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==Part One==
===Episode One===
It’s the morning of August 11th and [[Homura Akemi (Swimsuit ver.)|Homura]] writes in her diary as she and her friends head to the beach for summer. They’ve taken an air-conditioned express train and as they enjoy the ride, they all buy ice cream to enjoy. As the day shifts to noon, Homura writes about how [[Sayaka Miki in Magia Record|Sayaka’s]] relatives had invited them to stay at their seaside inn since they had had a sudden cancellation. The girls soon arrive at their destination, with Sayaka complaining about the intense heat. They begin to walk in the direction of the inn and arrive shortly after.

===Episode Two===
Sayaka’s aunt shows them to their rooms. [[Kyoko Sakura in Magia Record|Kyoko]] asks about how to get to the ocean from there and Sayaka’s aunt points out the direction. She warns the girls not to get lost wandering through the surrounding forest. Outside the inn, [[Madoka Kaname in Magia Record|Madoka]] talks excitedly about their vacation to Homura. Two young girls approach them and Madoka asks if they live at the inn. The girls do, and ask Madoka if they know someone named Kei. She doesn’t, and asks them if Kei is another little girl who lives at the inn. The girls respond that Kei is looking for someone named Yu. They then ask Madoka if she is perhaps Yu. When Madoka responds in the negative, the girls warn Madoka that Kei might go into their room and to hold still if she does in order for her to go away. Both of the girls warn Madoka not to talk to Kei and then leave.
As Madoka ponders the girls’ warning, Homura suggests that Kei might be the name of a cat. Madoka thinks this might the reason why they warned her against trying to talk to her since she might bite if she’s feral. They agree to tell the others what they’ve learned when Kyoko passes them by already dressed in her swimsuit. Madoka and Homura hurry back into the inn to get changed.
===Episode Three===
At the beach, the girls play a few rounds of beach volleyball. Sayaka and [[Mami Tomoe in Magia Record|Mami]] are on one team while Madoka, Homura, and Kyoko are on the other. Mami warns Kyoko that she won’t go easy on her just because it’s a game and proceeds to spike the ball hard at them only to hit Homura square in the face.
They halt the game and Mami frets over the injured Homura. She offers to make her a stretcher with her ribbons but Sayaka tells her not to use her magic so blatantly on a public beach. Madoka suggests Homura rest in the shade with her while Mami goes to buy something cold they can use. Homura blames herself for being clumsy and ruining everyone’s good time, but Madoka only giggles and tells her no one can escape from one of Mami’s volleyball spikes. Madoka then suggests they collect pine cones from some nearby pine trees and Homura agrees.
===Episode Four===
As Homura and Madoka marvel over the large number of pine cones on the forest floor, a cat walks past them. Madoka wonders if the cat is Kei and calls out to it. According to Homura’s diary, the cat took a few steps and would stare at them before doing it again. It then went back and circled around them mewing as if though it wanted them to follow it. When the girls made as if to follow, the cat then proceeded to lead them deep into the forest while occasionally glancing back to make sure they were following.
File:Ribbon event cat.jpg
===Episode Five===
Guided by the cat, they walked deeper into the trees until they arrived at a clearing with a small shrine. The cat continues to meow at them and beckons them to the shrine. There Homura finds an old notebook and she flips through the pages. One page marked April 20 details how the notebook’s author wanted to go to the same school as her friend Kei but didn’t because her friend didn’t want her to hold back. So the author asked for a referral to a college near where Kei would be.  Another page marked June 24 talks about how quickly memories fade and how the author doesn’t have the courage to reveal themselves completely to Kei. A page marked August 3 is about the author hating themselves for trying to convince Kei of something by saying the same things over and over again. On the last entry that Homura reads marked August 6, the author talks excitedly about finally agreeing to go through with her friend Kei’s plan. But the thought of her current heartache becoming nothing more than a memory they can laugh over is too much for her to bear.
Homura closes the notebook as Madoka asks her what’s wrong. Homura explains she found an old diary but couldn’t find a name. She suggests she read through it to see if she can find the owner’s name but Madoka doesn’t think they should read through someone else’s diary and tells her to put it back under the shrine. Afterwards, they turn to find that their cat guide has left as they return to the beach.
===Episode Six===
At the beach, Sayaka tells Madoka and Homura about something the guy in the beach house had said. Apparently a few years ago, a girl had fallen off a nearby cliff and died and her spirit has been reportedly been seen by several people. The rumors claims that her spirit can be seen rising from the ocean between two and three a.m. Mami appears to call them to dinner just as Sayaka goes on to describe the ghost in gruesome detail, spooking all three of them and causing Mami to shriek in fear. After delivering her message, Mami gets defensive about not liking ghost stories.
Back at the inn, Kyoko teases Mami for being so easily scared after she relates what happened earlier. Kyoko becomes interested in the ghost story and Sayaka prepares to tell it again. Mami leaves since she doesn’t want to hear the story while Madoka stares at Sayaka. Both her and Homura are frightened by ghost stories even if they’ve never seen one. Kyoko compares ghosts to the way normal people might perceive Witches and says she’d rather bump into a ghost than a Witch any day. Madoka feels more relieved and tells Sayaka about the twins she met earlier. Sayaka isn’t sure about any pet cats much less ones named Kei but assumes the twins have kept some new creepy crawly for a pet and plans to ask them about it later.
