do I do now? |
Akemi Homura | (あれ? あそこにいるの、まどかだ。何をやってるのかしら?) | (Huh? That's Madoka. What's she doing?) |
Kaname Madoka | どうしよう……。このままじゃ大変なことになっちゃうよ。 | What do I do…? It's going to get bad at this rate. |
Akemi Homura | (……行っちゃった。なんだかすごく深刻そうな顔をしてた……) | (… There she goes. She seemed rather serious…) |
この壁に貼ってあるポスターを見てたみたいだけど……。なにかしら? | There's a poster stuck to this wall, but… what's it for? | |
これって……格闘技ジムのポスター?! | Isn't this a poster for… a martial arts gym!? | |
Quest 2-1-4
2-1-4 Before

Akemi Homura | (――なんで、まどかは格闘技ジムのポスターなんて、真剣に見てたのかしら?) | (--Why would Madoka be looking at a martial arts gym poster with such serious eyes?) |
(格闘技が好きなんて聞いたこともないし、どうみてもそんなタイプじゃないと思うし) | (I've never heard her mention any interest in martial arts, and she doesn't look the type at all, anyway.) | |
(……でも、ものすごい真剣な顔をしてた。あんな泣きそうなぐらい怖い顔のまどか、初めてみた) | (...But she looked really serious. That was the first time I've ever seen her like that. She looked so scary, I wanted to cry.) | |
(格闘技でも習いたいのかしら? でも、そんな必要どこにあるんだろう?) | (Does she want to take up martial arts? But why would she have any need to do that?) | |
(魔法少女になれたんだから、べつに強くなったりする必要なんて……あっ!?) | (She's become a magical girl, so it's not like she has any need of it to get strong, or anything, but… ah!?) | |
まさか!? ……戦力にならない私をかばうために、自分がもっと強くなろうなんてことは……) | (No way!? ...Don’t tell me she's trying to get stronger so she can better cover me while I'm still useless…) | |
2-1-4 After

Tomoe Mami / Miki Sayaka | えっ!? お茶会に来ないっ!? | Eh!? You're not coming to the tea party!? |
Kaname Madoka | なんで、わたしがお茶会に行かないって言ったら、そんなに驚くのっ! | Why does it surprise you guys so much just because I said I won't go!? |
Miki Sayaka | だって、お茶会だよっ! マミさんのスイーツが堪能できる至福の時だよ。あんたの生きがいじゃんっ。 | You know, 'cause it's the tea party! Our god-given time to partake in Mami-san's sweets! The whole meaning of your life! |
Kaname Madoka | わたし、そこまで食い意地張ってないもんっ。用事があるから、しばらくお茶会に出られないだけだよっ。 | I'm not that much of a glutton, okay? I just have some business to deal with, so I won't be coming to the tea parties for a while. |
Miki Sayaka | 用事? まどかが? 仁美みたいに習い事でも始めたの? | Business? You? Did you start praticing something like Hitomi does? |
Kaname Madoka | ん? べ、べつに、その習い事っていうほどじゃないんだけど、ちょっとやりたいことができちゃって……。 | Hm? N-no, nothing like practice or anything that. There's just something I wanted to do is all… |
Akemi Homura | (習い事って、まさか!?) | (Practice? You don't mean…!?) |
Kaname Madoka | そ、それじゃあ、わたしはもう行くね マミさん、せっかくのお誘い、断ってごめんなさい。ばいばーい。 | W-well, anyway, I've got to get going. I'm sorry, for turning down your invitation, Mami-san. Bye-bye. |
Miki Sayaka | 変なの。しかしまどかがお茶会を断るなんて……こりゃあ何かあるのか? もしかして、男! | Now that's strange. But for Madoka to have turned down a tea party would mean… that must mean something's going down, right? Don't tell me there's a boy in her life! |
Tomoe Mami | えっ!? えっ!? ホントにっ! そうなの? あの鹿目さんが? | Eh!? Eh!? Really!? Seriously? Kaname-san? |
Miki Sayaka | ない、ない。まどかに限ってそれはないっ! | Nah, nah. Madoka would be the last girl to do that! |
もう、マミさんったら、こういう話意外と好きなんですねえ~。 | Geez, Mami-san. I never expected you to be that excited about boy stuff. | |
