This section contains dangerous level of Yuri detected! Please refrain from reading if you do not support a KyoSaya ship and remember to adjust your yuri goggles when entering.
Madoka Magica: Shipping is Magic
"Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
Homura is stalking you."
Mutopis | |
![]() |

Since then I have never looked back.


I dont like to talk about myself but I will type the sufficient information so you can get an idea about me.
I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and had lived there for 13 years. My family moved to the US and I have staid here ever since. I know Spanish but it has been along time since I used it. My parents are actually Korean (I cant steak the language myself, so dont ask), they left the country after the Korean War for South America. I dont know the details about it, never asked about it.
Besides my love for yuri and Anime my other passion is The Lord of The Rings. I love J.R.R. Tolkien's books and sometimes wish I could really visit Middle-earth. I love Science Fiction and I am a fan of Star Trek TOS (the others are kinda ok). I also love reading fantasy and mythology, I just love it.
I hate cold climates, I hate the snow, I dont like sea food, and sometimes I miss eating Argentinian food. Oh, yeah. I hate Kimchi, I never developed a taste for it.
I was introduced to Anime long ago (I do not remember what it was. I do remember seeing some Ranma), but I didnt get hook up until much later. It all started with Slayers by a friend in college, he was Argentinian as well and I think he was way into Anime as I can remember. I liked the series with its mix of comedy and fantasy and I thought, well this is fun! But I would rarely pay any attention to other Anime genre. But then it escalated when I was introduced to Minami-ke sometime later, and the comedy was just great and got me hook up to see if there was anything else out there. I was still not a rabid fan, I considered myself just average at the time. It was during this period that I got a hold of ROD and decided that I wanted to watch more anime similar to it. So I embarked on a journey to find more.

The final nail in the coffin was when I found Lucky☆Star by accident; I loved the comedy and the bits of slice of life in it, but it was not over for me. I soon started to develop an interest in yuri once I was introduced to the idea of KonataKagamin (Konami) as a pair. At first I wasnt sure about it, but the more I watched the series, the more I could see it. I was like a blind man, but now I could see! In the past I never had any interest in stories of romance between girls because I didnt think there was any appeal to it, but anime and this strange appeal to yuri piqued my curiosity and changed my mind. At the time I thought there couldnt be no harm in seeking more of it so I went to find more. My interest in Anime was not just Anime anymore, something changed in me. So once I got a taste of Aoi Hana, Sasameki Koto, and Shoujo Sect, it was too late for me.
I also watched K-ON!, Strike Witches, Kanamemo, Hidamari Sketch, and Shinryaku! Ika Musume[1], but by then the damage was already done.
During my journey I have also read some good Manga and there are few titles that I like. Currently I am hoping that there would be an anime version of Girl Friends or Hayate X Blade but that seems unlikely... the mangas are great, if you are into yuri-comedy.
You can find my MyAnimeList, I dont update it as often as I should, but I do it sometimes.
UPDATE: I live in South Korea now. Learning Korean is hard.
My Anime Recomendations
In my opinion the best slice of life and comedy is Clannad, trust me, it will make you cry and you wont be ready. I havent played the Visual Novel yet (I do have it, in english! But I havent had the time to play it).
If you are a fan of Isaac Asimov, then I recommend you to watch Eve no Jikan. A really good series for those who are fans of robotics or sci-fi. Another good one is an anime film called Pale Cocoon, I love this film.
Now for those who like Yuri and a mixture of comedy and slice of life I would like to recommend one of my favorites: Candy☆Boy. I warn you, it is technically incest, but it is very cute and not sleazy. It is a very cute series[2].
If you are just interested in comedy then I would like to recommend you Muteki Kanban Musume, it is a silly series with some crazy characters in it. Pure comedy but sadly not many are watching it. Another good series that involves good comedy and pieces of slice of life (with sports) is Bamboo Blade, a good series with cute girls (may require Yuri Goggles, but it is worth watching just for the comedy and the friendship theme).
Kalafina, the music group that did Magia, also did one of my favorite tracks, Hikari no Senritsu of Sora no Woto series. The series was ok, and I loved the theme but I think they could have done better. In terms of music I think K-ON has a lot of good songs. But Hikari no Senritsu is still my favorite (Magia is close to second)[3].
Comic Strips
Sharing Food
Wedding Day
Living Together
Dying Together
Yuri Witches
Canon Yuri
Aipon (Kyouko's VA): I wanna get all lovey-dovey with Sayaka.
KitaEri (Sayaka's VA): I wanna stick it in Aipon. -
Eri Kitamura, lady killer.
Madoka, how could you?
Ume Tentei Colored Doujin
Hanokage Art
TL: MADOKA TO BECOME THE LEGEND: "FAUST" OF 21ST CENTURY!! I have had a relaxed time here. Thank you very much.
TL: 7/18 I drank Sayaka juice. (small print) Don't you get any misunderstanding!!
