智珠 らんか: あれ、さくやのほうが早かったか
Chizu Ranka: Huh, I guess Sakuya was faster than me!
樹里: よっ 急に呼び出して悪かったな
Juri: Yo, sorry for calling you out so suddenly.
鈴鹿 さくや: 気にしてないよ
Suzuka Sakuya: I don't mind
鈴鹿 さくや: それにしても…
Suzuka Sakuya: But still...
鈴鹿 さくや: 樹里が統率してた竜ケ崎の拠点で 元右腕のらんかも一緒だなんて
Suzuka Sakuya: I can't believe that Juri's former right-hand girl Ranka is also with her at the base in Ryugasaki.
鈴鹿 さくや: 穏やかじゃないね
Suzuka Sakuya: That's not very nice
智珠 らんか: 今回は長女さんと三女がいない ほうが都合がいいんでしょ?
Chizu Ranka: Isn't it better that your eldest and third daughters are not here this time?
樹里: まぁ、 今回は樹里サマの独断だからな
Juri: Well, this time it's Juri-sama's decision
鈴鹿 さくや: ってことは、 私に何か内緒話?
Suzuka Sakuya: So, is there something you're not telling me?
樹里: いーや、事情聴取だよ
Juri: No, it's just an interview
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: .........
樹里: この前、環いろはを殺す計画が 失敗しただろ?
Juri: Last time, your plan to kill Tamaki Iroha failed, right?
樹里: 引っかかって らんかと調べてみたんだが…
Juri: It stuck, so I checked with Ranka...
樹里: 環ういの監禁先と地下墓地の発覚 それに、二木市駅での挟撃失敗
Juri: The discovery of Tamaki Ui's captivity and the catacombs, and the failed pincer attack at Nikishi Station.
樹里: あまりにも 臭すぎると思わねぇか?
Juri: Too much of a stink, don't you think?
鈴鹿 さくや: それで現場をまとめてた 私に事情聴取ってわけね
Suzuka Sakuya: So you're interviewing me, the one who was putting together the crime scene.
樹里: そうだ
Juri: Yes.
智珠 らんか: あんな簡単な作戦でヘマするほど アンタは落ちぶれてないでしょ
Chizu Ranka: You're not low enough to screw up a simple operation like that
智珠 らんか: 何があったの?
Chizu Ranka: What's going on?
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
樹里: 言っとくが、 嘘をついたらお前を燃やす
Juri: Just so you know, if you lie to me, I'll burn you
鈴鹿 さくや: …嘘なんかつかないし 正直に言うよ
Suzuka Sakuya: ...I'm not gonna lie and I'm gonna be honest
鈴鹿 さくや: 二木市駅で挟撃を失敗させたのは 七海やちよたちを逃がすためだよ
Suzuka Sakuya: The only reason I let the pincer attack at Futatsugi City Station fail was to let Nanami, Chiyo and the others escape
鈴鹿 さくや: 環ういの監禁先や地下墓地を ユニオンに教えたのも私
Suzuka Sakuya: I'm also the one who told the Union where Tamaki Ui was being held and where the catacombs were
樹里: 案外あっさり尻尾を出したな…
Juri: I didn't expect you to turn tail so easily...
樹里: 樹里サマたちを裏切った代償は わかってんだろうな?
Juri: You know the price for betraying Juri and the others, don't you?
鈴鹿 さくや: 計画を失敗させた責任は取るよ…
Suzuka Sakuya: I'll take responsibility for the failure of my plan...
鈴鹿 さくや: ただ私は…結菜に 一線を越えさせたくなかったんだ
Suzuka Sakuya: I just... didn't want Yuna to cross the line
智珠 らんか: 一線…?
Chizu Ranka: A line...?
鈴鹿 さくや: 人となりを知った相手にまで 手をかけるってことだよ
Chizu Ranka: I didn't want Yuna to cross that line
鈴鹿 さくや: 結菜には環いろはと環ういを 殺して欲しくなかったんだ
Suzuka Sakuya: I didn't want Yuna to kill Tamaki Iroha and Tamaki Ui
鈴鹿 さくや: どれだけ憎い相手だとしても 何度も言葉は交わしてるから…
Suzuka Sakuya: No matter how much you hate them, you've already spoken to them many times...
