Talk:Madoka Magica Online Items
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General Talk
Stuff not related to the translation work goes up here to keep it out of the way. "does anyone know how to still access the game (if possible?) like mostly for the character customization, or does anyone know agood magia record/madoka magica character make i could use? ty --Venus (talk) 18:08, 27 February 2023 (UTC)
-Hebiko's Translation Work Area-
Note: If you want to change any translated text here, please use a different font styling to make it stand out so that it can be noticed!
Note2: Bold texts are not my translations. I take no credit for those edits, only my original translations!
This will take an exorbitant amount of time to complete, so please be patient since I'm doing this in my spare time. Also, I'm no master at Japanese, mistakes or inaccuracies likely, please don't take these translations as 100% exact!
Weapon Cards------
- 契約依頼者(武器用) (Contract Agent (For Weapons)) -- 経験値量が多い合成専用のカード (A card exclusively for synthesis that contains many experience points.)
- 木刀 - ぼくとう (Wooden Sword) -- 木でできた練習用の刀 (A practice sword made from wood.)
- 竹刀 - しない (Bamboo Sword / Fencing Sword / Shinai) -- 竹を組み合わせて作った刀 (Bamboo combined together into a sword.)
- ブロンズソード (Bronze Sword) -- 銅で作った両刃の剣 (Double-edged sword made out of copper.)
- アイアンソード (Iron Sword) -- 鉄で作った強固な剣 (A strong sword made out of iron.)
- アイアンカトラス (Iron Cutlass) -- 鉄でできたシンプルな片刃の剣 (A simple single-edged sword made out of iron.)
- バスターソード (Buster Sword) -- 扱いが難しい鉄製の剣 (An iron sword that is difficult to handle.)
- 模造刀 (Imitation Katana) -- 刃の無い観賞用の日本刀 (A Japanese katana with a blunt edge, used for decoration.)
- ブロンズカトラス (Bronze Cutlass) -- シンプルな形状の銅製のカトラス (A cutlass made of copper with a simple shape.)
- 青銅刀 (Bronze Katana) -- 青銅で作られた刀 (A katana made of bronze.)
- 釘バット (Nail Bat) -- 釘を打ち付け殺傷性を上げている (The nails are added on to increase its wounding capability.)
- 角材 (Squared Timber (??)) -- 四角く切り出しただけの木材 (A piece of wood cut into a square shape.)
- こん棒 (Club / Cudgel) -- 殴るのに適した大きさの木の棒 (A wooden stick big enough to be suitable for striking.)
- 木製バット (Wooden Bat) -- 武器にも使える木製のバット (A wooden bat that is also usable as a weapon.)
- リードメイス (Lead Mace / Reed Mace [?]) -- 簡単な作りの鉄製ハンマー (An easily made iron hammer.)
- たわし (Scrubbing Brush) -- しつこい汚れも落とせるたわし (A scrub brush with the potential to remove tough stains (heavy dirt/filth).)
- シルバーソード (Silver Sword) -- 魔除の力が信じられる銀製の剣 (A sword made of silver believed to abolish demons.)
- グレートソード (Great Sword) -- 大きな刀身を持った剣 (A sword that possesses a large blade.)
- クレイモア (Claymore) -- 重さと大きさで威力を上げた剣 (The size and weight increases the might of this sword.)
- 日本刀 (Japanese Katana) -- 鉄製の一般的な日本刀 (A typical iron made Japanese katana.)
- 斬馬刀 (Zanbato) -- 常識外れの長大な刃を持つ鉄刀 (A katana that possesses an absurdly long blade.)
- フランベルジュソード (Flamberge Sword) -- 波打つ火柱のごとき刃の西洋剣 (A Western sword with a blade that undulates like a blazing fire.)
- スティンガーソード (Stinger Sword) -- 突きを強化した丈夫な片手剣 (A one-handed sword reinforced for thrusting/stabbing.)
- シルバークレイモア (Silver Claymore) -- 魔除の力が信じられる銀製の大剣 (A large sword made of silver believed to abolish demons.)
- タスクブレード (Tusk Blade) -- 動物の牙の装飾が施された剣 (A sword with an ornamental animal tusk added on to it.)
- 銀牙刀 (Silver Fang Blade) -- 魔除けの力を持った銀製の刀 (A silver sword that possesses a powerful charm against evil spirits.)
- ブルークレイモア (Blue Claymore) -- 文様が彫られた青の大剣 (A large sword with blue designs engraved into it.)
- ワイン瓶 (Wine Bottle) -- ガラスの鈍器 (A glass blunt weapon.)
- ダークソード (Dark Sword) -- 禍々しい装飾が施された剣 (A sword with sinister ornamentation added on to it.)
- スピリッツソード (Spirit Sword) -- 精霊の力を宿すと信じられた剣 (A sword believed to hold the power of spirits.)
- スピリッツクレイモア (Spirit Claymore) -- 精霊の力を宿すと信じられた大剣 (A large sword believed to hold the power of spirits.)
- 紅玉刀 (Ruby Sword) -- 美しい宝玉がはめ込まれた刀 (A sword encrusted with a beautiful jewel.)
- 斬鉄刀 (Iron Decapitation Katana) -- 鉄をも切り裂くという日本刀 (A Japanese katana that can cut through even iron.)
- 斬鬼刀 (Oni/Demon Decapitation Blade) -- 鬼を斬ることができるという大刀 (A long sword capable of killing an oni (demon).)
- レジストクレイモア (Resist Claymore) -- 雷さえ断つと呼ばれる大剣 (A large sword that is said to sever even lightning.)
- ナイトソード (Knight Sword) -- つわもののために鍛えられた剣 (A sword forged for a warrior.)
- ライトブレイド (Light Blade) -- 一振りで電撃がほとばしる魔法剣 (A magic sword that surges with electricity with just one swing.)
- ヴォーパルソード (Vorpal Sword) -- 致命傷を与える切れ味鋭い剣 (A sword whose keen cutting edge causes deadly wounds.)
- 高級たわし (High Grade Scrubbing Brush) -- 職人の手で作られた高級なたわし (A high grade scrubbing brush produced by a craftsman.)
- ブラックライン (Black Line) -- 黒い文様が特徴的な恐ろしげな剣 (A sword that features a frightening black design.)
- ドラゴンスレイヤー (Dragon Slayer) -- 竜を倒したと言われる伝説の大剣 (A legendary large sword said to slay dragons.)
- ライフローバー (Life Robber (?)) -- 人の命を吸い取ると言う暗殺剣 (An assassination sword said to absorb a person's life force.)
- 夜刀真珠 (Night-Blade Pearl) -- 双子の太陽の力を得たという刀 (A katana that is said to have gained the power of twin suns.)
- セントフレイム (Saint Flame) -- 聖なる炎の加護をうけた魔法剣 (A magic sword that received the divine protection of the holy flame.)
- ガイアブレイク (Gaia Break) -- 大地を裂くほどの威力を秘めた剣 (A sword which conceals the power to split the Earth.)
- 高級ワイン (High Class Wine) -- セレブが飲んでいる高級なワイン (High class wine drunken by celebrities.)
- フレイムペイン (Flame Pain) -- 業火をデザインして作られた大剣 (Large sword made in a hell-fire design.)
- 伝説の釘バット (Legendary Nail Bat) -- 数々の伝説を生んだ至高の一品 (A supreme item that gives birth to legends again and again.)
- 黄金の釘バット (Golden Nail Bat) -- 黄金色に光り輝く特別な釘バット (A special nail bat that shines in a golden color.)
- 極夜刀 (Zenith Night-Blade) -- 夜に浮かぶ星の魔力を込めた刀 (A sword energized by the power of a star floating in the night.)
- ルシファー (Lucifer) -- 堕天した天使の名を冠する魔剣 (A cursed sword named after an angel who fell from Heaven.)
- ミカエル (Michael) -- 天使の長の名を冠する聖剣 (A holy sword named after an eternal angel.)
- ライブラ (Libra) -- 手にした者の清らかさを測る剣 (A sword that measures a person's purity when held in their hand.)
- 夜刀神断 (Night-Blade Divine Judgement) -- 伝説の邪神を屠ったといわれる剣 (A sword called so as it was said to have slain a legendary evil god.)
- ハイエストパープル (Highest Purple) -- 紫色に輝く刀身を持つ魔法の剣 (A magical sword that possesses a blade which shines a violet color.)
- アイアンフォーク (Iron Fork) -- 二又に分かれた鉄製の槍 (A two-pronged spear made of iron.)
- ブロンズスピア (Bronze Spear) -- 銅で作ったシンプルな槍 (A simple spear made of copper.)
- パルチザンスピア (Partisan Spear) -- 突きと斬りを両立した槍 (A spear made for both cutting and stabbing.)
- ブロンズグレイブ (Bronze Glaive) -- 斬ることに特化した銅製の槍 (A spear made of copper specialized in cutting/slicing.)
- トライデント (Trident) -- 命中率向上を目指した三叉の槍 (A three-pronged spear with the purpose of increasing hit chance.)
- ブラックグレイブ (Black Glaive) -- 黒く塗られた細身の棹状武器 (A thinly shaped pole-arm that is painted black.)
- ファングスピア (Fang Spear) -- 牙のような刃も併せ持つ槍 (A spear that possesses a blade similar to a fang.)
- ライトグレイブ (Light Glaive) -- 軽量化を施された鉄製の棹状武器 (A pole-arm made of iron made to be light weight.)
- プレヤースピア (Prayer Spear) -- 祈りを込めて作られた聖なる槍 (A holy spear created for use in prayer.)
- ビークスピア (Beak Spear) -- 鳥のくちばしの装飾が施された槍 (A spear designed like a bird's beak.)
- フィングレイブ (Fin Glaive) -- ひれ状の刃を持った棹状武器 (A pole-arm that possesses a fin-shaped blade.)
- ブルームスピア (Broom Spear) -- 刃先がほうきの形をした特殊な槍 (A spear made with a special blade shaped like a broom.)
- ロングスピア (Long Spear) -- 単純な構造の槍 (A spear with simple construction.)
- 三又の槍 (Three-Pronged Spear) -- 先端が三又にわかれた槍 (A spear whose tip is split into three forks.)
- アイアンスピア (Iron Spear) -- 鉄で作られた丈夫な槍 (A robust spear made of iron.)
- クロススピア (Cross Spear) -- 穂先が十字架のような槍 (A spear with a tip similar to a cross.)
- ユニバーサルグレイブ (Universal Glaive) -- 切れ味を追求した棹状武器 (A pole-arm in pursuit of sharpness.)
- ナイトスピア (Knight Spear) -- 熟練者向けに作られた槍 (A spear created for experienced users.)
- アイアングレイブ (Iron Glaive) -- 切断能力を高めた棹状武器 (A pole-arm with an enhanced ability to sever/amputate.)
- フェザーランス (Feather Lance) -- 羽のように軽い突撃槍 (An assault lance that is as light as a feather.)
- アイアンランス (Iron Lance) -- 突くことをさらに強化した突撃槍 (An assault lance further strengthened for thrusting.)
- ヘビーグレイブ (Heavy Glaive) -- ものすごく重たい中世の薙刀 (A staggeringly heavy Medieval blade.)
- ホーヘッドスピア (Hoe Head Spear) -- 刃先がクワの形をした特殊な槍 (A spear with a special hoe-shaped edge.)
- ドリルスピア (Drill Spear) -- 回転の力で相手を貫く特殊な槍 (A special spear that combines piercing with the rotational force.)
- ファンググレイブ (Fang Glaive) -- 獣の牙のような刃を持つ槍 (A spear that possesses a blade similar to a beast's fang.)
- シルバースピア (Silver Spear) -- 魔除の力が信じられる銀製の槍 (A spear made of silver believed to abolish demons.)
- バットスピア (Bat Spear) -- 蝙蝠の装飾を施された槍 (A spear given a decorative bat shape.)
- ヘビースピア (Heavy Spear) -- 扱いの難しい重量級の槍 (A heavyweight spear that is difficult to handle.)
- ヘビーランス (Heavy Lance) -- 重い一撃で相手を貫く突撃槍 (An assault lance that combines piercing with heavy blows.)
- ナイトランス (Knight Lance) -- 熟練した使い手のための突撃槍 (An assault lance that is effective in the hands of an experienced user.)
- シルバーランス (Silver Lance) -- 魔除の力が信じられる銀の突撃槍 (An assault lance made of silver believed to abolish demons.)
- シルバーグレイブ (Silver Glaive) -- 魔除の力が信じられる棹上武器 (A pole-arm made of silver believed to abolish demons.)
- シルバーハルバード (Silver Halberd) -- 魔除の力が信じられる銀の複合槍 (A composite spear made of silver believed to abolish demons.)
- シャドーフォーク (Shadow Fork) -- 光と影二つの力を持つ魔法の槍 (A magic spear that possesses the power of both light and dark.)
- セイントフォーク (Saint Spear) -- 内と外ふたつの邪を断つ二又の槍 (A two-pronged spear capable of cutting through both the inside and outside of evil.)
- ボルトフォーク (Bolt/Volt Fork) -- 鍵爪のような形の槍 (A spear with a shape similar to a claw.)
- レッドアイ (Red Eye) -- 赤い宝石を埋め込まれた槍 (A spear embedded with a red jewel.)
- 生命の槍 (Spear of Life) -- 持てば生命力を強化するという槍 (Spear said to strength the life force of the one who holds it.)
- 玉槍アメジスト (Gem Spear 'Amethyst') -- 宝石を加工して作られた神秘の槍 (A mysterious spear made from precious stone.)
- ブラックスタッグ (Black Stag) -- 闇の力を秘めるという二叉の槍 (A two-pronged spear said to conceal the power of darkness.)
- ベンヌ (Bennu) -- 不死鳥の名を冠した魔法の槍 (A magic spear named after a phoenix.) (ref)
- 重斧槍トランプル (Heavy Halberd 'Trample') -- とてつもなく巨大なハルバード (An absurdly huge halberd.)
