Weiße Königin

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Weiße Königin (White Queen) is a witch that appears in Puella Magi Kazumi Magica. She is the witch form of Niko Kanna, and she appears in Chapters 8 and 9. Its form is that of a shooting gallery dummy, with target circles spiraling outward from its forehead. The forehead has a large hole that extends to the back of the head, like a bullet hole. Its arms are giant blades that are used like scissors, and it has no lower body or legs. It repeatedly says 'cut'. It is defeated by Mirai Wakaba. After the Pleiades Saints kill the witch, another Niko arrives claiming the version of her that died was a 'spare' given in accordance to her wish.

Weiße Königin


Weiße Königin

TypeBullet witch
EpisodesChapters 8 and 9

The witch of bullets. Because she feels like she's always being blamed for something, when someone enters her barrier, she eliminates them immediately. Her minions, many small shooting-gallery targets, float around in the witch's barrier.



TypeBullet witch's minion
EpisodesChapters 8 and 9


  • In Chapter 7 Niko is reading an article about a Japanese kid shooting people in California. In Chapter 10, it is revealed that when she was a kid she accidentally killed her friends with a gun and injured herself in the process.
  • The Grief Seed for the witch does not have the same emblem as Niko's Soul Gem - Niko's Soul Gem is a hexagon, while the witch's Grief Seed is a diamond
  • The witch is named in Volume 3's design notes. Its name means 'White Queen' in German. Oddly enough, colored pages from chapter 9 show that the Witch is actually purple.