樹里: 敵に情をうつして殺せなくなる 鬼なんざいねーっつーの
Juri: There's no such thing as a demon that can't kill because it's moved by its enemy
鈴鹿 さくや: 今は復讐に駆られる鬼だとしても
Suzuka Sakuya: Even if you're a demon driven by revenge now
鈴鹿 さくや: 本当の結菜は、知った敵には 情けをかける優しい子なんだ…
Suzuka Sakuya: The real Yuna is a kind girl who shows mercy to enemies she knows...
鈴鹿 さくや: なのに最後の一線を越えたら 優しい結菜に戻れなくなる…!
Suzuka Sakuya: But if you cross that last line, you'll never be the kind Yuna again...
樹里: 姉さんはもうあの頃には戻らない それは本人が決めたことだ
Juri: You can't go back to that time, that's your decision
鈴鹿 さくや: …私は諦めないよ
Suzuka Sakuya: ...I'm not giving up
樹里: 計画を邪魔されるより、 お前のエゴの方が厄介だな
Juri: Your ego is more troublesome than your plans being interrupted
樹里: んで、焼き加減はどうする? 最期に選ばせてやるよ…
Juri: So, how do you want it cooked? I'll let you choose in the end...
鈴鹿 さくや: 結果的に、二木への裏切りに なったことはわかってるから
Suzuka Sakuya: I know that in the end, it was a betrayal of Futatsugi
鈴鹿 さくや: 殺されても仕方ない…
Suzuka Sakuya: It's no use getting killed...
鈴鹿 さくや: でも…
Suzuka Sakuya: But...
樹里: あ?
Juri: Oh?
鈴鹿 さくや: 最終的な判断は 結菜に下してほしいんだ
Suzuka Sakuya: I want Yuna to make the final decision
樹里: 姉さんなら見逃してくれるって?
Juri: You think you can get away with this?
鈴鹿 さくや: そうじゃない
Suzuka Sakuya: Not at all
鈴鹿 さくや: 私の想いを 結菜に知ってもらいたいんだ…
Suzuka Sakuya: I want Yuna to know my feelings...
樹里: 頑固でめんどくせえやつとは 思ってたが
Juri: I knew you were stubborn and annoying
樹里: 裏切り者になっても 変わんねーみたいだな
Juri: Looks like being a traitor won't change that.
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
樹里: 姉さんの判断なんかいらねえ 今、ここで終わらせてやるッ!
Juri: I don't need your judgment, I'll end this right here, right now!
智珠 らんか: ちょっと樹里!
Chizu Ranka: Hey Juri!
智珠 らんか: ここでさくやを始末するのは さすがにヤバいって!
Chizu Ranka: It's not a good idea to end Sakuya here!
樹里: …………
Juri: ............
樹里: チッ 命拾いしたな、クソ陸上部
Juri: Damn, you just saved my life, damn track team!
鈴鹿 さくや: …………ふん
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
智珠 らんか: ムカつくけど…さくやの言う通り 判断は長女さんに任せよう
Chizu Ranka: I'm pissed off but Sakuya's right, let's leave the decision to the eldest daughter
智珠 らんか: ほら、行こう?
Chizu Ranka: Come on, let's go
樹里: あぁ…
Juri: Ah...
智珠 らんか: さくや…
Chizu Ranka: Sakuya...
智珠 らんか: アンタ、次はないよ
Chizu Ranka: You won't get another chance
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: ふぅ…
Suzuka Sakuya: Hmm...
鈴鹿 さくや: (らんかが止めてくれなかったら 今頃、殺されてたかな…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (If Ranka hadn't stopped me, I'd have been killed by now...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …はは…私も頑固だよなぁ…
Suzuka Sakuya: ...haha...I'm stubborn too...
鈴鹿 さくや: (あそこで素直に謝っていたら)
Suzuka Sakuya: (If only I had apologized honestly)
鈴鹿 さくや: (樹里も少しは許してくれたかも しれないのに…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (If I had apologized honestly, Juri might have forgiven me a little bit...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (くそ… 震えが…止まらない…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (Damn... I can't stop shaking...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
???: 『大丈夫…?』
I'm sorry. : "Are you okay...?
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
???: 『怖かったわよねぇ…』
I'm sorry. : "It was scary, wasn't it...?
???: 『でも、もう平気よぉ… あなたはひとりじゃないもの』
I'm fine. : "But I'm fine now... You're not alone.
鈴鹿 さくや: 結菜…
Suzuka Sakuya: Yuna...
鈴鹿 さくや: (魔法少女になったばかりで 怖くて震えてた時…)
Suzuka Sakuya: "When I was a new Puella Magi and I was shaking with fear...
