Wish theories

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Kyuubey's proposition includes granting a wish in exchange for the person to become a mahou shoujo. This page lists those who have encountered Kyuubey and guesses about wishes. Note that these are speculations and not the character's actual wishes.

Madoka's Wish

Deus Ex Machina or "I wish Mami were alive"

Madoka wishes Mami back to life. This one is so easily corrupted, especially if the "Witches are fallen magical girls" theory proves true. You wished her alive Madoka, you never said as a magical girl!

This theory has been proven wrong in Episode 10, where Madoka is a magical girl, even when Mami's still alive.

Fight to save people

Madoka wishes to help everyone in need, from suffering people, to the fallen such as Mami, to the witches lost in grief. She becomes a magical girl with the potential to solve any problem, but neither she, nor Kyubey, nor other magical girls have any idea how her powers work, so saving the world is still easier said than done.

This is a possible wish for the original timeline, in which Madoka had exactly enough power to conclude the Walpurgis Night battle with all combatants dead. This is the safest outcome for the uninvolved civilians, the only way to save the magical girls from the danger of becoming witches, and the scenario that caused Homura to make a wish capable of surpassing the entropy issue, so this outcome maximizes Madoka's helpfulness to everyone.

Procrastinating Until the End of the World

Madoka resists making a wish until the very end of the series, when the apocalyptic scenario from her dream comes into play, and she uses her wish to solve everything at once or cause a global reset. "I wish everything would go back to the way it was before I met Kyubey!"

Depending on how we interpret episode 10, this theory might be wrong, because in previous timelines, she is a Magical Girl way before Walpurgis Night appears.

The Human Instrumentality Project

Madoka wishes to end all suffering. Everyone gets hugged and turns into Morning Rescue.

Power to Defeat the Most Powerful Witch

Witnessing Homura fight against an impossible foe, Madoka simply wishes for power -- enough to instantly defeat even the most powerful witch.

This could be her wish in the timeline where Madoka defeats the Walpurgis Night easily but turns into an even more destructive witch afterward. However, this obviously does not apply to Madoka of timelines where she was already a magical girl when meeting Homura.

Homura's Wish

 Do you really want her dream to come true?

Homura might have used her wish to help someone else (Madoka?) and is the person Mami was referring to when asking Sayaka whether she wanted to make someone's dream come true, or be thanked for making it come true.

 If you do, you'll lose everything

Homura might have wished to become the perfect girl and undo her previously unhappy life. She was a classmate and friend of Madoka, which is why she knows her way around the school. However, everyone's memories of Homura vanished because she wanted her old flawed, bullied, unpopular self to be forgotten.

 Anywhere but here!

Because Sayaka wished to heal Kamijou, she received healing powers in addition to the powers all other Magi have. Homura has a unique power as well - She can either teleport or move faster than the human eye can follow. This suggests that her wish had something to do with movement. One likely conclusion to draw from this line of reasoning is that she used her wish to run away from something, possibly an abusive family.

 I wish my Oneesan was an unstoppable magical girl!

Rather than choosing to be a magical girl herself, she was wished into being a magical girl -- perhaps from someone who loved her, such as a little sister. The little sister, or someone similar (another member of the family? A friend?) specifically wishes that Homura would be unstoppable, and ends up becoming a magical girl alongside her, but then dies in battle later. Homura, however, has become "immortal". If this was so, this would make her the one Mami is talking about when she warns against making wishes for other people. It also explains why she doesn't die/become injured when Charlotte chomps on her, why Kyuubey seems to flipflop on his involvement in her wish, why Homura seems so mature (and claims to have seen many magical girls die in her lifetime), and why she doesn't appear to have any family (all of her family members have died from old age). (Original poster: The "immortality" bit of this might not apply since episode 6; every Puella Magi is effectively immortal if her soul gem is not destroyed. Not to mention this theory doesn't explain Homura's superspeed.)

 I want to redo what I did wrong.

This wish was revealed in Episode 10.

Homura wishes to avoid a fatal outcome and go back in time to redo everything.

Revealed in episode 10. Homura from timeline 1 wished to go back in time and save Madoka from her fate. The exact wording of her wish was "I want to redo my meeting with Kaname-san. Instead of being protected by her, I want to protect her!"

Mami's Wish

Mami's wish as shown in manga ver.

I don't want to die alone!

Before she met Madoka and friends, Mami was all alone-- her apartment was empty except for her presence, and had no contact with her family. When Kyuubey made his offer, Mami wished to not die alone. As in many "deal with the devil" stories, the contract is upheld, yet in a twisted manner: Mami made new friends and immediately died before their eyes.

Please help...

This wish is shown in the manga version, which is not considered canon by many.

In manga canon, her wish is shown to be simply "please help" after being questioned by Kyubey about her wish in a car accident.

Sayaka's Wish


This wish was revealed in Episode 4.

Sayaka has wished for Kamijou's arm to be healed. As a side-effect, the wish granted her the ability of fast recovering. Whether there are any downsides to this wish (such as the healing being temporary, Kamijou being killed shortly after his recovery, etc.) remains to be seen.

Kyouko's Wish

I want to eat

According to abandoned child theory, she once almost ended up starving to death and wished for food when Kyuubey appeared with his proposal. Since that time she does not have problems with hunger as long as she gets Grief seeds.

Someone believe my father

This wish was revealed in Episode 7.

Kyouko wished people to believe in her father's unorthodox teachings.