- ヘブンズフレイム (Heaven's Flame) -- 炎を纏いし伝説の槍 (A legendary spear clad in flames.)
- パラディンランス (Paladin Lance) -- 聖なる力を持つ突撃槍 (An assault lance that possesses holy power.)
- 勝利の戦槍 (War Spear of Victory) -- 戦いを必ず勝利に導くという槍 (A spear said to show the way to certain victory.)
- ブリッツグレイブ (Blitz Glaive) -- 雷の文様を刻んだ棹状武器 (A pole-arm engraved with a lightning design.)
- ゴールドフレイム (Gold Flame) -- 癒しを与える黄金の炎を模した槍 (A spear modeled after golden flames that bestow healing.)
- 神創ミューズ (Divine Creation 'Muse') -- 女神たちによって生み出された槍 (A spear that was born due to the goddesses.)
- アウロラ (Aurora) -- 天を照らす光を宿した聖なる槍 (A holy spear whose light illuminates the heavens.)
- ショートボウ (Short Bow) -- シンプルな構造の練習用の弓 (A bow with a simple construction made for practicing.)
- ウッドボウ (Wood Bow) -- 木でできた初心者用の弓 (A bow for beginners made out of wood.)
- アイアンボウ (Iron Bow) -- 鉄で作られた丈夫な弓 (A strong bow made from iron.)
- バッファローボウ (Buffalo Bow) -- 牛の角を模した弓 (A bow that mimics an ox's horns.)
- 角弓 (Horn Bow) -- 動物の角で作られた弓 (A bow made out of an animal's horn.)
- 白樺の弓 (Shirakaba (JP White Birch) Bow) -- 弓身を白く塗られた木製の弓 (A wooden bow that is painted white.)
- ブラックボウ (Black Bow) -- 弓身を黒く塗られた鉄製の弓 (An iron bow that is painted black.)
- エルヴンボウ (Elven Bow) -- 森の精霊が作ったと言われる弓 (A bow said to have been made from a forest spirit.)
- ハンターボウ (Hunter Bow) -- 熟練の狩人が使用する弓 (A bow for use by a proficient hunter.)
- コンポジットボウ (Composite Bow) -- 鉄と木を組み合わせた複合弓 (A composite bow created from a combination of iron and wood.)
- ブーメランボウ (Boomerang Bow) -- ブーメランとしても使える弓 (A bow that also may be used as a boomerang.)
- イーグルボウ (Eagle Bow) -- 鷲の爪をイメージした弓 (A bow in the image of an eagle's talon.)
- リカーブボウ (Recurve Bow) -- アーチェリーの入門用の弓 (A bow used for introduction into archery.)
- 夜襲弓 (Nocturnal Assault / Night Attack / Moonlighting Bow) -- 夜間戦闘用に黒く塗った弓 (A bow painted black for use in night-time battles.)
- 漆黒弓 (Jet Black Bow) -- 放った矢が見えなくなる魔法弓 (A magical bow whose arrow cannot be seen when fired.)
- シルバーボウ (Silver Bow) -- 魔除の力が信じられる銀製の弓 (A bow made of silver believed to abolish demons.)
- 黒翼弓 (Black Wing Bow) -- 優れた飛距離を発揮する弓 (A bow that demonstrates excellent projectile distance.)
- クラブボウ (Crab Bow) -- 巨大な蟹の爪を模した弓 (A bow made to imitate large crab claws.)
- ブレイドボウ (Blade Bow) -- 弓身で接近戦もできる特殊な弓 (A special bow with a body made for use in close combat.)
- ストライクボウ (Strike Bow) -- 強力な一撃を放つ大型の弓 (A large bow that releases powerful arrow strikes.)
- 疾風の弓 (Gale Bow) -- 疾風のごとき勢いで矢を放つ弓 (A bow that fires arrows with power akin to a gale.)
- 悪魔の弓 (Devil's Bow) -- 悪魔の角をかたどった禍々しい弓 (An ominous bow made in the shape of devil's horns.)
- マジックボウ (Magic Bow) -- 魔法の矢を射ることができる弓 (A bow made to fire magical arrows.)
- メカニカルボウ (Mechanical Bow) -- 特殊な構造で威力を上げた弓 (A bow with a special construction that raises its power.)
- 水霊の蒼弓 (Water Spirit's Blue Bow) -- 水の精霊の装飾が施された魔法弓 (A magic bow adorned with the water spirit's ornaments.)
- 赤眼の金弓 (Red Eye(d) Golden Bow) -- 魔眼を模した宝石をはめた魔法弓 (A magic bow with a jewel made to imitate a demon's eye.)
- キャンディボウ (Candy Bow) -- 魔法少女風デザインの不思議な弓 (A strange bow with a design themed for magical girls.)
- パープルボウ (Purple Bow) -- 炎のような弓身をもった弓 (A bow that possesses a body similar to flames.)
- 蛇頭の弓 (Serpent Head Bow) -- 蛇の頭の装飾を施された複合弓 (A composite bow designed in the form of a snake's head.)
- ナイツボウ (Knight's Bow) -- 鎧の部品で作られたという弓 (A bow said to be created from pieces of armor.)
- バットウィングボウ (Bat Wing Bow) -- 蝙蝠の翼を模した弓 (A bow made to imitate bat wings.)
- マーブルボウ (Marble Bow) -- 見たこともない結晶でできた弓 (A bow created out of an unknown crystal.)
- フレームボウ (Frame Bow) -- 骨組みがむきだしになった弓 (A bow with the framework exposed.)
- いばらの弓 (Thorn Bow) -- トゲのついた蔦でつくられた弓 (A bow made from thorny ivy.)
- インドラの霊弓 (Indra's Spirit Bow (ref)) -- 神罰を具現化できるという霊弓 (A spirit bow said to have been made from the embodiment of divine punishment.)
- 霊弓桜吹雪 (Cherry Blossom Spirit Bow) -- 桜の神木の枝を加工した霊弓 (A spirit bow made from the branch of a sacred cherry blossom tree.)
- サンダーストーム (Thunder Storm) -- 雷の矢で相手を貫くという宝弓 (A treasured bow said to pierce the opposition with a thunder arrow.)
- ハイドラ (Hydra) -- 猛毒の矢を放つ古の弓 (An ancient bow that fires a deadly poison arrow.)
- 重機弓プラント (Heavy Machine/Mechanical Bow 'Plant') -- 機械仕掛けの重たい弓 (A heavy mechanical bow.)
- レイブラスター (Ray Blaster) -- 光の矢を放つ機械仕掛けの弓 (A mechanical bow that fires an arrow of light.)
- 大鵬落とし (Dapeng (ref) Feller) -- 伝説の巨大鳥を打ち落とす大弓 (A large bow meant to take down a legendary gigantic bird.)
- 黒き獣の弓 (Black Beast Bow) -- 世を食らう獣を封じたという弓 (A bow said to have sealed a beast that could consume worlds.)
- ジュピターレイジ (Jupiter Rage) -- 雷神の怒りを放つという霊弓 (A spirit bow said to fire the rage of the thunder god (Raijin).)
- アクアスティング (Aqua Sting) -- 突き刺すほどの水の矢を放つ弓 (A bow that can fire a piercing arrow of water.)
- タウルスの黄金弓 (Golden Bow of the Taurus (gonna lean towards this translation)) -- 黄金の牛の角で作られた霊弓 (A spirit bow made from golden bull horns.)
- オデット (Odette) -- 月の光を放つ浄化の弓 (A purification bow that fires moonlight.)
Mumi's Mummy Muskets------ (note: Most of these have no English equivalent names it seems, based on real weapons of course) (REF) (Note: 鉄砲 can be read as either Teppou or Tetsupou, they mean the same thing (iron gun/rifle))
- 紀州鉄砲 (Kishuu Teppou) -- 細身で優雅なフォルムの火縄銃 (A matchlock rifle with a refined slender form.)
- 備前筒 (Bizen Tsutsu) -- 黒く塗られた銃床が特徴の火縄銃 (A matchlock rifle with a black painted gunstock.)
- 薩摩筒 (Satsuma Tsutsu) -- 日本に伝来時の形状を踏襲した銃 (A rifle that emulates the original ancient Japanese matchlock style.)
- 紀州黒色鉄砲 (Kishuu Black Teppou) -- 通常のものより威力が向上した型 (A model that held more power than more common ones.)
- 備前茶色短筒 (Bizen (Light) Brown Tanzutsu) -- 良質の金属を用いて改良された型 (An improved model that was constructed from a metal of superior quality.)
- 薩摩茶色短筒 (Satsuma (Light) Brown Tanzutsu) -- 色だけでなく威力を大幅に向上 (An improvement that is not just the color, but the power as well. (?))
- 紀州黒色短筒 (Kishuu Black Tanzutsu) -- 優れたデザインと高威力を持つ型 (A model that possesses greater power and excellent design.)
- 備前茶色筒 (Bizen (Light) Brown Tsutsu) -- 良質な素材のみで作られている型 (A model with a body constructed of raw materials of superior quality.)
- 肥前鉄砲 (Hizen Teppou) -- 銃身の太い重たい銃 (A rifle with a heavy and thick gun barrel.)
- 米沢鉄砲 (Yonezawa Teppou) -- 威力の優れた火縄銃 (A matchlock with excellent power.)
- レミントン1858M (Remington 1858M) -- 耐久性と精度をあげた古典タイプ (A classic style with higher durability and accuracy.)
- S&W-M2M -- 初めて金属薬莢を使用したタイプ (A style that used metal cartridges for the first time.)
- コルト1851M (Colt 1851M) -- 当時最先端の軽量化に成功した型 (A successful lightweight model that was cutting-edge at the time.)
- 魔法式火縄銃 (Magic-type Matchlock) -- 火薬代わりに魔力を使った火縄銃 (A matchlock that uses magic power instead of gunpowder.)
- 夜襲小銃 (Nocturnal Assault / Night Attack / Moonlighting Rifle) -- 夜襲用にして魔力を用いた強力型 (A powerful model that uses magic power, intended for use during night battles.)
- 改良型火縄銃 (Improved Matchlock) -- 火縄銃をベースにした強力魔法銃 (A magical rifle based on a powerful matchlock.)
- 魔法式ミニエー銃 (Magic-type Minié Rifle) -- ミニエー銃を元にした魔法銃 (A magic rifle that was originally a Minié rifle.)
- T/CコンテンダーM (T/C Contender M) -- 競技者という名の単発式拳銃 (A single-shot handgun whose name is another word for competitor.)
- コルト1849ポケットM (Colt 1849 Pocket M) -- 小型で性能の高いポケットモデル (The pocket model has higher efficiency due to its small size.)
- HF-M1842M -- 大量生産性に秀でたマスケット銃 (A musket that surpassed other mass production models.)
- スペンサー1865M (Spencer 1865M) -- 騎兵隊に採用されるほどの名小銃 (A rifle that adopted the name of a cavalry unit.)
- スプリングF-M (Springfield-M) -- 正確さと信頼性が好まれた小銃 (A rifle appreciated for its accuracy and reliability.)
- エンフィールドP-M (Enfield P-M) -- 完成度の高さで知られる小銃 (A rifle known for its height of perfection.)
- スプリングF1861M (Springfield 1861M) -- 最大生産数記録を誇るほどの良銃 (Good enough to boast the largest gun production record.)
- コルト1860M (Colt 1860M) -- 軽量化された管打式リボルバー (A lightened percussion revolver.)
- レミントン1858 NM-M (Remington 1858 NM-M) -- レミントン1858を改良したモデル (An improved model of the Remington 1858.)
- エンフィールド魔法銃 (Enfield Magic/Sorcery Rifle) -- エンフィールド銃を模した魔法銃 (A magic rifle that copied the Enfield.)
--Note: The S and SS rares all have Italian names
- ウルラート・ネロ (Ululato Nero (Black Howl)) -- 魔女に対抗する力をこめた黒い銃 (A dark rifle designed to combat witches.)
- パッラ・フィアンマ (Parra Fiamma (Flame Ball)) -- 特殊な術式によって強化された型 (A model reinforced by special means.)
- シリエージョ (Ciliegio (Cherry)) -- デザインと性能を強化したタイプ (A style reinforced for performance and design.)
- グランディネ (Grandine (Hailstorm)) -- 魔法の弾を雨のように降らす銃 (A rifle that can rain magical bullets.)
- フェデルタ (Fedelta (Loyalty)) -- 忠誠心を力の源とする魔法長銃 (A magical long rifle whose power originates from loyalty.)
- ニンファ・ベルカント (Ninfa Bel Canto (Beautiful Singing Nymph)) -- 歌声のような銃声が響く魔法銃 (A magical rifle whose gunshot resounds like a singing voice.)
- レ・オーロ (Le Oro (The Gold)) -- 銃身が光り輝く聖なる魔法小銃 (A holy rifle with a shining gun barrel.)
- アラ・カンドーレ (Ala Kandole (Altar Candle) (not 100% on this one)) -- 自在に空を翔る弾丸を撃つ魔法銃 (A magic rifle whose bullet freely soars through the sky.)
- ファータ・ウナーラ (Fata Un'ala (Fairy Wing)) -- 羽のように軽い銃身の魔法小銃 (A magic rifle with a barrel that is light as a feather.)
- ステラ・カデンテ (Stella Cadente (Shooting Star)) -- 流れ星という名を持つ銃 (A rifle named after a shooting star.)
- デリンジャーM (Derringer M) -- 手のひらサイズの小型拳銃 (A revolver so small it can fit in the palm of your hand.)
- ニューナンブM60M (New Nanbu M60M) -- 日本警察の正式採用拳銃 (A revolver adopted into use by the official Japanese police force.)
- トカレフTT-33M (Tokarev TT-33M) -- 安全性に難がある自動拳銃 (An automatic for safety in times of difficulty. (?))
- グロッグ19M (Glock 19M) -- 革新的機構と軽量性に優れた拳銃 (An excellent pistol with a lightweight nature and innovative mechanism.)