鈴鹿 さくや: (助けてくれたのは 結菜だった…)
Suzuka Sakuya: "It was Yuna who saved me...
鈴鹿 さくや: やめてよ! 同情なんて…しないで…!
Suzuka Sakuya: Stop it! Don't pity me...!
結菜: 同情じゃないわぁ…
Yuna: It's not pity...
結菜: 同じ魔法少女なんだもの… 支え合うのが当然でしょぅ…?
Yuna: We're both Puella Magi... It's only natural that we support each other...
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (結菜の入ったグループに 私も参加したのは)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I joined the group that Yuna joined because...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (結菜の優しさに 憧れたからだったけど…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I joined Yuna's group because I admired her kindness...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (本当は、恐怖から助けてくれた 恩を返したかったのかも…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (Actually, I wanted to repay you for saving me from my fears...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (魔法少女の経験を重ねて)
Suzuka Sakuya: (After years of experience as a magical girl)
鈴鹿 さくや: (結菜がグループの リーダーになってからは)
Suzuka Sakuya: (After Yuna became the leader of the group)
鈴鹿 さくや: (二木を牛耳ってた樹里との 争いがもっと激しくなった…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (After Yuna became the leader of the group, the fight with Juri, who was in control of Futatsugi, became more intense)
鈴鹿 さくや: (結菜を死なせたくなくて 何度も止めたのに…結菜は…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I didn't want Yuna to die, so I stopped her many times... but Yuna...)
結菜: 止めないでちょうだぃ… 私が行かないといけないのよぉ…
Yuna: Please don't stop me... I have to go...
鈴鹿 さくや: 次にまともにやりあったら 結菜だって無事じゃ済まないよ!
Suzuka Sakuya: Yuna won't be safe next time we have a serious fight!
結菜: あの子は強い者と争いたくなる…
Yuna: She'll want to fight the strong...
結菜: 他の魔法少女に行かせては… かえって暴走してしまうわぁ…
Yuna: If we let another magical girl go, she'll just go off on her own...
鈴鹿 さくや: じゃあ私も結菜と行く!
Suzuka Sakuya: Then I'll go with Yuna!
鈴鹿 さくや: 結菜がとどめを刺せないなら… 私が…っ
Suzuka Sakuya: If Yuna can't finish him off... then I will...
結菜: ありがとぅ、さくや…
Yuna: Thanks, Sakuya...
結菜: でもね…私はあの子の性分を 知っているから…
Yuna: But... because I know her nature...
結菜: できれば殺さずに… 止めてあげたいのよぉ…
Yuna: I'd rather stop him... without killing him...
鈴鹿 さくや: あんな奴をどうやって…?
Suzuka Sakuya: How did you get that guy to...?
結菜: …あの子を倒して 私の傘下に加えるわぁ…
Yuna: ...I'll take him down and bring him under my control...
結菜: 周りの被害を抑えるためにも… 私が見張るのが得策だからねぇ…
Yuna: In order to limit the damage to the surrounding area... it's best that I keep an eye on him...
鈴鹿 さくや: (絶対無理だって思ったのに…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I thought it would be impossible...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (結菜は本当に樹里を倒して グループに入れたんだよね…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (Yuna really beat Juri to get into the group...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (すごいよな、結菜は…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (It's amazing, Yuna...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (しばらくして、樹里は結局 グループから離反したけど)
Suzuka Sakuya: (After a while, Juri eventually defected from the group)
鈴鹿 さくや: (結菜は最後まで、殺さずに 止める方法を探ってた…)
Suzuka Sakuya: "Yuna was looking for a way to stop her without killing her until the end...
鈴鹿 さくや: (たとえ友達じゃなくたって…)
Suzuka Sakuya: "Even if we're not friends...
鈴鹿 さくや: (少しでも見知った相手を 殺せないのは当然なんだ…)
Suzuka Sakuya: It's only natural that you can't kill someone you know even a little bit...
鈴鹿 さくや: (なのに、今の結菜は… 誰であろうと殺そうとしてる…)
Suzuka Sakuya: But now Yuna... she's trying to kill whoever it is...
鈴鹿 さくや: (心から鬼になろうとしてる…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (Trying to be a demon with all her heart...)
鈴鹿 さくや: そうはさせない…!
Suzuka Sakuya: I won't let that happen...!
鈴鹿 さくや: 私が結菜を止める… 助けるんだ…!
