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Durbar (DURBAR) is a witch from the mobile game Magia Record.

Witch Card



TypeIkigami witch
EpisodesPuella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story: Magia Record

The ikigami witch. Her nature is ablutions. A Witch that perpetually cleanses herself of her sins. In order to wash away the sins soaked deep into her core, she must soak herself thoroughly in water at all times. The countless eyes on her tongue see into the future, but she has got no time for that, instead worrying about the unending impurities ahead. She is fated to purify herself, only ceasing once all her sins are gone. Those who interrupt her purification will be attacked by floods of water and bolts of lightning, and when her sins trickle down upon the intruder, their souls will be stained to death.




TypeIkigami Witch's minion
EpisodesMagia Record

Minions of the ikigami witch. Their role is to be chamberlains. These minions are always clinging to their Witch's feet so they can attend to her needs. The holy water that gushes forth from their Witch's purification rites can cause them to dissolve, so they are always running around to dodge it. Still, their passion for their charge holds strong - they will not leave her side until the day comes when she is completely purified. However, they feed upon the sins that gush out of her to survive, so they will be in for a rough ride if she does manage to cleanse herself completely.

In Magia Record


  • Ikigami, literally meaning "living god", is a Japanese religious term that essentially refers to a human who has obtained holiness. They are somewhat analogous to Catholic saints.
    • In the NA server of the game, it is translated as "Saintly".
  • In the original Japanese, the words for "purification" and "impurity" found in the descriptions of the witch and her familiars are respectively misogi and kegare. Both are Shinto terms; Misogi is a form of ritual purification, while kegare is a religious taint caused by "unclean" things such as death or illness.
  • Durbar is an Indian word that referred to a king's royal court.
    • Durbar is also the name of “Durbar Square” which is the last place a young girl touches the ground before becoming a Kumari.
  • She may be based on a Kumari or "Living Goddess", a girl whose feet never touch the ground as they are believed to be possessed by a goddess of some kind.
    • This is supported by the fact she seems to lack feet entirely and is noted to be the witch of ikigami or living gods.
    • This is also supported due to there being Kumari’s in the Indian city of Patan, which is what her familiar is named after.
  • Durbar's witch description was altered after she was added to the game.
    • The description was: "A witch who is always trying to wash and cleanse herself. She tries to be clean, but no stain or curse falls off, and she is concerned 24 hours a day about purifying herself. Apparently she can foretell the future a little bit ahead and tell what will happen. She hates impurity and dislikes blood a lot.
    • (常に自分を洗い清めようとしている魔女。清廉であろうとするも穢れも呪いも落ちず、自分を清めることに24時間気を遣っている。ちょっとだけ先の未来を予知して教えてくれるらしい。不浄を嫌うので、血がとても苦手。)"




See Also