Magia Record Skills and Status Effects

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This is a list of all the icons used to represent skills and status effects in the game, with a brief explanation of each. Icons in a specific magical girl or memoria stats are automatically linked directly to the corresponding row on this table. They are ordered according to the internal game ID. Clicking on the Icon header will group them by category.

Icon EN Name JP Name Description
Damage Target敵単体にダメージDeal large amount of damage to the targetted enemy.
Damage All EnemiesH敵全にダメージDeal damage to the full enemy team.
Damage Horizontal縦方向にダメージDeal damage to all enemies in a horizontal line.
Damage Vertical縦方向にダメージDeal damage to all enemies in a vertical line.
Damage Cross(unused)
Damage Diagonal Cross(unused)
Damage Random (2)ランダム2回 ダメージDamage 2 enemies at random.
Damage Random (3)ランダム3回 ダメージDamage 3 enemies at random.
Damage Random (4)ランダム4回 ダメージDamage 4 enemies at random.
Damage Random (5)ランダム5回 ダメージDamage 2 enemies at random.
Damage Target (Low HP Bonus)敵単体にダメージ & 低HPほど威力UPDeal large amount of damage to the targetted enemy. The lower the user's HP, the more damage is dealt.
Damage All Enemies (Low HP Bonus)敵全体にダメージ & 低HPほど威力UPDeal damage to the full enemy team. The lower the user's HP, the more damage is dealt.
Damage Horizontal (Low HP Bonus)(unused)
Damage Vertical (Low HP Bonus)(unused)
Damage Cross (Low HP Bonus)(unused)
Damage Diagonal Cross (Low HP Bonus)(unused)
Damage Random (2, Low HP Bonus)(unused)
Damage Random (3, Low HP Bonus)(unused)
Damage Random (4, Low HP Bonus)(unused)
Damage Random (5, Low HP Bonus)(unused)
HP RestoreHP回復Instantly restore HP.
MP RestoreMP回復Instantly restore MP.
Revive蘇生Revives the last fallen ally.
Remove Buffsバフ解除Removes all Buffs.
Remove Debuffsデバフ解除Removes all Debuffs.
Remove Granted Effects状態強化解除Removes all Granted Effects.
Remove Status Ailments状態異常解除Removes all Status Ailments.
Attack Up攻撃力UPIncreases attack based on base stat.
Defense Up防御力UPIncrease character base defense.
Damage Inflicted Up与えるダメージUPIncrease damage on attacks.
Magia UpマギアダメージUPIncrease Magia damage.
Status Ailment Resistance Up状態異常耐性UPIncrease Status Ailment resistance.
Accele UpAccele MPUPIncrease MP Gain from Accele discs.
Damage After Using Charge UpCharge後ダメージUPIncrease damage from Accele and Blast discs, if a Charge disc is used first.
Blast Damage UpBlastダメージUPIncrease damage from Blast discs.
MP Gain UpMP獲得量UPIncreased MP Gain from all sources during battle.
Attack Down攻撃力DOWNDecrease character base attack.
Defense Down防御力DOWNDecrease character base defense.
Damage Inflicted Down与えるダメージDOWNDecrease damage on attacks.
Magia DownマギアダメージDOWNDecrease magia damage.
Status Ailment Resistance Down状態異常耐性DOWNDecrease Status Ailment resistance.
Accele DownAccele MP DOWNDecrease MP Gain from Accele discs.
Damage After Using Charge DownCharge後ダメージDOWNDecrease damage from charged attacks, ie attacks which consume charge stacks
Blast Damage DownBlast ダメージDOWNDecrease damage from Blast discs.
MP Gain DownMP獲得量DOWNDecreased MP gain from all sources during the battle phase.
Charm魅了This character cannot take any action.
StunスタンThis character cannot take any action and takes increased damage from its weak element.
Bind拘束This character cannot take any action, takes increased damage from its weak element, and is unable to recover HP.
PoisonThis character takes damage each turn. This effect does 5% of the targets health per stack, to a maximum of 10,000 damage per turn. This maximum is shared with Burn and Curse.
BurnやけどThis character takes damage each turn and takes increased damage from its weak element. This effect does 10% of the targets health per stack, to a maximum of 10,000 damage per turn. This maximum is shared with Poison and Curse.
Curse呪いThis character takes damage each turn, takes increased damage from elements its weak element, and is unable to recover HP. This effect does 15% of the targets health per stack, to a maximum of 10,000 damage per turn. This maximum is shared with Poison and Burn.