Suzuka Sakuya: I'll stop Yuna... I'll save her...!
樹里: …ってわけだ
Juri: ...that's why
樹里: 仲間の中に裏切り者がいるんだ このまま放っておかねーよなぁ?
Juri: There's a traitor in our group.
結菜: …………
Yuna: ............
樹里: だんまりかよ
Juri: You're not talking!
結菜: …さくやは、どうして こんなことをしたんだと思ぅ…?
Yuna: ...why do you think Sakuya did this...?
樹里: 姉さんに一線を越えさせたくない とか言ってたが…
Juri: He said he didn't want his sister to cross the line...
樹里: 要は、あいつ自身が 殺しにひよってるからだろ
Juri: It's because he's addicted to killing.
樹里: ダチと殺し合った経験もあるしな
Juri: I've killed my friends before.
結菜: …………
Yuna: ............
樹里: 下手に恩情で野放しにしてたら 次の計画も邪魔されかねない
Juri: If we let him get away with it, he might interfere with our next plan
樹里: 他の奴への手前もあるし 何かしらけじめはつけるべきだ
Juri: We should do something about it, just in case someone else gets hurt.
結菜: わかってるわぁ…
Yuna: I know...
結菜: あの子との付き合いは長いし 信じてあげたいけれど…
Juri: I've known her for a long time, and I want to believe her, but...
結菜: さすがに見逃せないもの…
Yuna: I can't overlook that...
樹里: んで? どうすんだよ
Juri: And? What are you going to do?
結菜: …さくやに監視をつけるわぁ…
Yuna: ...I'll keep an eye on Sakuya...
樹里: 少しぬるいんじゃないか?
Yuna: ...I'll keep an eye on Sakuya... Juri: Aren't you a little lax?
結菜: …誰でも 過ちを犯すことはあるもの…
Yuna: ...we all make mistakes...
結菜: 一度目は寛大にねぇ…
Yuna: Be lenient the first time...
結菜: 監視役は… ひかるにお願いしましょぅ…
Yuna: Let's ask Hikaru to be the watcher...
樹里: この先ずっと監視させるには 人手が足りないぞ?
Juri: We don't have enough manpower to have him watch over us for the rest of our lives.
結菜: ええ…だから、さくやの真意を 確認できるまでよぉ…
Juri: We don't have enough manpower to keep monitoring him for the rest of his life, do we? Yes... so until we can confirm Sakuya's intentions...
結菜: 問題ないとわかれば… 早々にやめても構わなぃ…
Yuna: If it turns out to be no problem... you can quit as soon as possible...
結菜: ただ…
Yuna: Just...
樹里: ただ…?
Juri: Just...?
結菜: 彼女が私たちを裏切っていて… 次の計画も邪魔するつもりなら…
If she's betraying us... and she's going to interfere with our next plan...
結菜: その時は 私が直接手を下すわぁ…
Yuna: Then I'll deal with her directly...
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (結菜からの連絡はまだ、か…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (Still no word from Yuna, huh...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (昨日の今日ではあるけど、 待つだけなのはもどかしいな…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I know it was yesterday, but it's frustrating to just wait and see...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …ふぅ
Suzuka Sakuya: ...hmm...
Are you tired, senpai?
鈴鹿 さくや: まぁ…ちょっとね 今日の練習きつかったし
Suzuka Sakuya: Well... a little, but today's practice was tough.
いつもの先輩なら、今日くらいの 練習量は軽々こなすのに…
I mean, my usual self can easily handle this kind of practice...
鈴鹿 さくや: あー…陸上部の大会が近いから なんか焦っちゃってるのかも
Suzuka Sakuya: Well, the track meet is coming up, so I guess I'm in a hurry.
…あ、じゃあ気分転換に スポーツショップに寄ります!?
I'll stop by a sports store for a change.
大好きなシューズを見れば 先輩の息抜きになりますよね!
I'm sure you'd love to see my favorite shoes!
鈴鹿 さくや: あはは…私のこと、 ほんとよく知ってるねぇ…
Suzuka Sakuya: You know me so well...
Yes, I love you!
気分転換なら、 漫画がおすすめですよ!
If you're looking for a change of pace, manga is the way to go!
No, no, no! Music!
No, I'm cheering for my idols!
鈴鹿 さくや: お、おぉ…
Suzuka Sakuya: Oh, wow...
How about you?
今週末に二木でイベントもあるし ハマるチャンスですよ!
