
From Puella Magi Wiki
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Konnichi wa! I'm Starkiller. I'll just say that I live somewhere in the United States.

I am a huge Japanese anime\manga fan. My time favorite anime of all time is, of course, Madoka Magica. I've been a fan ever since it came out is early 2011. (My other favorite anime\manga is One Piece.)

I'm such a huge fan that I have bought all 3 english mangas. I'll also buy the mangas for Kazumi and Oriko when they are released. Soon I will be buying all 3 Limited Editions Animplex english dub volumes as well. When the movie are released, I'll get them as well.

It is in my interest to make Madoka Wiki as accurate as possible. Whatever needs to be done, I will do it.

I love artwork. When I get lots of free time, I'll upload some pictures that I've found online to share. They will be under all these typed words.

If you have any questions, please leave them is the Discussion page and I'll try to answer them as best as I can.


This picture shows Madoka, Sayaka, and Kyubey having a group hug.

This file shows what Kyubey would be like in a human form. If you can't stand nudity, look away.