- タウルスPT24/7M (Taurus PT24/7M) -- 独特のトリガーシステムの拳銃 (A pistol with a peculiar trigger system.)
- シグ・ザウエルP230M (Sig Sauer P230M) -- 携帯性に優れた自動拳銃 (An excellent automatic to carry on your person.)
- ベレッタM1934M (Beretta M1934M) -- シンプルな構造の自動拳銃 (An automatic with simple construction.)
- モーゼルHsc-M (Mauser Hsc-M) -- 生産性の高さを誇るドイツ製拳銃 (A pistol of German make that boasts the highest rate of production.)
- PMマカロフM (PM Makarov M) -- トカレフの後継といわれる拳銃 (A pistol referred to as the successor to the Tokarev.)
- PMブラックマカロフM (PM Black Makarov M) -- 信頼性の高いスタンダード型 (A standard model with high reliability.)
- H&K P30M -- 握りやすいグリップの警察用拳銃 (A pistol for police use with an easy-to-hold grip.)
- ワルサーP22M (Walther P22M) -- 射撃の反射が少ない初心者用の銃 (A gun for beginner's that has little recoil.)
- コルトSAA-M (Colt SAA-M) -- 高い信頼性を誇る古典スタイル (A classic style that boasts high reliability.)
- 南部14式M (Nanbu Type 14M) -- 独自の弾丸を使用する自動拳銃 (An automatic that uses peculiar bullets.)
- ワルサーPPK-M (Walther PPK-M) -- 同一シリーズを小型化した拳銃 (A pistol that was converted into a miniature version of the same series.)
- SW1911M -- 人気モデル1911のリデザイン型 (A redesign of the popular Model 1911.)
- ベレッタM92F-M (Beretta M92F-M) -- M92に若干の改良を施したタイプ (A style constructed from the M92 with a few improvements.)
- シグ・ザウエルP228M (Sig Sauer P228M) -- 耐久性、信頼性が極めて高い拳銃 (A revolver with extremely high durability and reliability.)
- S&WM19M -- 高威力かつ軽量性も意識された型 (A model with high power, yet a feeling of light weight.)
- デザートイーグルM (Desert Eagle M) -- 大口径の大型自動拳銃 (A large automatic with a large caliber.)
- FN Five-seveN-M -- 貫通力の高い弾丸を使用する拳銃 (A pistol that uses bullets with high penetration power.)
- デリンジャー(白黒)M (Derringer (Black and White)M) -- デリンジャーのツートーンモデル (A Derringer with a two-tone design.)
- ワルサーP38M (Walther P38M) -- 当時の先進的機能を持つ自動拳銃 (An automatic that possessed advanced features at the time.)
- S&W M686M -- 携帯は不向きだが、高威力の拳銃 (A pistol with high power, but unfit for mobility.)
- SIG GSR-M -- 高性能と威力を誇る大型自動拳銃 (A large automatic that boasts high efficiency and power.)
- Dイーグル50AE-M (D(esert) Eagle 50AE-M) -- 世界屈指の威力の高さで有名 (Famous for having the highest level of power in the world.)
- SOCOM-MK23M -- 付属オプションに対応したタイプ (A style that supports optional attachments.)
- 管打式短銃M (Percussion-type Pistol M) -- 原始的発射機構のクラシック拳銃 (A pistol with a classic original firing mechanism.)
- コルトSAAカスタムM (Colt SAA Custom M) -- 特殊処理が施された銃身が特長 (Its forte is its barrel made through a special process.)
- CZ75-SP-01M -- 最高のコンバットセミオート拳銃 (A semi-automatic for supreme combat.)
- シグ・ザウエルP226M (Sig Sauer P226M) -- 改良して装弾数を増やしたモデル (A model with increased magazine capacity.)
- S&W-M500M -- 50口径マグナム弾使用リボルバー (A revolver that uses .50 caliber magnum bullets.)
- クルーエルゴールド (Cruel Gold) -- 魔女戦に心強い魔法銃 (A reassuring magic pistol for fighting witches.)
- クールネスブラック (Coolness Black) -- 全てを貫く弾丸を発射する魔法銃 (A magic pistol that fires bullets which pierce through everything.)
- マーシレス (Merciless) -- 防ぐことのできない強力な魔法銃 (A gun with powerful magic that cannot be defended against.)
- 魔導式短銃 (Sorcery-type Pistol) -- 魔法の力で弾を撃つ拳銃 (A pistol that uses the power of magic to fire bullets.)
- エモーションブロウ (Emotion Blow) -- 感情の高ぶりで威力を発揮する銃 (A gun that exhibits its power from heightened emotions.)
- ラースローダー (Wrath Loader) -- 憤怒という名を持つ銃 (A gun named after anger.)
- ウィッチスレイヤー (Witch Slayer) -- 一撃で魔女を消滅できるという銃 (A gun said to annihilate a witch with one shot.)
- 魔導銃 (Sorcery Gun) -- 様々な魔法弾を発射できる魔法銃 (A magic gun capable of firing various types of magical bullets.)
- シルバーブレイブ (Silver Brave) -- 勇敢な者だけが扱える魔法の銃 (This gun's magic can only be handled by a brave person.)
- メズマライズ (Mesmerize) -- 目にした者を虜にする魔性の拳銃 (The gun's devilishness captivates any who look at it.)
- メテオシャワー (Meteor Shower) -- 星を降らせるほどの力を秘めた銃 (A gun that conceals the power to rain down stars.)
- ブルーノーブル (Blue Noble) -- 戦いに優雅さを求めたデザイン (A design sought to be elegant in battle.)
- グリーンノーブル (Green Noble) -- 戦いに優雅さを求めたデザイン (A design sought to be elegant in battle.)
- ブラックノーブル (Black Noble) -- 戦いに優雅さを求めたデザイン (A design sought to be elegant in battle.)
- ホワイトノーブル (White Noble) -- 戦いに優雅さを求めたデザイン (A design sought to be elegant in battle.)
- レッドノーブル (Red Noble) -- 戦いに優雅さを求めたデザイン (A design sought to be elegant in battle.)
- オレンジビギナー (Orange Beginner) -- シンプルなデザインの魔法少女服 (Magical girl clothes with a simple design.)
- グリーンビギナー (Green Beginner) -- シンプルなデザインの魔法少女服 (Magical girl clothes with a simple design.)
- ブルービギナー (Blue Beginner) -- シンプルなデザインの魔法少女服 (Magical girl clothes with a simple design.)
- レッドビギナー (Red Beginner) -- シンプルなデザインの魔法少女服 (Magical girl clothes with a simple design.)
- ホワイトビギナー (White Beginner) -- シンプルなデザインの魔法少女服 (Magical girl clothes with a simple design.)
- レッドガード (Red Guard) -- ワンピース型の基本衣装 (Standard one-piece costume.)
- ブルーガード (Blue Guard) -- ワンピース型の基本衣装 (Standard one-piece costume.)
- ブルーパール (Blue Pearl) -- キュートさを意識した衣装 (A costume with a sense of cuteness.)
- レッドパール (Red Pearl) -- キュートさを意識した衣装 (A costume with a sense of cuteness.)
- グリーンサロペット (Green Overalls) -- 可愛くボーイッシュな衣装 (Cute boyish costume.)
- レッドサロペット (Red Overalls) -- 可愛くボーイッシュな衣装 (Cute boyish costume.)
- ホワイトバトラー (White Butler) -- 気品と優雅さを併せ持つ衣装 (A costume that has both dignity and grace.)
- ブルーバトラー (Blue Butler) -- 気品と優雅さを併せ持つ衣装 (A costume with both dignity and grace.)
- パープルスクール (Purple School) -- リボンがアクセントの制服タイプ (A style of uniform that is accented by a ribbon.)
- ブルースクール (Blue School) -- リボンがアクセントの制服タイプ (A style of uniform that is accented by a ribbon.)
- イエローガード (Yellow Guard) -- ワンピース型の基本衣装 (Standard one-piece costume.)
- ブラックセパレート (Black Separate) -- かなり軽装のセクシーな衣装 (A sexy costume that are considerably lightweight.)
- ホワイトパール (White Pearl) -- キュートさを意識した衣装 (Costume with a sense of cuteness.)
- ブルーイブニング (Blue Evening) -- シンプルで美しいドレスタイプ (A beautiful style of dress with simplicity.)
- ブルーサロペット (Blue Overalls) -- 可愛くボーイッシュな衣装 (Cute boyish clothing.)
- パープルバトラー (Purple Butler) -- 気品と優雅さを併せ持つ衣装 (Costume that has both dignity and grace.)
- グリーンガンナー (Green Gunner) -- 銃を扱うのに適した動きやすい服 (Clothes that are easy to move in, meant for use with a gun.)
- レッドキャバリエ (Red Cavalry) -- 勇敢さと上品さを併せ持つ衣装 (Costume with both elegance and heroism.)
- レッドスクール (Red School) -- リボンがアクセントの制服タイプ (A style of uniform that is accented by a ribbon.)
- ブルーコマンダー (Blue Commander) -- 統率力に優れた指揮官の服 (Costume belonging to a commander who has excellent leadership.)
- パールプイブニング (Purple Evening) -- シンプルで美しいドレスタイプ (A beautiful style of dress with simplicity.)
- ホワイトプリティ (White Pretty) -- 可愛さを追求して作られた衣装 (A costume made with the goal of being pretty.)
- イエローガンナー (Yellow Gunner) -- 銃士が着る軽やかな服 (Light clothing worn with a gun.)
- 劇場版まどかの服 (Madoka's Clothes (Movie Ver.)) -- いつもとはちょっと違う服装 (Attire that differs a little from the usual.)
- ブラックナイト (Black Knight) -- 騎士をイメージした凛々しい衣装 (Costume that gives off the impression of a gallant knight.)
- レッドチャイナ (Red China) -- 中国の民族衣装を基にした衣装 (Costume based on the native clothing in China.)
- ホワイトフリル (White Frill) -- 清楚なフリルをあしらった衣装 (A neat costume decorate with frills.)
- パープルフェンサー (Purple Fencer) -- 剣戦闘用デザインの衣装 (A costume designed for saber combat.)
- ブラックミリタリー (Black Military) -- 軍服をイメージした戦闘用衣装 (A costume used for combat that gives off the impression of a military uniform.)
- レッドスカイ (Red Sky) -- 昔のパイロット風デザインの衣装 (A costume design with the appearance of an old time pilot.)
- グリーンカンフー (Green Kungfu) -- 動きやすい中国風イメージの衣装 (Chinese-style costume that gives the impression it is easy to move in.)
- オレンジユース (Orange Youth) -- 制服をイメージしたデザイン (Designed in the impression of a uniform.)
- ピンクナイト (Pink Knight) -- 騎士をイメージした凛々しい衣装 (Costume that gives off the impression of a gallant knight.)
- イエローチャイナ (Yellow China) -- 中国の民族衣装を基にした衣装 (Costume based on the native clothing in China.)
- ブラックパンク (Black Punk) -- より身軽で戦闘向けの衣装 (Combat costume intended to be more casual.)
- グリーンソルジャー (Green Soldier) -- チームで統一しやすいデザイン (A design that makes it easy to unite a team.)
- ブラックフリル (Black Frill) -- 清楚なフリルをあしらった衣装 (A neat costume decorate with frills.)
- オレンジオリエント (Orange Orient) -- 露出度の高い戦闘服 (A uniform with a high degree of exposure.)
- ブラックフェンサー (Black Fencer) -- 剣戦闘用デザインの衣装 (A costume designed for saber combat.)
- レッドフェザー (Red Feather) -- 鳥の羽のように軽い衣装 (A costume that is as light as a bird's feather.)
- ブルーコート (Blue Coat) -- シンプルなロングコートタイプ (A simple long coat style.)
- レッドミコ (Red Miko) -- 古の神聖さを感じさせる衣装 (A costume that makes you experience the feeling of sacred ancient times.)
- ピンクゴシック (Pink Gothic) -- 気品と可愛さを追求した衣装 (A costume that seeks to be cute and elegant.)
- ブルーミコ (Blue Miko) -- 古の神聖さを感じさせる衣装 (A costume that makes you experience the feeling of sacred ancient times.)
- ホワイトエアリー (White Airy) -- ふわっと軽そうなワンピース (A one-piece dress that seems light and floaty.)
- ブルーゴシック (Blue Gothic) -- 気品と可愛さを追求した衣装 (A costume that seeks to be cute and elegant.)
- レッドソーサラー (Red Sorcerer) -- 魔法使いのためにつくられた衣装 (A costume made for sorcerers.)
- レッドキャンパス (Red Campus) -- とある有名校の制服 (A certain famous school uniform.)
- ピンクキャンパス (Pink Campus) -- とある有名校の制服 (A certain famous school uniform.)
- ホワイトキャンパス (White Campus) -- とある有名校の制服 (A certain famous school uniform.)
- ブルーキャンパス (Blue Campus) -- とある有名校の制服 (A certain famous school uniform.)
- イエローコート (Yellow Coat) -- シンプルなロングコートタイプ (A simple long coat style.)
- ワルプルギスの服 (Walpurgis Clothes) -- ワルプルギスの恰好ができる服 (Clothing made in the form of Walpurgis.)
- ブルーエアリー (Blue Airy) -- ふわっと軽そうなワンピース (A one-piece dress that seems light and floaty.)
- ブルーソーサラー (Blue Sorcerer) -- 魔法使いのためにつくられた衣装 (A costume made for sorcerers.)
- ブルームーン (Blue Moon) -- 使い込まれて魔力が宿った服 (Clothes that have magical power lodged into them, they have to be used for a long time. (???))
- グリーンフェザー (Green Feather) -- 妖精をイメージして作られた衣装 (A costume produced to give the impression of a fairy.)
- レッドクラウン (Red Clown) -- 赤がまぶしい道化師の服 (Dazzling red clown's clothes.)
- 見滝原中学校の制服 (Mitakihara Middle School Uniform) -- 見滝原中学校の女生徒が着る制服 (The uniform worn by Mitakihara's female students.)