Tomoe Mami | もう、からかわないで。最近、鹿目さんの様子が少し変だからもしかしてと思っただけよ。 | Mmm, please don't tease me. I was just thinking that it might be plausible since Kaname-san's been acting strange recently. |
Akemi Homura | (様子がおかしい!? それってやっぱり……) | (She's been acting strange!? Then she must really be…) |
Miki Sayaka | どーせ、まどかのことだからテストで赤点取りそうだから、あわてて英単語の暗記でもするんですよ。 | Well, we are talking about Madoka after all, and she tends to get red marks all over her tests, so maybe she's off frantically memorizing her English vocab. |
Sakura Kyoko | テストって、さやか。おまえは大丈夫なのかよ? | Tests, huh, Sayaka? Shouldn't you be worried too? |
自慢じゃないけど、あたしは今さらじたばたするような、やわな根性してないわよ。 | I'm not proud of it, but I must say that it's not my character to go on a frantic frenzy this late in the game. | |
Sakura Kyoko | ……ホントに自慢にならねーじゃねーかよ。 | …That really isn't anything to be proud of anyway. |
まあ、いいさ。まどかが来ないなら、そのぶんはアタシが代わりに食うからさ。 | Well, whatever. If Madoka's not coming, then that just means more for me. | |
Miki Sayaka | ちょっと杏子。なんでそういう話になるのよ。ちゃんと半分ずつにするわよ。 | Hold on, Kyoko. What makes you think that? We're going halfsies, okay? |
Akemi Homura | (まどか……。やっぱり、何かあったんじゃないかしら?) | (Madoka… Something really did happen, didn't it?) |
Quest 2-1-5
2-1-5 Before

Tomoe Mami | じゃあ、みんな。相手は魔女よ。使い魔とは違うんだから、くれぐれも油断はしないでね。 | Now then, everyone. We're up against a witch. Unlike familiars, it won't leave us any room to let our guard down. |
Miki Sayaka | 任せてください。今回もすっきり倒して、終わったらお菓子に紅茶で祝杯ですっ! | Leave it to us. We'll end this quick and simple so we can hurry up and celebrate with tea and sweets! |
Kaname Madoka | お、お菓子……。紅茶……。 | T-tea… and sweets… |
Akemi Homura | 鹿目さん、どうしたの? さっきから顔色がよくないよ。また具合が悪いんじゃないの? | What's wrong, Kaname-san? Your face has been pale for a while. Do you feel okay? |
Kaname Madoka | ん? あ、うん、大丈夫だよ。わたしのことは気にしないで。 | Hm? Ah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. |
それより、ほむらちゃんこそ気をつけてね。いつもどおり、わたしたちより前に出る必要はないんだからね。 | More importantly, you should worry about yourself. Like always, you can always stay back behind us. | |
Akemi Homura | で、でも! | B-but! |
Sakura Kyoko | さやかじゃないけど、たしかに腹も減ってきたし、さっさと片付けてやるとするか。 | I can't speak for Sayaka, but I'm hungry, so let's clean things up already. |
2-1-5 After

Sakura Kyoko | まどか! 最後まで油断するな。まだ魔女は生きてる! そっちにいったぞ。とどめを刺せ! | Madoka! Don't let your guard down until the very end! The witch is still kicking! It went that way. Finish it off! |
Kaname Madoka | ほむらちゃんっ わたしの後ろに隠れてて! ――きゃあああっ! | Homura-chan, hide behind me! ---kyaaahh! |
Akemi Homura | 鹿目さんっ! | Kaname-san! |
Tomoe Mami | ティロ・フィナーレ! | Tiro Finale! |
Miki Sayaka | やったあっ! さすがマミさん! | Way to go, Mami-san! |
Sakura Kyoko | まどかっ、ほむらっ! 大丈夫か!? しっかりしろ! | Madoka! Homura! You okay!? Hang in there! |
Akemi Homura | わ、私は平気です。それより、鹿目さんは!? | I-I'm fine, but more importantly, Kaname-san!? |
Kaname Madoka | わ、わたしも大丈夫。マミさんが助けてくれたから、どこも怪我してないよ……。 | I-I'm fine too. Thanks to Mami-san, I'm not hurt at all… |
Tomoe Mami | 間一髪ね。どうしたの、鹿目さん。最後のほう、いつも通りにやれば、今のあなたらなら問題ないはずよ。 | Now that was a close one. What's wrong, Kaname-san? You shouldn't have had a problem if you just did what you always do. |