There's an event at Futatsugi this weekend, so you have a chance to get into it!
鈴鹿 さくや: えぇ…?
Suzuka Sakuya: Oh...?
鈴鹿 さくや: そう言われても…アイドルって よく知らないしなぁ…
Suzuka Sakuya: I don't know much about idols...
That's what everyone says at first.
But don't worry!
イベントはローカルアイドルが 大集合するお祭り企画なので
The event is a festival of local idols.
正統派から変わり種までいるし お気に入りの子が見つかりますよ
The event is a festival of local idols, so you'll be able to find your favorite one.
鈴鹿 さくや: すごく推してくるね…
Suzuka Sakuya: You're really pushing me...
どうです、このあと私と一緒に CDショップでも…!
How about you and I go to the CD store afterwards...!
さくや先輩は私と スポーツショップに行くの!
You're going to the sports store with me!
鈴鹿 さくや: えっと… ふたりとも、落ち着いて…
Both of you, please calm down...
鈴鹿 さくや: ――っ!?
Suzuka Sakuya: --?
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: …ごめんね 実はこのあと用事があってさ…
Suzuka Sakuya: I'm sorry, I actually have something to do later...
あ、すみません…! 引き留めてしまって…
Oh, I'm sorry...! I didn't mean to keep you...
鈴鹿 さくや: ううん、ありがとね…
Suzuka Sakuya: No, thank you...
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (メッセージは、結菜からの 呼び出しだったけど…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (The message was a call from Yuna, but...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (神浜に潜入中の魔法少女たち 全員に対してだったのか…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (The message was for all the magical girls infiltrating Kamihama...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (でも…らんかがいない…?)
Suzuka Sakuya: (But...Ranka's not here...)
「あれ、さくやさんだよね…どうして…?」 「作戦の話、三姉妹から 直接聞いてるんじゃないのかな…?」
That's Sakuya-san, right? Didn't you hear about the mission directly from the three sisters?
「この間の作戦中に 情報を漏らしたのがさくやさんだから コアな情報は聞かせられないんじゃない?」
Since Sakuya-san was the one who leaked the information during the last mission, I'm guessing you can't let him hear the core information?
仲間を裏切っておいて どの面下げてここに来たんだろ?
You betrayed your own people, I wonder which side she's on?
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (なるほど… 処分は“格下げ”ってことね…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I see... the punishment is " demotion"...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: …………
鈴鹿 さくや: (結果、作戦も失敗させてるし… 傍から見れば、私は裏切り者…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (As a result, I'm making the mission fail... From the outside, I'm a traitor...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (だけど…やっぱり悲しいな…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (But...it's still sad...)
I'll pass on the instructions from the three sisters.
今後も、神浜の魔法少女が 二木に侵入する可能性がある
It is possible that Kamihama's magical girls will continue to invade Futatsugi.
発見した場合は、 敵の目的を調査せよ
If you find them, find out what they're up to.
目的が判明次第、ユニオンへの 見せしめに敵を始末せよ
As soon as you find out what they're up to, dispose of the enemy as an example to the Union.
That's all.
みんな: はい!
Everyone: Yes!
「さくやさんにはできないんじゃない…?」 「この前の作戦を邪魔したのも 殺すのを怖がったからって聞いたよ…」 「あの血の惨劇を乗り越えた人なのに…」
You can't do that, can you Sakuya-san...? I heard that the reason you interfered with the last mission was because you were afraid to kill me... You're the one who survived that bloody tragedy…
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (血の惨劇で、私は友達を… 魔法少女をこの手にかけた…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (In that bloody tragedy, I put my friend... a magical girl... in my hands...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (だからこそ…嫌なんだ)
Suzuka Sakuya: (That's why I don't want to...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (殺す以外の方法を、 最後まで諦めたくないんだ…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I don't want to give up until I've found a way to kill her...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (今回のことがあるし… ユニオンの魔法少女たちは)
Suzuka Sakuya: (After all this time, the magical girls of the Union...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (よっぽどのことがない限り 二木には来ないと思うけど…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I don't think they'll come to Futatsugi unless something really bad happens...)
鈴鹿 さくや: …………
Suzuka Sakuya: ............
鈴鹿 さくや: (平日は学校があるから 二木で張るのは難しいな…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I have school on weekdays, so it's hard to put up in Futatsugi...)
鈴鹿 さくや: (神浜の駅で張ってみるか…)
Suzuka Sakuya: (I'll try to put it up at Kamihama station...)