- オレンジチェックユニ (Orange Plaid Uniform) -- チェック柄が特徴的な制服タイプ (A style of uniform with the characteristic plaid pattern.)
- ブラックエプロン (Black Apron) -- フリルの付いたエプロンドレス (An apron dress that has frills attached.)
- パープルスプライト (Purple Sprite) -- 妖精の羽をイメージした衣装 (A costume that gives the impression of a sprite's wings.)
- 想い出の水着(ピンク) (Memories Swimsuit (Pink)) -- かわいいフリルの水着 (A cute frilly swimsuit.)
- 想い出の水着(紫) (Memories Swimsuit (Purple/Violet)) -- 紫の大胆な水着 (A bold purple/violet swimsuit.)
- 想い出の水着(ブルー) (Memories Swimsuit (Blue)) -- ブルーのさわやかな水着 (A refreshing blue swimsuit.)
- レッドウェイトレス (Red Waitress) -- ウェイトレス風のタイトな衣装 (A tight costume in the appearance of a waitress.)
- 想い出の水着(水玉) (Memories Swimsuit (Polkadot)) -- 水玉で落ち着いた感じの水着 (A polkadot swimsuit with a sense of composure.)
- 想い出の水着(白) (Memories Swimsuit (White)) -- まぶしいほど真っ白な水着 (A pure white swimsuit that is dazzling.)
- ブラックプリンセス (Black Princess) -- 戦うお姫様をイメージした衣装 (A costume that gives the impression of a battling (spoiled) princess.)
- ブラックダーク (Black Dark) -- 開いたサイドがセクシーな衣装 (A sexy costume with the sides exposed.)
- ハロウィン(黒猫) (Halloween (Black Cat)) -- 黒猫のコスプレ衣装 (A black cat cosplay costume.)
- ハロウィン(デビル) (Halloween (Devil)) -- サスーンデビルのコスプレ衣装 (A sassoon devil cosplay costume. (Not sure what sassoon is))
- ハロウィン(マミー) (Halloween (Mummy)) -- マミーのコスプレ衣装 (A mummy cosplay costume.)
- ハロウィン(魔女) (Halloween (Witch)) -- ハロウィンの魔法使いの衣装 (A Halloween witch costume.)
- ブルーチェックユニ (Blue Plaid Uniform) -- チェック柄が特徴的な制服タイプ (A style of uniform with the characteristic plaid pattern.)
- レッドエプロン (Red Apron) -- フリルの付いたエプロンドレス (An apron dress that has frills attached.)
- イエロースプライト (Yellow Sprite) -- 妖精の羽をイメージした衣装 (A costume that gives the impression of a sprite's wings.)
- ブループリンセス (Blue Princess) -- 戦うお姫様をイメージした衣装 (A costume that gives the impression of a battling (spoiled) princess.)
- ハロウィン(吸血鬼) (Halloween (Vampire)) -- 吸血鬼のコスプレ衣装 (A vampire cosplay costume.)
- ブラックウェイトレス (Black Waitress) -- ウェイトレス風な黒い衣装 (A tight costume in the appearance of a waitress.)
- 見滝原中学校の制服 (Mitakihara Middle School Uniform) -- 見滝原中学校の女生徒が着る制服 (The uniform worn by Mitakihara's female students.)
- 丸眼鏡 (Circular Glasses) -- クラシックなデザインのメガネ (Glasses with a classic design.)
- ブラックマフラー (Black Muffler) -- 雪の色と対照的なカラーリング (Coloring that contrasts with the snow.)
- レッドマフラー (Red Muffler) -- やや派手な色のマフラー (A muffler with color that is somewhat flashy.)
- パープルマフラー (Purple Muffler) -- 目を引く紫色のマフラー (A muffler with a purple that catches the eye.)
- チェックマフラー (Plaid Muffler) -- タータンともよぶ格子柄マフラー (Also referred to as a tartan muffler.)
- サンチェックマフラー (Sun Plaid Muffler) -- 太陽をイメージしたチェック模様 (A plaid pattern that gives the impression of the sun.)
- 銀縁丸眼鏡 (Silver-Rimmed Circular Glasses) -- 銀のフレームでつくられた丸眼鏡 (Circular glasses made out of a silver frame.)
- イエローモノクル (Yellow Monocle) -- 目のくぼみにはめる黄色の片眼鏡 (A yellow monocle that fits into the recess of the eye.)
- ブラックフィンチ眼鏡 (Black Pince (ref) Glasses) -- 黒いフレームの鼻メガネ (Glasses worn on the nose with black frames.)
- ブラックモノクル (Black Monocle) -- 片目に当てる黒色の眼鏡 (Black glasses applied to one eye.)
- イエローフェィンチ眼鏡 (Yellow Pince Glasses) -- 鼻にかけるタイプの黄色い眼鏡 (Yellow style of glasses that are applied to the nose.)
- 丸メガネ(赤) (Circular Glasses (Red)) -- 真っ赤なフレームの丸メガネ (Circular glasses with a bright red frame.)
- ハーフリム眼鏡 (Half-Rim Glasses) -- シンプルなハーフフレームタイプ (A simple half-frame style.)
- ダークロングマフラー (Dark Long Muffler) -- 寒さから首元を守る (Protects the neck from the cold.)
- ホワイトマフラー (White Muffler) -- 雪と同色で清楚な印象を与える (Gives a neat and clean impression while being the same color as the snow.)
- レッドハーフリム眼鏡 (Red Half-Rim Glasses) -- おしゃれな変形フレームタイプ (A sort of frame, part of the stylish variety. (?))
- ブルーハーフリム眼鏡 (Blue Half-Rim Glasses) -- 涼しげな色合いがおしゃれな眼鏡 (Stylish glasses with a cool-looking hue.)
- イエローマフラー (Yellow Muffler) -- 首元のおしゃれにもなる防寒具 (Protects the neck against the cold and looks stylish.)
- グリーンフルリム眼鏡 (Green Half-Rim Glasses) -- さわやかな色合いのフレーム (A frame with a refreshing hue.)
- ブラウンフルリム眼鏡 (Brown Half-Rim Glasses) -- シックな色味を使った眼鏡 (Glasses that employ a chic tone.)
- パープルフルリム眼鏡 (Purple Half-Rim Glasses) -- 目を引くカラーフレーム (A frame color that catches the eye.)
- ブラックフルリム眼鏡 (Black Half-Rim Glasses) -- 落ち着いた色を用いた眼鏡 (Glasses that utilize a composed color.)
- しましまマフラー (Striped Muffler) -- 人目を引く柄物のマフラー (A muffler with patterned cloth that grabs your attention.)
- スカーレットマフラー (Scarlet Muffler) -- 朱色を用いたスプライトの防寒具 (It makes use of scarlet to protect against a sprite's cold (?))
- ブルークロスマフラー (Blue Cross Muffler) -- さわやかな色合いのチェック模様 (A plaid pattern with a refreshing hue.)
- リーフクロスマフラー (Leaf Cross Muffler) -- 森林をイメージしたチェック模様 (A plaid pattern that gives a sense of the forest.)
- ピンクロングマフラー (Pink Long Muffler) -- 桃色の長めのチェックのマフラー (A long plaid scarf with a pink color.)
- オレンジマフラー (Orange Muffler) -- 燈色を使ったチェックのマフラー (A plaid muffler with a light color.)
- サンライトマフラー (Sunlight Muffler) -- 寒い印象を与えないカラーリング (Coloring that doesn't give an impression of the cold.)
- ピンクのファー帽子 (Pink Fur Hat) -- 可愛いだけではなく防寒性も高い (Not only cute and warm, but expensive too.)
- ピンクしまリボン (Pink Striped Ribbon) -- ちょっと大きなしましまのリボン (A stripped ribbon that's just a little big.)
- レモンハーフリム眼鏡 (Lemon Half-Rim Glasses) -- レモン色のハーフフレームタイプ (A half-frame style that is lemon colored.)
- ピンクハーフリム眼鏡 (Pink Half-Rim Glasses) -- ピンク色のハーフフレームタイプ (A half-frame style that is pink colored.)
- グリーンナース帽子 (Green Nurse Hat) -- ピンで留めてかぶる緑のナース帽 (A pin-on green nurse hat.)
- 白ひつじのツノ (White Ram Horns) -- 羊のツノを模した白色の髪飾り (A white-colored hair ornament that resembles ram's horns.)
- 付けツノ (Wearable Horns) -- 相手を威嚇できそうな白いツノ (White horns that menace the opponent.)
- アクアフルリム眼鏡 (Aqua Full-Rim Glasses) -- 水色が涼しげなフルリム眼鏡 (Full-rim glasses that are a cool aqua blue.)
- ひつじのイヤーマフ (Sheep Earmuffs) -- 羊毛を再現した耳当て (Earmuffs made of reproduction wool.)
- 黒猫耳 (Black Cat Ears) -- ネコが大好きなあなたにぜひ (You certainly love cats.)
- 黒猫しっぽ (Black Cat Tail) -- ネコになりたい人の必需品 (Necessary for someone who wants to become a cat.)
- ぶち猫しっぽ (Spotted Cat Tail) -- 猫を模したおしりのアクセサリー (Accessory that mimics a cat's rear.)
- トラ猫しっぽ (Tiger Tail) -- トラ柄のおしりのアクセサリー (Accessory that mimics a tiger pattern.)
- ぶち猫耳 (Spotted Cat Ears) -- ぶち柄の頭部用アクセサリー (Accessory worn on the head with a spotted pattern.)
- トラ猫耳 (Tiger Ears) -- トラ柄の頭部用アクセサリー (Accessory worn on the head with a tiger pattern.)
- キュゥべえ帽子 (Kyuubey Hat) -- どこかでみたデザインの帽子 (A hat design seen somewhere before.)
- キュゥべえの人形 (Kyuubey Doll) -- 本物そっくりのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy that's just like the real thing.)
- お菓子の魔女帽子 (Candy Witch Hat) -- 頭に噛みつかないので安心 (Don't worry, it won't bite your head off.)
- お菓子の魔女人形 (Candy With Doll) -- 愛らしいぬいぐるみ? (A charming stuffed toy?)
- ニコニコテレビちゃん帽子 (NicoNico TV-chan Hat) -- 夢のコラボ帽子? (Dream collaboration hat?)
- オレンジサングラス (Orange Sunglasses) -- 大きなカラーレンズのサングラス (Sunglasses with big colored lenses.)
- 黒けもみみ (Black Animal Ears) -- 動物のようなもふもふの付け耳 (Wearable ears similar to an animal.)
- 灰トラ猫しっぽ (Ash Tiger Tail) -- 灰トラ柄のしっぽのアクセサリ (Accessory of an ash tiger's tail.)
- 青ひつじのイヤーマフ (Blue Sheep Earmuffs) -- 青色の羊毛で作られた耳当て (Earmuffs made of blue wool.)
- ピンクオーバル眼鏡 (Pink Oval Glasses) -- 機能的でおしゃれな桃色の眼鏡 (Pink glasses that are functionally stylish.)
- 白うさみみ (White Bunny Ears) -- ぴんと伸びたうさぎの耳の装飾品 (White decorative bunny ears that stick up.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(翡翠) (Calming Kyuubey (Jade)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ (Calming Kyuubey) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(黄緑) (Calming Kyuubey (Yellow-Green)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(赤) (Calming Kyuubey (Red)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 白猫耳 (White Cat Ears) -- 白猫の魅力が備わったアクセサリ (White cat ears accessory that possesses charm.)
- 白たれうさみみ (White Drooping Bunny Ears) -- とあるカフェで見つけたうさみみ (Bunny ears found in a certain cafe.)
- ホワイトリボン (White Ribbon) -- ちょっと大きな白いリボン (A white ribbon that's just a little big.)
- ヘッドホン (Headphones) -- 耳になじむヘッドバンドタイプ (A style of headphones that are familiar to the ear.)
- ホワイトヘッドホン (White Headphones) -- 防寒にもなる音楽アイテム (A musical item that can also protect against the cold.)
- ブルーヘッドホン (Blue Headphones) -- 趣味とおしゃれの兼用アイテム (A multi-use item that is in good taste and fashionable.)
- イエローヘッドホン (Yellow Headphones) -- 目立つ色を使った音楽アイテム (A musical item that employs a color that stands out.)
- レッドヘッドホン (Red Headphones) -- 情熱的なカラーリングで自己主張 (Assertive, passionate coloring.)
- ヘッドドレス (Headdress) -- 髪をおさえるヘアバンド (A hairband that restrains the hair.)
- 天使の羽 (Angel Wings) -- 天使の翼を模したアクセサリー (An accessory that imitates angel wings.)
- 悪魔の羽 (Devil Wings) -- 悪魔の翼を模したデザイン (A design that imitates devil wings.)
- 子犬セット (Puppy Set) -- 耳と尻尾で子犬になれるセット (An ear and tail set that turns you into a puppy.)
- 小悪魔セット (Demon Set) -- 羽や尻尾で小悪魔になれるセット (A wing and tail set that turns you into a demon.)
- ぶたみみ (Pig Ears) -- 子ブタみたいにかかわいい耳と鼻 (Cute ears and nose that will make you resemble a piglet.)
- ワルプルギスの帽子 (Walpurgis Hat) -- ワルプルギスの格好ができる帽子 (A hat made in the shape of Walpurgis.)
- 魔女の手下の帽子 (Witch Familiar's Hat) -- 本物みたいな使い魔のぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of a familiar that looks like the real thing.)
- 悪魔の羽(紫) (Devil Wings (Violet)) -- 小悪魔になれる紫色の羽 (Violet colored wings that turn you into a demon.)
- ヘッドドレス(青) (Headdress (Blue)) -- フリルのついた青いヘアバンド (Frilly blue hairband.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(翡翠) (Calming Kyuubey (Jade)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ (Calming Kyuubey) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(黄緑) (Calming Kyuubey (Yellow-Green)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(赤) (Calming Kyuubey (Red)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- ヘッドドレス(黄) (Headdress (Yellow)) -- フリルのついた黄色いヘアバンド (Frilly yellow hairband.)
