Arzt Kochen

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Arzt Kochen (Doctor cooking) is a witch from Puella Magi Kazumi Magica. She is the witch form of Yuuri Asuka. She appears in chapter 5. It resembles a giant hypodermic needle, similar to the weapon used by Yuuri as a magical girl. Giant forks come out of her body, which probably refers to either Yuuri's cooking talents or transforming into a witch during a cooking contest. The forks also contrast with the spoon amulet she carried, acting as a sort of evil counterpart; in fact, when the witch drops Yuuri's amulet, it possesses a dark fork in the handle in the opposite direction of the spoon (which then vanishes as the last part of Yuuri's witch form). It is defeated by the Pleiades Saints.

Arzt Kochen

属性『(度が過ぎる)献身』。結界に入ってきた人間に麻酔を打ち込んだ後まるで調理するように切り刻んで患部を取り出す!だがその手術に耐えきれる人間はなく彼女が救えるものはなにもない。属性『(度が過ぎる)献身』 弱点『必要とされないこと」。叫び声の『プスプス』は注射器すぶす、フォーク いすぶすです。

Arzt Kochen

NatureDevotion (beyond reason)
EpisodesKazumi chapter 5

Her nature is devotion beyond reason. Any human being within the wards has anesthesia forced into them. Then they are minced, as if making them ready for cooking. Since no human could survive such an operation, no one can be saved from her. Her weakness is that no one depends on her. Her voice, "pusu pusu", is like a syringe entering the skin or a fork entering anything it pierces.



TypeUnknown witch's minion
EpisodesKazumi chapter 5

Forks are her familiars.


  • She also appeared in the Madoka Magica Online game under the name Dr. Cook, although her runes still display her original name. Curiously, her Online barrier resembles Hungrige Pumpe's barrier more than her own.