FogThis character has a 25% chance to miss its attacks.
Blind暗闇This character has a 35% chance to miss its attacks and takes increased damage from its weak element.
Bewitch幻惑This character has a 50% chance to miss its attacks, takes increased damage from its weak element, and is unable to recover HP.
Skill Sealスキル不可Prevents affected character from using active Memoria and Spirit Enhancement skills.
Magia Sealマギア不可Prevents affected character from using Magia and Doppel.
Damage Upダメージアップ状態Increase damage on attacks.
Reduced DamageダメージカットReduce damage from incoming attacks.
CriticalクリティカルDeal a critical strike. Critical strike chance does not stack, the highest percentage is used if multiple critical strike chance increases are present.
Ignore Defense防御無視Ignore enemy defense on attack.
Evade回避Evade the incoming attack. This includes any on-hit effects associated with the avoided attack. Evade chance does not stack - the highest percentage is used if multiple evade chance increases are present. A character affected by a Status Ailment cannot evade.
CounterカウンターImmediately attack an enemy that deals damage to this character.
Follow Up Attack追撃Follow any ally's attack with an attack. Chase Attack does not occur if the ally's single target attack kills an enemy. Chase ignores evade and is subject to strong/weak element damage modifiers.
Endure耐えるSurvive one fatal attack with 1 HP.
Taunt挑発Redirect enemy attacks to self (changes the target of the attack).
HP RegenHP自動回復Regenerate HP at the end of the turn.
Start Battle with % of Magia Gauge Filled自分のMPが溜まった状態でバトル開始Start the battle with a percentage of the MP gauge already filled up.
Skill SurgeスキルクイックReduce the cooldown of active memorias by an additional 1 each turn.
MP Gain Up Weak弱点属性で攻撃されたときMPUPGain additional MP when taking damage from the element character is weak to.
Negate Evade回避無効Ignore Evade effect on enemies.
Negate Counterカウンター無効Ignore Counter effect on enemies.
Negate Charm魅了無効Immunity to Charm effect.
Negate Stunスタン無効Immunity to Stun effect.
Negate Bind拘束無効Immunity to Bind effect.
Negate Poison毒無効Immunity to Poison effect.
Negate Burnやけど無効Immunity to Burn effect.
Negate Curse呪い無効Immunity to Curse effect.
Negate Fog霧無効Immunity to Fog effect.
Negate Blind暗闇無効Immunity to Blind effect.
Negate Bewitch幻惑無効Immunity to Bewitch effect.
Chance to Charm on Attack
Chance to Stun on Attack
Chance to Bind on Attack
Chance to Poison on Attack
Chance to Burn on Attack
Chance to Curse on Attack
Chance to Fog on Attack
Chance to Blind on Attack
Chance to Bewitch on Attack
Chance to Skill Seal on Attack
Chance to Magia Seal on Attack
Attribute Draw (Fire)同じ属性ドローReplace all available discs with discs of the fire attribute.
Attribute Draw (Water)同じ属性ドローReplace all available discs with discs of the water attribute.
Attribute Draw (Forest)同じ属性ドローReplace all available discs with discs of the forest attribute.
Attribute Draw (Light)同じ属性ドローReplace all available discs with discs of the light attribute.
Attribute Draw (Darkness)同じ属性ドローReplace all available discs with discs of the darkness attribute.
Monopolize Draw (Fire)自分のDiscドローReplace all available discs with discs belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Monopolize Draw (Water)自分のDiscドローReplace all available discs with discs belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Monopolize Draw (Forest)自分のDiscドローReplace all available discs with discs belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Monopolize Draw (Light)自分のDiscドローReplace all available discs with discs belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Monopolize Draw (Darkness)自分のDiscドローReplace all available discs with discs belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Accele DrawAcceleドローReplace all available discs with Accele discs. If there are not enough Accele discs in your disc pool, additional acceles are created, all belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Charge DrawChargeドローReplace all available discs with Charge discs. If there are not enough Charge discs in your disc pool, additional charges are created, all belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Blast DrawBlastドローReplace all available discs with Blast discs. If there are not enough Blast discs in your disc pool, additional blasts are created, all belonging to the character equipped with the memoria.
Re-Draw Discs再度Discを引くRedraws new discs from the available pool.
GuardかばうTake an attack in the place of an ally.