- 覇者の王冠(銀) (Champion's Crown (Silver)) -- 戦いを極めた者に送られる栄冠 (Glory given to those who mastered fighting.)
- 赤りんごのふくろ (Red Apple Bag) -- 杏子の大好物 (Kyouko's favorite food.)
- アゲハチョウの翅 (Swallowtail Butterfly Wings) -- 色鮮やかな蝶の翅を模したもの (Imitates brightly colored butterfly wings.)
- レッドフェアリーの羽 (Red Fairy Wings) -- 妖精をイメージしたアクセサリ (An accessory that gives the impression of a fairy.)
- 黒猫セット (Black Cat Set) -- 黒猫耳と黒猫しっぽのセット (A black cat ears and tail set.)
- アサギマダラの翅 (Chestnut Tiger Butterfly Wings) -- 透けるような薄い青斑模様の翅 (Speckled blue wings that are thin and seem transparent.)
- ハロウィン帽(魔女) (Halloween Hat (Witch)) -- ハロウィンの魔法使いの帽子 (A Halloween witch hat.)
- ハロウィン帽(マミー) (Halloween Hat (Mummy)) -- ハロウィンのマミーの帽子 (A Halloween mummy hat.)
- アゲハチョウの翅 (Swallowtail Butterfly Wings) -- 色鮮やかな蝶の翅を模したもの (Imitates brightly colored butterfly wings.)
- レッドフェアリーの羽 (Red Fairy Wings) -- 妖精をイメージしたアクセサリ (An accessory that gives the impression of a fairy.)
- 黒猫セット (Black Cat Set) -- 黒猫耳と黒猫しっぽのセット (A black cat ears and tail set.)
- アサギマダラの翅 (Chestnut Tiger Butterfly Wings) -- 透けるような薄い青斑模様の翅 (Speckled blue wings that are thin and seem transparent.)
- ハロウィン帽(デビル) (Halloween Hat (Devil)) -- ハロウィンの悪魔の帽子 (A Halloween devil hat.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(翡翠) (Calming Kyuubey (Jade)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ (Calming Kyuubey) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(黄緑) (Calming Kyuubey (Yellow-Green)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- 和みキュゥベえ(赤) (Calming Kyuubey (Red)) -- 心和むキュゥべえのぬいぐるみ (A stuffed toy of Kyuubey that calms the mind.)
- ブルーフェアリーの羽 (Blue Fairy Wings) -- 魔力を高める妖精の羽 (Fairy wings that boost magical power.)
- ハロウィン帽(吸血鬼) (Halloween Hat (Vampire)) -- ハロウィンの吸血鬼の帽子 (A Halloween vampire hat.)
- ぶち猫セット (Spotted Cat Set) -- ぶち猫の耳と尻尾のアクセサリ (A spotted cat's ears and tail accessory.)
- ハロウィン帽(猫) (Halloween Hat (Cat)) -- ハロウィンの猫の帽子 (A Halloween cat hat.)
- 覇者の王冠(金) (Champion's Crown (Gold)) -- 戦いを極めた者に贈られる栄冠 (Glory given to those who mastered fighting.)
Stat Cards------
Note: --'s are the special skill cards in the list
- 音楽を聴くまどか (Madoka Listening to Music)
- 見守るまどか (Watching Over Madoka (?))
- 軽く驚くまどか (Lightly Surprised Madoka)
- 心配するまどか (Concerned Madoka)
- 制服姿のまどか (Madoka Dressed in Uniform)
- --
- 攻撃をかわすまどか (Madoka Exchanging Attacks)
- じっと見つめるまどか (Madoka Firmly Staring)
- --
- 恥ずかしがるまどか (Bashful Madoka)
- 囚われたまどか (Imprisoned Madoka)
- 微笑みかけるまどか (Smiling Madoka)
- 振り返るまどか (Madoka Looking Back)
- 走り出すまどか (Madoka Beginning to Run)
- パジャマ姿のまどか (Madoka Dressed in Pajamas)
- 驚くまどか (Surprised Madoka)
- 話を聞くまどか (Madoka Listening)
- 店員体験中まどかCP (Madoka Clerk Experience CP)
- 店員体験中ほむらCP (Homura Clerk Experience CP)
- 浴衣姿のまどかCP (Madoka Wearing a Yukata CP)
- 買い物中のまどかCP (Madoka Shopping CP)
- 戦う魔法少女まどかCP (Magical Girl Madoka in Combat CP)
- --
- --
- くつろぐまどか (Madoka Feeling at Home)
- まどかとまどか (Madoka and Madoka)
- 体操服のまどか (Madoka's Gym Uniform)
- --
- 楽しく語り合うまどか (Enjoyable Chat with Madoka (?))
- 夏を楽しむまどかCP (Madoka Enjoying Summer CP)
- --
- --
- 動物と遊ぶまどか (Madoka Playing with Animals)
- 仮装したまどか (Madoka in Costume)
- 円環の理 (Circle of Reason/Principle)
- 戦いに挑むほむら (Homura Challenging to a Fight)
- 警戒するほむら (Homura Being Wary)
- 警告するほむら (Homura Giving a Warning)
- 眼鏡姿のほむら (Homura Wearing Glasses)
- 制服姿のほむら (Homura Wearing a Uniform)
- --
- 対峙するほむら (Homura Confronting)
- 椅子に腰掛けるほむら (Homura Sitting on a Chair)
- --
- 覚悟を決めるほむら (Homura Preparing Herself)
- 囚われたほむら (Imprisoned Homura)
- きつい眼差しのほむら (Homura's Intense Gaze)
- 見据えるほむら (Staring Homura)
- 無言で見つめるほむら (Homura Gazing in Silence)
- --
- 浴衣姿のほむらCP (Homura Wearing a Yukata CP)
- 買い物中のほむらCP (Homura Shopping CP)
- 戦う魔法少女ほむらCP (Magical Girl Homura in Combat CP)
- --
- --
- --
- くつろぐほむら (Homura Feeling at Home)
- ほむらとほむら (Homura and Homura)
- 体操服のほむら (Homura's Gym Uniform)
- 楽しく語り合うほむら (Enjoyable Chat with Homura (?))
- 夏を楽しむほむらCP (Homura Enjoying Summer CP)
- --
- 動物と遊ぶほむら (Homura Playing With Animals)
- 矢を射るほむら (Homura Shooting an Arrow)
- 沈んだ表情のさやか (Sayaka's Depressed Facial Expression)
- ポテトをたべるさやか (Sayaka Eating a Potato)
- 異変に気づくさやか (Sayaka Noticing Something Unusual)
- 考えこむさやか (Sayaka Thinking)
- --
- 制服姿のさやか (Sayaka Wearing a Uniform)
- あざ笑うさやか (Sneering Sayaka)
- 襲い掛かるさやか (Sayaka Swooping Down On) (lol)
- --
- パトロールするさやか (Sayaka On Patrol)
- 笑って誤魔化すさやか (Sayaka's Fake Laugh)
- 照れるさやか (Bashful Sayaka)
- 身構えるさやか (Sayaka on Guard)
- 挨拶をするさやか (Sayaka Giving a Greeting)
- 魔力を解き放つさやか (Sayaka Releasing Magic Power)
- 黄昏のさやか (Sayaka's Twilight)
- 浴衣姿のさやかCP (Sayaka Wearing a Yukata CP)
- 買い物中のさやかCP (Sayaka Shopping CP)
- 戦う魔法少女さやかCP (Magical Girl Sayaka in Combat CP)
- --
- --
- くつろぐさやか (Sayaka Feeling at Home)
- --
- さやかとさやか (Sayaka and Sayaka)
- 体操服のさやか (Sayaka's Gym Uniform)
- 楽しく語り合うさやか (Enjoyable Chat with Sayaka (?))
- 夏を楽しむさやかCP (Sayaka Enjoying Summer CP)
- --
- 動物と遊ぶさやか (Sayaka Playing With Animals)
- 不敵に笑う杏子 (Daring Smile Kyouko)
- りんごを渡す杏子 (Kyouko Tossing an Apple)
- 不満そうな杏子 (Kyouko Seeming Dissatisfied)
- 町を歩く杏子 (Kyouko Walking Around Town)
- 私服中の杏子 (Kyouko In Plain Clothes)
- --
- 攻撃を開始する杏子 (Kyouko Commencing an Attack)
- 話を聞く杏子 (Kyouko Listening)
- --
- 対峙する杏子 (Kyouko Confronting)
- 氷菓子を食べる杏子 (Kyouko Eating a Popsicle)
- 振り向く杏子 (Kyouko Turning Around)
- 食って掛かる杏子 (Kyouko Lashing Out)
- ラーメンを食べる杏子 (Kyouko Eating Ramen)
- 見つめる杏子 (Gazing Kyouko)
- ムキになる杏子 (Kyouko Becoming Serious)
- --
- 浴衣姿の杏子CP (Kyouko Wearing a Yukata CP)
- 買い物中の杏子CP (Kyouko Shopping CP)
- 戦う魔法少女杏子CP (Magical Girl Kyouko in Combat CP)
- --
- くつろぐ杏子 (Kyouko Feeling at Home)
- 杏子と杏子 (Kyouko and Kyouko)
- 楽しく語り合う杏子 (Enjoyable Chat with Kyouko (?))
- 夏を楽しむ杏子CP (Kyouko Enjoying Summer CP)
- --
- 動物と遊ぶ杏子 (Kyouko Playing with Animals)
- 仮装した杏子 (Kyouko in Costume)
- 部屋を案内するマミ (Mami Showing Around the Room)
- パトロールするマミ (Mami on Patrol)
- 捕まるマミ (Caught Mami/Mami Being Caught)
- 感動するマミ (Mami Getting Excited)
- 制服姿のマミ (Mami Wearing a Uniform)
- --
- 変身するマミ (Mami Transforming)
- 余裕を示すマミ (Mami Showing Composure)
- 敵を翻弄するマミ (Mami Toying with the Opponent)
- --
- やさしく微笑むマミ (Mami's Kind Smile)
- 声をかけるマミ (Mami Hailing)
- 集中するマミ (Mami Concentrating)
- リボンを持つマミ (Mami Holding a Ribbon)
- 手をかざすマミ (Mami Holding Her Hands Out)
- 得意げなさやか (Proud Sayaka)
- 笑顔のマミ (Mami's Smile)
- 楽しむマミCP (Mami Enjoying Herself CP)
- 浴衣姿のマミCP (Mami Wearing a Yukata CP)
- 買い物中のマミCP (Mami Shopping CP)
- 戦う魔法少女マミCP (Magical Girl Mami in Combat CP)
- --
- --
- --
- くつろぐマミ (Mami Feeling at Home)
- マミとマミ (Mami and Mami)
- 楽しく語り合うマミ (Enjoyable Chat with Mami (?))
