Witch Runes listing and translation for the manga version of Madoka Magica.
Volume 1
No Witch Runes were featured in volume 1.
Volume 2
 (rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise)
[Archaic] HITOMIWOMIGOROSHINI[SITE]OKEBA 仁美を見殺しに[して]おけば Hitomi wo migoroshi ni [shite] okeba
"If only I let Hitomi die"
Chapter 8 Page 143
[Archaic] ANTANI[WATA]SHINONANIGAWAKA[RU] あんたに[わた]しの何がわか[る] Anta ni [wata]shi no nani ga waka[ru]
"Just what do you know about me anyway?"
[Archaic] NOROTTEYARU 呪ってやる Norotte yaru
"I'll curse (someone)" The object is undescribed.
[Archaic] HINEBAII 死ねばいい Shineba ii
"(Someone) should die" The subject is undescribed.
[Archaic] MINNAHOROBIRO みんな滅びろ Minna horobiro
"All shall perish"
[Archaic] GOMENNE ごめんね Gomen ne
"I'm sorry"
Volume 3
No Witch Runes were featured in volume 3.