TL: "Sayakaaaaa-".
From Hanokage twitter (the author of the Madoka manga). -
Mami is "..." while Homura and Kyouko calls out and goes running after Madoka and Sayaka. Mami is all alone. By Hanokage.
Fake Movie Posters
Little girls watch Sailor Moon, Real Men watch Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Having Fun with Figures
Witch/Stay Night
Why does this look so familiar...
Apparently wishing for world peace is euphemism for yuri.
"I have an announcement to make. Walpurgisnacht is dead."
Mami's signature attack... that's not Mami!
Photoshop Poster
Team Fortress Parody
Valentine's Day
Happy Birthday
Madoka was born in October 3, making her a Libra: The scales; symbolizes the principle of symmetry and balance.
- Strengths: Diplomatic and urbane; Romantic and charming; Easygoing and sociable; Idealistic and peaceable.
- Weaknesses: Indecisive and changeable; Gullible and easily infuenced; Flirtatious and self-indulgent.
Five Girls/Clones
Official Works
Doing Luminous
Official Posters
You can see some of the places where they posted the dog walking posters.
Prayers to MadoKami
"Praise be our Goddess Madoka, for She died for our sins and gave us hope"
- ...
Remember kids, Jesus Madoka died for our sins.
Our prophet is Homura, she is our leader and our Saviour.
Join the Church of Madoka now. And confess your wishes to, Homura, our prophet.
"Agnus Dei" MadoKami's Salvation
Homura: Goddess of War
And Lady Homu raised the grenade on high, and said thus “Oh Lord, blesseth this Thine Hand Grenade, that with it I may blowest Thine enemies to bits, in Thy Mercy.”
And Madoka did grin, And the Megucas did feast upon the lambs and sloths; and soul gems, and grief seeds, and Mami’s mammies and fruit bats.
And Madoka did speak saying “First stop the clock, and pulleth thine pin from thy Holy Hand Grenade, then shalt thou count to Three.
Three is the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three.
No more, no less.
Four, shalt thou NOT count, neither two, unless proceeding directly to three.
Thou shalt do thus to satiate my needs, for being Meguca is suffering.
Once the number three, being the third number reached, then lobbest thy Hand Grenade at thy foe, who, being of Coobie in my sight, shall I smite.”
Holy Pictures
"For Madokami so loved the world that She gave us Her Only Self, that whoever believes in Her shall not despair but have everlasting Hope." --Homu 3:16
Puella Yakuza Madoka Mafia
"In this country, first you get the wish, then you get the grief seed, THEN you get Madoka." ~ Homura.
"I only have two things in this world: My word, and my food. And I don't waste them for anybody. Unless you are Sayaka." ~ Kyoko.
"What you lookin' at? You all a bunch of fuckin' pussies. You know why? You don't have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers and say, "That's the evil mahou shoujo." So... what that make you? Magical Girls of Justice? You're not justice. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don't have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad mahou shoujo! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad mahou shoujo like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad mahou shoujo. There's a bad mahou shoujo comin' through! Better get outta her way!" ~ Kyoko.
"Mitakihara's just a great big chicken waiting to get plucked!" ~ Kyoko.
Mahou shoujo give navigational directions.
Madoka couple fan arts pixiv, November 2012
ほむまど (Homumado) = 7937
杏さや (Kyosaya) = 7889
まどほむ (Madohomu) = 4867
さや杏 (Sayakyo) = 959
Fan Gallery
Youtube Fan Works

- Melodie des Lichts German FanCover.
- Sis puella magica! Short FanVer.
- Magia German FanCover
- Homumado & Kyosaya
- Sayaka and Kyouko ~ Lost
- 【まどかマギカ】私の太陽【KOKIA】translation
- Homuraism
- Karaoke Madoka
- Kyouko's prior experience parenting before Yuma
- AMV - Kimi to kokoni ita akashi
- 【MMD】まどかとほむらでマトリョシカ【テスト】
- 【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】ゆりんプリンマギカ【手描き】
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica Opening 2 LQ
- まどか☆マギカキャラでカラオケに行くとこうなる+α
- 【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】OPを思いつきだけでドットアニメしてみた
- MMD Puella Magic Madoka Magica ED
- 【MMD】まどかとほむらとマミさんでマトリョシカ【まどか☆マギカ】
- PUELLA MAGI MADOKA MAGICA 3D "Kill Kyuubey" まどか☆マギカ In a world where... Kyubey rules the future...
- Lat式QBで契約インキュベーション weirdest thing ever... so disturbing and cute
- 【手描き】魔法少女のうた【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- what is this abomination?