- 夏を楽しむマミCP (Mami Enjoying Summer CP)
- --
- 動物と遊ぶマミ (Mami Playing with Animals)
- 仮装したマミ (Mami in Costume)
- 仮装したさやか (Sayaka in Costume)
- 仮装したほむら (Homura in Costume)
- 怖がるまどかとさやか (Fearful Madoka and Sayaka)
- 彷徨うまどかとさやか (Madoka and Sayaka Roaming Around)
- 構えるさやかとまどか (Sayaka and Madoka Preparing)
- 怯えるさやかとまどか (Frightened Sayaka and Madoka)
- 驚くさやかとまどか (Surprised Sayaka and Madoka)
- 発見するマミとまどか (Mami and Madoka Discovering)
- 話すほむらとまどか (Homura and Madoka Chatting)
- 覗くまどかとさやか (Peeking Madoka and Sayaka)
- 対立するほむらと杏子 (Homura and Kyouko's Confrontation)
- 結界のさやかたち (Sayaka and Other's Barrier (not sure how to TL this))
- 悲しむさやかとまどか (Sayaka and Madoka Mourning)
- 出会うまどかとさやか (Madoka and Sayaka's Encounter)
- 対峙する杏子たち (Kyouko and Other's Confrontation)
- 喜ぶまどかとほむら (Delighted Madoka and Homura)
- 腹ペコ杏子CP (Hungry Kyouko CP)
- 夢の魔法少女コンビ (Magical Girl Dream Combination)
- 楽しく語り合う少女たち (The Girls' Enjoyable Get Together)
- 魔法少女のチアダンス (Magical Girls' Cheerleading)
- おそろいの髪型 (In Matching Hairstyle)
- まどかとさやかの縁日 (Madoka and Sayaka at the Festival)
- 杏子とほむらの縁日 (Kyouko and Homura at the Festival)
- マミの縁日 (Mami at the Festival)
- 演劇をするさやかたち (Sayaka and Others Performing a Play)
- 演劇をするまどかたち (Madoka and Others Performing a Play)
- 演劇をするマミたち (Mami and Others Performing a Play)
- 利害の一致 (Union of Interests)
- ふらふらしているOL (The Dizzy/Unsteady Office Lady)
- 音楽を聴く恭介 (Kyousuke Listening to Music)
- 避難中の住民 (Citizens Taking Refuge)
- 数を調整する住民 (Adjusting the Number of Residents)
- 地図を確認する住民 (Citizens Checking the Map)
- 状況を確認する住民 (Citizens Checking the Situation)
- 途方にくれる住民 (Citizens at a Loss)
- 胸上のOL (Office Lady's Upper Chest (lol))
- 横顔の工場長 (Factory Manager's Profile)
- 無気力な工場長の息子 (Factory Manager's Exhausted Son)
- 無気力な工場長の妻 (Factory Manager's Exhausted Wife)
- 電車のホスト (Host on the Train)
- 話中のクラスメイトA (Busy Classmate A)
- 喜ぶクラスメイトK (Delighted Classmate K)
- クラスメイトA (Classmate A)
- クラスメイトB (Classmate B)
- クラスメイトC (Classmate C)
- クラスメイトD (Classmate D)
- クラスメイトE (Classmate E)
- クラスメイトF (Classmate F)
- クラスメイトG (Classmate G)
- クラスメイトH (Classmate H)
- クラスメイトI (Classmate I)
- クラスメイトJ (Classmate J)
- クラスメイトK (Classmate K)
- クラスメイトL (Classmate L)
- 友達と話す中沢くん (Nakazawa-kun Talking with Friends)
- 暢気なクラスメイトL (Carefree Classmate L)
- 驚くクラスメイトC (Surprised Classmate C)
- 驚くクラスメイトFら (Surprised Classmate F and Others)
- 見守るクラスメイトら (Classmates Watching Attentively)
- 集まるクラスメイトら (Classmate Assembled)
- 病院スタッフA (Hospital Staff A)
- 病院スタッフB (Hospital Staff B)
- 病院スタッフC (Hospital Staff C)
- 病院スタッフD (Hospital Staff D)
- 病院スタッフE (Hospital Staff E)
- 病院スタッフF (Hospital Staff F)
- 指示を出す体育教師 (Gym Teacher Giving Directions)
- 横顔の数学教師 (Math Teacher's Profile)
- 指導中の和子 (Kazuko's Guidance)
- 振り返る仁美 (Hitomi Looking Back)
- 驚きを見せる恭介 (Kyousuke Looking Surprised)
- 聞き入る恭介の母 (Kyousuke's Mother Listening Attentively)
- 笑顔の和子 (Kazuko's Smile)
- 帰り道の恭介 (Kyousuke Going Home)
- やさしく微笑む仁美 (Hitomi's Kind Smile)
- 迎える詢子 (Junko Greeting)
- 家庭菜園中の知久 (Tomohisa in the Garden)
- 見つめるタツヤ (Tatsuya Staring)
- 語りかける恭介の父 (Kyousuke's Father Speaking)
- 語る杏子父 (Kyouko's Father Speaking)
- 避難中の鹿目家 (Kanome Family Taking Refuge)
- 演奏する恭介 (Kyousuke's Musical Performance)
- 演奏準備中の恭介 (Kyousuke Preparing for a Musical Performance)
- さびしげな詢子 (Lonely Junko)
- 寝起きの詢子 (Junko Waking Up)
- とまどう仁美 (Bewildered Hitomi)
- 倒れた仁美 (Hitomi Passed Out)
- 笑顔の知久 (Tomohisa's Smile)
- 通常の和子 (Normal Kazuko)
- 体育教師 (Gym Teacher)
- 恭介の父 (Kyousuke's Dad)
- 胸上の中沢くん (Nakazawa-kun's Upper Chest)
- 上半身の知久 (Tomohisa's Upper Body)
- 娘の話を聞く詢子 (Junko Listening to her Daughter Speak)
- 上半身のOL (Office Lady's Upper Body)
- 通常の数学教師 (Normal Math Teacher)
- 胸上の工場長 (Factory Manager's Upper Chest)
- 工場長の息子 (Factory Manager's Son)
- 工場長の妻 (Factory Manager's Wife)
- 佇むキュゥべえCP (Kyuubey Standing CP)
- 導くキュゥベえCP (Kyuubey Guiding CP)
- 契約依頼者(スキル用) (Contract Agent (For Skills))
- 仮装したキュゥベえ (Kyuubey in Costume)
- 気遣うマミ (Worried Mami)
Special Skill Cards------
(By popular demand~)
Madoka (Bow)------
- Single Target - スプレットアロー (Spread(?) Arrow)
- R - 魔法少女のまどか (Magical Girl Madoka) -- 弓系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a bow)
- RR - 覚悟を決めたまどか (Resolute Madoka) -- 弓系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a bow)
- S - 内に秘めた本心 (True Feelings Hidden Within) -- 弓系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a bow and ATK up)
- S - 最後の一矢 (Last Arrow) -- 装備すると弓系必殺技発動 (Activates bow-type special move with when equipped)
- SS - 決意の一矢 (Arrow of Determination) -- 弓系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a bow and ATK up)
- AOE - マジカルスコール (Magical Squall)
- S - 因果律の超越 (Transcendence of the Principle of Causality) - 弓系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a bow)
- SS - 研ぎ澄まされた精神 (Sharpened Mind) - 弓系の攻撃力増加と全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a bow and raises ATK)
Homura (Handgun)------
- Single Target - 危険物第四類 (Class 4 Hazardous Materials)
- R - 魔法少女のほむら (Magical Girl Homura) - 銃系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a gun)
- RR - 魔力を発動するほむら (Homura Invoking Magical Power) - 銃系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a gun)
- S - 魔法少女の涙 (Tears of a Magical Girl) - 銃系武器の攻撃力増加と必殺技 (Special move with a gun and ATK increase)
- SS - 数多の砲弾 (Multitude of Shells) - 銃系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a gun and ATK up)
- AOE - 対戦車兵器 (Anti-Tank Weapon/Ordnance)
- RR - バズーカを撃つほむら (Homura Firing a Bazooka) - 銃系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a gun)
- S - 魔法少女の役割 (Duties of a Magical Girl) - 銃系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a gun)
- S - 無垢なる眼差し (Innocent Gaze) - 銃系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a gun)
Sayaka (Sword)------
- Single Target - スクワルタトーレ (Squartatore (Ripper))
- R - 魔法少女のさやか (Magical Girl Sayaka) - 剣系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a sword)
- RR - バットを持つさやか (Sayaka Holding a Bat) - 剣系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a sword)
- S - とどめの一撃 (Finishing Blow) - 剣系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a sword and ATK up)
- SS - 無数の刃 (Unlimited Blades) - 剣系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a sword and ATK up)
- AOE - スプラッシュスティンガー (Splash Stinger)
- S - 最後の鑑賞 (Final Appreciation) - 剣系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a sword)
- S - 涙ぐむ少女 (Young Girl/Maiden Moved to Tears) - 剣系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a sword)
Kyouko (Spear)------
- Single Target - 鉄砕鞭 (Crushing Iron Whip*) *: Bleh at that name
- R - 魔法少女の杏子 (Magical Girl Kyouko) - 槍系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a spear)
- RR - 挑発する杏子 (Kyouko Becoming Provoked) - 槍系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a spear)
- SS - 鎖の結界 (Barrier of Chains) - 槍系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a spear and ATK up)
- AOE - 最後の審判 (Last Judgement)
- RR - 身構える杏子 (Kyouko on Guard / Standing Ready) - 装備すると槍系必殺技発動 (Activates spear-type special move when equipped)
- S - 最後の祈り (Last/Final Prayer) - 槍系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a spear)
Mami (Musket)------
- Single Target - ティロ・フィナーレ (Tiro Finale)
- R - 魔法少女のマミ (Magical Girl Mami) - マスケット銃系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a musket)
- RR - 攻撃を開始したマミ (Mami Commencing Attack) - マスケット銃系武器の必殺技 (Special move with a musket)
- S - 突きつけた警告 (A Thrust Warning) - マスケット銃の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a musket and ATK up)
- S - おすましマミ (Prim (as in prim and proper) Mami) - マスケット銃の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a musket and ATK up)
- SS - 目くるめく魔法 (Dazzling Magic/Witchcraft) - マスケット銃の攻撃力UPと必殺技 (Special move with a musket and ATK up)
- AOE - 無限の魔弾 (Infinite Magic Bullets)
- S - 魔法少女の憧れ (A Magical Girl's Longing) - マスケット銃系武器の全体必殺技 (Special move that attacks everyone with a musket)
Hebiko 11:35, 20 October 2012 (UTC)
Edit: You have my gratitude for the edits, NEETcurius. I'll make some of the other minor fixes you mentioned when I start up editing again. Hebiko 19:54, 20 October 2012 (UTC)
Just a random person. Done some edits in bold. Might not really find the time to look over everything, but.. I'll comment here if I have anything to say.
レジストクレイモア - Just 'Resist Claymore' should be fine. Or perhaps '[Legist]' ?
雷さえ断つと呼ばれる大剣 - Should be 'A large sword that is said to sever even lightning.'
双子の太陽の力を得たという刀 - 'A katana that is said to have gained the power of twin suns' Yeah, weirdly enough, it actually says twin suns.
極夜刀(Goku/Kyoku Yatou) - 'Zenith Night-Blade' Zenith as in, the best/greatest/finest/top-of-the-line sort of thing.
スプレットアロー - I'm pretty sure it isn't Spirit, but I'm not quite sure what it should be either. I keep running into japanese that uses スプレット as 'spread' like in 'spreadsheet' on the internet when searching even though that should be スプレッド. Maybe some generally accepted quirk ?
I'd generally avoid using 'katana' for 刀 in kanji names when it isn't obviously one. Although sometimes used in the general 'look he has a sword' way, it's a rather specific type of sword while 刀 is also used to generally refer to any kind of single-edged sword or knife, like a scimitar or dao (where the kanji originates). You can get by 青銅刀 by using 'saber' or 'blade', and keep using 'sword' for things like 青銅刀, 紅玉刀 and 斬鬼刀. Not editing those yet if you're really opposed to though.
--NEETcurius@ 16:22, 20 October 2012 (UTC)
Changed a few of the sword english translations to be more closer to the Japanese sentence nuances. Not that much of a change though. Will look at the others when I have time. Marumaru 02:40, 22 October 2012 (UTC)
競技者という名の単発式拳銃 - Went with 'A single-shot handgun whose name is another word for competitor.' since well, it practically said 'gun whose name is (japanese word that means contender)'.
ニューナンブM60M - 'New Nambu/Nanbu M60M' [[1]]
管打式短銃M - 管打式 refers to the Percussion or Caplock mechanism. 'Percussion-type Pistol M'
魔法の力で弾を撃つ拳 - 'A pistol that uses the power of magic to fire bullets'.
Decided to use 'sorcery' for 魔導 on the guns because they purposely use them in the name as as if it's a sort of firing system the guns work on while using 魔法 in the description to refer to magic in general.
スプリングF is short for Springfield probably because they can't fit it in the character limit.
ミニエー is Minié [[2]]
--NEETcurius@ 05:38, 22 October 2012 (UTC)
Wow, I have no idea how I read Nanbu as Type, clearly wasn't paying attention on that one. Also thanks for the meaning of 管打式, couldn't find that anywhere. Hebiko 07:35, 22 October 2012 (UTC)
You're welcome~
Added リードメイス and ヴォーパルソード in the sword section with translations.
命中率向上を目指した三叉の槍 - A three-pronged spear with the purpose of increasing hit chance.
切れ味を追求した棹状武器 - A pole-arm in pursuit of sharpness.
戦いを必ず勝利に導くという槍 - A spear said to show the way to certain victory in battle. Just a nuance change I guess.
女神たちによって生み出された槍 - A spear that was born due to the goddesses.
神創ミューズ - Divine Creation 'Muse'. This is pretty clever since the 創 kanji is also associated with creation and genesis, and Muses are well, goddesses of creativity.
癒しを与える黄金の炎を模した槍 - A spear modeled after golden flames that bestow healing.
大鵬落とし - Changed to Dapeng Feller since that is a better english word for the purpose.
--NEETcurius@ 10:36, 22 October 2012 (UTC)
I believe リードメイス may be either a pun or a mistake on Lead Mace ('lead' the material versus 'to lead somewhere', in pronunciation versus spelling). The Reedmace plant the reference links to is apparently supposed to have a ball shape at the end that bursts in full bloom with the seeds though. I'm overall not too sure about the translation, since these possibilities both exist. Hebiko 12:25, 22 October 2012 (UTC)
I thought it might be Lead(the material) at first too, but then the description says it's iron-made so I just went 'huh' and did a search that got me no leads but reedmace XD. That's kind of a pun too.
強力な一撃を放つ大型の弓 - A large bow that releases powerful arrow strikes.
水の精霊の装飾が施された魔法弓 - A magic bow adorned with the water spirit's ornaments.
黒き獣の弓 - Changed to the more literal 'Black Beast'. Can't help but think it's a Blazblue reference.
--NEETcurius@ 05:50, 23 October 2012 (UTC)
研ぎ澄まされた精神 - Sharpened Mind. Even with the large overlap, I think this works better. Especially with emphasis in state of mind in japanese archery and all.
無垢なる眼差し - Innocent Gaze. Gaze was better in this case. 'Look' brings to mind what Homura appears like in general as rather than describing her as she is looking at something.
最後の鑑賞 - Final Appreciation. (of Kyosuke's violin playing I guess, since it's that scene.)
魔法少女の憧れ - A Magical Girl's Longing. 'Longing' as a noun in this case I believe.
--NEETcurius@ 04:46, 26 October 2012 (UTC)
Noticed an error in description for Heavy Halberd 'Trample'. It's actually 'とてつもなく'. Must've been C&P error.
とてつもなく巨大なハルバード - An absurdly huge halberd.
Also translation for this one.
- 三又の槍 (Three-Pronged Spear) -- 先端が三又にわかれた槍 (A spear whose tip is split into three forks.)
--NEETcurius@ 07:57, 10 November 2012 (UTC)
Thanks again for your adjustments as usual, NEETcurius-oneesama. I've gone through and added what I believe to be most of the recently added cards (new U sword, new S musket, etc.) to the list with translations. Will finish up stat cards sometime soon hopefully. Hebiko 10:49, 10 November 2012 (UTC)
ワルサー(Walter) most likely refers to Walther Arms (ref). The models listed match the ones produced the company as well. I took the liberty of editing the missing "h"s in. --Tachan 14:28, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
Putting in Bloody Spear's translations.
- ブラッディスピア (Bloody Spear) -- 術者の血を力に変える戦慄の魔槍 (A terrible demonic spear that converts the user's blood into power.)
Technically the 'user'(jutsusha) part specifies a 'technique/arts' user or practitioner, possibly implying that the spear's ability is a sort of activated thing that you need to know to use. 魔槍 could just be a magical spear rather than demonic, but given the weapon's dark image already, I went all the way with demonic.