Kaname Madoka | ご、ごめんなさい。わたし、ちょっとぼぉーっとしちゃってました……。 | I-I'm sorry. I just spaced out a little bit… |
Miki Sayaka | このぉ、心配させないでよ。でも、まあ無事でよかったよかった。 | Hey, don't make us worry like that. Well, at least you're okay. |
Sakura Kyoko | この野郎! あれほど油断するなって言われてただろうがっ! ダメなら、さっさと逃げろよな。 | You dumbass! How many times did we tell you not to let your guard down? If things go bad, then get your ass outta there. |
Miki Sayaka | そんなに怒んないでよ、杏子。まどかがあそこで逃げたら、ほむらが危なかったんだし。 | Don't get so mad, Kyoko. If Madoka had run away back then, then Homura would've been the one in danger. |
Sakura Kyoko | なんだよ、それ。だからアタシはヒヨッコを増やすのは反対だったんだ | What, that? This is why I was against adopting another newblet. |
Miki Sayaka | そのわりには、誰よりも早く駆けつけてきたじゃん。心配してるなら、素直に心配してやんなよ。 | And yet you were the first one to come running to check on them. If you do care, then just be honest about it. |
Sakura Kyoko | あー! 誰がおまえらド新人の心配なんかするかっ。ふざけたこと、言うんじゃねーぞ! | Agggh! Who the hell cares about newbies like you!? Quit it with this bullshit! |
Tomoe Mami | ああ、もう。止めなさい。とにかく、鹿目さんも暁美さんも無事でよかったわ。 | Ah, come on now. Stop that. Anyway, it's good that Kaname-san and Akemi-san are okay. |
Akemi Homura | 鹿目さん、ごめんなさいっ! 私のせいだよね。もう少しで、大変なことになるところだった。 | Kaname-san, I'm sorry! It's my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have gotten that close to danger. |
Kaname Madoka | ううん。違うよ。ほむらちゃんのせいじゃないよ。本当にわたしが集中してなかったせいだよ。 | No, that's not it. It's not your fault, Homura-chan. I really just wasn't paying enough attention. |
Akemi Homura | うそっ。だって、鹿目さん。戦いの前から具合が悪そうだったし、最近はずっと無理してるみたいだよ。 | That's not true. Look, Kaname-san. Even before the battle, you looked like you weren't feeling well. Lately you always look like you're pushing yourself too far. |
……もしかして、鹿目さんの調子が悪いのは私のせい……なの? | …could it be that it's… my fault… you're not feeling too well? | |
Kaname Madoka | ……。 | … |
Akemi Homura | や、やっぱり私のせいなのね?! 私が……ぜんぜん戦力にならないから鹿目さんの足を引っ張っちゃって。 | I-I knew it! It is my fault, isn't it! It's because… because I'm so useless that I'm dragging you down. |
私の面倒を見ようとして、普段から無理して、何か格闘技とかの特訓をしてるんじゃないの? | You're pushing yourself so hard to look out for me that you're taking up some martial art, aren't you? | |
だから、お茶会も出ないで、疲れを溜めちゃってるんでしょう? お願い 本当のことを言って、鹿目さん! | That's why you've stopped coming to tea parties, and why you're always tired, isn't it? Please, just tell me the truth, Kaname-san! | |
Kaname Madoka | ……。 | … |
Akemi Homura | ……鹿目さん? どうしたの? | …Kaname-san? What's wrong? |
Tomoe Mami | ふたりともどうしたの? 早く戻ってお茶会の準備よ。――暁美さん、鹿目さんがどうかしたの……!?! | What's the hold up, you two? Let's hurry back so we can prepare for the tea party. --Akemi-san, what's wrong with Kaname-san…!? |
鹿目さん!? どうしたの、鹿目さん 目を開けて? しっかりしてちょうだいっ! | Kaname-san!? What's wrong, Kaname-san? Open your eyes! Please, hang in there! | |
Miki Sayaka | ちょっと、やだ! まどか! 目を開けてよ! 返事してよ! | Woah, oh no! Madoka! Open your eyes! Speak to me! |
Sakura Kyoko | まさかっ、やっぱりどこかやられてたのか!? どけ、ほむら! こっちに寝かせろ! | Don't tell me she really did get hurt!? Out of the way, Homura! Lie her down here! |
Akemi Homura | ……か、鹿目さん? | …K-Kaname-san? |
やだ、鹿目さんっ! こんなの、かなめさんっっ!!! | No! Kaname-san! No, this can't- Kaname-san!!!! | |