===Episode Seven===
In her diary, Homura describes the delicious Italian-style dinner they were served that night. After dinner, they all rushed down to the beach to light handheld fireworks. Kyoko says it’s been a long time since she last saw fireworks, and then compares Mami and Homura’s weapons to fireworks when seen from afar. This makes Homura happy and Mami smiles at the comparison. Kyoko notices that a lot of other people are on the beach lighting fireworks as well before she suddenly bumps into [[Hinano Miyako]]. Hinano doesn’t recognize Kyoko, but does recognize the ring on her finger. Kyoko calls her a pipsqueak which gets Hinano riled up. Sayaka says hi and introduces her to Kyoko as a veteran magical girl despite her looking like a hamster. Kyoko tells her that the small kid is getting angrier which causes Hinano to lose her temper and threaten to blow them up with her original mix fireworks.
===Episode Eight===
[[Ren Isuzu]] soon finds Hinano and tells her that everyone has been looking for her. Kyoko recognizes Ren and greets her. Sayaka is pleased to hear that Kyoko is making new friends, causing Kyoko to get irritated with Sayaka. [[Emiri Kisaki]] and [[Rika Ayano]] soon catch up to them and Sayaka suggests they get both groups together for fireworks. Emiri wonders if Sayaka is on a beachside date but Sayaka quickly corrects her. Then Emiri asks if her little Valentine spell worked. When Kyoko asks her to explain herself, Emiri responds that she used a little magic to help everyone relax more since they were so worried about their friend. Kyoko angrily turns to Sayaka and asks her if that’s the reason she has weird memories of Mami being places she couldn’t possibly have been. Sayaka sheepishly apologizes, promising she would have told them the truth eventually and it didn’t matter since Mami is back for reals anyway. Kyoko then chases Sayaka around the beach. The rest of them lit fireworks on the beach.
===Episode Nine===
As they head back to the inn, Sayaka bumps into her twin cousins and tells them to go to bed. The twins roll their eyes in disgust and tell her they’re busy. Sayaka asks if they haven’t been taking their dinner scraps to feed some wild animal again, but the twins insists they are lining up stones to protect the place to Kei can’t come in. The girls think that Kei would hate the Sayaka the most because of how nosey she is as they finish lining up the stones and leave. Sayaka yells at the girls once more.
===Episode Ten===
Homura’s diary continues, marked the night of August 11. Now wearing their pajamas, the girls settle in and talk with one another until they all fall asleep.  Homura’s next diary entry is marked the night of August 12. In it, Homura states she doesn’t know how much time has passed as she relives the dream she had. She describes the dream as belonging to someone else.
In the dream, the narrator describes sending three umbrella emojis to her friend to convey the rain as she waits for school to end. As she looks outside, she sees her friend [[Yuu|Yusa Yumeno]] standing at the gate holding two popsicles. She’s loved popsicles since she was a little girl, but she thinks that Yusa still sees her as a kid since they’ve both known each other for so long. The narrator goes outside and takes one of the popsicles and begins to complain to her friend. She tells Yusa she doesn’t have to come for her everyday, especially since it’s a great distance from her home. Yusa tells her if she didn’t come greet her after school she would never get to see her. The narrator can’t understand why Yusa is so determined to stay close to her and asks her if her mom isn’t mad that she’s still seeing her. Yusa apologizes for her mom being so rude and tells her she can decide who she wants to be friends with. The narrator thinks that it doesn’t matter who she hangs out with, no one is good enough to be friends with her most cherished daughter. Yusa thinks it shouldn’t matter what her mom thinks because she knows she can be way more cruel and cowardly than her mom knows she can be. The narrator tells her she shouldn’t hang out with a loser like her and that Yusa is just misinterpreting herself. Yusa believes she can only be her real self when she’s around her friend, but her friend believes that it doesn’t matter what you think is your real self, the people around you will always make up their own minds of who you are. Even if the narrator were to die and lose their body, their memories would live on in the minds of others as their interpretation of who she was. She believes that it is the perspective of those around you that make up your identity.
Still, Yusa is content knowing that the narrator knows her true self. The narrator sighs, telling Yusa that she is just a mediocre person who isn’t as pretty, rich, or popular as Yusa is. She then tells her she is considering not studying for her college entrance exams due to her grandmother and father, and that she’ll have to get a job to help at home. Yusa says she’ll just go to a college near where the narrator lives, but the narrator urges Yusa to go to the college she had originally chosen. She compares herself to a weed and Yusa to a flower in that they’re growing in different directions. She tells Yusa that she doesn’t even eat popsicles anymore. Homura continues to dream as the narrator laments the fact that everyone changes as they grow older. She comes home to find another letter written by a classmate full of hatred towards her. Everyday she receives another letter written ina  different handwriting.
Homura awakens and questions if everything was a dream.