--NEETcurius@-- 09:29, 6 December 2012 (UTC)
You're doing a great service for all of us! So you don't have to spend time away from translating, I (and perhaps other?) volunteer to do a bit of organizing. What we have here is a very rough first draft of a possible table we can discuss and edit until its style and substance match Hebiko-chan's work. Not much here; need to perfect the look-n-feel before adding more.
Would be nice is somebody could edit the lists appear collapsed by default. Alternatively they may need their own page.
All weapons cataloged. 22-9 S&W-M500M is lacking the description TL, most likely due to being new. --Tachan 19:11, 20 November 2012 (UTC)
Translation added. Hebiko 00:25, 21 November 2012 (UTC)
Since the updating the indexing by hand to match the carddex every other week turned be out a major pain, I wrote a little python script to index all the entries in matching format automatically. --Tachan 14:50, 20 December 2012 (UTC)
Swords are bladed melee weapons used for cutting, thrusting, parrying, or in place of a wand. The sword is said to be the emblem of military honour and should incite the bearer to a just and generous pursuit of honor and virtue. It is symbolic of liberty and strength. In the Middle Ages, the sword was often used as a symbol of the word of God. The names given to many swords in mythology, literature, and history reflect the high prestige of the weapon and the wealth of the owner. Click Expand to view the swords available in game.
N R RR S SS and U
Spears are polearms consisting of shafts and pointed heads which can be used for thrusting in melee combat by both infantry and mounted fighters. Spears have been used for hunting since at least 400,000 years ago, and remained in widespread use until the rise of firearms, although even those may employ bayonets that allow them to function as spears. Weapons descended from the basic spear include the lance, pilum, halberd, naginata, yari, glaive, bill, and pike. The spear's traditional association with hunting gives it potent symbolism in the hands of a magical girl. Click Expand to view the spears available in game.
SS and U |
The bow is a ranged weapon which shoots aerodynamic projectiles called arrows. It predates recorded history and is common to most cultures. Archery, the elegant art of using the bow and arrow, has been popular for hunting, combat, and sport throughout human history. A string joins the two ends of the bow, which flexes when the string is drawn back, gathering potential energy to be transformed into the velocity of the arrow. This process can be said to symbolize the life of a magical girl, so the bow is a most fitting weapon for one. Click Expand to view the bows available in game.
SS and U
The musket is a muzzle-loaded long gun designed for use by infantry and firing from the shoulder. It can be used in place of a pike when equipped with a bayonet. Standard muskets are smooth-bore, but rifled muskets exist. The muskets summoned by Mami are rifled percussion-lock firearms. Muskets fell out of common use following the introduction of guns capable of using cartridges, breechloading, and the ability to fire multiple rounds of ammunition without reloading. However, the romanticized tradition of the musketeer imbues the wielder with a knightly air of European aristocracy. Click Expand to view the muskets available in game.
A handgun is a firearm designed to be handheld rather than fired from the shoulder and capable of one-handed operation. The term "pistol" is commonly used to refer to various types of handguns including revolvers, which have a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers, although in technical usage pistols have one chamber integral with the barrel. Pistols are small, light, easily conceable weapons ideal for close quarters combat. They lack the heavy firepower of large guns and are therefore commonly used as sidearms in combination with other weaponry. They are weapons for the practical, efficient mage who will postpone concern for fairy-tale stylishness until after the target has been terminated. Click Expand to view the pistols available in game.
SS and U
Name | (Untranslated) | Picture | Rarity | Target | Translated description | (Untranslated) |
Infinite Magic Bullets | 無限の魔弾 | [purty pic goes here] | S | AoE | Special move that attacks everyone with a musket | マスケット銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
Now to figure out how to make them sortable...
--DB IdleMaster 13:16, 20 October 2012 (UTC)
# | Name | Name (JP) | Rarity | Base | Max | Crit | Description | Description (JP) |
1 | Wooden Sword | ぼくとう | N | 174-179-184 | 870-895-920 | 14% | A practice sword made from wood. | 木でできた練習用の刀 |
2 | Bamboo Sword / Fencing Sword / Shinai | 竹刀 - しない | N | 171-176-181 | 855-880-905 | 14% | Bamboo combined together into a sword. | 竹を組み合わせて作った刀 |
Image | Name | Name (JP) | Rarity | Base | Max | Crit | Description | Description (JP) |
![]() |
Wooden Sword | 木刀 - ぼくとう | N | 174-179-184 | 870-895-920 | 14% | A practice sword made from wood. | 木でできた練習用の刀 |
![]() |
Bamboo Sword / Fencing Sword / Shinai | 竹刀 - しない | N | 171-176-181 | 855-880-905 | 14% | Bamboo combined together into a sword. | 竹を組み合わせて作った刀 |
Image | Name | Rarity | Base | Max | Crit | Description | Description (JP) |
![]() |
Wooden Sword 木刀 - ぼくとう |
N | 174 179 184 |
870 895 920 |
14% | A practice sword made from wood. | 木でできた練習用の刀 |
![]() |
Bamboo Sword / Fencing Sword / Shinai 竹刀 - しない |
N | 171 176 181 |
855 880 905 |
14% | Bamboo combined together into a sword. | 竹を組み合わせて作った刀 |
# | Image | Name | Base | Max | Crit | Description | Source | |
1 | ![]() |
Wooden Sword 木刀 - ぼくとう |
N | 174 179 184 |
870 895 920 |
14% | A practice sword made from wood. 木でできた練習用の刀 |
You'll never get it |
2 | ![]() |
Bamboo Sword / Fencing Sword / Shinai 竹刀 - しない |
N | 171 176 181 |
855 880 905 |
14% | Bamboo combined together into a sword. 竹を組み合わせて作った刀 |
You'll never get it |
A few more sample item table templates. --Tachan 20:33, 28 October 2012 (UTC)
# | Name | Name (JP) | Rarity | Target | Users | Description | Description (JP) |
1 | Longing Magical Girl | 魔法少女の憧れ | S | AoE | Mami | Infinite Magic Bullets: Special move that attacks everyone with a musket | 無限の魔弾 マスケット銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
2 | fake card | runes | U | Single | OC, Mami | stuff | runes |
Uploading separate pictures for all of them would be a lot of work, unless there's an extension or maintenance script used, and including thumbnails small enough to fit into the table would make them too small to be useful, so maybe we could make images of the pages from the in-game collection, number them, and put the tables under them. KM 01:51, 21 October 2012 (UTC)
Image | Name | Name (JP) | Target | Multiplier | Rate | Description | Description (JP) | |
![]() |
Longing Magical Girl | 魔法少女の憧れ | S | AoE | 0.40-0.41-0.42 | 18% | Infinite Magic Bullets: Special move that attacks everyone with a musket | 無限の魔弾 マスケット銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
![]() |
Longing Magical Girl | 魔法少女の憧れ | S | AoE | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
18% | Infinite Magic Bullets: Special move that attacks everyone with a musket | 無限の魔弾 マスケット銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
2 | fake card | runes | U | Single | damage | rate | stuff | runes |
![]() |
name | runes | U | Single | 1 2 3 |
rate | stuff | runes |
![]() |
name | runes | S | Single | 1 2 3 |
rate | stuff | runes |
name | runes | S | Single | 1 2 3 |
rate | stuff | runes | |
name | runes | S | Single | 1 2 3 |
rate | stuff | runes |
Thumbnail version. If we decide to use separate images for all the cards, the best way to do it is probably to save page on the jp wiki, dump all the images into an archive on mediafire, track down 0x99, and ask him about using some script or extension to import the whole archive at once. KM 09:46, 21 October 2012 (UTC)
(Gonna change the TL from 'Aspirations of a Magical Girl' to 'Longing Magical Girl', due to fitting the picture better) Hebiko 13:14, 21 October 2012 (UTC)
Great work on the table! Hopefully this is all the item card pics. --DB IdleMaster 06:50, 22 October 2012 (UTC)
- Would it pose a problem, say copyright things or something else, if we use the game's actual/raw card images instead of screenshot ones? --Lloyd Dunamis 21:58, 25 October 2012 (UTC)
- I don't think there'd be a copyright problem, but the set we're using has other advantages: it has numbers on the cards (for example, you can see that a stat card has defense instead of just having a blank card), the names are the same as the names of the cards so you can just add a .jpg to the name instead of having to figure out what the number is, and the jpg's have slightly smaller file sizes. KM 08:27, 4 November 2012 (UTC)
- Ah, figures you would prefer the already properly-named cards with stats on them more than just the picture quality. Thanks for the response! --Lloyd Dunamis 12:31, 4 November 2012 (UTC)
- I don't think there'd be a copyright problem, but the set we're using has other advantages: it has numbers on the cards (for example, you can see that a stat card has defense instead of just having a blank card), the names are the same as the names of the cards so you can just add a .jpg to the name instead of having to figure out what the number is, and the jpg's have slightly smaller file sizes. KM 08:27, 4 November 2012 (UTC)
AoE Skill Research
AoE attacks have two components: Main target and splash damage.
Main target is always chosen to be same target character would attack normally, ie the enemy with lowest defense and follows the regular formula for single target skills.
Main Target Damage = (Attack Power * Damage Multiplier) - Enemy Defense
Current RR cards at level 1 have average damage multiplier of 0.32, S cards have avg. of 0.41 and the SS card 0.51. (The SS card also includes negligible ATK increase of 37 avg. These are still invisible in the game, according to JP wiki they also increase slowly when the card levels up.)
Splash Damage = ((Attack Power * Damage Multiplier - Enemy Defense) * AoE Multiplier)
Secondary/Splash damage has an added multiplier which is not listed anywhere but is assumed to default to 0.55 based on original research, see AoE data discussion below.
Scoring a critical hit with an AoE skill will multiply the skill attack value, before defense same as single target skills, against all targets by 1.25.
Info updated to accommodate latest results. --Tachan 17:41, 25 November 2012 (UTC)
AoE cards vs R Magical Girls
Assuming targets are R megucas with up to 1100 combined HP and defense the required amount of the ATK the AoE user needs to one-shot them is calculated in the following table. --Tachan 11:54, 7 November 2012 (UTC)
Card Multiplier | VS 1 | VS All |
32 (1RR) | 3450 | 5750 |
41 (1S) | 2700 | 4500 |
51 (1SS) | 2200 | 3600 |
61 (24S) | 1800 | 3000 |
Hope this was okay place for these for the moment. RR multipliers based on second-hand data. I might test them later on and see if the extra AoE penalty of 60% holds true for them. JP wiki about skills --Tachan 14:55, 25 October 2012 (UTC)
- The 3x multiplier for pvp proc rates isn't fitting my experience at all, so I took that out pending some testing. Haven't had much opportunity to test RR aoe, but I'm going to be using it on one of my Kyokos when I don't get soloers and I can actually log in. KM 08:32, 25 October 2012 (UTC)
- Good to know, I'll start to keep tab on the amount of AoE procs I get in PVP as well. --Tachan 14:43, 25 October 2012 (UTC)
Edited to show mupltipliers and added an extra row to show how AoE skills level. --Tachan 13:19, 1 November 2012 (UTC)
AOE data
Some rough data from aoe pvp. Most of it was spamming ap pots against 3 soloers, so there's not much on the splash damage. Procs in the first round of combat while using 4x S AOE and 1x RR AOE: 2 or more: 11 times, 1 proc: 15 times, 0 procs: 13 times. This will be a slight underestimate since my strongest Kyoko would occasionally one shot an OC. Formatting will look better in edit mode since the regular page view combines lines.
Hits against people: (SKyoko 3684 ATK, RRKyoko 3098 ATK, Madoka 2402, Sayaka 2544, Mami 2154, all S aoe cards except RRKyoko) vs red soloer: RRKyoko: 575 570 586 SKyo: 1118 1458 1128 Mami: 489 478 494 509 Madoka: 603 621 583 617 593 Sayaka: 615 637 625 628 vs blonde soloer: SKyoko: 1089 1078 1089 RRKyo: 585 Madoka: 602 841 582 588 Sayaka: 630 630 vs pink: RRKyo 564 629 SKyo: 1147 1177 1108 Mami 476 546 Madoka 652 645 vs manish: RRKyo 625 Skyo 1091 Saya: 656 vs purple: Madoka 631 631 SKyo 1106 RRKyo 596
Splash damage against R megucas: SKyo: 1307 primary, 710 and 648 splash (different hits from the same attack); another attack: 1225 primary 890 splash; another: 1347 primary 711 splash Saya: 1152 primary, 586 and 552 splash Madoka: 828 primary, 446 415 splash; another: 725 primary 368 splash Mami: 752 primary, 390 splash; RRKyo also hit some primary for 733. Go figure that the RR never procced against the groups of 6. KM 08:44, 26 October 2012 (UTC)
- Thank you for the large sample! I've gone through primary target data and have verified the multipliers for RR & S cards. The megucas you were fighting seem to have extraordinary amount of defense however, ranging from 360 to 410. Unless defense formula is more complex than we've thought. RRKyouko has multiplier of 0.32, SKyoko 0.41, Madoka 0.42, Sayaka 0.40 and Mami 0.41. I'll upload the xlsx file somewhere if there's interest. Going to work on splash data bit later. --Tachan 13:48, 26 October 2012 (UTC)
- Effective main target damage increase from equipping a single target skill.
- AverageSkillDamageIncrease = ( 1 + 0.25 * CritRate ) * ( ProcRate * ( BaseATK + CardATK ) * ( CardMultiplier - 1 ))
- Average damage per hit accounting defense and bane multipliers. (Note that the bane formula is the exact same as the AoE splash).