Damage Up on Enemies with Status Ailments敵状態異常時ダメージUPDamage increased versus enemies affected by a Status Ailment.
Increases Episode Points Earned獲得エピソードポイントUPThe episode experience gained from the battle is increased for the character equipped with the memoria.
SurviveサヴァイブEndure and become invincible for the remainder of the turn, and Regenerate HP.
CC UpCCの獲得量UPIncrease the CC gained after a battle. Only affects base drop, and does not work on supports.
MP Damage DownMPダメージDrains MP from the affected character.
Ignore Reduced Damageダメージカット無視Ignore an opponent's Reduced Damage.
MP RegenMP自動回復Regenerate MP at the end of the turn.
Negate Skill Sealスキル不可無効Immunity to Skill Seal effect.
Reduced Accele DamageAcceleダメージカットReduce damage from incoming Accele attacks.
Reduced Blast DamageBlast ダメージカット状態Reduce damage from incoming Blast attacks.
Reduced Charge DamageChargeダメージカットReduce damage from incoming Charge disc attacks.
Reduced Magia DamageマギアダメージカットReduce damage from incoming Magia.
Reduced Fire Damage火属性ダメージカット状態Reduce damage from incoming Fire-attribute opponents' attacks.
Reduced Water Damage水属性ダメージカット状態Reduce damage from incoming Water-attribute opponents' attacks.
Reduced Forest Damage木属性ダメージカット状態Reduce damage from incoming Forest-attribute opponents' attacks.
Reduced Light Damage光属性ダメージカット状態Reduce damage from incoming Light-attribute opponents' attacks.
Reduced Darkness Damage闇属性ダメージカット状態Reduce damage from incoming Darkness-attribute opponents' attacks.
Reduced Void Damage(unused)Reduce damage from incoming Void-attribute opponents' attacks.
Negate Criticalクリティカル無効Cancels out potential additional damage from a Critical Hit
Damage Up to Witch Targets対魔女ダメージアップIncrease damage on attacks against Witches.
ChargeディスクダメージUPIncrease damage from Charge discs.
ChargeディスクダメージDOWNDecrease damage from Charge discs.
MP100以上時MP獲得量UPIncreased MP gain from all sources during battle when the MP gauge is at 100+ MP.
Charge combo時Charge数+When using a Charge Disc combo, further increase the Charge count.
Negate Debuffsデバフ効果をX回無効Immunity to Debuff effects.
Negate Taunt挑発無視Ignore Taunt effect on enemies.
Doppel UpドッペルダメージUPIncrease Doppel damage.
ブラストディスクによる被ダメージが上昇Increase damage received from Blast discs.
チャージを消費した攻撃による被ダメージが上昇Increase damage received from charged attacks, ie attacks which consume charge stacks.
Blast攻撃時MP獲得Gain a fixed amount of MP when using a Blast disc.
水属性耐性DOWNIncrease damage received from attacks from Aqua-type characters.
被ダメージ時MPUPGain MP when taking damage.
光属性耐性DOWNIncrease damage received from attacks from Light-type characters.
Variable AttributeヴァリアブルChange attacks to the advantageous attribute.
闇属性耐性DOWNIncrease damage received from attacks from Dark-type characters.
状態異常をX回無効Immunity to Status Ailment effects.
Charge消費なしA character with this Skill active will not consume any built up Charge when attacking with Accele or Blast Discs.
火属性攻撃力UPIncreases attack based on base stat when using Flame attacks.
闇属性攻撃力UPIncreases attack based on base stat when using Dark attacks.
光属性攻撃力UPIncreases attack based on base stat when using Light attacks.
水属性攻撃力UPIncreases attack based on base stat when using Aqua attacks.
木属性攻撃力UPIncreases attack based on base stat when using Forest attacks.
木属性耐性DOWNIncrease damage received from attacks from Forest-type characters.
虚弱This character takes increased damage for every unique Status Ailment it is afflicted with.
BarrierバリアAbsorbs damage from incoming attacks.
瀕死時攻撃力UPIncreases attack based on base stat when at low health.
瀕死時防御力UPIncreases defense based on base stat when at low health.
火属性性耐性DOWNIncrease damage received from attacks from Flame-type characters.
デバフ効果をX回反射Redirect incoming Debuffs back at the opponent.
バフ効果を延長Increases duration of currently active buffs.
デバフ効果を延長Increases duration of currently active debuffs.
Apply Extra Damage