- sm14633905 【MMDモデル配布】「ワルプルギスの夜」モデルを作りました
- 日常系アニメ「マジまどか魔法少女まだか」
- まどかとほむらの仲が良すぎる件[MMD
- 【MMD】まどか☆マギカのエンディングを・・・!【修正】
- played with violin " Connect " Puella Magi Madoka Magica
- Credens Justitiam - Mami Theme (Les Paul - Google Mix)
- 【手描き】madokaaaa◕ ‿‿ ◕
- 【MAD/AMV】魔法少女まどか☆マギカ I WISH 【Bad Apple!! feat. nomico】
- 【手描き】まど☆まぎスケッチ【ひだまりOP】
- 【English Sub】 Mado x Homu's Renai Circulation
- 【MAD】魔法少女ほむら☆マギカ 手書きOP【完成版】 Homura OP
- 【アニメMAD】 - Madoka Magica x Steins;Gate
- 「翻譯MAD」美樹さやかがMに目覚めたようです
- Madoka Can't Get Enough Of Your Love... Babe
- Ao-chan's fangirling hhhhhhhhhnnnnnggg
- 「杏子が好きすぎる悠木碧さん」を文字ってみた。
- Oh God, what have they done?...
- 【MMD】 Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya! 【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】 ah, hell. ....HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
- The Gem your Soul could be
- 新機動戦記あんこマギカ! /New Mobile Report AnkoMAGICA
- 【Ultra-Ve】 God Is A Girl
- Madoka Magika - God Is A Girl
- Char Saves the Girls of Madoka Magica
- 【一部手描き】ロストエンファウンド【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- Duke Madoka Forever
- 【ニコニコ動画】私なんて先週キュゥべえと契約したばっかりだし
- 【MAD】 魔法少女まどか☆マギカの日常 【の5】
- 【ほむまど】Don't be long【魔法少女まどか☆マギカMAD】
- 【Miku-tan】[ENGLISH Connect『Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica OP』 ]
- TAM3-0080 まど☆マギ Classic / Doujin CD demo PV / madoka magica Arrange
- 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ きゅうべえの営業テーマ MADOKA MAGICA Violin:TAM
- 【MMD】Chibi Madoka Dance /へちょマギ・ダンス 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ
- ENGLISH "Magia" Madoka Magica (AmaLee)
- Magia Duet Cover
- Mami Tiro Finale a Happy Valentine Day to all Mammies lovers
- 【まどかマギカ】水底のマギカ【KOKIA】
- 【まどかマギカ】水底のマギカ【KOKIA】 youtube
- まどほむカゲロウデイズ
- 【まどかマギカ】魔法少女に花束を【KOKIA】
- 【まどかマギカ】私の太陽【KOKIA】
- 【完全版】 ほむら&まどかで3年目の浮気Full 【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- 【第7回MMD杯本選】私のまどかと先輩が修羅場すぎる大百科
- 【第7回MMD杯本選】 まほう少女ほむら☆マギカ大百科
- 【ACEステージ中継】魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 1/2
- 【ACEステージ中継】魔法少女まどか☆マギカ 2/2
- 【MAD】特別番外編 水面の魔女【劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Watashi no Taiyou (English Subtitles)
- 這いよれ!杏子さん
- 【MAD】【 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ OP】
- Kalafina - Mirai Studio LIVE 2012
- 「劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」公開記念 Kalafina スタジオ生ライブ!
- √Bestmadsofalltime ▪ Shining Wind アニメMAD
- 【MAD】 Walpurgisnacht 【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- 【手描きMAD】壊れた人魚姫【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】大百科
- 【MMD】Go home Homura, you are drunk【ハピトリ】HD Version!
- 【MAD】進撃の魔弾【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- 【MAD】 マミさんのテーマ - Credens justitiam - 【原曲×合唱】
- 【MAD】 あの日の言葉 【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】 ‐ ニコニコ動画原宿)
- ルミナス和楽器五重奏 Luminous on koto,17gen and syamisen from Puella magi Madoka magica
- ルミナスを和楽器で弾いてみた
- 【MAD】---空夢の物語---【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- How It Should Have Ended
- 手描MAD 這いよれ!杏子さん / Kyoko-san: Another Crawling Chaos
- 君の銀の庭を紙芝居にしてみた(ネタバレ注意)
- 【Puella Magi Madoka Magica MAD】Walpurgisnacht
- MMD Madoka Trick
- Madoka Magica Live Action Short Fan Film
- 【ネタ】踊れ↑↑悪夢のNG集↓【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】
- 【魔法少女まどか☆マギカ】 Saturn OP 「Gnostic Children」
- A tumblr for To the Stars, a Madoka Magica far-future sci-fi mashup.
- /a/ reaction to movie yuri
- Madoka Magica’s 3rd Movie Has a Real, Actual Release Date
- I apologize, but I found no other way to contact you. Simply edit this away. Have you written the Philosophical Observations? You take Madoka very seriously. I like that. I am looking for such friends. Please respond on my profile, I do not intend to violate your profile beyond making myself noticable.
- Obama endorses Madoka
- madokamagicanews
- madoka reddit