- AverageDamage = (( 1 + 0.25 * CritRate ) * ( BaseATK + ( ProcRate * ( BaseATK + CardATK ) * ( CardMultiplier - 1 ))) - TargetDEF ) * BaneRate
- This should be correct but take it with a grain of salt. I personally think factoring in the critical rate is an overkill which makes the formula too clunky. Just
ATKIncrease = ProcRate * (( BaseATK + CardATK ) * ( CardMultiplier - 1 ) should be enough for most intents and purposes. Edited to include non-skill crits while using a skill card with ATK UP and simplified critical portion. And fixed the double dip on ATK UP portion. --Tachan 21:21, 27 October 2012 (UTC)- That seems to work. Doesn't matter how complicated it is if it's turned into a calculator. I don't think we have the extensions to do that within the wiki, but the spreadsheet or some site could do it. KM 00:20, 29 October 2012 (UTC)
- Added a skill damage calculator to the spreadsheet. --Tachan 14:24, 2 November 2012 (UTC)
- Just got told increased attack power isn't passive. So it's just AverageSkillDamageIncrease = (( 1 + 0.25 * CritRate ) * ( ProcRate * ( BaseATK + CardATK )) instead. Edited skill calculator to match this. --Tachan 10:46, 9 January 2013 (UTC)
- Bane multiplier addition, some cleaning up. Tachan 11:28, 8 March 2013 (UTC)
- Added a skill damage calculator to the spreadsheet. --Tachan 14:24, 2 November 2012 (UTC)
- That seems to work. Doesn't matter how complicated it is if it's turned into a calculator. I don't think we have the extensions to do that within the wiki, but the spreadsheet or some site could do it. KM 00:20, 29 October 2012 (UTC)
- Finally found the time to comb the AoE data. Due to small AoE sample data size I couldn't confirm more than the fact that S AoE cards have splash multiplier in the range of 0.55 to 0.65. The SS card I have also indicates 0.60 multiplier. However, your data also indicates statistically significant splash multiplier deviation for Madoka & Sayaka. The same cards that also appeared to be high grade and low grade respectively based on main target data. The high grade Madoka card tends to towards 0.64 - 0.65 multiplier and low grade Sayaka one towards 0.55 - 0.56 and the rest towards 0.59 - 0.61. But again, since target defense is unknown and sample size too small I can't prove it as of yet. --Tachan 07:07, 29 October 2012 (UTC)
- More aoe data at >>17752045 KM 08:27, 4 November 2012 (UTC)
- Halfway through more comprehensive analysis. I've only picked data points that have splash against TwilightMagica to minimize changes in defense (in addition to the link I have 10 data points of my own work). So far linear fitting has netted the following data: 0.570 multi vs 190 def (in-game 257) for TW, 0.527 multi vs 78 def (ingame 164) for Homu and 0.553 vs 123 def (ingame 214) for Sayaka. This data is from same attacks where applicable (few instances either already had some R meguca already fallen, as a primary or numbers obscured). New hypothesis based on data so far:
Splash damage = (BaseATK * CardMultiplier - TargetDefense) * 0.55
The large variance in hits is obscuring the def portion heavily. Since there's more source data available these are only preliminary results and I'll continue analysis further.
- Halfway through more comprehensive analysis. I've only picked data points that have splash against TwilightMagica to minimize changes in defense (in addition to the link I have 10 data points of my own work). So far linear fitting has netted the following data: 0.570 multi vs 190 def (in-game 257) for TW, 0.527 multi vs 78 def (ingame 164) for Homu and 0.553 vs 123 def (ingame 214) for Sayaka. This data is from same attacks where applicable (few instances either already had some R meguca already fallen, as a primary or numbers obscured). New hypothesis based on data so far:
- More aoe data at >>17752045 KM 08:27, 4 November 2012 (UTC)
- Got access to MATLAB but it looks like I've lost my old files. With it I'll get decent error estimates but needing to recode the functions from scratch will cause further delays in progress.
- Code found. MATLAB reports 0.1% average statistical error for multiplier and varying numbers for defense. Given TW herself is only one out of defense error range I'm going to assume there's slight corruption due to portion of hits being done while she had a def card equipped or something. In any case, further analysis is suggesting splash multiplier of 55% with exceeding confidence. Defense is also being partially negated as preliminary analysis suggested. However due to possible corruption and noise from variance exact amount being negated couldn't be quantified from the data set. The defense multiplier is in range of 50-75%. My data achieves highest correlation at 62% effective defense but that is with TW values included. Excluding TW from the defense analysis I get 54% for both multiplier and effective defense with accuracy matching into 3rd digit as predicted by MATLAB. Cross-validation pending. Expecting error of ~2%. --Tachan 11:33, 7 November 2012 (UTC)
- Analysis finally complete. Hypothesis proven true within standard error of 0.015. --Tachan 17:41, 25 November 2012 (UTC)
Skill Cards
Single target Mami special attacks can be used by either Mami or the player character, but only while using a musket. Area of effect attacks can only be used by Mami while equipped with a musket.
ATK: Passive attack power added when using the matching weapon type.
Mult: The damage multiplier. Special Move Damage = (Attack Power * Damage Multiplier) - Enemy Defense
Rate: Critical hit rate.
Image | Name | Target | ATK | Mult | Rate | Description | Source | ||||
![]() |
A Magical Girl's Longing 魔法少女の憧れ |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Infinite Magic Bullets: Special move that attacks everyone with a musket 無限の魔弾 マスケット銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
6-3 7-3, 8-3 9-3, 10-3 Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Battle-ready Mami 戦闘態勢のマミ |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Infinite Magic Bullets: Special move that attacks everyone with a musket 無限の魔弾 マスケット銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Magical Girl Mami 魔法少女のマミ |
R | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.25 1.26 1.27 |
2.50 2.52 2.54 |
12% | 18% | Tiro Finale: Special move with a musket ティロ・フィナーレ マスケット銃系武器の必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Mami Commencing Attack 攻撃を開始したマミ |
RR | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.35 1.36 1.37 |
2.70 2.72 2.74 |
15% | 22% | Tiro Finale: Special move with a musket ティロ・フィナーレ マスケット銃系武器の必殺技 |
Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
A Thrust Warning 突きつけた警告 |
S | Single | 25 26 27 |
50 52 54 |
1.45 1.46 1.47 |
2.90 2.92 2.94 |
18% | 27% | Tiro Finale: Special move with a musket and ATK up ティロ・フィナーレ マスケット銃の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
4-4 Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Prim Mami おすましマミ |
S | Single | 112 117 121 |
224 234 242 |
1.45 1.46 1.47 |
2.90 2.92 2.94 |
18% | 27% | Tiro Finale: Special move with a musket and ATK up ティロ・フィナーレ マスケット銃の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
5-4 Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Dazzling Magic/Witchcraft 目くるめく魔法 |
SS | Single | 35 37 38 |
70 72 74 |
1.55 1.56 1.57 |
3.10 3.12 3.14 |
25% | 30% | Tiro Finale: Special move with a musket and ATK up ティロ・フィナーレ マスケット銃の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
Removed |
Image | Name | Target | ATK | Mult | Rate | Description | Source | ||||
![]() |
Transcendence of the Principle of Causality 因果律の超越 |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Magical Squall: Special move that attacks everyone with a bow 弓系武器の全体必殺技 |
5-2 8-4 10-4 Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Battle-ready Madoka 戦闘態勢のまどか |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Magical Squall: Special move that attacks everyone with a bow 弓系武器の全体必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Sharpened Mind 研ぎ澄まされた精神 |
SS | AoE | 35 37 38 |
70 72 74 |
0.50 0.51 0.52 |
1.00 1.02 1.04 |
25% | 30% | Magical Squall: Special move that attacks everyone with a bow and raises ATK 弓系の攻撃力増加と全体必殺技 |
Platinum Kyupons |
![]() |
Magical Girl Madoka 魔法少女のまどか |
R | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.25 1.26 1.27 |
2.50 2.52 2.54 |
12% | 18% | Spread Arrow: Special move with a bow 弓系武器の必殺技 |
Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Resolute Madoka 覚悟を決めたまどか |
RR | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.35 1.36 1.37 |
2.70 2.72 2.74 |
15% | 22% | Spread Arrow: Special move with a bow 弓系武器の必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
True Feelings Hidden Within 内に秘めた本心 |
S | Single | 25 26 27 |
50 52 54 |
1.45 1.46 1.47 |
2.90 2.92 2.94 |
18% | 27% | Spread Arrow: Spread Arrow: Special move with a bow and ATK up 弓系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Last Arrow 最後の一矢 |
S | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.47 1.48 1.49 |
2.94 2.96 2.98 |
23% | 30% | Spread Arrow: Activates bow-type special move with when equipped 装備すると弓系必殺技発動 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Arrow of Determination 決意の一矢 |
SS | Single | 35 37 38 |
70 72 74 |
1.55 1.56 1.57 |
3.10 3.12 3.14 |
25% | 30% | Spread Arrow: Special move with a bow and ATK up 弓系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
Platinum Kyupons |
Image | Name | Target | ATK | Mult | Rate | Description | Source | ||||
![]() |
Homura Firing a Bazooka バズーカを撃つほむら |
RR | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.31 0.32 0.33 |
0.62 0.64 0.66 |
15% | 22% | Anti-Tank Ordnance: Special move that attacks everyone with a gun 銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Duties of a Magical Girl 魔法少女の役割 |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Anti-Tank Ordnance: Special move that attacks everyone with a gun 銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
6-4 7-1 9-1 Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Innocent Gaze 無垢なる眼差し |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.41 0.42 0.43 |
0.82 0.84 0.86 |
18% | 27% | Anti-Tank Ordnance: Special move that attacks everyone with a gun 銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
6-1 7-4, 8-1 9-4, 10-1 Brown & Purple Kyupons |
Battle-ready Homura 戦闘態勢のほむら |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Anti-Tank Ordnance: Special move that attacks everyone with a gun 銃系武器の全体必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons | |
![]() |
Magical Girl Homura 魔法少女のほむら |
R | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.25 1.26 1.27 |
2.50 2.52 2.54 |
12% | 18% | Class 4 Hazardous Materials: Special move with a gun 銃系武器の必殺技 |
Brown Kyupons |
![]() |
Homura Invoking Magical Power 魔力を発動するほむら |
RR | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.35 1.36 1.37 |
2.70 2.72 2.74 |
15% | 22% | Class 4 Hazardous Materials: Special move with a gun 銃系武器の必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Tears of a Magical Girl 魔法少女の涙 |
S | Single | 25 26 27 |
50 52 54 |
1.45 1.46 1.47 |
2.90 2.92 2.94 |
18% | 27% | Class 4 Hazardous Materials: Special move with a gun and ATK increase 銃系武器の攻撃力増加と必殺技 |
4-5 Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Multitude of Shells 数多の砲弾 |
SS | Single | 35 37 38 |
70 72 74 |
1.55 1.56 1.57 |
3.10 3.12 3.14 |
25% | 30% | Class 4 Hazardous Materials: Special move with a gun and ATK up 銃系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
Image | Name | Target | ATK | Mult | Rate | Description | Source | ||||
![]() |
Final Appreciation 最後の鑑賞 |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Splash Stinger: Special move that attacks everyone with a sword 剣系武器の全体必殺技 |
5-1 8-5 10-5 Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Young Maiden Moved to Tears 涙ぐむ少女 |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.81 0.83 0.85 |
18% | 27% | Splash Stinger: Special move that attacks everyone with a sword 剣系武器の全体必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Battle-ready Sayaka 戦闘態勢のさやか |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Splash Stinger: Special move that attacks everyone with a sword 剣系武器の全体必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Magical Girl Sayaka 魔法少女のさやか |
R | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.25 1.26 1.27 |
2.50 2.52 2.54 |
12% | 18% | Squartatore: Special move with a sword 剣系武器の必殺技 |
Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Sayaka Holding a Bat バットを持つさやか |
RR | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.35 1.36 1.37 |
2.70 2.72 2.74 |
15% | 22% | Squartatore: Special move with a sword 剣系武器の必殺技 |
1-5 Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Finishing Blow とどめの一撃 |
S | Single | 25 26 27 |
50 52 54 |
1.45 1.46 1.47 |
2.90 2.92 2.94 |
18% | 27% | Squartatore: Special move with a sword and ATK up 剣系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Unlimited Blades 無数の刃 |
SS | Single | 35 37 38 |
70 72 74 |
1.55 1.56 1.57 |
3.10 3.12 3.14 |
25% | 30% | Squartatore: Special move with a sword and ATK up 剣系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
Platinum Kyupons |
Image | Name | Target | ATK | Mult | Rate | Description | Source | ||||
![]() |
Kyouko on Guard / Standing Ready 身構える杏子 |
RR | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.31 0.32 0.33 |
0.62 0.64 0.66 |
15% | 22% | Last Judgement: Activates spear-type special move when equipped 装備すると槍系必殺技発動 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Last Prayer 最後の祈り |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Last Judgement: Special move that attacks everyone with a spear 槍系武器の全体必殺技 |
Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Battle-ready Kyoko 戦闘態勢の杏子 |
S | AoE | 0 | 0 | 0.40 0.41 0.42 |
0.80 0.82 0.84 |
18% | 27% | Last Judgement: Special move that attacks everyone with a spear 槍系武器の全体必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Magical Girl Kyoko 魔法少女の杏子 |
R | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.25 1.26 1.27 |
2.50 2.52 2.54 |
12% | 18% | Crushing Iron Whip: Special move with a spear 槍系武器の必殺技 |
Brown & Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Kyouko Becoming Provoked 挑発する杏子 |
RR | Single | 0 | 0 | 1.35 1.36 1.37 |
2.70 2.72 2.74 |
15% | 22% | Crushing Iron Whip: Special move with a spear 槍系武器の必殺技 |
Purple Kyupons |
![]() |
Barrier of Chains 鎖の結界 |
SS | Single | 35 37 38 |
70 72 74 |
1.55 1.56 1.57 |
3.10 3.12 3.14 |
25% | 30% | Crushing Iron Whip: Special move with a spear and ATK up 槍系武器の攻撃力UPと必殺技 |
Dreadfully incomplete source data ripped off equally incomplete JP wiki QBOX listings. Unknown whether single target SS skills are present in platinum tickets or not. A-X levels no longer award skill cards upon first completion after 31/10/2012 maintenance. --Tachan 13:36, 1 November 2012 (UTC)
Added skill card boss drops from stages 7 & 8 --Tachan 14:40, 12 November 2012 (UTC)