Hyades Daybreak

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Hyades Daybreak is a witch from Puella Magi Kazumi Magica. She first appears in chapter 22, summoned by Kanna Hijiri as a way to kill everyone and replace them with her semi-human semi-clone race of Hyades. Like Walpurgisnacht, Hyades Daybreak is an amalgamation of multiple witches.

Hyades Daybreak

Hyades Daybreak

EpisodesChapter 22



TypeUnknown witch's minion
EpisodesChapter 22


  • Its form and creation resembles Walpurgisnacht, to the point where Kyuubey briefly mistakes it for that very witch.
    • Like Walpurgisnacht, this witch uses silhouettes of the magical girls whose souls fused to create it as Familiars.
  • Her name is the same as Kanna Hijiri's hypothetical race of beings.