===Episode Eleven===
In her next diary entry marked dawn of August 12, Homura writes that she woke up in a cold sweat. Noticing how cold the room was, Homura tries to get up to turn off the AC but finds she is unable to move. She wonders if it might be sleep paralysis from playing out in the sun too much. As she gazes around the roomand noting the strong scent of seaweed, her eyes lock on to the pitch black figure of a human shadow. Somehow, the darkness of the figure is darker than the shadows of the room. The shadow sits down between Mami and Sayaka’s futons and stares down at them. The shadow grumbles as it examines every minute detail of Sayaka’s face before moving on to Mami and repeating the process. As it moves closer to where Homura is laying, Homura can just make out the words “wrong, wrong, all wrong”. The shadow then moves on to examine Madoka’s face. Homura tries to get her body to move but to no avail. As she struggles to get her body to respond, the shadow stops and stares at Homura. The shadow asks Homura, “You can see me?” causing Homura to scream in fear.
File:Ribbon ghost.jpg
===Episode Twelve===
The rest of the girls wake up due to Homura’s screams. Sayaka wonders what the weird smell is about and asks if the AC broke down. Kyoko doesn’t care what’s going on if it doesn’t concern a Witch and falls right back to sleep. Mami offers Homura a glass of water and asks if she’s calmed down. Homura asks the others if someone didn’t come into their room in the night. Both Mami and Madoka tell her there was no one else in the room when they awoke. Sayaka figures maybe all the scary talk from earlier gave Homura nightmares and apologizes, suggesting they leave the lights on for the rest of the night. Mami offers to walk Homura to the bathroom.
Once everything has settled down, Mami suggests they think about all the fun activities they’ll do tomorrow to take their mind off things. Madoka offers to hold Homura’s hand while they sleep, which Homura shyly accepts. Madoka offers her other hand to Mami, while Sayaka is dismayed that everyone loves Madoka the most.
==Part Two==
===Episode Thirteen===
Homura’s diary continues, with the next entry marked early morning of August 12. Homura woke up early but the strong scent of the ocean still lingered in her nose. Seeing as how the others were still asleep, Homura carefully inched her way out of the room so as not to disturb the others. Outside, Homura runs into the twin girls from before. The girls greet her and ask if she met Kei since she was there last night. Homura asks what kind of animal Kei is, but the girls assure her she’s not an animal. They describe Kei as looking like a human, but made of shadow without any facial features and how she also stinks of the sea since Kei emerges from the ocean. When you’re sleeping, Kei looks at your face to see if she can find her friend Yu while saying “wrong, all wrong” while she looks. The girls remind Homura that you shouldn’t do anything if you do see Kei since she will go away on her own and to never talk to her. The twins notice that their protective stones have been scattered and they go to line them up again. Homura finds the story the girls tell her suspicious and wonders if it might not be the work of a Rumor.
===Episode Fourteen===
Homura remembers that one of the pages in the diary she had seen the day before had the name “Kei”. She returns to the clearing in the forest where the shrine is to find that the notebook sitting on the lattice door of the shrine. Homura was certain she had placed it back underneath the shrine the other day. As she flips through the pages of the notebook, she stops on a page marked May 2. On the page, the author describes how grounded Kei is compared to some of the other girls at her school who are more concerned about gossiping about boys. The author describes some of her favorite scents and how drawn she is to her friend Kei.
Homura then flips to a different page marked May 20. Here, the author describes walking Kei to her home after school and how hurt she is that Kei always greets her “Ugh, geeze.” A page marked June 12 has the author describe how much she wants to tell Kei that she hates her and hopes she can heal the sadness in her heart and find a happier future without her. Kei believes the author to be a good person, but the author can’t think of themselves that way at all. The author longs to be with Kei, even if Kei doesn’t believe her. On June 26, the author longs for a way to keep themselves together and unchanging forever.
As she continues to flip through the diary pages, Homura wonders if the author was a friend of “Kei”. Homura replaces the notebook where she found it and hurries back to the inn, full of guilt for having read something so private.
===Episode Fifteen===
As Homura and her friends enjoy the beach, Homura thinks back on what she had read. She recalls a diary entry marked July 2, in which the author places her hands on Kei’s neck as if to strangle her. She immediately retracts her hands and apologizes, only for Kei to give a shaky smile and grab her hands tightly. The author wonders if Kei wasn’t angry with her or if it’s just what she wants to think. July 5 has the author compare the soft flesh of Kei’s neck to the lizard she had once killed when she was a child.
An entry marked July 15 has the author describe how Kei is now the one to go and find her after school. Kei smiles and looks at the author the way they once did when they were younger. The author describes how infatuated they are with Kei and everything about her, especially now that she knows how truly warped she is. The author feels that Kei is the only one who truly knows who she, Yu, is.
July 20: Yu believes that she and Kei should never have met. Yu believes that Kei is just as warped as she is. Kei has begun calling her by her nickname “Yu” again and both of the girls wear bandages daily to hide the bruises on both their necks. As Homura sits lost in thought, Madoka points out a small bruise on Homura’s neck.

Latest revision as of 19:53, 14 May 2020